Browse Items (2 total)
- Tags: T.L. Lingo
Program of the Seminole Soil Conservation District, 1948
Tags: artesian water; artesian well; asparagus, Boston ferns, water; beef; black bass; bream; C. A. Wales; cattle; celery; census; Chase and Company; citrus; conservation; controlled burning; dairy; drainage; environmental protection; erosion; farm ponds; farmers; farming; farms; fire protection; fishing; Florida Experiment Station; forestry; grazing; Hairy Indigo; hay; hogs; irrigation; lake basins; Lake Jessup; Lake Monroe; land use; leaching; livestock; Oviedo; pasture development; pine timber; R.F. Cooper; R.T. Milwee; reforestation; saline; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; Sidney A. Stubbs; sink holes; soil; Soil and Conservation Service; soils legend; SSCD; SSWCD; St. Johns River; T.L. Lingo; Tom McLain, Jr.; truck crops; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; water control; Wekiva River; wildlife; woodland management
Oral Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin Wheeler III
Tags: Alafaya Trail; Andrew George Alexander Kelsey; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; Basil Corbett “B.C.” Dodd; bedroom community; Benjamin "Ben" Franklin Wheeler III; Benjamin Franklin "Frank" Wheeler, Jr.; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler; Black Hammock; Buster Garrison; Charles Simeon Lee; citrus industry; Clara Isabelle Lawton; Desta Lee Horner; Dinky Line; Five Points Operations Complex; Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad; Florida Technological University; Forrest Lake; Henry Shelton Sanford; Holler Chevrolet; Iron Bridge Water Pollution Control Facility; Jacob Summerlin; John Thomas Wheeler; King Brothers; Memorial Building; Narcissa Melissa; Nelson and Company Packing Plant; Nelson Brothers Packing House; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Depot; Oviedo Drug and Meat World; Oviedo Lights; packing houses; pine timber; Sanford; Seaboard Air Line Railroad; Seminole County; Steen Nelson; T.L. Lingo; Theodore “Judge” Aulin, Sr.; Thomas Willingham Lawton; turpentine; University of Central Florida; Wheeler-Evans House; William Henry “Billy” Dial