Browse Items (3 total)
- Tags: Myer
Cher-O-Key (February 21, 1929)
Tags: Albritton, Thelma; algebra club; astronomy club; Benton; Bethea, Sammie; Bird, Joe; Boggs, Robert; Book Reading club; Boys Hi-Y; Broadbent; Brown; Camera club; Cassell, Gladys; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Robert; Davis, Cora Lee; Davis, Howard; Denney, Bob; Dowd, Paul; Dunbar, P. S.; Ezzard, Richard; Fletcher, Sally; Ford; freeman; Gisler, Bob; Gould, Janet; Graham; Henderson; Hiking Club; Holloway, Katherine; In the Morning; Iseminger, Paul; Jackson, Andrew; Jones; Journalism Club; Land Cinder; Latin Club; Laverty, Beulah; Lawson, Richard; Leaders Club; Ledford; Lewis; Lincoln, Abraham; Marriman, Richard; Mauer, Fred; Maynard; McKinnon, Carolyn; memorial; Memorial High; Memorial High School; Memorial HS; Meyer; Meyer, Betty; MHS; Mitchell; Myer; Orlando Faigrounds; Orlando Ice Dealers Association; Parent-Teacher Association; Park, Roalnd; Pettay, Jean; PTA; Rathburh, Martha Ruth; Rinehart, Charles; Routh, Florida; Sigal, Myer; Smith, Laura; Student council; Tate; The Coquette Conquered; The Novelty Waltz; Thomspon; Topakian, Takoohy; Trimble, Betty; Washington, George; Way, Yulee; Westover; Wetherington, Ruth; Who's Who club; Williams, Athlone; Williams, Bob; Wright; Wright, Martha; Young, Donald
Cher-O-Key (May 17, 1929)
Tags: 6th grade; 8th grade; 9th grade; Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1; banquet; Barnett, Robert; baseball; Bersts, Winifred; Beuchler, Belle; Bird, Joe; Board of Education; Boggs, Robert; Bray, Clara; Broadbent; Brown; Carter; Catledge, Norman; Chabot, Octavia; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee School; citizen; Constitution; Cox, Robert; dancing club; Davis, Billy; decathlon; Delaney Street School; Dye, Charles; Echols; eighth grade; Elkhorn, Lester; Everett, Emory; Ford; Gilbert, bob; Girl Reserves; Glace; Glee Club; Glover, Meadows; Grand Avenue Elementary; Grant, Curtis; Greer, Charles; Hage, Allen; Harney, Margaret; Henderson, Cox, Lawson; Hillcrest Grammar School; honor society; Johnson, Elizabeth; Joiner, C. J.; Jones; journalism; Journalism Club; junior high school; Karst, Arthur; Kazarosian, Shan; Klne, Jack; Lake Gatlin; Laverty, Beulah; Lawson, Richard; Lerch, Ruth; Manson, Helen; McEwan, Dorothy; McGarity, William; McKinnon, Carolyn; Memorial Gym; Meyer; Meyer, Betty; Mitchell; Mothers and Daughters Banquet; Mothers Day; Murphy, Frank; Myer; Neal, Lucille; newspaper; Nichols, Thomas; ninth grade; O'Berg, Gilbert; orange county; orlando; Parent-Teacher Association; Parker, Barbara; Parker, Lannas; Peral, Thomas; Pettay, Jean; Pillow, Maud Ola; Powers, Ormond; practical arts club; Price, Harry; PTA; Routh, Florida; school; school newspaper; sewing club; sixth grade; soccer; students; Taylor, Connie; teachers; tennis; That Wonderful Mother of Mine; Thompson; track and field; Trimble, Betty; Turner, Stewart; Way, Yulee; West Central Elementary; Whistler, James McNeill; Whistler's Mother; Williams, Bob; Williams, Champ; Williams, Fred; Woolworth, Bob; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association
Oral History of Joshua "Josh" R. Dull
Tags: 9/11 Attacks; Abu Nakhlah Airport; Afghan War; Afghanistan; airman; airmen; Al Udeid AB; Al Udeid Air Base; alcohol abuse; alcoholism; Anchorage, Alaska; anxiety; Bagram Airfield; bargaining; basic training; Brevard County; cryogenics; Danny Trejo; Davis-Monthan AFB; Davis-Monthan Air Force Base; deployment; deployments; depression; Doha, Qatar; drug addictions; Dull, Heather; Dull, Josh R.; Dull, Joshua "Josh" R.; Elmendorf AFB; Elmendorf Air Force Base; Empower Wyoming; EOD; Explosive Ordinance Disposal; fuels department; fuels tech school; GI Bill; Global War on Terror; GWOT; Hakthor; Heather Dull; Indians; Iraq War; Josh Dull; Joshua R. Dull; liquid oxygen; Little; McChord Field; Melbourne; Melbourne International Airport; mental health; Middle East; Middle Easterner; military family; military training; Myer; Nepalese; Once Upon a Time in Mexico; Outstanding Unit Award; oxygen; Picacho Peak State Park; post-traumatic stress disorder; PTSD; Qatar; Qataris; Rachel Williams; Ramadan; Reveille; Rip It; rocket attacks; Romero; September 11 Attacks; Servicemen's��s Readjustment Act of 1944; souq; Soviet Union; Soviet War in Afghanistan; Spider-Man; Sri Lankan; substance abuse; Tacoma, Washington; tech school; terrorism; terrorists; The Cabin in the Woods; The Florida Review; Tucson, Arizona; U.S. Air Force; UCF; UCF VARC; University of Central Florida; USAF; V-22; VARC; veterans; Veterans Academic Resource Center; War in Afghanistan; Wichita Falls, Texas; Wyoming