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- Tags: Gone With the Wind
"Gone With the Wind" by Terry Myers
Tags: Allie Wrubel; CAH; Church Street Station; College of Arts and Humanities; Elias Paul Wrubel; Epcot; Francis Albert Sinatra; Frank Sinatra; Gone With the Wind; Herb Magidson; Herbert A. Magidson; Horace Heidt; jazz; jazz ensembles; jazz saxophones; jazz saxophonists; musicians; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; PBS; pop; pop music; pop standard; Public Broadcasting Service; radio stations; radios; Reed; reed players; Reuben Bloom; Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Jazz Emporium; Rube Bloom; soprano saxophones; soprano saxophonists; tenor saxophones; tenor saxophonists; Terry Myers; Tommy Dorsey Orchestra; UCF; University of Central Florida; Walt Disney World; woodwind players; woodwinds; WUCF-FM
Pride Concert, June 9 & 10, 1992
Tags: A Gershwin Medley; AIDS Outreach Fund; At the River; Bob Smedley; Charles Callahan; Edyth Bush Theatre; GALA Choruses; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; Gone With the Wind; Hallelujah, Amen; Kenion A. "Ken" Thompson, II; La Vergine degli Angeli; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Pride Concert; Pride Parade; Proud World; Somewhere Medley; Suellen Fagin-Allen; The Omnipotence; This We Know (Words of Chief Seattle); Zion's Walls; Zitti Zitti, Moviamo Vendetta