Browse Items (11 total)
- Tags: Dixie Highway
Maitland Section of The Winter Park Herald, Vol. 04, No. 28, June 10, 1926
Tags: Anna B. Treat; automobiles; B. L. Maltbie; Bank of Maitland; banks; Boy Scouts of America; Browns Store; C. B. Waterhouse; C. D. Horner; C. E. Upmeyer; C. N. Williams; cars; citrus; civil engineering; civil engineers; Clarence Brown; construction; Dixie Highway; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. S. Galt; F. B. Stone; G. B. Hurlburt; G. Spain; G. W. Powers; Girls Sewing Club; Greenwood Gardens; H. Bennett; Hamilton Hotel; Horner; Inter-City Realty Company; J. A. Brown; J. A. Browns; J. A. Joiner; J. E. Bartletts; J. H. Hill; Jacksonville; John Nelson; Kenneth L. McPherson; Kenney; Knowles Terrace; L. L. Condert, Jr.; L. L. Coudert; L. T. Wilcox; Lake Catherine; Lake Maitland; Lois M. Haile; Louis L. Coudert; Maitland; Maitland Chamber of Commerce; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Maitland Realty Company, Inc.; Mcpherson; Miami; motor vehicles; Nelson; Oakland; orange county; oranges; orlando; Park Avenue; Parker; pavement; paving; Putnam Lumber Company; R. C. Wheeler; R. D. Tillson; Reasoner Brothers; Rolland A. Wheeler; Rollins College; S. B. Hill, Jr.; S. H. Hill; Sanford Credit Associations; Standard Auto Company; The Winter Park Herald; Union State Bank; W. B. Joiner; W. F. Parker; W. H. Cook; Westinghouse Electric Company; White Way Motor Company; Winter Park; Woodward
The Florida Grower
Tags: ACL; agriculture; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; chamber of commerce; chamber of commerces; citrus; Dixie Highway; Frank Whitman; Hill School; Lake Faith; Lake Lily; Longwood; Maitland; Maitland Chamber of Commerce; Oaks Hotel; orlando; poultry; property values; railroads; Rollins College; Sanford; schools; segregation; The Florida Grower; Winter Park
Maitland, Orange County, Florida Promotional Booklet
Tags: ACL; agriculture; American Railway Express Company; Atlantic Coastline Railroad Company; Boy Scouts of America; chamber of commerce; citrus; citrus industry; city government; Dixie Highway; education; farming; fern; fern industry; Girls' Sewing Club; golf; Indian; Indian War; J. H. Hill; local government; Magnolia Road; Maitland; Maitland Chamber of Commerce; Native American; orange; Orange Belt Auto Line; orange county; orange industry; orlando; Parent-Teacher Association; Planning and Zoning Commission; poultry; poultry industry; PTA; railroad; Rollins College; Rollins Press; school; Seminole; Seminole County; Seminole War; sport; town; town government; Western Union Telegraph Company; Winter Park; Woman's Club; Woodmen of the World
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 30, November 27, 1926
Tags: A. G. Beyer; Agnes Stiggins; agriculture; Alexander Rowland; Anna B. Treat; Annie Ruth Mulkey; Audrey Lampp; Augusta McNair; B. E. Hardacre; B. M. Robinson; Bank of Maitland; banking; banks; Barbara Bennett; beautification; Beautification Committee; Betty Jane Kilbourn; Black Bear Trail; books; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's Store; C. D. Horner; C. G. Galloway; C. J. Woodward; C. L. Pruyn; Cara Nelson; chambers of commerce; Charles D. Horner; Chevis Osteen; chinch bugs; Christine Ponder; church; churches; Cleo Umphery; clubs; Comille Sowell; Dale Orwick; Dixie Highway; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. T. Wynne; Edward R. Hanson; Emma Mae Sowell; F. A. McNair; F. G. Manning; F. R. Fanning Company; fire departments; fire protection; Flora's Studio; fruit industry; fruits; G. L. Perryman; gardening; Gary's Pharmacy; golf; golf clubs; Goodyear Tires; government; H. R. Peat; H. S. Thompson; Hill School; holidays; housing; J. A. Brown; J. A. Pinder; J. F. Gardner; J. G. Bennett; J. G. Foster; J. I. Strong; J. M. Brown; Jack Lee; Jane Conklin; Jean Springer; Jimmie McNair; K. E. Kilbourn; L. L. Lampp; Lake Catherine; Lake Sybelia; libraries; library; Lily Lake; local government; Louis L. Coudert; Lucille Lampp; Lucinda Milliman; M. A. Howard; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Clothing and Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Mamie Fugate; Margaret Rice; Margaret Russell; Mary Belle Milliman; Mary C. Ely; Mary Frances Rice; Max Meer; May Rena McIntyre; Mertice Horton; Methodism; Methodist; Mickey Peat; Mildred Boswell; Minnie Moremen; municipal government; Myrtle Osteen; Parent-Teacher Association; pest control; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; R. A. Wheeler; real estate; resignation; Richard Pinder; roads; Robert Kilbourn; Rollins Press; Rosa Belle Allen; Ruby Lake Grove Fruit Company; S. B. Hill, Jr.; S. J. Stiggins; Sanlando Golf Club; schools; St. Augustine grass; Thanksgiving; The Maitland News; Town Council; town government; Twila Horton; Virginia Ponder; W. A. Myers; W. G. Johnston; water plants; waterworks; White-Way Restaurant; William Cammack; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park Telephone Company; Yellowstone Tea Room; zoning; Zoning Commission
The Central Florida Press, Vol. 1. No. 9, June 20, 1930
Tags: 1st Street; A. L. Betts; A. L. Medcalf; A. P. Farnell; A. W. Wagner; ACL; Adkins; Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial; Aldred Cone; Alene Cone; Alive Story; Allen Thompson; Allen's Garage; Alton Shuman; American Appraisal Company; American Association of University Women; American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Andrew Duda; Andrew Jakubcin; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta D. Covington; B. F. Overstreet; B. F. Ward; B. F. Wheeler; B. R. Gray; Ballard's Insurance Feeds; Baptist Church; Baptist Church of Oviedo; Baptists; Barbara Jakubcin; Bauman; Bauman Brothers; Because; Ben Jones; Bernice Stine; Biscayne Bay; Black Hammock; Blanche Leonard; Bob Murphy's Garage; Bogard; Bon Homme Hotel; Boy Scouts of America; Bristol; Bryan's Store; C. B. Searcy; C. C. Jackson; C. E. Mariner; C. J. Broom; C. J. Broom, Jr.; C. L. West; C. M. Coin; C. S. Lee; C. T. Niblack; C. W. Mathison; Canal Point; Carlton Cain; Carolyn Lockette; cars; Carter's Filling Station; Celery City; Central Florida Council; Central Florida Log Rollers' Association; Chapman; Charles Simeon Lee; Charles W. Summersill; Charley West; Charlie West; Chevrolet; Chuluota; Chuluota Sunday schools; churches; Churchwell's; Civic League; Clarence Huder; Clark Harvey; Claude C. Jackson, Jr.; Clifton Tribble; Clinton Hyatt; David Haverstick; Daytona Beach; District 3; Dixie Highway; Donald Leinhart; E. A. Dukes; E. A. Farnell; E. D. Koontz; E. T. Summersill; Edson Goit; Edwin Sutton; Elizabeth Lawson; Elmin a Howard; Emma Abbot Lyman; Ernest Amos; Essex Coach First National banks; Esther Prosser; Evelyn Wheeler; F. L. Anderson; F. S. Cone; Farnell; FCE; FEC; Federal Farm Broadway; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank Building; First Street; FLDOE; Florida Bank; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Department of Education; Florida East Coast railroads; Florida Gold Star Mothers; Florida Light and Power Company; Florida Public Service Commission; Floyd Wagner; Fort Myers Growers' Association; Fort Pierce; Fort Pierce Financing and Construction Company; Fort Pierce Growers' Association; Frank Armstrong; Fred Cooper; Fred Henry Davis; Fruitland parks; Ft. Pierce; G. A. Meckley; G. H. Norton; G. W. Bower; Gayle Marshall; Geneva; Gold Star Mothers Club; Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Goldie Eva Beckley; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Good Gulf Casoline; Grace Lewis; Gray; Gray's Market; H. Clay Crawford; H. E. Fuller; H. F. McGowan; Haines; Harold Varn; Harry E. Wing; Harry M. Papworth; Harry W. Turner; Hart; Hathaway's Park Avenue; Hazel Shuman; Heitz; Henry Clay Crawford; Herbert F. Chaffer; Hilda Butler; Hotel Commission; Howard Lindsey; Howard Turner; I. N. Lane; J. A. Thompson; J. A. Young; J. Allen Thompson; J. B. Jones; J. C. Bills; J. C. Johnson; J. Dean Adcock; J. H. Allen; J. L. Malcolm; J. M. Chaffer; J. N. Thompson; Jack C. Kassell; Joe Leinhart; Joe Mikler; John Bills; John Duda; Joseph Leinhart; Julia Tart; Julie Geiger; Katherine Young; King Brown; L. D. Webster; L. H. Gore; Lake Catherine; Lake Conway; Lake Monroe; Lake Okeechobee; League of Municipalities; Lois Mitchem; Lois Ruddell; Lois Rudell; Longwood; Lyman schools; Margaret Jackson; Margaret Lindsey; Marietta Mitchem; Martin Stanko; Mary Bivins; Mary Frances Stine; Mathieux' Store; Max Leinhart; Maxine Leinhart; Mead; Metcalf and Son; Mills; Miriam Koontz; Mitchem; Munjar; N. F. Lozette; Nelson and Company, Inc.; O. P. Sloan; Oak Crest Poultry farms; Oak Island; Olga Jakubcin; Olive Lezette; Olivia McCarty; Opal Peters; Orange General Hospital; Oreon Burnett; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Barber Shop; Oviedo Department Store; Oviedo Drug Store; Oviedo Masonic Lodge No. 243; Oviedo Meat Market; Oviedo Mirror; Oviedo Public Library; Oviedo Service Station; P. T. Coleman; P. T. Wakefield; P. W. Gray; Paul Butler, Jr.; Paul T. Butler; Pauline Mills; Pauline Moran; Pauline Wallace, Maddox; Penney Farms; R. A. Gray; R. R. Murphy; R. R. Williams; Ralph Bosford; Randall Electric Company; Reason Kirkland; Ripley's Believe It or Not!; Robert Andrew Gray; Robert B. Butler; Roy Williams; Ruby Peters; S. L. Murphy; S. S. Hinchliff; Sadine Leinhart; Sadye's Sale; Sanford; Sanford Atlantic National Bank; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford High School; Sanford Sheriff's Office; Sanlando Springs; Secretary of State; Seminole Associational Sunday schools; Seminole Bank Building; Seminole County; Slavia; Slavia Drainage District; Southern Bell Telephone Company; St. Johns River; St. Petersburg; Standard Service Station; Stover; Supreme Motor Oil; Ted Harvey; The Central Florida Press; The Morris Stores; The Sanitary Fish Truck; Theo Aulin; Theodore Tice; Thomas Johnson; Thomas Wheaton; V. H. Sley; Virginia Spencer; W. C. Cawthon; W. D. Stine; W. F. Wells, Jr.; W. L. Seig; W. P. Tart; W. R. Kimbrell; W. S. Entzminger; W. T. Chance; Walter M. Blakely; White-Highleyman Agency; Wholesale Potato House; William Walker; Woodmen of the World; Woodrow Shuman; World War I; WWI
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 14, August 7, 1926
Tags: Agnes Moremen; Anna B. Treat; Annette Mantle; automobile accident; bank; Bank of Maitland; banking; Bessie Galloway; Bible School; book; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's Store; C. A. Campbell; C. B. McNair; C. C. Jackson; C. D. Horner; C. H. Huston; C. N. Beecher; C. O. Andrews; car accident; Carrie Hadley; Charles H. Vanderpool; church; Dixie Highway; Dixie Hill; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. T. Owen; E. T. Wynn; education; Eleanor Upmeyer; Fannie Hutchinson; Flora's Studio; Georgianna Hill; Goodyear Tires; government; Harry Caryl; Henry S. Thompson; Hill School; housing; Inter-City Realty Company; J. A. Brown; J. A. Jones; J. H. Bennett; John Russell; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; L. M. Autrey; Lake Lily; Lena Fugate; library; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. L. Kyle; Maitland; Maitland Auxiliary; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Maitland School; Mamie Fugate; Maud Small; Methodist; municipal government; orlando; Parson Ebony Snow; Presbyterian; R. A. Crim; R. A. Wheeler; railroad; real estate; Rollins College; S. D. Hill, Jr.; S. J. Stiggins; school; Sidney C. Hardwick; The Maitland News; The Orlando Sentinel; The Winter Park Herald; Town Council; tropical storm; W. R. G. Orwick; Walker Small; William Blue; Winter Park
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 10, July 10, 1926
Tags: A. S. Clark; Agnes Moreman; airplane; American Fruit Growers; Anna B. Treat; Augusta; bank; Bank of Maitland; banking; Billie White; book; Boy Scouts of America; C. C. Jackson; C. D. Horner; C. M. Niven, Jr.; C. N. Beecher; Calvin H. Hill; Campbell Thompson; Charles Horner; church; citrus; Dixie Highway; Donald G. Spain; Dorothy Williams; E. A. Upmeyer; E. B. Mendsen; E. T. Owen; education; Elsie Hamilton; Emilie Cass; Eva Thompson; F. T. Marsh; fire department; fire engine; Flora's Studio; George F. Cryan; Goodyear Tires; government; H. M. Thompson; Hill School; housing; J. A. Brown; J. H. Bennett; J. M. Brown; James Doig; Jesse Williams; John Nelson; Lake Sybelia; library; local government; Louis L. Coudert; Lucy Brown; M. L. Kyle; M. S. Archer; Maitland; Maitland Auxiliary; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; map; Martha White; McNair; Methodist; Mount. Wollaston Cemetery; municipal government; National Guard; Presbyterian; real estate; Rollins College; S. B. Hill; S. J. Stiggins; school; Seldon White; Sydney C. Hardwick; Texaco Gas; The Maitland News; Town Council; Veterans of Foreign Wars; W. A. Manning; W. F. Parker; W. L. Parker; waterworks; White Way Motor Company
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 04, May 29, 1926
Tags: A. N. Pettis; Anna B. Treat; bank; Bank of Maitland; Bill Deuel; Bill Tucker; Boy Scouts of America; C. D. Horner; chamber of commerce; Charles B. Waterhouse; Dixie Highway; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. C. Pipkin; E. N. Beech; E. R. Hall; E. T. Winn; elected official; engineering; F. B. Conant; F. H. Manning; fire; Forrest B. Stone; garbage; Goodyear Tires; government; Greenwood Gardens; housing; Inter-City Realty Company; J. A. Brown; J. G. Friedland; J. H. Bennett; J. H. Hill; J.B. McCrary Engineering Corporation; Jack Lee; James Doig; James E. Fleming; John Lawson; John Nelson; K. N. McPherson; Lake Faith; library; Lloyd Haines; local government; Lois M. Haile; Longwood; Louis L. Coudert; lumber; M. L. Kyle; Maitland; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; municipal engineering; Nellie R. Draper; notary; R. A. Wheeler; Ray Ponder; restaurant; Robert Kilbourn; sanitation; Stella Waterhouse; Teddy Brocksmith; Texaco Gas; The Maitland News; Town Council; trash collection; W. A. Manning; W. F. Parker; waterworks; Wekiwa River; White Way Motor Company; White-Way Restaurant; Winter Park
Seminole County Public Schools Teachers and Salaries, 1913-1954
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Avenue; 12th Street; 13th Street; 14th Street; 15th Street; 16th Street; 17th Street; 19th Street; 1st Street; 20th Street; 21st Street; 2nd Avenue; 2nd Street; 3rd Street; 4th Street; 5th Street; 6th Street; 7th Street; 8th Street; 9th Street; Aberdeen; Adena; Aloma Avenue; Apalachicola; Apopka; Arran; Ashby Street; Ashley Street; Auburndale Avenue; Avocado Avenue; Axson; Baimbridge; Baldwin; Bay Avenue; Beach Street; Beardall Avenue; Benson Springs; Bernesville; Blenton; Blount Street; Boston; Brigend; Brisson Avenue; Buffalo; Burbank; Burlington; Bushnell; Calhoun; Cambridge; Cameron; Cameron Avenue; Cameron City; Campbell; Casselberry; Catalina Drive; Celery Avenue; Center Street; Chancellor; Chatham; Chattahoochee; Chipley; Christmas; Chuluota Primary; Chuluota Primary School; Chuluota School; Church Creek; Cincinnati; Citrus Heights; Clark Avenue; Clermont; Cleveland; Cliffdale; Cloudland Park; Colbert; College Hill Street; Concord Avenue; Cottondale; Country Club Road; County Road 427; Cowan Apartments; CR 427; Crooms Academy; Cumming; Cypress Avenue; Cypress Street; Dade City; Danbury; Daytona Beach; DeLand; Delton; Dexter; Dixie Highway; Dothan; Douglas; Douglas Street; Dublin; East Side; East Side Primary School; Eastside Primary School; Edmund; educator; Eighth Street; elementary school; Eleventh Avenue; Elliot Avenue; Elm Avenue; employee; Eufsuls; Eustis; F Street; Fern Park; Fifteenth Street; Fifth Street; First Street; Floral Heights; Forest City School; Forsyth; Fort Meade; Fort Reed; Fourteenth Street; Fourth Street; Franklin Street; Franklinton; French Avenue; Frostproof; Gabriella Colored School; Gainesville; Gamble Street; Geneva Avenue; Geneva Colored School; Geneva Elementary School; Geneva School; Genius Drive; Georgetown; Glendale; Goggansville; Goldsboro Primary School; Grandview Avenue; Haines City; Halb Avenue; Havana; Hawthorne; Hemingwet; Hermits Trail; Hewlett; Hickory Avenue; high school; Highland; Hinson; Holly Avenue; Hopper Academy; Howry Street; Hungerford School; Indian Mound Village; Jackson Street; Jacksonville; Jasper; Jefferson; Jefferson Street; Jessamine Avenue; Jonesboro; Key West; Kingstree; Kissimmee; Kolokee; Ky-Bama Lodge; Lake Avenue; Lake Butler; Lake Mary Road; Lake Mary School; Lake Monroe Colored School; Lake Monroe School; Lake Wales; Lake Worth; Lakeland; Lakemont; Lakeview Drive; Lakewood; Langley; Langley Apartments; Las Olas Boulevard; Laurel Avenue; Leesburg; Lewisberg; LHS; Live Oak; Livingston Street; Lloyd; Loch Arbor Court; Locust Avenue; Longwood School; Louisville; Lyman Elementary School; Lyman High School; Madison; Madison Street; Magnolia Avenue; Main Street; Maitland; Maple Avenue; Marianna; Marietta; Maripose Street; Mars Hill; Maryville; Mascotte; Masonville; McCombe Street; Mellonville Avenue; Menlo; Merritt Street; Miami; Midway; Miller Avenue; Minnesota Avenue; Moncrif Avenue; Montezuma Hotel; Monticello; Montverde; Morgan City; Moultrie; Mount Dora; Mount Olive; Mount Vernon; Myrtle Avenue; New Canton; New Milford; New Port Richey; New Smyrna Beach; Nineteenth Street; Ninth Street; O'Brien; Oak Avenue; Oak Street; Oakland; Ocoee; OHS; Olive Street; Orange Avenue; orlando; Osceola; Osceola School; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo Colored School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oxford Junction; Ozark; Palatka; Palmetto Avenue; Paris; Park Avenue; Parramore Street; Pearson; Pecan Avenue; Pelham; Pendergrass; Peninsula Drive; Penn Avenue; Pensacola; Persimmon Avenue; Pine Avenue; Pinehurst; Poinsetta Avenue; Ponce Park; Portsmouth; public school; Punta Gorda; Quitman; Raleigh; Randall Circle; Reus Street; Richland; Richmond Avenue; Ridgewood Avenue; Rock Hill; Rosalia Drive; Rose Court; Rose Court Apartments; Rosenwald; Rosenwald No. 1; Roslindale; Roundtree Avenue; Route 1; Route 2; Route A; Roxbury Road; Ruthledge; Salem; Salisbury; San Lanta Apartments; Sand Lake Road; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Junior High; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Primary School; Sanford Vocational School; Sans Souci Avenue; school; SCPS; Seaboard Oil Company; Second Avenue; Second Street; Sellors Street; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole High School; Seminole Rosenwald No. 1; Seventeenth Street; Seventh Street; Shady Lane; Shady Lane Drive; Sharon; Shepherd Avenue; SHS; Silver Lake; Sipes Avenue; Sixteenth Street; Sixth Street; SJHS; snow Hill Road; Sorrento; South Side Primary School; Southside Primary; Southside Primary School; Spurling Street; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; Steubenville; Summerlin Avenue; Sumter; Sunset Drive; Swan Street; Swanton; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tangerine; teacher; Teckla; Tekona Park; Tenth Street; Third Street; Thirteenth Street; Tifton; Triplet Street; Tuscaloosa; Twelfth Street; Twentieth Street; Twenty-First Street; Umatilla; Union Avenue; Valdosta; Valencia Drive; Vernville; Vidette; Vienna; Virginia Drive; Vistabula; Vradenburgh; Wagner Colored School; Waits Street; Waleska; Washington; Washington Avenue; Wauseon; Welbourne Street; Wellborn; West Point; West Side Primary School; Westside Primary School; Whigham; Wichita; Wildmere Avenue; Wildwood; Willow Avenue; Wilson; Wilson School; Winfree Avenue; Winston-Salem; Winter Garden; Winter Haven; Winter Park; Woodsbridge; Wrightsville; Youngstown
What To Do and See in the Cape Canaveral Area
Tags: A-C Spark Plug; ABC; Adams, Pat; Advanced Realty; Aerojet; Aeronutronic; Aerospace Corporation; Air Florida, Inc.; Air Force Missile Test Center; amberjacks; angelfish; Antigua; Apollo; applied mathematics; Arma Division; Aruban; Ascension Island; Atlantic Avenue; Atlantic Missle Range; Atlantic Ocean; Atlas; Atlas-Able; Atlas-Agena A; Atlas-Centaur; Atlas-Mercury; auger shell; Autonetics; AVCO; Avis Rent-A-Car; B.O.P. Furntiure; Bahamas; Banana River; Barry Built Homes; Bell Telephone Lab, Inc.; Benbow, K. C.; Bennett, Gary; Bernard's Surf; bird watching; Black Knight; Blair, Jeb; Blair, Orin; Blue-Streak; bluefish; blueggils; Boeing Company; Bolan, Johnny; bonito fish; Borum, R. L.; Boyd, John; Brackett, Harry; Brazil; Brevard County; Brevard Engineering College; Brevard Junior College; Brevard State Bank; brown cockle; Brownell Associates; Brownell, E. A.; Brownell, W. P., Jr.; Brownll, W. P.; Bruner, David D.; Bryant, J. J.; Budget Rent-A-Car; bull whiting fish; Burroughs Corporation; Byrd Shopping Plaza; C-5; cabbage palm; Cady, Winthrop; Canaveral Aviation Corporation; Canaveral Harbor; Capadano, Harry; Cape Canaveral Fishing and Amusement Pier; Cape Canaveral Home Buyers and Real Estate Guide; Cape Canaveral Limousine Service; Cape Canaveral Press Club; Cape Colony Inn; Cape Colony Inn Gift Shop; Cape Housing Center; Cape, Inc.; Capri; Captain's Table Restaurant; Car-Truck Rental; Caribbean Islands; Caribbean Sea; Carlton Groves; Cass-Dale Builders; Castro, Ralph; Cathedral of Palms; CBS; celestrial mechanics; channell bass; Chase, N. B.; Cherniak, George S.; Chevrolet; Christ Luterhan Church; Christian Science Services; Chrysler Corporation; Church of Christ; Church of God; Church of our Saviour; Clark, L. P., Jr.; cobia fish; Cocoa Beach Chamber of Commerece; Cocoa Beach Church of Christ; Cocoa Beach Community Church; Cocoa Beach Downtown Shopping Center; Cocoa Beach News Center; Cocoa Beach State Bank; Cocoa Causeway; Cocoa Chamber of Commerece; coconut palm; Colonial Lounge; Congress Inn Dining Room; Continental Cocktail Loung, Inc.; Continental Restaurant; Continental Supper Club; Continental Trio; Cook, Thomas; Cooper, Leroy Gordon; copperhead break; coquina; Country Squire; crappie; Cresthaven Homes; croakers fish; Daniel, W. H.; Daye, Bonnie; Deac, W. P.; Dean, Paul; Debus, Kurt H.; deep sea fishing; DeNike Realty; Diplomat Apartments; Discover; Dixie Highway; Dixion Boulevard Baptist Church; dolphin; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.; drum fish; Dryden, J. E.; Dyna-Soar; Earl, R. C., Jr.; Eastern Airlines; Eastminster Presbyterian Church; Eastview Homes; Eau Gallie Beach; Eau Gallie Chamber of Commerece; Eau Gallie River; electrical engineering; Eleuthera; Endsley, Bob; Exec IV; explorer; Fat Boy's Barbeque; Favata's Italian Restaurant; Federal Homes Adminsitration; Fern De Noronha; fighting conch; First Baptist Church; First Baptist Church of Cocoa; First Baptist Church of Cocoa Beach; First Baptist Church of Eau Gallie; First Baptist Church of Indialantic; First Baptist Church of Melbourne; First Baptist Church of Merritt Island; First Baptist Church of Palm Bay; First Baptist Church of Titusville; First Christian Church; First Christian Church of Cocoa; First Christian Church of Cocoa Beach; First Christian Church of Eau Gallie; First Christian Church of Melbourne; First Church of Christ, Scientist; First Federal Building; First Methodist Church; First Methodist Church of Cocoa; First Methodist Church of Cocoa Beach; First Methodist Church of Titusville; Fischer's; Florida Coast Real Estate Company, Inc.; Fortest, Jack F.; Franz Men's Shop; fresh water fishing; Fullbright scholar; Gardendale; Gary Bennet's Bait and Tacklet; General Development Corporation; General Dynamics Astronautics; General Electrical Company; giant groupers; Glass, R. H.; Glessner, J. M.; Grace Community Church; Grand Bahama; Grand Turk; Graves, D. E.; Grine, Ken; groupers; Guy; Haggard, K. M.; Hall, Ernest M.; Hampton Homes; Hanson, G. F.; Harrison, Joe; health belt; helicopters; Henriksen, O. M.; Hensel's Red Rooster; Hercules Powder Company; Herndon Airport; Hertz; Hett, John M.; Holiday Inn; Holt, Dan; Holy Apostles Episcopal Church; Holy Trinity Episcopal Church; Hour Glass Grill; Hub's Inn; Hughes, W. J.; Humphreys, Oley; Hursey, Ben; Hutchins, R. B.; Imperial; Indian Harbor Beach; Indian River; Inland Waterway; Instrument Corporation of Florida; International Business Machine Corporation; Island Beach Outdoor Church; Isner, R. J.; Ivanhoe; Jerry's Pizza Palace; Jewfish; Junez Construction Comapny; Junez Homes; Juno II; Jupite C; Kano; Keg Room; Kiddie Corral; King; King Mackerel; King Street Baptist Church; King, Jack; Ko-Ko Motel; Koko Motel Dining Room; Kulchin, D.; Kurlan, Laura; Kurlan, Nort; Lake Poinsett; Lake Winder; Lamm, E. C.; Landwirth, Henri; large cockle; largemouth black bass; Lark; Lee's Charcoal Putt; left-handed welk; LIFE Magazine; Little Joe-Mercury; Lockheed Missiles and Space Company; Luterhan Church of the Redeemer; Luterhan Mission Church; Lynns Answering and Secretarial Service; macaw; MacNabb, B. G.; Mark Wayne Quartet; martin company; Martinique; Maxwell, Charles a.; Mayaguana; Mayaguez; Mayfair Cafeteria; McCauley, Craig; McCoy Airport; McDonnell Air Craft; McKee Jungle Gardens; Meals, Jim; Melbourne Airport; Melbourne Beach Steak House; Melbourne Country Club; Melbourne-Eau Gallie High School; Melbourne-Indialantic Causeway; Melgaard, J. L.; Messiah Lutheran Church; Mihm, G. J.; Minuteman Group; Miss Charleston; Miss Cocoa Beach; Missile Industrial Park, Inc.; Missile Test Project's Recreation Association; Mitchell, R. S.; Mitchell, Ralph; Moon Base; Moore, Howard; Mora, Don; Mora, Frank; mullet; Myrt's Rest; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Airlines; National Car Rentals; NBC; Nigeria; Nipper Regatta; Nock-A-Bouts; Nova; offshore fishing; olive shell; orchid shows; Orlando Airport; Orlando Avenue; Our Lady of Lordes Catholic Church; PAFB; Pageant Homes; Palm Bay Methodist Church; Pan American; Pan American Airways; Pan American World Airways; Patrick Air Force Base; Pep-Tones; Pershing Park; Pershing Park Homes; pickerel fish; Pirates Den Cocktail Loung; Poinsett Lodge; Polaris; Polaris and Space Motor Group; Polaris Motel; pompano fish; Pooh Bah Lounge; Port Canaveral; Port Malabar; Principe, P. M.; Project Mercury; Prokect Score; queen palm; Radiation Incporated; Radio Corporation of America; Ramon's Restaurant; Ranger; Raphael, Ross; RCA; RCA Missile Test Project; RCA Service Company, Inc.; Redstone-Mercury; Reitter, Roy; Richardson, U. Wendell; Ridge Road Riding Stable; River Road; River View Restaurant; Riverside Presbyterian Church; Riviera Lounge; Roberts, Dorothy; rocket; rocket boosters; Rocketdyne Field Engineering; Rockledge Estates; Rockledge Estates Country Club; Rockledge Presbyterian Church; Roden, W. S.; rough scallop; royal palm; royal palm trees; Ryland, Brennan; s Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge; sailfish; salt water fishing; salt water trout; Salt Water Trout Capital of the World; Samoa Restaurant; Samoa Steel Drum Band; San Salvadore; sand fleas; Sara n' Pat; Satellite Villa; Saturn; Saturn C-5; Saturn Launch Complex; Scearce, Jim; Schrafft; scout; Scrafft's Carriage House; sea bream fish; Sea Dunes; Sea Dunes Restort Motel; Seacoast Shores; Season, G. O.; Sebastian Inlet; Seventh Day Adventist Church of Cocoa Beach; sheepshead fish; Shoemaker, W. R.; shrimp; Silk, R.; Sizemore, E. N.; Skyroom Restaurant; Smith, B. R.; Smith, James; Smythe, H. S.; Soraban Engineering company; Soroban Engineering, Inc.; South Brevard Beaches Chamber of Commerece; South Patricl Apartments; Southern Gulf Homes; sow snappers; space; space program; space technology; Space Technology Labs, Inc.; Space-Age Homes; Spaceport U.S.A.; Spanish fish; speckled perch; spiny periwinkle; Sptiznogle, J. O.; St. David's By the Sea Episcopal Church; St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church; St. John's Episcopal Church; St. Johns River; St. Joseph's Catholic Church; St. Lucia; St. Luke's Episcopal Church; St. Mark's Episcopal Church; St. Mark's Methodist Church; St. Mary's Catholic Church; St. Paul's Methodist Church; St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church; storms; Storz, H. D.; Super Land Palms; surf fishing; Surfland Palms; Surfside Estates; Surfside Homes; Susor, John; Sykes Creek; Tahoe; tarpon fish; Taylor-Made Homes; Taylor, Bob; Temple Beth Sholom; Terra-luna; Terrace Shores Homes; The Gateway to the Moon; The Neptune; The Pelican; Thiokol Chemical Corporation; Thor-Able Star; Thor-Agena A; Thor-Delta; Thorn, Peter S.; Tibbs, O. E.; Tidelands Motor Inn; Tital ICBM; Titusville Chamber of Commerece; Town Restaurant; Trade Winds Cafeteria; Tradewinds Hotel Dining Room; traveler's palm; triple-tail fish; Tropicana; Tunesters; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; U.S. News and World Report; U.S.-1; U.S.-A1A; United Presbyterian Church of the Good Shepherd; V-2; Vanguard; Vanguard Lounge; Vanguard Motel; Varney, T. L.; Vero Beach; Veterans Administration; Veterans Affairs; Vetter Isles Estates; Walker, R. F.; warmouth perch; washington palm; Waterway Homes; Waves Beauty Salon; Wayne, Mark; WDBO-TV; WESH-TV; Whispering Hills Country Club; Whispering Pines Stables; White Caps Steak House; whiting fish; Wilkinson, Robert; Wilson, J. E.; WLOF-TV; Wong, Gee; Woolfe, Betty; World Airways, Inc.; Yardley, J. F.; Yum Yum Room
Street Map of Orlando
Tags: Albertson Apartments; Albertson Public Library; Alexander Apartments; Alexander Place; Allen Apartments; Allison, F. A.; Amelia Street; America Street; American League; American Legion; American Legion Building; Amherst Apartments; Anderson Street; Angebilt Church of the Nazarene; Angebilt Hotel; Ansonian Apartments; Associated Press; Atlanta Avenue; Atlantic Apartments; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Auten Apartments; Avalon Hotel; Babcock, H. C.; Bailey, M. D., Jr.; Batchelder, C. F.; Beacham Theatre; Big Tree Park; Bird Sanctuary; Bowling Club House; Bradshaw Apartments; Brass, George F.; Brethern in Christ Church; Broadway Apartments; Broadway Avenue; Broadway Methodist Church; Buena Vista Apartments; Butt-Bettes Investment Company; Calvary Presbyterian Church; Carl-Clayton Apartments; Carlyn Manor; Cary Apartments; Cathcart Avenue; Central Avenue; Central Christian Church; Cheney Court Apartments; Cheney Place; Cherokee Junior High School; Christian and Missionary Alliance; Church of God; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Church of the Open Bible; Church Street; Claybaugh, Nat; College Park Baptist Church; Colonial Drive; Colonial Orange Court Hotel; Columbia Avenue; Columbia Broadcasting System; Colvin Apartments; Community Church of God; Concord Avenue; Concord Grammar School; Concord Park Methodist Church; Concord Park School; Condict, H. V.; Confederate Soldiers, Sailors, and Statesmen Memorial; Congregation Ohev Sholem Synagogue; Congregational church; Conway Road; Cook Avenue; Cook, Thomas; Court Street; Crotts Apartments; Daetwyler Azalea Gardens; Delaney Street; Delaney Street Baptist Church; Delaney Street School; Dickson Azaela Park; Dixie Avenue; Dixie Highway; Dodendorf Apartments; Dubsdread Country Club; Duke Hall; Dwellere; Eastern Air Lines; Edgewater Drive; Elks Club; Elvan Apartments; Empire Hotel; Eola Drive; Ernestine Street; Estes Apartments; Estes, V. W.; Exposition Park and Fair; Fern Creek Avenue; Fern Creekl Walker Memorial Methodist Church; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First Church of Christ, Scientist; First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Orlando; First Methodist Church of Orlando; First National Bank at Orlando; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; Florence Apartments; Florida Motor Lines; Florida Public Service Company; Florida Sanitarium; Floyd-Lindorf Realty Company; Forst Gatlin Hotel; Fosgate Apartments; Frederick, Harlow G.; Frey Apartments; Gaston Edwards Park; Geeslin & Miller, Inc.; Gifford Arms; Gladstone Apartments; Goss Memorial Methodist Protestant Church; Grand Avenue Grammar School; Grand Theatre; Gray, M. Beck; Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Guernsey, Frank D.; Guernsey, S. Kendrick; Hamlin Orange Grove; Hampton Avenue; Harlow G. Frederick, Inc.; Harold Shepherd Realty Company; Hartley Apartments; Harwood Avenue Apartments; Helen Street; Highland Avenue; Hillcrest Avenue; Hillcrest Grammar School; Holbrook, J. P.; Holyoke Apartments; Horse Shoe Club House; Hughey Street; Huttig, J. N.; Hyer & Davis; Hyer Avenue; Ivanhoe Apartments; Ivanhoe Boulevard; J. P. Holbrook Investment Company; Jackson Street; Jefferson Court Hotel; Jefferson Street; Jefferson Street Church of Christ; Jermone Realty Company; Jones, Elmer L.; Kaley Avenue; Kaley Avenue Grammar School; Kenhurst Apartments; Klock Apartments; Kuhl Avenue; Lake Adair; Lake Apopka; Lake Cherokee; Lake Concord; Lake Copeland; Lake Davis; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Bandshell; Lake Eola Fountain; Lake Estelle; Lake Formosa; Lake Ivanhoe; Lake Lancaster; Lake Lawson; Lake Lucerne; Lake Lurna; Lake o' the Woods Apartments; Lake Rowena; Lake Street; Lake Sue; Lake Underhill; Lake Virgina; Lakeview Street; Lamar Hotel; Lawn Bowling Club; Lawton Investment Companu; Leon Hotel; Liberty Avenue; Linwood Apartments; Livingston Apartments; Livingston avenue; Livingston Street; Llanymor Hotel; Long Apartments; Lucerne Hotel; Lucerne Park Baptist Church; Luker Apartments; Madison Apartments; Magil Apartments; Magnolia Avenue; Main Street; Mann Apartments; Manuel Courts Apartments; Mariposa Street; Marks Street; Marks Street Grammar School; Masonic Temple; McKelvey, Vernon; McNutt, Heasley & Bailey; Mead Botanical Gardens; Memorial Junior High School; Miller Memorial Baptist Church; Mills Avenue; Mills Street; Minnichaha Apartments; Minnie Paul Apartments; Montana Avenue; Moss, M. J., Jr.; Murchison Company; National Airlines; New Apartments; New England Avenue; New Greenhurst Apartments; New Keystone Apartments; New Poinsettia Apartments; Normant Apartments; North Park Baptist Church; O-Po-Le-O; O. P. Swope, Inc.; O'Neal Investment Company; Orange Avenue; Orange County Armory; Orange Farms Company; Orange Fountain; Orange General Hospital; Orange Hotel; Orlando Christian Church; Orlando Country Club; Orlando Municipal Airport; Orlando Municipal Auditorium; Orlando Recreation; Orlando Reeves Memorial; Orlando Senior High School; Orlando Tennis Club; Orlando Transit Company; Orlando Unity Center; Orlando Utilities Commission Plant; Orlando Visitors Card Club; Orlando Vocational School; Osceola Hotel; Overstreet Land Company; Packard, J. H.; Palmetto Street; Palms Apartments; Park Avenue; Park Lake; Park Lake Presbyterian Church; Park View Apartments; Parramore Avenue; Parsons Apartments; Pearl Hotel; Pentecostal Assembly of God; Phillips, Welborn; Pine Castle; Pine Street; Price, W. K.; Princeton Avenue; Princeton Avenue Grammar School; Raleigh Street; Reeves Memorial Methodist Church; Reformed Presbyterian Church; Rex-McGill Investment Company; Rialto Theatre; Richey, E. H.; Richmond Hall; Ridgewood Apartments; Ridgewood Avenue; Robinson Avenue; Rollins College; Roque Club House; Rosalind Avenue; Rosalind Club; Rose, Walter W.; Roxy Theatre; Ruth Street; Salvation Army Citadel; San Juan de Ulloa Hotel; San Juan Hotel; Sanland Springs Tropical Park; Schoolfield Apartments; Schwob Apartments; Seaboard Air Line; Seventh Day Adventist Church of Orlando; Shepherd, Harold; Shuffleboard Club House; Simpson-Staton Company; Slayton, E. F.; Sligh Boulevard; Smith, Henry D.; Smith, Wyan; Solarium; South Street; Southern Apartments; Spann Apartments; Spring Lake; St. James Apartments; St. James Roman Catholic Cathedral; St. Johns River; St. Luke's Cathedral; St. Regis Apartments; Stewart, J. C.; Stoner, E.; Summerlin Street; Summerline Hotel; Sunshine Park; Sweet Pea Wall; Swope, O. P.; Taylor Apartments; Thornton Lane; Tinker Field; Tinker, Joe; Tremont Hotel; Trenton Street; Trinity English Lutheran Church; United Press and International News Service; University Club; Vergowe Agency; Wall Street; Walter W. Rose Investment Company; Washington Avenue; Washington Senators; WDBO; Weber Avenue; Wekiwa River; Wekiwa Springs; Wells Home Apartments; West Central Grammar School; Westmoreland Drive; Wild Rose Apartments; Wilmot, Fred W.; Wilson Apartments; Wood Apartments; Wynholm Apartments; Wyoming Hotel; Yale Avenue