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- Tags: Stenstrom, Douglas
Midwife on Job Here 32 Years
Tags: African American; Carrier, Marjorie; Certificate for Public Service; Children's Bureau; Clayton, Cassandra; Fernald-Laughton Memorial Hospital; Florida A&M College; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College; Francis, Marie Jones; Frey, Bob; Georgetown; Health and Rehabilitative Services; hospital; Humphrey, Daphne F.; McGill, Margaret; Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital; midwife; Moore, Stacy; Parker, Vann; Pilot Club; Public Health Department; Reading, Sadie; Sanford; Seminole County Health Department; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Sertoma International Club; Service to Mankind Award; Stenstrom, Douglas; The Little Sentinel; Torre, Barbara; Walker, Annie
Oral History of Shirley Muse
Tags: 7th Street; Amtrak; archival collection; Beiler, Rosalind; collection cataloger; collections manager; columnist; county judge; Florida State University; fossil; FSU; gardener; general; Geography Lab: Where in the World Are We?; Glasshoff, Jesse; Grandma’s Attic; Historic Sanford Welcome Center; History Harvest; Jacob’s Ladder; librarian; Library Science; media specialist; Million, Shirley; Muse, Shirley; Orlando Sentinel; Panama Canal Zone; PHC; Pioneer Exhibit: Before the Settlement of Sanford; Richardson, Kay; Robinson, Bill; Sanford Herald; Sanford Middle; Sanford Middle School; Sanford MS; Sanford Welcome Center; Seventh Street; South Pacific; state senator; Stenstrom; Stenstrom Elementary; Stenstrom, Douglas; Stetson College; Stetson University; Stiffy's; Student Museum; The Orlando Sentinel; UCF; UCF Public History Center; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; University of Virginia; UV; volunteer