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- Tags: Naval Air Station
Zoning of U.S. Naval Air Station, Sanford, Florida
Oral History of Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright
Tags: African American; Atlanta University; Atlanta, Georgia; AU; Boca Raton; CHS; college; color barrier; Crooms High School; Cuban; Daytona; Daytona State College; desegregation; Downtown Sanford; DSC; education; elementary school; enlistment; FAU; Florida Atlantic University; Georgetown; Gibbs College; Goldsboro; Goldsboro Elementary School; high school; higher education; Hispanic; Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Indiana, Pennsylvania; integration; IUP; J. R. White; Lakeland; Miami; NAS; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station; Naval Air Station Sanford; prejudice; race; racism; Sanford; school; segregation; skin color; St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg College; university; VCCC; Vietnam War; Volusia County Community College; Wright, Stephen Caldwell
New Tribes Mission International Headquarters, Sanford, Florida
Tags: 1st Street; Bankhead, Tallulah; Barrie, Wendie; Bernard MacFadden, Inc.; Borge, Victor; Capone, Al; Celebrities; charity; City of Sanford; Durocher, Leo; First St.; First Street; Forrest Lake Hotel; Giants; Godfrey, Arthur; Higgins, Ed; Hotel Forrest Lake; hotel manager; Hubbell, Carl; Hullick, Howard; Hunt, H. L.; Kirchhoff, W. E., Jr.; Kirchhoff, William E.; Krider, John; Lake, Forrest; MacFadden, Bernard; Major Baseball League; Marion, Charles; Mayfair; Mayfair Golf Course; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; Mayfair Opening Ball; McGraw, John J.; Mebane, Frank, Jr.; Moughton, Elton J.; NAS; NAS Sanford; National Exhibition Company; Naval Air Station; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Tribes Mission; New Tribes Mission Headquarters; New Tribes Mission HQ; New Tribes Mission International Headquarters; New Tribes Mission International HQ; New York Giants; NTM; NTM Headquarters; NTM HQ; NTM International Headquarters; NTM International HQ; NY Giants; Ott, Mel; Rickey, Branch; San Francisco Giants; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Naval Academy; Sauls, John; SF Giants; SNS; Stoneham, Horace; The Ides of March; Wilder, Thornton
Naval Air Station Sanford Plat of Three Aviation Fields with Map of Seminole County
Tags: aviation; aviation field; Crippen Road; Geneva Avenue; Golden Lake; Lake Harney; Lake Jessup; Lake Monroe; map; Mellonville Avenue; NAS; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station; Naval Air Station Sanford; Onoro Road; plat; Red Cleveland Boulevard; Seminole County; Silver Lake; Sipes Avenue; U.S. Navy; Williams, Fred T.; World War II; WWII