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The Battle of the Bulge Memorial in Lake Eola Park in Downtown Orlando, Florida. This six-foot, bronze statue of an American G.I. sits on a bronze-outlined, white star set into a 34-foot diameter concrete base. The statue was sculpted by Chris Scala,…

Mission Commander Alan Shepard (1923-1998), the first American in space, standing by the American flag during the first Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) of the Apollo 14 Moon landing. Apollo 14 was the third mission to land men on the Moon, including…

Apollo 11 was the first space mission where humans set foot on another celestial body, the Moon. Launched from Launch Pad 39A at John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Merritt Island, Florida, on July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 fired the third stage…

A postcard depicting the Alamo Mission in San Antonio, Texas. The Alamo is best known as the site of the Battle of the Alamo, where Texian soldiers were defeated by the Mexican Army during the Texas Revolution. The Alamo was first constructed in 1744…
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