Browse Items (14 total)
- Tags: FCE
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (October 19, 1934)
Tags: AFG; Asheville, North Carolina; Askew, Harry L.; Atlantic Commission Company; Auburndale; Aurin; Aycrigg, George B.; Blend, W. T.; Borland, Harry L.; California; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus growers' Florida Citrus Exchange; citrus industry; Clark, Frank G.; Clearing House; Commander, C. C.; Cornell, H. E.; Daniells, W. C.; Daniells, W.C.; DeLand; Democrats; Edwards, L. C.; FCE; Federal Marketing Agreement; freight rates; Frostproof; grapefruit; Grower Control Committee; Hitler, Adolf; Holland; Howey; Jews; Kirkland, L. P.; Lake Gem; Lake Wales; Lakeland; Largo; Lowry, L. L.; LWCGA; McReynolds, Judson J.; Mouser, W. H.; Ocala; oranges; orlando; Parrish, J. J.; Patterson, E. E.; Pickard, A. F.; Portland, Oregon; Republican; River City; Roe, W. G.; Sanford; Seattle, Washington; Sebastian; shipping; Sligh, Jeff; Southern Railway; Spokane, Washington; Stewart, C. A.; Tampa; Taylor, John S.; The Orlando Sentinel; The Tampa Tribune; Tillman, James; Titusville; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; Valencias; Vero Beach; Vickers, E. W.; Walker, Marvin H.; Washington, D.C.; Whitehair, Francis P.; Winter Haven; Winter Park; Yarnell, I. A.; Young, A. W.
Letter from Randall Chase to Sydney Chase (October 29, 1936)
Tags: Brogden Co.; Brogden Company; Chase, Randall; Chase, Sydney Octavius, Jr.; color added treatment; Control Committee; Exchange packing house; FCE; food machinery; fruit coloring; fruit treating; Hamlins; Leffler, William A.; Mosely, Bill; oranges; pre-cooling; Strong, Jack Napier; tangerines; Wabasso Grove
Letter from Sydney Chase to Joshua Chase (October 19, 1928)
Tags: Coachman; Corey; FCE; Pratt; Tampa Tribune; Taylor, John
Letter from Sydney Chase to Joshua Chase (March 17, 1928)
Letter from Sydney Chase to Joshua Chase (February 18, 1928)
Letter from Sydney Chase to Joshua Chase (August 29, 1927)
Tags: American Fruit Growers; Bogue; Congress; Eloise; FCE; Fisher, Edward; fruit exchanges; FTC; Gentile; Gentile Bros.; Gentile Brothers; groves; Isleworth Tung Oil; Isleworth Tung Oil tress; Klem; packing houses; Patterson; Pratt, Archie M.; Shiver; Standard Growers; Tung Oil; Williamson; Winter Garden Exchange; Winter Haven Fruit Exchange
Letter from Sydney Chase to N. D. Cloward (April 17, 1925)
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (April 19, 1924)
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 26, 1927)
Tags: Bartlett Pears; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; Chicago, Illinois; citrus; citrus industry; Clearing House; Commander; Edwards; Exchange Bank; FCE; Florida Citrus Exchange; Growers & Shippers League; Growers Sale Agency; justice; Lee, Will; Newton; pears; Robinson; Stewart, C. E.; Stewart, C.E.; Sunniland; Wirt
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (May 3, 1924)
Exchange Estimate 1926-27 Crop as of November 1st - All Varieties
Chase & Company: Packers and Distributors of Florida Fruits and Vegetables Exclusively
Tags: accident insurance; accounting; automobile insurance; burglary insurance; Chase and Company; Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, Ohio; citrus; citrus industry; distribution; distributor; farming; FCE; fire; fire insurance; Florida Citrus Exchange; fruit; fruit industry; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; grower; Growers' Marketing Organization; growing; insurance; insurance industry; Jacksonville; Minneapolis, Minnesota; New York, New York City; orange; orange industry; packer; packing; packing house; packing industry; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; sales; sales department; Sanford; shipping; St. Louis, Missouri; Tangerine; tangerine industry; tornado insurance; vegetable; vegetable industry; Washington, D.C.
Fort Pierce Growers' Association
The Central Florida Press, Vol. 1. No. 9, June 20, 1930
Tags: 1st Street; A. L. Betts; A. L. Medcalf; A. P. Farnell; A. W. Wagner; ACL; Adkins; Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial; Aldred Cone; Alene Cone; Alive Story; Allen Thompson; Allen's Garage; Alton Shuman; American Appraisal Company; American Association of University Women; American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Andrew Duda; Andrew Jakubcin; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta D. Covington; B. F. Overstreet; B. F. Ward; B. F. Wheeler; B. R. Gray; Ballard's Insurance Feeds; Baptist Church; Baptist Church of Oviedo; Baptists; Barbara Jakubcin; Bauman; Bauman Brothers; Because; Ben Jones; Bernice Stine; Biscayne Bay; Black Hammock; Blanche Leonard; Bob Murphy's Garage; Bogard; Bon Homme Hotel; Boy Scouts of America; Bristol; Bryan's Store; C. B. Searcy; C. C. Jackson; C. E. Mariner; C. J. Broom; C. J. Broom, Jr.; C. L. West; C. M. Coin; C. S. Lee; C. T. Niblack; C. W. Mathison; Canal Point; Carlton Cain; Carolyn Lockette; cars; Carter's Filling Station; Celery City; Central Florida Council; Central Florida Log Rollers' Association; Chapman; Charles Simeon Lee; Charles W. Summersill; Charley West; Charlie West; Chevrolet; Chuluota; Chuluota Sunday schools; churches; Churchwell's; Civic League; Clarence Huder; Clark Harvey; Claude C. Jackson, Jr.; Clifton Tribble; Clinton Hyatt; David Haverstick; Daytona Beach; District 3; Dixie Highway; Donald Leinhart; E. A. Dukes; E. A. Farnell; E. D. Koontz; E. T. Summersill; Edson Goit; Edwin Sutton; Elizabeth Lawson; Elmin a Howard; Emma Abbot Lyman; Ernest Amos; Essex Coach First National banks; Esther Prosser; Evelyn Wheeler; F. L. Anderson; F. S. Cone; Farnell; FCE; FEC; Federal Farm Broadway; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank Building; First Street; FLDOE; Florida Bank; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Department of Education; Florida East Coast railroads; Florida Gold Star Mothers; Florida Light and Power Company; Florida Public Service Commission; Floyd Wagner; Fort Myers Growers' Association; Fort Pierce; Fort Pierce Financing and Construction Company; Fort Pierce Growers' Association; Frank Armstrong; Fred Cooper; Fred Henry Davis; Fruitland parks; Ft. Pierce; G. A. Meckley; G. H. Norton; G. W. Bower; Gayle Marshall; Geneva; Gold Star Mothers Club; Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Goldie Eva Beckley; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Good Gulf Casoline; Grace Lewis; Gray; Gray's Market; H. Clay Crawford; H. E. Fuller; H. F. McGowan; Haines; Harold Varn; Harry E. Wing; Harry M. Papworth; Harry W. Turner; Hart; Hathaway's Park Avenue; Hazel Shuman; Heitz; Henry Clay Crawford; Herbert F. Chaffer; Hilda Butler; Hotel Commission; Howard Lindsey; Howard Turner; I. N. Lane; J. A. Thompson; J. A. Young; J. Allen Thompson; J. B. Jones; J. C. Bills; J. C. Johnson; J. Dean Adcock; J. H. Allen; J. L. Malcolm; J. M. Chaffer; J. N. Thompson; Jack C. Kassell; Joe Leinhart; Joe Mikler; John Bills; John Duda; Joseph Leinhart; Julia Tart; Julie Geiger; Katherine Young; King Brown; L. D. Webster; L. H. Gore; Lake Catherine; Lake Conway; Lake Monroe; Lake Okeechobee; League of Municipalities; Lois Mitchem; Lois Ruddell; Lois Rudell; Longwood; Lyman schools; Margaret Jackson; Margaret Lindsey; Marietta Mitchem; Martin Stanko; Mary Bivins; Mary Frances Stine; Mathieux' Store; Max Leinhart; Maxine Leinhart; Mead; Metcalf and Son; Mills; Miriam Koontz; Mitchem; Munjar; N. F. Lozette; Nelson and Company, Inc.; O. P. Sloan; Oak Crest Poultry farms; Oak Island; Olga Jakubcin; Olive Lezette; Olivia McCarty; Opal Peters; Orange General Hospital; Oreon Burnett; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Barber Shop; Oviedo Department Store; Oviedo Drug Store; Oviedo Masonic Lodge No. 243; Oviedo Meat Market; Oviedo Mirror; Oviedo Public Library; Oviedo Service Station; P. T. Coleman; P. T. Wakefield; P. W. Gray; Paul Butler, Jr.; Paul T. Butler; Pauline Mills; Pauline Moran; Pauline Wallace, Maddox; Penney Farms; R. A. Gray; R. R. Murphy; R. R. Williams; Ralph Bosford; Randall Electric Company; Reason Kirkland; Ripley's Believe It or Not!; Robert Andrew Gray; Robert B. Butler; Roy Williams; Ruby Peters; S. L. Murphy; S. S. Hinchliff; Sadine Leinhart; Sadye's Sale; Sanford; Sanford Atlantic National Bank; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford High School; Sanford Sheriff's Office; Sanlando Springs; Secretary of State; Seminole Associational Sunday schools; Seminole Bank Building; Seminole County; Slavia; Slavia Drainage District; Southern Bell Telephone Company; St. Johns River; St. Petersburg; Standard Service Station; Stover; Supreme Motor Oil; Ted Harvey; The Central Florida Press; The Morris Stores; The Sanitary Fish Truck; Theo Aulin; Theodore Tice; Thomas Johnson; Thomas Wheaton; V. H. Sley; Virginia Spencer; W. C. Cawthon; W. D. Stine; W. F. Wells, Jr.; W. L. Seig; W. P. Tart; W. R. Kimbrell; W. S. Entzminger; W. T. Chance; Walter M. Blakely; White-Highleyman Agency; Wholesale Potato House; William Walker; Woodmen of the World; Woodrow Shuman; World War I; WWI