Browse Items (148 total)
- Tags: church
"The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery" Manuscript
Tags: Americus, Georgia; Apopka; Army; Baker, Archibald; baptism; Beresford; Boone, Cornelia Frances; Boone, Janette Bruce; Boone, Mattie; Bruce, Agnus Donald; Bruce, Cornelia Frances Marks; Caldwell, Andrew C.; Caldwell, Andrew Curran; Caldwell, Julie Doak; Caldwell, Robert Ernest; Caldwell, Sallie Davidson; Christiania, Norway; church; church elder; circuit rider; Columbia County; Convention of the General Assembly; Darlington; deacon; DeLand; Dubose, John C.; education; elder; enterprise; Episcopal Church; Episcopalian; Episcopalianism; Euchee Valley; evangelism; evangelist; Evangelist of Florida Presbytery; Everglades; Fort Dallas; Fort Maitland; Fort Mellon; Fort Read; Galloway, Francis Lee; Galloway, Nancy; Gamble, William G.; Gould; Gould, Benjamin; Gound, Benjamin; Graften, C. W.; Green; Greensboro, North Carolina; Harrington; Holland; Holland, Ella; Holland, Herbert; Holland, Sarah Cochrane; Holland, Ursula; Lake Apopka; Leesburg; Little, James; Luraville; Madison; Maitland; Mar's Bluff, South Carolina; Markes, Maggie; Marks; Marks, Adeline Tomlinson; Marks, Jacinta; Marks, Maggie; Marks, Matthew R.; marriage; Mason; Mason, Zolotus; McCorkle, S. V.; McCormack, J. W.; McIlvaine, William E.; McLean, Josephine; McLean, Madison; McLean, Maggie; Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; Mellonville; Methodism; Methodist; Methodist church; Miami; Micanopy; mission; Montgomery, F F.; Montgomery, John W.; Native American; Nichols, Maria Stone; North Carolina; North Florida; Oakland; orange county; Orange House; orlando; Pensacola; pioneer; Presbyterian; Presbyterian church; Presbyterianism; Read, Ford; Rees, Margaret Bruce; religious education; reverend; Rossetter; Rossetter, Appleton T.; Saint Johns Presbytery; Sanford; school; Scotland; Seminole; Seminole War; settlement; Silver Lake Church; South Carolina; Speer; Speer, James G.; St. Johns River; Stagg, John W.; Stockton; Stockton, North Carolina; Sumter County; Sunday school; Suwannee County; Tallahassee; Telford; Telford, R. L.; Telford, William B.; The Early Planting of Presbyterianism in West Florida; The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery; Tufts, Edgar; Turner, George D.; U.S. Army; Volusia County; Walton County; Watson; wedding; Weinrich, Charles; West Florida; Whipple; Whitner, Amelia Melvina Howard; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, B.F.; Whitner, J. N.; Whitner, Joseph Newton; Whitner, Mary Golphin; Whitner, Sarah Jane Church; Willy, John; Woodruff, Nancy Galloway; Woodruff, W. W.; Wylly, George W.; Young People's Musical Group
A History of Central Florida, Episode 7: Spanish Mission Bell
Tags: 58th Avenue; A History of Central Florida; Bob Clarke; Catholic Church; Catholicism; Chip Ford; church; church bell; church bells; churches; Daniel S. Murphree; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; Fifty-Eighth Avenue; John Worth; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kevin Stapleton; missions; Ocala; Ocklawaha River; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Pedro Menéndez de Avilés; Robert Cassanello; Roman Catholic Church; San Blás de Avino; San Luis de Eloquale; Santa Lucia de Acuera; Silver River Museum and Environmental Education Center; Spaniards; Spanish; Spanish Florida; St. Augustine; Weirsdale
A Time to Keep: History of the First Methodist Church of Oviedo, Florida, 1873-1973
Tags: A. Bradford Dinsmore; B. G. Smith; Ben Jones; bishop; Bob Soka; C. R. Clonts, Sr.; Centennial Song; Charles Evans; Charles Niblack; Christian; Christianity; church; clergy; Dan Beistel; David Evans; David W. Rutherford; Don Ulrey; Don Weaver; E. W. Stoner; Eldon Simmons; F. E. Schoenbohm; Fay Stoner; Fellowship Hall; First Methodist Church of Oviedo; Florida Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church; Frank Scharf; Frazier Vail; Harold Jordan; Helen Leinhart; hymn; James Partin; James Staley; Jerry Vick; Joe Smith; Joel D. McDavid; Johann Sebastian Bach; John Evans; John Phillip Coree; Johnie Conley; Kathryn Lawton; L. H. Webb; Lake Jessup; Larry Neely; Lee Gary; Leon Oliff; Libby Lanier; Lift Your Eyes Unto the Harvest; Linda Oliff; Martha Leinhart; Methodism; Methodist; minister; Old 100th; Old Hundred; Old Hundredth; pastor; Phillip Coree; pioneer; prayer; Prelude and Fugue in F Major; Randy Noles; religion; religious service; reverend; Richard Adicks; Rise Up, O Men of God; Robert J. Hughes; Ruth Street; song; Stainer; Susan Clonts; Thomas Moon; Tyson; Virgil Thomson; Walter Rawlson; worship
A Written and Pictorial History of the Oviedo Area Colored Schools, 1890-1967
Tags: . J. Witherspoon; A. Allen; A. Barkley; A. Brooks; A. Browdy; A. Bryant; A. C. Clyton; A. Ely; A. Gainey; A. Garrett; A. Goddett; A. Green; A. Harris; A. J. Muller; A. James; A. Link; A. McKeaver; A. Muller; A. Perkins; A. Rouse; A. Whitney; A. Williams; A. Wright; Academy Avenue; Adeline Jones; African; African American; Alba Finalayeon; Albertha Robinson; Aleatha Hamilton; Allen; Altermese Smith Bentley; alumni; Angie Haws; Annie Corbin Stokes; Annie M. Lovette; Annie Martin; Annie Ruth Howard; Annie Stoke O'Neille; Annie Stokes O'Neille; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; Arbesto M. Craddock; Arbesto M. Washington; Arbesto Muller; Arbesto Muller Johnson; Arbesto Muller Lloyd; Arcee James; Arlene Link Hickson; Arthur Mae Scott; B-CC; B. Banks; B. Browdy; B. Bush; B. Gainey; B. James; B. Jefferson; B. Jones; B. Knight; B. Lewis; B. McKenzie; B. Mims; B. Pittman; B. Tossie; B. Waller; B. White; B. Williams; B. Wright; banks; Baptist; bass; bell; Bernard Hamblen; Bernice Hatcher; Bernice Hatcher Muller; Bernie Walker; Bethune-Cookman College; Betty Crumity Robinson; Betty Joyce Browdy; Beverly Bowers; Black Family Today; Bless Us O Lord; Bobby Henderson; Bonnie Williams; Boston; Brenda Gainey Wilson; Brenda Walker Greene; Broadway Street; Browdy; bus driver; Butler P. Boston; C. Allen; C. Cobb; C. Finney; C. Freeman; C. Gainey; C. Grayson; C. Harris; C. Hatcher; C. Hill; C. Izzard; C. Jackson; C. King; C. Knight; C. L. West; C. Lamar; C. Mikell; C. Moore; C. Noble; C. White; C. Williams; Carrie Mims; Charles Middleton; Charline Whipper; Charlotte Foster; Charlotte Sermons; church; Clara Shellman Walters; Cloie Bacon; Cloie Rhodes Bacon-Brunson; community center; Cook; Cora Snead; Crane; custodian; D. Allen; D. Banks; D. Banks. V. Cone; D. Boston; D. Bowers; D. Carwise; D. Coffie; D. Denyse Hinton; D. H. Bacon; D. H. Jamison; D. Hinton; D. Korn; D. Link; D. Morris; D. Noble; D. Williams; Daisy Elliott; Daphne Bryant; Darius Grayson; David Bush; David Tossie; Debra Holcomb; desegregation; doctor; Dorothy Wilson; Doshia Knight Mitchell; Dossie; E. Allen; E. Bacon; E. Banks; E. Bish; E. Boston; E. Coffie; E. Dixon; E. Gainey; E. Graham; E. Link; E. M. Bush; E. McKenzie; E. Moore; E. Smith; E. Stallworth; E. Washington; E. Whipper; E. Williams; E. Witherspoon; Earline Tossie Carwise; education; educator; Edward Blacksheare; Edward L. Humphrey; Edward Whipper; Eleanor Mobley; elementary school; Ella Bowers; Elliott Smith; Elmira Jaye Fields; Elmira Jaye Fields Hall; Elnora Allen Gilchrist; Emma Byrd; Ethel Burney; Ethel Mason; Evans Bacon; Evelyn Anderson; Evelyn Schroeder; Evelyn Wiggins; F. Braswell; F. Browdy; F. Browdy, Jr.; F. Clark; F. Forte; F. M. Browdy; F. McKeaver; F. Pauldo; Fannie Reed; First Methodist Church; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Forster; Fountainhead Missionary Baptist Church; Frances; Freddie Muller Mobley; freeman; G. Boston; G. Browdy; G. Brown; G. Bush; G. C. Banks; G. Godwin; G. H. Carlton; G. Mikell; G. Muller; G. Pittman; G. Redding; G. Rolle; G. Sapp; G. Smith. R. Ely; G. Stallworth; G. Washington; G. Williams; G. Wilson; Gabriella Colored School; Geneva; Geneva Colored School; Georgianna McClendon; Georgianna Thompson; Gertrude Davis; Gladys Finney; Gladys Holmes; Gladys Holmes Smith; Gladys Ingram; Gladys Smith; Gloria Godwin; Gracia Muller; Gracia Muller-Miller; graduate; graduation; Greg Tossie; H. Bass; H. Bush; H. Carwise; H. Davis; H. Denard; H. Denard. C. Carwise; H. Detreville; H. Dumas; H. Jones; H. Muller; H. Rhodes; H. Washington; Hamilton Elementary School; Harry Stewart; Hattie McGee; Hayley Miller; Herbert Cherry; Herbert Washington; Holly Malcolm; Horace Jackson; Hortense Givings; Hortense Givings Evans; Howard Bass; I. Barkley; I. Brinson; I. Browers; I. Cobb; I. Muller; Ida Muller; Ida Muller Anderson; Inez Barthwell; Inez Barthwell Rhodes; Ingrid Muller Witherspoon; integration; Isaac Bowers; J. Argo; J. Bass; J. Boston; J. Browdy; J. Brown; J. Bryant; J. Bumont; J. Cobb; J. E. Oxedine; J. Fields; J. H. Browdy; J. Hird; J. Hodges; J. Izzard; J. Jackson; J. Jones; J. King; J. Knight; J. Matthew; J. Moore; J. Robinson; J. Smith; J. Tilden Jacobs; J. W. Muller; J. W. Wright. H. Boston; J. Washington; J. Williams; J. Wynn; Jackie Morgan; Jackson; Jackson Heights Elementary School; Jackson Heights Elementary School Dance Society; Jackson Heights Middle School; James Golden; Jameson Studio; Janice Brockington-Renn; Janie Jackson; janitor; Jannie Jackson; Jeannette Glover Oliver; Jennie Jackson; Jennie McPherson; Jessie Bronson; JHES; Jimmie Lee Blair; John Richard Edward Jones; Johnnie Copper; Johnnie M. McGee; Joseph S. Smith; Juanita McClendon; Judith Smith; Judith Smith Publishing; Julia Merritt; K. Ashe; K. Washington; Karen Jacobs; Karen Ponder; Kathy Denard; Katie R. Burke; Kelley Muller-Smith; Kolokee Colored School; L. Alexander; L. Ashe; L. Bass; L. Blair; L. Bruce; L. Bryant; L. C. Redding; L. Cooper; L. Crane; L. Davis; L. Elliot; L. Fudge; L. G. Smith; L. Hendrix; L. Jones; L. Lewis; L. Sapp; L. Smith; L. Whipper; L. Wilkerson; L. Wilson; L. Wynn; Lamar; LaRhonda Jones; Larry Miller; librarian; Lillie Robinson Hall; Lillie Robinson Hall Williams; Linda Johnson; Linda Smith Johnson; Lois Smith; Lola Nettles; Louis Parnell; Louise Parnell; Louise Parnell Williams; Lucille Jackson; M. Allen; M. Bell; M. Brooks; M. Bryant; M. Carwise; M. Culons; M. F. Muller; M. Frances; M. Francis; M. Graham; M. Grimmage; M. Jackson; M. James; M. Jones; M. Lott; M. Lowman; M. Martin; M. Milton; M. Oxedine; M. Rhodes; M. Smith; M. Stallworth; M. Stewart; M. Whiney; M. Williams; Mae Edwards; Mae F. Edwards Muller; Mae Francis Edwards Muller; Mae Lindsey; Margaret Dixon; Margaret Lee; Margie Garner; Marie Stocer; Marimon; Mark Wilson; Marvin Collins; Marvin Stervin; Mary Clark; Mary Curtis; Mary E. Francis; Mary Elburt; Mary Helen Carwise; Mary Helen Carwise Smith; Marylen Mobley; middle school; Miller; Mims; Mintrel Martin; Mitchell Studio; N. Brown; N. Link; N. Stallworth; Nan Parker; O. Banks; O. Boston; O. C. Banks; O. Davis; O. King; O. Wilson; OHS; Ophelia Jones Moore; Ora D. Lee; orange county; Ossie Banks; Oviedo; Oviedo Colored School; Oviedo Elementary School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Negro Schools; P. Bellamy; P. Denard; P. Green; P. Greene; P. Hatcher; P. Hollermann; P. Jefferson; P. Moore; P. Morgan; P. Redding; P. Williams; Pam Mazzotta; Pardon Farm; Parent-Teacher Association; Park's Grocery; Paul Laws; Pearl Sermons; Praise Dancers; principal; PTA; Q. Muller; Quinncia Muller; R. Ashe; R. Banks; R. Barkley, Jr.; R. Boston; R. Bush; R. Figures; R. Fudge; R. Gainey; R. Godwin; R. Hartsfield; R. Jones; R. McKeaver; R. Mims; R. Moore; R. Morgan; R. Muller; R. Robinson; R. Rouse; R. Stallworth; R. Stewart; Ray Hall Wright; Raymond Studio; Rebecca Inge; Red School House; Reed; reunion; Rhodes; Robert Boston; Robert Calhoun; Robin Muller; Robinson; Ronald Godwin; Rouse; S. Argo; S. Bass; S. E. Monroe; S. Glover; S. Grimmage; S. Harper; S. Hodges; S. Jackson; S. Jones; S. Knight; S. Link; S. Norris; S. Smith; S. T. Muller; S. W. Baker; S. Williams; Sam Jones; Samuel Stallworth; Sandra Kahn; Sanford; school; SCPS; segregation; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Silver Springs; slave; slavery; Snowhill; South Division Street; St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church; St. James AME Church; student; Susie Blacksheare; Susie Bronson; Susie Harrington; T. Bush; T. Denise Perkins; T. Hill; T. J. Williams; T. Jackson; T. Jefferson; T. Levine; T. M. Vinson; T. Quinn; T. W. Lawton; T. Williams; Tara Denise Stewart Perkins; teacher; The New Gospelettes; The World Outside Reunion; Thelma Zachery; Thomas Reid; U. Campbell; U. McFadden; U. P. Bronson; U. S. Bacon; UN; United Nations; V. Braswell; V. Campbell; V. Cone; V. Francis; V. Gainey; V. Harris; V. Jenkins; V. Robinson; Vivian Hurston Bowden; W. Banks; W. Barkley; W. Bass; W. Boston; W. Braswell; W. Brown; W. Conley; W. Goddett; W. H. Bacon; W. H. Long; W. Harper; W. Hartsfield; W. Hollerman; W. Jackson; W. Jones; W. M. Lewis; W. Mays; W. McGray; W. Moore; W. Robinson; W. Smith; W. Vinson; W. White; Wagner Colored School; Wanda Wilkerson; Whitney Tossie; Wilbert H. Smith; William Hamilton; Willie L. Craddock; Willie Merkerson; Wylene Jones; Z. Davis; Z. Jefferson; Z. T. Davis; Zonnye M. Tucker; Zonnye T. Davis; Zonnye T. Dixon
Action Center USA
Tags: airplanes; airports; amusement parks; Arnold Daniel Palmer; Arnold Palmer; arts; automobiles; baseballs; Billy Kelly; boating; boats; Bruce Devlin; Bruce William Devlin; Cape Kennedy; cars; Central Florida Museum; chambers of commerce; church; churches; citrus; citrus groves; Citrus Open Golf Tournament; City Beautiful; City of Orlando; cold war; colleges; Colonial Plaza Mall; Commerce; County of Orange; Dean Refram; Delta Air Lines; dog racing; Doug Sanders; Downtown Orlando; Eastern Air Lines; Elegant Company; festivals; Florida Symphony Orchestra; Florida Technological University; footballs; FTU; George Alfred Christian Knudson; George Douglas Sanders; George Knudson; Glover; golf; golfers; Graduate Engineering Education System; Grant Gravitt; Herndon Municipal Airport; highways; I-4; industrial parks; Interstate 4; jai alai; Jim Carlton; Joan Roberts; Julius Boros; Julius Nicholas Boros; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; libraries; library; Loch Haven Art Center; Mad Tea Party; manufacturing; marching bands; Martin Marietta Corporation; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; McCoy Jetport; Minnesota Twins; Minute Maid Company; monorails; motor vehicles; National Airlines; orange county; Orange County School System; oranges; orchestras; orlando; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; Orlando businesses; Orlando Central Park; Orlando Junior College; Orlando Panthers; Orlando Public Library; Orlando Twins; paintings; parks; planes; Player; retail; roads; Rollins College; Rule; schools; Seven Dwarfs; shopping; shopping malls; shops; space; space age; space race; sports; Spring Training; stores; Sunny Fader; synagogues; Tangerine Bowl; technology; Tel Air Interests, Inc.; theme parks; Tupperware Brands; UF; University of Florida; Vanda Cosmetics; Walt Disney; Walt Disney World Resort; Walter Elias Disney; water skiing; Weiskopf; Winter Park; Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival; Xerox Corporation
Aerial View of Downtown Winter Garden
Tags: Baptist Church; Baptists; church; churches; Downtown Winter Garden; feed stores; First Baptist Church of Winter Garden; Gem Supermarket; groceries; grocery; railroad depots; railroads; South Apopka Supply Company; supermarkets; Tavares & Gulf Railroad Depot; Up From the Ashes; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Feed Store
All Souls Catholic Church Historic Chapel, 2011
Annual Report of the Board of Supervisors of the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District, 1958
Tags: agriculture; Ben Wiggins; Bonner L. Carter; C. A. Wales; Cecil Tucker II; Central Florida Experiment Station; Charles Simeon Lee; chlorides; church; churches; conservation; drainage; farmers; flowing wells; irrigation; John Winter; Methodists; nematodes; Oviedo: C. S. Lee; Phil Westgate; R. V. Forbes; Ralph Hammond; ranchers; ranching, farming; Robert E. Lee; Robert Lee; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; Soil and Conservation Service; SSWCD; truck farming; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; Vo-Ag; W. W. Linz; water control
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church of Oviedo
Art Legends of Orange County: The Art of Hal McIntosh
Tags: 5th Street; abstract art; Albin Polasek; Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens; antique; architect; architecture; art; art school; art show; artist; Artistic Consultant; Bassford School; Blue Heron Gallery; Bok Fellow; Bok Mountain Lake Sanctuary and Singing Tower; Bok Tower Gardens; Brigham Young; Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Catholicism; Center Street Gallery; chapel; Charles Hawthorne; Charles Prendergast; church; college; Commercial Street; commission; Cove Gallery; education; educator; Emily Muska Kubat; Emily Muska Kubat Polasek; Erin Parke; exhibition; Farnsworth, Jerry; festival; Fifth Street; gallery; Genius, Jeanette; Glass House; Golden Cricket Shop; Great Depression; Hal McIntosh; Hopper, Edward; Hopper, Jo; Hopper, Josephine “Jo” Verstille Nivision; Japan; Japanese; Johnson House; Jules André Smith; Kent Wacker; Lake Wales; Lily Lake; Mahonri Macintosh Young; Maitland Art Center; Maitland Research Studio; Man Carving His Own Destiny; Mary Louise Curtis; Mary Louise Curtis Bok; Mary Louise Curtis Bok Zimbalist; Maurice Brazil Prendergast; Maury Hurt; McCain, Hugh; McKean, Jeanette Genius; Miller Gallery; museum; Naples; Nivision, Jo; Nivision, Josephine “Jo” Verstille; painter; painting; Park Avenue; Philip Cortelyou Johnson; portrait; portraiture school; Provincetown, Massachusetts; religion; restoration; Rever Haines; Rollins College; Roman Catholic; Sanford; Sarasota; Sawyer, Helen; school; sculpting; sculptor; sculpture; Solarte; Stations of the Cross; student; teacher; The Way; Two Horses; university; Via Crucis; Via Dolorosa; Virginia; Way of Sorrows; Way of the Cross; Winter Park Arts Festival
Bombardment of Reims Cathedral Postcard
Bombardment of Reims Postcard
Boston Hill Cemetery Dedication
Cathedral Church of St. Luke
Cathedral Church of St. Luke, 2014
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Postcard
Cathedral of St. John-the-Baptist Postcard
Cathedral of St. John-the-Baptist Postcard
Centennial Book of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, Florida, 1874-1974
Back, George H.; Brewer, Gregory O.; Cathedral Church of St. Luke of Orlando; cathedrals; Centennial Book of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke; Chapter House; church; churches; Clark, Anthony P.; Episcopal Church; Episcopal Diocese
of Central Florida; Episcopal Diocese
of Central Florida; Episcopal Diocese of South Florida; Episcopal Missionary Jurisdiction of South Florida; Episcopalianism; Episcopalians; Eppes, Francis; Folwell, William H.; Frohman, Philip Hubert; Frohman, Robb, and Little; Gaskell, Charles T.; General Convention of the Episcopal Church; Gray, Francis Campbell; Gray, William Crane; Howe, John W.; Johnson, Melville F.; Little, Harry B.; Littleford, Osborne R.; Lobs, G. Richard III; Louttit, Henry Irving; Magnolia Avenue; Mann, Cameron; orlando; Robb, E. Donald; Sherman, Harry B.; Smith, Daniel B.; Spencer, Lucien A.; Ward, C. W.; Whitaker, O'Kelley; Wing, John Durham
Children at the First Baptist Church of Oviedo
Church of the Good Shepherd Postcard
Church Street, Showing Huguenot and St. Philip's Church Postcard
Tags: , Reformed Christianity; Anglicanism; Anglicans; Calvinism; Calvinists; Charles II of England; Charleston, South Carolina; church; Church of England; Church Street; churches; Edict of Nantes; Episcopalians; French Huguenot Church; French Protestant Church; Gothic Revival; Huguenot Church; Huguenots; Reformed faith; Reformed Protestantism; Reformed tradition; St. Philip's Episcopal Church; Westminster of the South
Construction of the First Baptist Church of Winter Garden
Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery, 2011
Tags: cemetery; church; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; grave; gravestone; headstone; McDonald, James D.; MECS; Methodist church; Mizell, Morgan Montgomery; orlando; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church South; tombstone; UMC
Crypte de la Chapelle Louis XVI Postcard
Tags: archduchess; Archduchess of Austria; archduchesses; Chapel of Louis XVI; Chapelle Expiatoire; Chapelle Louis XVI; chapels; church; churches; crypt; Dauphine of France; dauphines; King of France; King of the French; kings; Louis Capet; Louis XVI; Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna; Marie Antoinette; monarchs; Paris, Île-de-France, France; Queen of France; Queen of Navarre; queens; Roman Catholicism; Roman Catholics
Ebenezer United Methodist Church, 2003
Eulogistical Services For the Late Mother Margaret Jones
Tags: Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Charles; Black, Harry; Black, Lugenia; Black, Lula Mae Haynes; Black, Maggie Benjamin; Black, Margaret; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; Bookman, Fannie; Brown, Bob; Childs, Christine; church; Church of God; Devaux, Leon; eulogy; funeral; Gospel Choir; Hardy, Aletha; Hayes, Tommie; Hestle, Roosevelt; Hickory Avenue; Hickory Avenue Church of God; Jones, James; Jones, James W.; Jones, Margaret Black; Ladies Auxiliary; Lawson, Charles; Lawson, Harriett Black; Miller, Dorothy; Mothers' Board; Parrish, Pauline Jones; Randall, Ella; Sanders, Percell; Sanford; The Angelic Trio; Turner, Odell; Wesley Brothers Printers
First Baptist Church of Winter Garden
First Methodist Church of Orlando Postcard
Tags: Ashbury Hall; church; Cook, Thomas; First Methodist Church of Orlando; First Methodist Episcopal Church of Orlando; First United Methodist Church of Orlando; Genuine Curteich-Chicago; Jackson Street; Ledbetter Building; Methodism; Methodist church; Methodists; Orange News Company; orlando; Wesley Hall
First Presbyterian Church of Orlando Postcard
First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, 2003
First United Methodist Church of Orlando, 2003
Tags: church; Cook, Thomas; Downtown Orlando; First UMC of Orlando; First United Methodist Church of Orlando; Greek Classical Revival architecture; Jackson Street; Magnolia Avenue; MECS; Methodism; Methodist church; Methodist Episcopal Church; Methodist Episcopal Church, South; orlando; UMC; United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church of Oviedo Pamphlet
Fort Pierce Railroad Station
Funeral Services for the Late Mrs. Leatha Walker
Tags: Baptist; Baptist Church; Barnes, Clementine; Beach, Fernandina; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Harry; Black, Israel Bradley; Black, Leatha; Black, Maggie Benjamin; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; Bradley, Robert; Brown, W.; Bullard, E.; church; funeral; Gospel Choir; Hickory Avenue Church of God; Jones, Margaret; Lawson, Harriett; Light Foot Cemetery; Mt. Moriah Primity Baptist Church; Oliver, Carrie; Order of the Eastern Star; Rebecca Chapter No. 83; Sanders Funeral Home; Sanders, P.; Sanford; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Snelling, J. S.; St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church; Walker, A. W.; Walker, Clyde; Walker, Harry; Walker, Leatha Black; Wilson, R.; Zanders, Flossie; Zanders, R.
Girls' Auxiliary at the First Baptist Church of Oviedo
Headstone for Dr. David Fort Anderson and Eliza Harrop Kenderdine Anderson at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: Anderson, David Fort; Anderson, Eliza Harrop Kenderdine; cemetery; church; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; grave; gravestone; headstone; Kenderdine, Eliza Harrop; McDonald, James D.; MECS; Methodist church; Mizell, Morgan Montgomery; orlando; postmaster; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; tombstone; UMC
Headstone for George White Crawford at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: 5th Tennessee Infantry; cattle; cattle industry; cemetery; church; citrus; citrus industry; Confederate Army; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; Crawford, Cora Belle; Crawford, Ethel; Crawford, George White; Crawford, John; Crawford, Sarah; Florida State Legislature; grave; gravestone; headstone; McDonald, James D.; MECS; Methodist church; Mizell, Morgan Montgomery; Mizell, Sarah; orlando; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Second Lieutenant; senator; state legislator; state representative; state senator; Tennessee; tombstone; UMC; veteran
Headstone for Joseph A. Barber at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: cemetery; church; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; grave; gravestone; headstone; McDonald, James D.; MECS; Methodist church; Mizell, Morgan Montgomery; Orange County Democratic Executive Committee; orlando; Osceola County; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; tax collector; tombstone; UMC
Headstone for Joseph Katz Barber, Ronald Joseph Barber, and Dixie Pharr Barber at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: Barber, Dixie Pharr; Barber, Ronald Joseph; cemetery; church; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; grave; gravestone; headstone; Jaycee Good Government Award; McDonald, James D.; MECS Barber, Joseph Katz; MECS Mizell, Morgan Montgomery; Methodist church; Mizell, Morgan Montgomery; Orange County Commissioner; orlando; Pharr, Dixie; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Supervisor of Registration; tombstone; UMC
Headstone for Morgan Montgomery Mizell at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: cemetery; church; Civil War; Company Old Guards; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; E. T. Kendrick's Company Old Guards; grave; gravestone; headstone; Kendrick, E. T.; MECS; Methodist church; Mizell, Beulah; Mizell, David, Jr.; Mizell, Emma Roper; Mizell, Eulene; Mizell, Fletcher; Mizell, Ida; Mizell, Mary Pearce; Mizell, Morgan Montgomery; Mounted Rangers; orlando; Pearce, Mary; Perry, Beulah Mizell; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Roper, Emma; second lieutenan; Second Lieutenant; Seminole Wars; Smith, Eulene Mizell; Third Seminole War; tombstone; UMC; veteran; Winter Park
Headstone for Sarah Crawford Cullen at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: cemetery; church; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; Crawford, George White; Crawford, Sarah; Cullen, Cara Bell; Cullen, Ethel; Cullen, Frank Wheeler; Cullen, John; Cullen, Sarah CrawfordRemove; Democratic Party; Democrats; grave; gravestone; headstone; MECS; Methodist church; Mizell, Sarah; orange county; Orange County Democratic Committee; orlando; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; tombstone; UMC
Headstone for William Harrison Holden, Nancy A. Mizell Holden, and Florence C. Holden at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: Brahman bull; cattle; cemetery; church; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Civil War; Convention Committee; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; county commissioner; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; graprefuit grove; grave; gravestone; headstone; Holden, Cora; Holden, Florence C.; Holden, John; Holden, Mary; Holden, Nancy A. Mizell; Holden, Norman; Holden, William; Holden, William Harrison; Lake Holden; MECS; Methodist church; Orange County Commission; orlando; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Tallahassee; tombstone; UMC; veteran; Virginia; Watson's Company Florida Mounted Troop
Headstone of David Mizell, Jr. at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: cemetery; church; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; grave; gravestone; headstone; McDonald, James D.; MECS; MECS Mizell, David, Jr.; Methodist church; Mizell, David, Jr.; Mizell, Morgan Montgomery; Orange County Commission; orlando; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; state legislator; tombstone; UMC
History of Sanford Grammar School
Tags: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream; A. F. Westerdick; A. J. Pinder; A. P. Montague; Albert Hickson; Alice McRae; Allen; Apopka; art education; Arthur Vaugh; arts; August Tucker; Augustus J. Vaugh; B. F. Whitner; Bakery Wagon; Bill Cowan; Blackwater; Board of Trustees; Brady; Building Committee; C. F. Harrison; Cameron City; Central Florida Zoo; Chase and Company; Christian Endeavor; church; churches; Citizens Committee; city councils; City of Sanford; Clara Louise Guild; Columbia College; construction; Cross Prairie; D. L. Thrasher; Dodd; Dodd House; Dominick's Ice Cream Push Cart; Downtown Sanford; E. W. Dunn; education; elementary schools; Elson Art Exhibition; Elton J. Moughton; Ernest Chapel; F. E. Steinmeyer; F. P. Foster; Flora Walker; Flubart; foreign language education; Fort Reed; Fort Reed School; French; G. W. Venable; George Fox; grammar schools; H. R. Stevens; Hambone Station; Hansel and Gretel; Hudson School Furniture Company; Irving Literary Society; J. N. Whitner; J. O. Andes; J. Tilden Jacobs; Jim Spencer; Jimmie Glass; Lake Jessup; Laurel Avenue; Lodge; Lucile Campbell; Lula Tucker; lunchrooms; Mabel bram; May Day; Mellonville; Methodist church; Model T Ford; music education; N. J. Perkins; Oliver J. Miller; orange county; orlando; P. M. Elde; Peer Gynt; Phillips; physical education; principals; Public School Building No. 1; Public School Building No. 2; Public School Building No. 3; Randall; Robert Lord; Rosalie Morris; S. C. Dickson; S. G. Kennedy; S. Runge; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford and Everglades Railroad; Sanford City Council; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Athletic Association; Sanford Lodge of Masons; Sanford Traction Company; school bonds; school superintendents; Seminole County; Sixth Street; South Side School; Special Committee of School House; special education; Special School District No. 1; Stenstrom; Stetson University; Stewart; students; superintendent of public instruction; teachers; The Sanford Herald; Tomkins; Vihlen; W. B. Lynch; Walter Holt; Westside Primary School; Whiteman; Wofford Tucker; Woodland Park
Huguenot Church, French Protestant Postcard
Interior Iglesia San Francisco, Antigua, Guatemala Postcard
Interior of the Chapel of Louis XVI Postcard
Interior, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Postcard
James C. Murray
Tags: 2nd Avenue; Bethune, Mary Jane McLeod; chapel; church; clergy; Daytona Beach; Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Boulevard; McLeod, Mary Jane; Methodism; Methodist; Murray, James C.; pastor; Second Avenue; Spruce Street; Stewart Memorial Episcopal Church; Stewart Memorial Methodist Church; Stewart Memorial United Methodist Church
Jardin de la Chapelle Postcard
Kühtai with Gaiskogl Postcard
Letter from E. R. Trafford to Henry Shelton Sanford (February 25, 1884)
Map of Boston Hill Cemetery
Memorial Services Program for Sergeant John B. Hancock
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church of Orlando
New Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 2011
Tags: 12th Street; African American; African-American church; Baptist; Baptist Church; Blackshere, A.; Board of Trustees; Brown, F. J. R.; church; Franklin, Thelma; Goldsboro; Johnson, R. M.; Knight, C. S.; MacDonald, Kathleen; McQueen, A. C.; New Mount Calvary Baptist Church; Pecan Avenue; Sanford; Simmons, C. L.; Spear, Prince W.; Thomas, J. T.; Trustee Board; Twelfth Street; Wilson, T. W.; Zachary, S. A.
New Tribes Mission Grows
Tags: 1st Street; Bernard McFadden Gymnasium; Brown Gold; Celery Printing; Celery Printing Co.; Celery Printing Company; charitable organization; charity; church; Family News; First St.; First Street; gym; gymnasium; Johnston, Kenneth; Mayfair; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; New Testament; New Tribes Mission; New Tribes Mission HQ; New Tribes Mission Headquarters; New Tribes Missionaries; non-denominational; NTM; NTM Headquarters; NTM HQ; Pounds, Geoffrey; renovations; Sanford Herald; Sanford Naval Academy; SNA; Sunday school
Oral History of Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch
Tags: aircraft; airplanes; Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch; Andrew Aulin III; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andy Aulin; AWS; bank tellers; banks; Baptist Training Union; Baptist Young Peoples Union; Baptists; Bettye Jean Aulin McGill; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Billy Beatrice Bunch Parrot; BTU; BYPU; Charles Warren Aulin; church; churches; citrus; Downtown Orlando; Downtown Oviedo; Evans; Frank Wheeler; Frank Wheeler, Jr.; history harvests; Lawton; Lee; Llewellyn Roberts Bartlett, Jr.; Martha Lenora Aulin Wheeler; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; Mary Bunch; Mary Kathryn Bunch Hamby; Mary Leonora Aulin Bartlett; Mattie Aulin Wheeler; Methodists; Naval Training Center Orlando; Nelson and Company; NTC Orlando; OHS; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo History Harvest; Oviedo School; packing; planes; Porsha Dossie; Richard Burdette Bunch; Robert Lee Wheeler; sailors; servicemen; soldiers; Steen Nelson; swimming pools; U.S. Army Air Force Aircraft Warning Service; U.S. Navy; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Bette Skates
Tags: ACL; Alexander Ramsey; Alicia Clarke; altars; ambassadors; assassinations; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; atomic bombs; beauty shops; Belair Grove; Belgium; bells; Bette Skates; Bye Lo Hotel; Cape Canaveral; carpetbaggers; Cathedral Church of St. Luke; charities; charity; church; church bells; churches; citrus; citrus groves; Civil War; Clarke, Alicia; Cochran, Georgia; cockroach; cockroaches; community service; Craftsman Airplane Bungalow; Crooms High School; Cuban Missile Crisis; desegregation; Diana Dombrowski; Downtown Sanford; education; educators; elementary school; Episcopal Church; Episcopalianism; Episcopalians; exceptional education; FCAT; Ferrante Brothers; fires; Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test; Gateway to South Florida; Geneva; Geneva Elementary School; Gertrude Dupuy; Gertrude Dupuy Sanford; Guiding Light for Grace and Grits; Historical Society of Central Florida; Holeman; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; homeless; hurricanes; Idyllwilde; Idyllwilde Elementary School; Jack Kennedy; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Lake Mary; lemons; Lyman Phelps; Mellonville; memorials; Middle Georgia College; Montezuma Hotel; Museum of Seminole County History; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Math; Ninth Street; OJC; Orange Blossom Special; orange grove; orange groves; oranges; organs; Orlando Junior College; Patrick Henry; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; priests; railroads; roach; roaches; Sanford; Sanford Museum; school desegregation; school integration; schools; Seminole County; Space Shuttle Challenger; Spanish Mediterranean Architecture; special education; St. Gertrude's Grove; standardized testing; Stetson University; sulfur water; teachers; The Champion; Title I school; trains; U.S. Navy; Union; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Bette Skates, 2010
Tags: A History of the First Baptist Church, Sanford, Florida, 1884-1984; agriculture; Alicia Clarke; Austin Smith; Baptist Church; Belair Grove; Bette Skates; Brooks; Camp Monroe; celery; Chase and Company; Chase Groves Condominium; Christmas; church; churches; citrus; citrus groves; City of Sanford; congregations; crime rates; crimes; desegregation; Downtown Sanford; enterprises; Episcopal Church; fires; First Baptist Church; First Baptist Church of Sanford; First United Methodist Church; First United Methodist Church of Sanford; Florida State Road 46; Forrest Lake; Fort Mellon; Fort Reed; Fourth Street; French Avenue; Gateway to South Florida; Gertrude Dupuy; Gertrude Dupuy Sanford; Grace Marie Stinecipher; Halifax River; Harman; Henry B. Plant; Henry Bradley Plant; Henry Flagler; Henry Morrison Flagler; Henry Shelton Sanford; Holeman; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; hurricanes; integration; Josh Chase; Joshua Coffin Chase; Julia Chase; Korean War; Lake Mary; Laura Chase; Lyman Phelps; Mellonville; memorials; Methodist church; migrant labor; migrant workers; missionaries; missionary; Museum of Seminole County History; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; orange groves; race relations; Ran Chase; Randall Chase, Jr.; Randall Chase, Sr.; Sanford; St. Gertrude Grove; Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr.; Thursday Night Alive; veterans; Whipple; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan
Tags: Abraham Lincoln; Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch; American flags; Anderson; Andrew Aulin III; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Schott Reagan; Andy Aulin; art; artists; Aulin Avenue; Aulin's Landing; awards; B. F. Wheeler; baccalaureate services; Baptists; Bayton; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Bettye Reagan; bicycles; bike riding; bikes; Black Beauty; Bob Ward; book reports; books; bovines; busing; camping; canines; car accidents; cattle; chapels; Charles Warren Aulin; Charlie McCulley; Charlotte Lee Lawton; church; churches; clothes; clothing; Coat of Many Colors; coats; cops and robbers; cows; cycling; Daniel Lee McGill; Daniel Lee Reagan; Debbie Lynn Reagan; desegregation; discipline; doctors; dogs; Don Reagan; Donald Thomas Reagan; dressmakers; dressmaking; drugstores; Easter; education; educators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; flags; Florida State Bank; forts; Frankie D. Gore; fruit testers; GA; games; George Lee Wheeler; Girls’ Auxiliaries; graduations; Grand Ole Opry; gym; Heidi; high schools; immigrants; immigration; integration; Jackson Borough School for Nursing; Jacobs; Joanne Ward; Joel Edwin McGill; Joel McGill; Julie Karin Reagan; Kathleen An Reagan; Kathleen Ann McGill; Lake Charms; Lake Mary; Lee; Leonard Franklin Slye; Lillian Della Lee Lawton; Lona Lawton Aulin; Lottie Lee Lawton; Martin; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; Mary Leonora Aulin Bartlett; milk; milking; Morrison’s Cafeteria; Nelson and Company; novels; oranges; orlando; Orlando Transit; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oviedo, Spain; P.E.; painters; painting; Patrick Kelley Reagan; pets; physical education; physicians; postmasters; pranks; RA; race relations; radios; Rebecca Schwandt; Rollins College; Roy Rogers; Royal Ambassadors; Sanford; school bus; school buses; schools; seamstress; seamstresses; segregation; sewing; Slavia; spitz; spitzen; storekeepers; strawberries; strawberry; Sunbeam Band; Swedes; Swedish; swimming pools; T. W. Lawton; teachers; telephone operators; The Roy Rogers Show; Thomas Willington Lawton; Trigger; Troubles; Tusta's Drugstore; W. J. Lawton; Walker; weddings; West; West House; Wheeler; Wheeler Fertilizer Company; White's Wharf; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.
Oral History of Connie Reuter
Tags: Abingdon, Virginia; active duty; Airman Apprenticeship Training School; Baldwin Park; basic training; Beechcraft T-34 Mentor; birth control glasses; boot camps; chapels; chow halls; church; churches; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; Connie Reuter; Corpus Christi, Texas; CVHP; Delayed Entry Program; DEP; drill teams; education; educators; enlistment; eyeglasses; females; firearms; Fleet Week; G.I. glasses; gas chambers; gig lines; glasses; graduations; Ground Zero; guns; Hines; inactive duty; Ingelside, Texas; instructors; Leanne Wiggins; Liberty Call; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Martha Reuter; memorials; MEP; Merritt; military education; Military Entrance Processing; military training; NAS Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Ingelside; Naval Air Warfare Center Training System Division; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Buddy Enlistment Program; NAWCTSD; New York City, New York; NS Ingelside; NTC Orlando; orlando; peanut butter; Petty Officer, Second Class; photographer's mates; photographers; photography; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; RTC Orlando; sailors; ships; suicides; T-34; teachers; The Grinder; training; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; USN; USNR; USS Blue Jacket; veterans; weather; woman; women; World Trade Center; WTC
Oral History of Dick Quentin Harkey
Tags: African Americans; Airport Boulevard; Altamonte Springs; Amtrak; Antoinette Jennings; Apopka; ATF; Atlanta, Georgia; Beverly Harkey; Bill Gorman; Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre; Bob Egan; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; campaign coordinators; campaigns; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens; Channel 24; Channel 9; Charlotte, North Carolina; Cheryl Harkey; church; churches; city commissioners; claims adjusters; Claims Department; Claude R. Kirk, Jr.; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; CNA Financial Corporation; Creative Sanford, Inc.; CSX Transportation; Dick Quentin Harkey; Downtown Orlando; Downtown Sanford; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Erika Mattfeld; Eustis; Florida Central Railroad; Florida Hospital Health Village; Florida State Road 417; Florida State Road 441; Florida State Road 46; Fort Lauderdale; Gainesville, Georgia; George H. W. Bush; George Herbert Walker Bush; Governor of Florida; governors; Great American Insurance Group; Harvey LeRoy Atwater; hospitals; Hugh Walker; ILC; IMA; insurance; Intracoastal Waterway; IOC; Isaacson; Jackson Port; Jacobs; Jeanie Austin; Joe Montesanto; John King; John Luigi Mica; John Mica; John Street; Kirk Douglas; Lake Mary; Lake Nona; Lake Nona Medical City; Lawson Lamar; Lee Atwater; Lockhart; Longwood; Magic Kingdom Park; maids; Maitland Civic Center; Manatee Port; Marianne Harkey; Mark McCarty; Maxwell House; Methodists; Mount Dora; New York City, New York; Nicky Bernstein; Orange Blossom Express; orange county; Order of the Elbow; orlando; Orlando Regional Realtor Association; Orlando Utilities Commission; OUC; Pam Beach; Panama Canal; Peace Tree Hills Road; Peggy Spagler; race relations; railroads; railways; Republican National Committee; Republican Party of Florida; Republicans; Retan; Rich Crotty; Richard Lynn Scott; Richard T. Crotty; Rick Scott; RNC; Robbie Harkey; Robert Egan; S Line; Sand Lake Road; Sanford; Sanford City Commission; Sanford Welcome Center; Scott Vandergrift; segregation; Spagler, Peggy; SR 417; SR 441; SR 46; state representatives; state senators; SunRail; Taft; Tavares; Terry Griffin; The Help; The Sail Club; Toni Jennings; Toni Jennings Public Service Award; Trish Thompson; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; University of Georgia; US Railcar Company; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Walt Disney World; West Palm Beach; WFTV; William D. Gorman; Winter Haven; Winter Haven Integrated Logistics Center; WMFE-TV; Young Harris College; Young Republicans; YR
Oral History of Grace Marie Stinecipher
Tags: Andrew Joseph Bracken; Angels' Eat Shack; Baptist Church; Baptist Training Union; Baptists; beach; beaches; Bill Stemper; BTU; Central Baptist Church; Chance; Chance Education Building; church; churches; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; Crooms High School; Debbie P. Brooks; Demorest, Georgia; desegregation; Diana Dombrowski; Downton Sanford; Edgar Cooper; education; educators; Elder Springs Baptist Church; Fernald-Laughton Memorial Hospital; First Baptist Church of Sanford; Freedom of Choice; George Hyman; Girl Scouts; Gladys Stemper; Grace Marie Stinecipher; Henton; historians; Historical Society of Central Florida; integration; Jack Stemper; Joe Canard; journalists; Lake Silver Elementary School; Marie Stemper; McColonel's Drugstore; missions; Museum of Seminole County History; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Smyrna Beach; North Park Baptist Church; Oak Lawn Baptist Church; Old Baptist Temple; orlando; Piedmont College; Pig 'n Whistle; Pinecrest Baptist Church; Polly Pigtails; Preston's Drugstore; Robert Anderson; Sandy Shack; Sanford; Seminole High School; Southern Baptists; Southside Baptist Church; Stuart Gadshaw; Sunday schools; teachers; The Celery Crate; The Florida Baptist Witness; The Sanford Herald; The Way We Were; U.S. Navy; Victory Baptist Church; Walt Disney World Resort; Westview Baptist Church; Winter Park
Oral History of Ida Boston
Tags: Academy Place; African American; agriculture; Alexander Atkinson; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; Baptist; barber; barbershop; Boston Alley; Boston Hill Cemetery; Boston Street; bus; bus driver; Butler Boston Project; Canterbury Retreat; carpenter; cemetery; church; citrus; City of Oviedo; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; desegregation; Division Street; doctor; drugstore; education; equal rights; farmer; farming; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; graveyard; grower; Henry Jackson; Ida Boston; integration; Jackson Heights Elementary School; Jackson Heights Middle School; James Bordy; Joseph Boston; Julia Boston; Lake Gem; Lindsay Lane; Little Red School House; nonviolent resistance; OCIAC; OHS; oral history; orange; Oviedo; Oviedo Citizens in Action; Oviedo Colored School; Oviedo High School; physician; plantation; Porsha Dossie; Prince Butler Atkinson; Prince Butler Boston; protest; race relations; racism; Russell W. Boston; Sanford; school; SCPS; segregation; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; sit-down; sit-in
Oral History of Ingrid Bryant
Tags: A. M. Jones; Anna Marcantoni; bishops; Carlos Velez-Munich; Catholicism; Catholics; Cherokee Junior High School; Chuluota; church; churches; citizenship; City of Oviedo; Clara Lee Wheeler Evans; clergy; cold war; colleges; communism; Country Quick; customer service representatives; Deshaso; Dominic Persampiere; Downtown Oviedo; education; educators; ERP; European Recovery Program; Florida Technological University; FTU; Geneva Drive; George C. Young Federal Courthouse; Grupo Shalom; high schools; immigrants; immigration; Ingrid Bryant; Jeffrey A. Chudnow; Joseph Patrick Hurley; Larry Neely; Laura Feldman; Lockwood Boulevard; Magnolia Avenue; Marshall Plan; McCoy Air Force Base; Most Precious Blood Catholic Church; Munich, Germany; museums; newspapers; Norbert Dorsey; Norbert Mary Leonard James Dorsey; OHS; orlando; Orlando Army Air Field #2; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Street; Paul Mikler; Pinecastle AFB; Pinecastle Air Force Base; Pinecastle Army Airfield; priests; renovations; Richard Walsh; schools; students; swimming pools; Taste of Oviedo; teachers; teen clubs; teen nights; The Outlook; The Oviedo Voice; The Seminole Chronicle; UCF; universities; university; University of Central Florida; water department; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Julia Nadine Davis Aulin
Tags: American Civil War; Andrew Aulin III; Andy Aulin; armadillos; automobiles; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Black Hammock; Career Field; cars; Charles Warren Aulin; Chuluota; church; churches; Citizens Bank of Florida; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; citrus; cops; Donna Neely; Downtown Oviedo; dressmakers; dressmaking; elevators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; Fifi; football teams; George Kelsey; immigrants; immigration; Jacobs; John Courier; Kilby; law enforcement; Lee Gary; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; motor vehicles; Nadine Davis Aulin; Narcissa Melissa Lawton; Nelson and Company; Nettie Dorcas Jacobs Aulin; OHS; orange groves; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo: Biography of a Town; police officers; post offices; postmasters; rice; roadsters; rumble seats; Sarah Schneider; seamstress; seamstresses; sewing; spiders; sports; spyders; Steen Nelson; Swedes; Swedish Americans; switchboard operators; The Judge; Thee Lee; Theodore Aulin; Theodore Lee; Thomasville, Georgia; Townhouse Restaurant; White's Wharf; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
Oral History of Marva Y. Hawkins
Tags: 13th Street; African American; African Methodist Episcopal Church; AME; CAIT; celery industry; CHS; church; cop; Crooms Academy; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; Crooms High School; desegregaiton; education; employee; Goldsboro; Goldsboro Avenue; Goldsboro Elementary School; Goldsboro Red School; graduation; Hawkins, Marva Y.; Hawkins' Meat Market; high school; Historic Goldsboro Boulevard; integration; labor; laborer; law enforcement; meat; meat industry; migrant labor; migrant laborer; migrant worker; police; race relations; reunion; Sanford; scholarship; school; segregation; Seminole High School; Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church; SHS; Snarky's; St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; worker
Orlando Masonic Temple Postcard
Tags: 20th Century Commercial; Central Boulevard; chapels; church; churches; Downtown Orlando; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; Free and Associated Masons of Orlando; freemasonry; freemasosn; Ida Annah Ryan; Isabel Roberts; Joy Wallace Dickinson; Masonic Temple; Masons; Murrell Building; orlando; Rosalind Avenue; Spanish Colonial Revival; Unitarian; Unitarianism; Unity Chapel
Orlando Post Office and Federal Courthouse, 2003
Tags: Central Boulevard; church; Cook, Thomas; courthouse; Downtown Orlando; federal courthouse; Federal District Courthouse; office; orlando; Orlando Post Office; post office; renovation; Roman Catholic Church; Spanish Colonial Revival architecture; St. James Roman Catholic Cathedral; U.S. Postal Service; United States Post Office and Federal Courthouse
Orlando Post Office and Federal Courthouse, 2007
Tags: Central Boulevard; church; Cook, Thomas; courthouse; Downtown Orlando; federal courthouse; Federal District Courthouse; office; orlando; Orlando Post Office; post office; renovation; Roman Catholic Church; Spanish Colonial Revival architecture; St. James Roman Catholic Cathedral; U.S. Postal Service; United States Post Office and Federal Courthouse
Orlando Remembered Exhibit at the Orlando Public Library
Tags: Albertson Public Library; chambers of commerce; church; churches; City of Orlando Fire Station No. 1; Downtown Orlando; exhibits; fire chiefs; fire departments; fire stations; libraries; library; Maxie G. Bennett; orlando; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Jaycees; Orlando Junior Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Public Library; Orlando Remembered; Orlando Salvation Army; Salvation Army
Orlando Remembered Exhibits Map
Tags: AmSouth; Baldwin Park Navy Base; banks; Bass Hotel; Bennett Road; Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre; Central Boulevard; church; Church Street; churches; Corrine Drive; courthouses; department stores; exhibit; exhibits; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; high schools; hotels; Howard Middle School; Hughes Supply; Hughey Avenue; libraries; library; Livingston Street; Maitland; middle schools; New York Life; Orange Avenue; Orange County Courthouse; orlando; Orlando High School; Orlando Post Office; Orlando Public Library; Orlando Remembered; Pine Street; Robinson Street; Rosalind Avenue; Rutland's; Signature Plaza; SunTrust Bank; The Orlando Sentinel; The Vue; United Trophy; Washington Street
Oviedo Woman's Club 75th Anniversary Scrapbook
Tags: American Civil War; Anne Cheney; anniversary; B. T. Wheeler, Jr.; Barbara Shaffer; Battle of Fredericksburg; Belle Perry; Ben Wheeler; Bettie Place; Betty Duda; Betty Hicks; Betty Slatson; Bob Slatson; Bob Whittus; Brashears; Brenda Gibbs; Broadway; Cally Estes; Carolyn Neild; Central Boulevard; Central florida Blood Bank; Central Florida Fair; Charlie Wadsworth; Chee Chee Mail; church; civic club; Civil War; club; clubhouse; Corinne Sert; country club; Country Club of Orlando; David Dees; David Wiles; Debbie Gauntlett; Dick Tucker; Dodie Livingston; Dona Walker; Donna Wilhelm-Hudson; Dot Pearson; Dot Winchester; Douglas Arie; Downtown Orlando; Earl Weldon; Edward H. Parker; Erika M. Baldwin; FFWC; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; Florence S. Carpenter; Florence W. Caugs Neele; Florida Bank Building; Florida Federation of Women's Clubs; Florida Mortgage Bankers; G. A. Fulmer; Gail West; Gerry Weldon; Gertrude S. Lukas; Glenna B. Stover; Grace L. Lee; Grace Whittus; Grace. I. Anderson; Great Day in the Country; Groveland; Harold J. Juder; Harry H. Cukes; Helen Leinhart; Helen Mae Kay; Herly Mae Wainright; Jack Branham, Sr.; Jack Burney; James F. Holly, Jr.; James Parter; Jan B. McCollinter; Jane Elder; Jane S. Dees; Jean A. Jordan; Jean M. Wheeler; Jefferson Davis; Jefferson Davis Chapter; Jen James; Jessie Guey; Jessie Shaffer; Jim Byre; John C. Rors; John Ingram; John Norris; John Ridevdus; John W. Mace; John Young Museum and Planetarium; Joy James; Katherine Teague; Kathryn L. Lawton; Katy Tucker; King Street; Lacy Lingo; Lake Eola; Lawton Chiles; Lawton Mainor Chiles, Jr.; Liz Curtis; Louise Gore; Louise K. Wilson; Louise Martin; Lucille Niblack; Madalyne Lawton; Madeleine Luttrell; Mae E. King; Marguerite Partin; Marquise Patton; Mary E. Walker; Mary F. Cox Eddy; Mary Henderson; Mary Mace; Mary Margaret Acron; Mathews; Merritt Staley; Methodism; Methodist; Midge Giddens; Mildred Wrig; Milton Smith; Mimi Bruce; Nancy Beasley; Nita Raulerson; Office of Special Presidential Messages; Oline Babbitt; Orange Avenue; Orange Bowl; orlando; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; Oviedo; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Paul Mikler; Paula Fickes Hawkins; Paula Norris; Pennie Olliff; Phillip C. Acron; Ralph Austin Smith; Reg Musgrove; Richard A. Gomer; Robert E. Drake; Robert M. Gibbs; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; Ruby Estes; Ruby Odoue; Ruth Davidson; Ruth W. McKerigh; Sam Musgrove; Sandra Hodgson; Sanford; Sheila Sommerville; Shlora Bruth; Sibille Pritchard; Sondra Wanjerteli; Sparks Ridevdus; Steve West; Susan Goff; Tasting Luncheon; Tess Jones; The Sentinel Star; Thelma Clonts; Thelma Hodges; Tom Estes; Tucker & Branham; UDC; United Daughters of the Confederacy; Virginia Mikler; Virginia Staley; Von Nelle M. Black; Walter A. Williams; Wayne G. Goff; Wesley T. Place; Wiley Abell; Winter Garden; Woman's Club; Woman's Club of Leesburg; women
Peace Memorial Church Postcard
Reims Cathedral During 1st Bombardment Years Postcard
Reims During 1st Bombardment Years Postcard
Reims During First Bombardment Years Postcard
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 14: Calvary Assembly and Benny Hinn, Part 1
Tags: anniversary; Assemblies of God; Bush, George Herbert Walker; Calvary Assembly of God; Calvary Towers; Carey, Debbie; Charisma Magazine; charity; Christianity; church; Corbett, Joseph Francis II; Crown Financial Ministries; Dayton, Howard; disability; documentary; elderly; evangelical; evangelicalism; finance; Good Life Broadcasting; gospel; Hall, John; Hammond, Michael; Hinn, Benny; Hinn, Toufik "Benny" Benedictus; Iglesia El Calvario; Lake Mary; Lloyd, Rustin "Rusty"; mega-church; Miller Avenue; Mills, Lisa; Norman, Jack; orlando; Orlando Gospel Tabernacle; people with disabilities; podcast; Polino, Gene; radio; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; senior citizen; Southeastern University; televangelical; televangelism; televangelist; television; television ministry; The Orlando Sentinel; TV-52; U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; vice president; Winter Park; WTLN; WWLTV; Zink, Dale
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 15: Calvary Assembly and Benny Hinn, Part 2
Tags: Assemblies of God; Calvary Assembly; Calvary Assembly of God; Carey, Debbie; Christian; Christian Life Magazine; Christianity; church; Clattenburg, Alex; Corbett, Joseph Francis II; documentary; Eastern Orthodox Church; evangelical; evangelicalism; festival; fundamental Christianity; fundamentalism; fundamentalist; Hall, John; Hammond, Michael; Harthern, Roy; healer; healing; healing ministry; Hinn, Benny; Hinn, Toufik "Benny" Benedictus; Jaffa, Israel; Jesus Festivals; Kuhlman, Kathryn Johanna; Lloyd, Rustin "Rusty"; mega-church; Mills, Lisa; Miracle Crusades; Norman, Jack; orlando; Orlando Christian Center; Orlando Gospel Tabernacle; picket; podcast; Polino, Gene; Prosperity theology; protest; religion; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rutland, Mark; supernatural; supernatural healing; televangelical; televangelism; televangelist; The Rock House; This is Your Day; Toronto, Canada; Winter Park; youth ministry; Zink, Dale
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 20: Women of Many Hats: The Rossetter Sisters of Eau Gallie, Florida
Tags: Ascension Catholic Church; Aspinwall, John; Bight of Canaveral; Bollinger, Heather; Brevard County Historical Commission; Brevard County Tourist Development Council; Burghart, Jillian; Catholic; Catholic Church; Catholicisim; church; civil rights; club; Detroit Publishing Company; documentary; Eau Gallie; Eau Gallie River; Eau Gallie Yacht Club; energy; energy industry; Ferguson, Stuart; FHS; FIT; Florida Department of State; Florida Historical Society; Florida Institute of Technology; garden; Hamilton County; Highland Avenue; historic house; Historic Rossetter House Museum and Gardens; Indian River & Lake Worth Fish Company; James Wasdsworth Rosseter House; Lester, Connie L.; Library of Congress; Lindsay, Anne; McCormick; McCormick, Stanley; Melbourne; Minorcan; monument; museum; National Federation of Business and Women's Clubs; oil; oil industry; parks; Parks, Charles; philanthropist; philanthropy; podcast; Port Canaveral; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rosseter, James Wadsworth; Rossetter Sisters; Rossetter, Carrie P.; Rossetter, Ella F.; Rossetter, Ella Rogero; St. Augustine; Standard Oil Distribution; State Library and Archives of Florida; suffrage; Turnbull, Andrew; voting; voting rights; women; Women's Club; women's suffrage; Wynne, Nick
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 40: Bethune Cookman University Founding
Tags: African American; Bethune-Cookman College; Bethune-Cookman College, 1904-1994: The Answered Prayer to a Dream; Bethune-Cookman University; Bethune, Albertus; Bethune, Mary Jane McLeod; Christian; Christianity; church; civil rights; civil rights activist; co-educational; college; Colored Women's Association; Cookman Institute of Jacksonville; Daytona Beach; Daytona Educational and Industrial Training School; Daytona Normal and Industrial School for Negro Girls; documentary; education; educator; Florida A&M College; Florida A&M University; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; fundraising; Gamble, James; Gray, Willam H. III; HBCU; high school; historically black colleges and universities; Hunter, Sheila Flemming; Jim Crow South; junior college; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Laney, Lucy Craft; literacy; Mayseville, South Carolina; Methodism; Methodist; Methodist church; mission school; National Council of Negro Women; podcast; Presbyterian; Presbyterian church; Presbyterianism; private school; Procter & Gamble Company; public school; religion; religious education; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; school; separation of church and state; teacher; Tuskegee Institute; Tuskegee University; university; voter registration; voter registration movement; voting; Washington, Booker Taliaferro; White Sewing Machine Company; white supremacy; White, Thomas H.
Sanford Grammar School, 1902-1977
Tags: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream; A. F. Westerdick; A. J. Pinder; A. P. Montague; Albert Hickson; Alberta Hill; Alice McRae; Alice Robbins; Allen; Apopka; art education; Arthur Vaugh; August Tucker; Augustus J. Vaugh; B. F. Whitner; Bakery Wagon; Ben C. Steele; Bill Cowan; Blackwater; Board of Trustees; Brady; Building Committee; C. F. Harrison; cafeterias; Cameron City; Carrie Lynch; Central Florida Zoo; Charles Quigley; Chase and Company; Christian Endeavor; church; churches; Citizens Committee; city councils; City of Sanford; Clara Louise Guild; Clara Millen; Claude Coffee; Clay C. Carroll; Columbia College; construction; Cross Prairie; D. L. Thrasher; Dodd; Dodd House; Dominick's Ice Cream Push Cart; Downtown Sanford; E. W. Dunn; education; Edward Lan; elementary school; elementary schools; Elm Avenue; Elson Art Exhibition; Elton J. Moughton; Ernest Betts; Ernest Chapel; F. E. Steinmeyer; F. P. Forster; Flora Walker; Flossie Frank; Floyd Richards; Flubart; foreign language education; Fort Reed; Fort Reed School; Frances Walton; Freeman Baggett; French; G. W. Venable; Gardner, Gladys; George Dickinson; George Fox; Gladys Gardner; grammar schools; H. R. Stevens; Hambone Station; Hansel and Gretel; Harold R. Heckenbach; Henry Moore; Henry Peabody; Hudson School Furniture Company; Irving Literary Society; J. N. Whitner; J. O. Andes; J. Tilden Jacobs; Jack Frost; Jim Spencer; Jimmie Glass; Jossie Stumon; Lake Jessup; Lodge; Lucile Campbell; Lula Tucker; lunchrooms; Mabel bram; Mable Bowler; Marber; Margaret Reynolds; May Day; May Hamilton; Mellonville; Methodists; Model T Ford; music education; Myrtle Tipe; N. J. Perkins; Oliver J. Miller; orange county; orlando; P. M. Elde; Palmetto Avenue; Park Avenue; Peaches Leffler; Pearl Babbitt; Peer Gynt; Phillips; physical education; principals; Public School Building No. 1; Public School Building No. 2; Public School Building No. 3; R. E. Kipp; Ralph Stevens; Randall; Robert Lord; Rosalie Morris; Ruth Abbott; S. C. Dickinson; S. G. Kennedy; S. Runge; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford and Everglades Railroad; Sanford City Council; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Athletic Association; Sanford Lodge of Masons; Sanford Traction Company; school bonds; school superintendents; Seminole County; Sheldon; South Side School; Special Committee of School House; special education; Special School District No. 1; Standley Wood; Stenstrom; Stetson University; Stewart; students; superintendent of public instruction; teachers; The Sanford Herald; Tomkins; Tucker, August; Vihlen; W. B. Lynch; Walter Holt; Westside Primary School; Whiteman; Wofford Tucker; Woodland Park
Scheldt in Antwerp Postcard
Sioux Villa, 2007
Tags: church; Cook, Thomas; Downtown Orlando; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; Gordon, Eleanor; Gore, Caroline Groninger; Gore, Mahlon; Groninger, Caroline; Higgins, Karleen; Higgins, Rick; Lake Lucerne; Lucerne Circle; Olde Towne Realtor, Inc.; orlando; Sioux Villa; Unitarian church; Unitarian Universalism; Unitarian Universalist Church; Unitarian Universalists; Unitarianism; Unitarians; Waverly Place
St. Andrew's Parish Postcard
St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church, 2011
Tags: Ashley, W. A., Jr.; Ballard, W. B.; Brown, A. L.; Brown, W. H.; Byzantine architecture; Calhoun, W. F.; church; City of Sanford Historic Preservation Board; Coleman, S. H.; Constantinople; Constantinople, Byzantine Empire; Cypress Avenue; Everly F. E.; Fields, Raymond, Sr.; Gaines, T. T.; Georgetown; Gramling, J. K.; Green, Esther E.; Green, W. O.; Hamilton, W. L.; Harris, J. J.; Johnson, K. S.; Johnson, L. V.; MacDonald, Kathleen; Mack, A. J.; Methodism; Methodist; National Historic Landmark Program; Oliver, L. J.; Papino, Juanita; Prince Hall; Ravenna, Italy; Saint James African Methodist Episcopal Church; Saint James AME Church; Sanford; Sanford, Henry Shelton; Spears, Prince W.; Spivey, M. T.; Temple of Bacchus; Thigpen, R. A.; Tipp, G. R.; Warren, Dave; Williams, J. W.; Williams, T. J.; Wilson, E. C.
St. James Cathedral's Original Wooden Church Building
St. James Catholic Cathedral
St. James Catholic Cathedral, 2001
Tags: American Gothic architecture; Carpenter Gothic architecture; cathedral; Catholic Church; Catholicism; Catholics; church; Cook, Thomas; Creed, Joseph J.; Dean, Donovan; Downtown Orlando; Holy Nativity Catholic Church; Jefferson Street; Kurz and Allison's Art Studio of Chicago; Magnolia Avenue; Moore, John; Orange Avenue; orlando; Robinson Street; St. James Catholic Cathedral; St. James Catholic Church; Swembergh, Felix P.; White, Arthur
St. James Catholic Cathedral, 2014
St. John Missionary Baptist Church, 2011
St. John's Chapel in the White Tower, Tower of London Postcard
Tags: Anglicanism; Anglicans; castles; chapels; church; Church of England; churches; Duke of Normandy; dukes; Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress; King of England; kings; monarchs; Norman; Norman architecture; St. John's Chapel; Tower of London; William I; William the Bastard; William the Conqueror
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
St. Luke's Episcopal Church Historical Records
Tags: Allen, Dorothy Cleaver; Allen, Dorothy Eleanor; Allen, Emily Judson; Allen, Georgia Drysdale; Allen, Georgie; Allen, L. P.; Allen, Lawrence Daniel; Allen, Lawrence P.; Allen, Lawrence Porcher; Allen, Margaret; Allen, Margaret M.; Allen, Margaret McG.; Allen, Margaret McGregor; Anderson, Indiana; Andrews, Edward Porcher; Andrews, Lewis S., III; Andrews, Lewis Sutton; Andrews, Myrtis Porcher; Andrews, Norris; Annie; apoplexy; Arney, Annie M.; Atchison, Kansas; Atkinson, Christine R.; augina pectoris; Bache, H. F.; Bache, Harold Franklin; Banyan; baptism; Barganier, Milton Ernest; Barganier, Peggy; Bartow; Bascom, C. H.; Bayliss, F. C.; Bell, Fanny Henrietta; Bertine, Celestine L.; Bishops Oratory; Black, Addie E.; Black, Adelaide; Black, Adelaide E.; Black, Adelaide E. S.; Black, Adelaide S.; Black, Bernard E.; Black, Bernard Ellis; Black, Dorothea Reynolds; Black, Dorothy Reynolds; Black, Elise Catharine; Black, Elsia Catherine; Black, Frank Gould; Black, Frank H.; Black, Fred H.; Black, Fred Herbert; Black, Frederick H.; Black, Herbert; Black, Mary A.; Black, Sarah Alizina; Black, Sarah Alyina; Blythe, Mary Nancy; Bornefeldt, Harold A.; Bornefeldt, Maurine E.; Boston, Massachusetts; Bowers, J. Brady; Bowers, May L.; Boynard, Anna S.; Bram, Martin; Brannin, Charles; Brannin, Charles Lamdear; Brannin, Charles Robert; Brannin, J. Brady; Brannin, Jennie May; Brannin, Marjory La Roche; Brannin, Marjory LaRoche; Brannin, Martha E.; Brannin, Michael Wayne; Brannin, Michelle Marie; Brannin, Robert; Brannin, Sandra Elizabeth; Brantly; Braun, Mary E.; Braun, Mary E. La Roche; Braun, P.; Braun, Peter; Bright's Disease; Brooklyn, New Jersey; Brown, B. F.; Brown, B. H.; burial; Burns, Cathrine B.; Buttmony, G. W.; cancer; carcinoma; carpenter; Carpenter, J. B.; Carpenter, Sam B.; Carr, Birdie M.; Carr, Birdie May Birt; Carr, Ira Nelson; Carr, William Milton; Carter-Denny, Nina Elizabeth; cemetery; cerebral hemorrhage; Chandler, Anice Bernice; Chandler, Anice L.; Chandler, O. H.; Chandler, Wyatt Elijah; Charles, John Allen; Charles, John Green; Charles, Margaret Quantock; Charleston County, South Carolina; Charleston, South Carolina; Chase, Daniel; Chase, Mary Palmer; church; church records; church register; City Point; Clary, Lutie F.; Cleveland, Alfred Sidney; Cleveland, Charles; Cloud, Lillian Victoria; Cloud, Lula M. Miller; Cloud, Lulu; Cloud, Robert Pryor; Cocoa; Coggin, Floyd L.; Collinwod, Tennessee; Cologne, Germany; communicants; confirmation; consumption; Copeland, C. R.; coquina; coronary disease; coronary sclerosis; court; Courtenay; Cresson, W. H.; Cuthbertson, Hugh E.; Daffern, Margerie; Daffern, Marjory; Daffern, Thomas; Daffern, Thomas J.; Dawson, Georgia; Dayas, Beatrice; Daytona; DcLoy, Cline Monts; Decatur, Georgia; Delespine; Dillons, Lois Sams; Dingham, Celestina La R.; Dingman, Celestina LaRoche; Dingman, Clara A.; Dingman, Clara Martha; Dingman, Robert Vernon; Dingman, William R.; Dyal, Georgia D.; Dyal, Wesley; Elliston, Henry H.; Episcopalian church; Episcopalians; Fauner, Lowell B.; Faustina; Fern Park; Fernday, Louisiana; Field, Joseph Edward; Folwell, W. H.; Formsend, Mary A.; Fort Knox; Fort Pierce; Fulk, Hugh Gray; Fulk, Hugh Gray, Jr.; Fulk, Hugh Gray, Sr.; Fulk, Jack C.; Gainesville; Georgiana; Gimball, Edward LaRoche; Gimball, Harriet J.; Gimball, Henrietta H.; Godbey, Alice; Godbey, Alice Cloud; Godbey, Robert; Godby, Alice Cloud; Godby, Robert; Goves, Charles; Grace Mission; Grace, B. D.; Graham, Joseph H.; Grant, Anne E. Fields; Grant, Annie Eliza; Grant, Irene Carolina Bannatinse; Grant, Irene Caroline B.; Grant, Marian H.; Grant, Marian H. L.; Grant, Marian La R.; Grant, Marian La Roche; Grant, P. S. J.; Grant, Patrick S. J.; Grant, Patrick Simon Joseph; Grant, Patrick Simson Joseph; Grant, R. S. S.; Grant, Robert Simpson; Grant, Robert Simpson Stevens; Grant, Robert Simpson Stevenson; Grant, Sam; Gray; Gray, June; Gribbin, Robert E.; Grimball, Bertha Louise; Grimball, Edward L.; Grimball, Edward La Roche; Grimball, Harriet J.; Grimes, Ann H.; Hallonquist, A. A.; Hallonquist, Adelaide; Hallonquist, Adelaide A.; Hallonquist, Elizabeth Sams; Hallonquist, Martha Sophia; Halloquist, Adelaide A.; Hargrave, William L.; Hargrove, Minnie W.; Hargrove, William L.; Harris, Fred; Hart, Evelyn; heart attack; Hendersonville, North Carolina; Hensley, James Aaron; Hensley, Joyce LaRoche; Hensley, Larry Bruce; Hobe Sound; Holmes, Beatrice Lenington; Holmes, Ethel Sinclair; Holmes, George Washington; Holmes, Howard Lenington; Holmes, Mary Lenington; Holy Trinity; Hopkins; Houston, Texas; Hoyt, Adelaide E.; Hoyt, Adelaide R.; Hoyt, John Mott; Indianola; Indianola Cemetery; influenza; Jacksonville; Jenkins, Amarintha La Roche; Jenkins, Daniel L.; Jenkins, Harry H.; Jenkins, Henrietta Herbert; Jenkins, Henry; Jenkins, Henry H.; Jenkins, J. L.; Jenkins, James La Roche; Jenkins, James LaRoche; Jenkins, Janus LaRoche; Jenkins, Julia; Jenkins, Julia E.; Jenkins, Julia Era; Jenkins, Julia Eva; Jenkins, Julia Eva LaRoche; Jenkins, Julia L.; Jenkins, Katharine Alison; Jenkins, Katherine; Jenkins, Katherine De V.; Jenkins, Richard La Roche; Jenkins, Richard LaRoche; Johns Stand, South Carolina; Kenaton, Thomas C.; King, Anne L.; Knight, Samuel D.; Knutson, Anice Lorena; Knutson, Anna; Knutson, Clarence Walter; Knutson, Eleanor Evangelia; Knutson, Ole; Knutson, Samuel; Knutson, Samuel L.; La Grippe; La Rioche, Johnny J.; La Rioche, Richard, Jr.; La Roch, John S.; La Roche, Adilaide H.; La Roche, Annie H.; La Roche, Annie T.; La Roche, Annie Tead; La Roche, B. B.; La Roche, Benjamin B.; La Roche, Benjamin Bailey; La Roche, Benjamin Bailey, Jr.; La Roche, Benjamin Bailey, Sr.; La Roche, Beth; La Roche, Birdie Thelma; La Roche, Birdie Thelma, Jr.; La Roche, Birdie Thelma, Sr.; La Roche, Bonham; La Roche, Carol Frances; La Roche, Cathrine Olivia; La Roche, Celestina Sams; La Roche, Celestine; La Roche, Charles Clement; La Roche, Charles Milton; La Roche, Charles W.; La Roche, Charles Wilson; La Roche, Daniel Francis; La Roche, Daniel J.; La Roche, Daniel Jenkins; La Roche, Dorothy; La Roche, E. W.; La Roche, Edward N.; La Roche, Edwin Whaley; La Roche, Eliza Grimball; La Roche, Elizabeth H.; La Roche, Elizabeth S.; La Roche, Emily Judson; La Roche, Eugenia; La Roche, Eugenia Stuart; La Roche, Eva; La Roche, F. W.; La Roche, Frances Arthur; La Roche, Frances Davis; La Roche, Frances W.; La Roche, Francis Birt; La Roche, Francis Daniel; La Roche, Frank D.; La Roche, Frank W.; La Roche, Frank Wilkinson; La Roche, Fred Littleton; La Roche, Frederic Francis; La Roche, Frederic Littleton; La Roche, Frederick Francis; La Roche, Frederick Littleton; La Roche, George Edward; La Roche, Harteuse Jane; La Roche, Henrietta; La Roche, Henrietta Reynolds; La Roche, Henry Reynolds; La Roche, Henry Reynolds, Jr.; La Roche, Henry Reynolds, Sr.; La Roche, Herbert; La Roche, Herbert L.; La Roche, Holly Lynn; La Roche, Hortense; La Roche, Hortense Woods; La Roche, J. J.; La Roche, J. Whitlock; La Roche, James; La Roche, James J.; La Roche, John J.; La Roche, John Julius; La Roche, John Sams; La Roche, Joyce; La Roche, Juanita Treadwell; La Roche, Judson W.; La Roche, Judson Whitlock; La Roche, Judson Whitlock, Jr.; La Roche, Judson Whitlock, Sr.; La Roche, Julia E.; La Roche, Julia Eva; La Roche, Katharine D.; La Roche, Katharine De V.; La Roche, Kenneth Gray; La Roche, Littleton; La Roche, Lucile Yates; La Roche, Marian H.; La Roche, Marian Hallonquist; La Roche, Marie Elizabeth; La Roche, Marjorie Thelma; La Roche, Marjory Holmes; La Roche, Marjory Thelma; La Roche, Martha E.; La Roche, Martha E. Sams; La Roche, Mary E.; La Roche, Mary Elizabeth; La Roche, Mary G.; La Roche, Mary Oliver; La Roche, Mary Olivia; La Roche, Mattie E.; La Roche, Mattie H.; La Roche, Mildred; La Roche, Pearl Christine; La Roche, R. B.; La Roche, Richard; La Roche, Richard H.; La Roche, Richard J.; La Roche, Richard Jenkins; La Roche, Richard, Jr.; La Roche, Richard, Sr.; La Roche, Robert B.; La Roche, Robert Boone; La Roche, Robert H.; La Roche, Robert M.; La Roche, Robert S.; La Roche, Robert Stanyarm; La Roche, Robert Stanyarm, Jr.; La Roche, Robert Stanyarm, Sr.; La Roche, Robert W.; La Roche, Robert Waite; La Roche, Rose M.; La Roche, Rose Mildred; La Roche, Sadie; La Roche, Sara Reynolds; La Roche, Sarah; La Roche, Sarah Chase; La Roche, Sarah Reynolds; La Roche, Thelma; La Roche, W. F.; La Roche, Walter Daniel; La Roche, Walter David; La Roche, William; La Roche, William F.; La Roche, William Francis; Lait, W. W.; Lander, Esther Alice; Lander, Norman Hatch; LaRoch, Bonham; LaRoche; LaRoche, Adelaide H.; LaRoche, Adeleaide Hallonquist; LaRoche, Anna Celestina Robertson; LaRoche, Annie H.; LaRoche, Annie Tead; LaRoche, Annie Teed; LaRoche, B. B.; LaRoche, Benjamin B.; LaRoche, Benjamin B., III; LaRoche, Benjamin Bailey, Jr.; LaRoche, Benjamin Bailey, Sr.; LaRoche, Benjamin Tead; LaRoche, Bertha Louise; LaRoche, Birdie Thelma; LaRoche, Bonham; LaRoche, Catharine; LaRoche, Catherine; LaRoche, Catherine Olivia; LaRoche, Celestina; LaRoche, Celestina Sams; LaRoche, Charles Clement; LaRoche, Charles W.; LaRoche, Christine; LaRoche, Christine M.; LaRoche, Daniel; LaRoche, Daniel J.; LaRoche, Daniel Jenkins; LaRoche, Dorthea Clinie; LaRoche, E. F.; LaRoche, Edward K.; LaRoche, Elizabeth; LaRoche, Elizabeth F.; LaRoche, Elizabeth H.; LaRoche, Elizabeth Hallonquist; LaRoche, Elizabeth S.; LaRoche, Elizabeth S. H.; LaRoche, Elizabeth S. Hallonquist; LaRoche, Elizabeth S. R. B.; LaRoche, Emily Judson; LaRoche, Eugenia; LaRoche, Eugenia La Roche; LaRoche, F. W.; LaRoche, Frances Arthur; LaRoche, Frances Hughlett; LaRoche, Francis Birt; LaRoche, Francis Daniel; LaRoche, Francis Elizabeth Marian; LaRoche, Francis W.; LaRoche, Francis Wilkinson; LaRoche, Frank; LaRoche, Frank W.; LaRoche, Frank Wilkinson; LaRoche, Franklin W.; LaRoche, Fred L.; LaRoche, Frederick Littleton; LaRoche, H. Reynolds; LaRoche, Harold Douglas; LaRoche, Henrietta R.; LaRoche, Henrietta Reynolds; LaRoche, Henry Reynolds; LaRoche, Herbert; LaRoche, Hortense; LaRoche, Hortense Ione Woods; LaRoche, Hortense J.; LaRoche, Hortense Woods; LaRoche, Ida Lucile Yates; LaRoche, James; LaRoche, James Boone; LaRoche, Jenkins, Daniel; LaRoche, John F.; LaRoche, John J.; LaRoche, John Julius; LaRoche, John Sams; LaRoche, Josephine Elaine; LaRoche, Juanita Treadwell; LaRoche, Judson; LaRoche, Judson W.; LaRoche, Judson W., Jr.; LaRoche, Junnie; LaRoche, Kenneth Gray; LaRoche, Laurent; LaRoche, Laurent Lascelles; LaRoche, Laurent P.; LaRoche, Lawrent L.; LaRoche, Littleton; LaRoche, M. E.; LaRoche, Marian H.; LaRoche, Marian Stratton; LaRoche, Marie Elizabeth; LaRoche, Marion H.; LaRoche, Marion Hallonquist; LaRoche, Marjory Thelma; LaRoche, Martha Edwards; LaRoche, Martha H.; LaRoche, Martha S.; LaRoche, Martha T.; LaRoche, Marvin; LaRoche, Mary Elizabeth; LaRoche, Mary Lucile; LaRoche, Mary Lucille; LaRoche, Mary O.; LaRoche, Mary Olivia; LaRoche, Mattie; LaRoche, Mattie E.; LaRoche, Maurine Elizabeth; LaRoche, Maurine Emily; LaRoche, Mildred; LaRoche, Mildred W.; LaRoche, Pearl Christine; LaRoche, R. B.; LaRoche, R. J.; LaRoche, R. Judson W.; LaRoche, Reynolds Stewart; LaRoche, Richard; LaRoche, Richard Boone; LaRoche, Richard Hallonquist; LaRoche, Richard J.; LaRoche, Richard Jenkins; LaRoche, Richard R.; LaRoche, Richard William; LaRoche, Robert; LaRoche, Robert B.; LaRoche, Robert Boone; LaRoche, Robert S.; LaRoche, Robert Stanyarm; LaRoche, Robert Waili; LaRoche, Rose Mildred; LaRoche, S.; LaRoche, S. Julia; LaRoche, Sadie; LaRoche, Sadie R.; LaRoche, Sara Chase; LaRoche, Sarah Chase; LaRoche, Sarah R.; LaRoche, Sarah Reynolds; LaRoche, Sarah S.; LaRoche, Sophia; LaRoche, Thelma; LaRoche, W. F.; LaRoche, Walter; LaRoche, Walter D.; LaRoche, Walter Daniel; LaRoche, Will; LaRoche, William; LaRoche, William F.; LaRoche, William Francis; Le Baron, Celestina Sams; Le Baron, Earnest Thatcher; Le Baron, Ernest Thatcher; Le Baron, Mary Kinsman; Le Baron, Sadie S.; Le Baron, Sarah Reynolds; Le Baron, Sarah Samas; Le Barron, Ada Hayman; Le Barron, Celestina Sams; Le Barron, Ernest Thatcher; Le Barron, Sarah Reynolds; Lee, Charles Hunter; Lee, J. H.; Lee, Joe Hunter; Lee, Pauline Merritt; Lenhand, R. E.; Lenhard, Robert E.; Lent; Lexington, Massachusetts; Litch, John G.; Littleton, Frederic; Longuard; Mann, Vameron; marriage; Martin, H. B. Stuart; Matthews, C. G.; Meeks, Robert F.; Melbourne; Mellon, Anna Lois Sams; Mellon, Jerome Henry; Mellon, Marian; Mellon, Mary Arleen; Mercedes, Texas; Merriman, E. H.; Merritt; Merritt Island; Miami; Michaels, Cora Lee Taylor; Michaelson, S. C.; Milford, Raymond; Miller, Jane Caroline; Mills, John H., Jr.; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Mist, Emma Irene; Mist, Irene Emma; Mist, John; Morgan, Carnie Boswell; Morgan, Jasper Wesley; Morgan, Taylor H.; Nash, Preston; Newcastle; Nicoles, P. M.; Old St. Luke's Episcopal Church and Cemetery; Orland; Palestine, Texas; Palm Beach; Panama City; Patrick Air Force Base; Peck, D. A.; pneumonia; Porcher; Porcher, Adrian Alma; Porcher, Arthur Gignilliatt; Porcher, Beatrice Mira; Porcher, Beatrice Mora; Porcher, Benjamin M.; Porcher, Edward P.; Porcher, Edward W.; Porcher, L. Julia; Porcher, S. J.; Porcher, Sarah Julia; Porcher, Susan Elizabeth; Powers, Catherine O.; Powers, Floyd A.; Powers, Joseph; Preston, Georgia; prostate cancer; Quantock, Emily Allen; Quantock, Margaret Allen; Red Level, Alabama; Richardson, Georgia M.; Richardson, Janet; Richardson, William Llloyd; Richmond, Virginia; Riley, Delilah C.; Riley, George; Riley, Rubin B.; Robottom, P. J.; Robottom, Percy J.; Rockledge; Rockledge, Jennie May Sams; Rockville, South Carolina; Rogers, James; Rowlson, Charles R.; Rummell, Grace Christine; Rummell, Grace W.; Rummell, R. W.; Rummell, Richard W.; Rummell, Richard W., III; Rummell, Richard W., Jr.; Rummell, Richard W., Sr.; Rummell, Richard W.Rummell, Violet Grace; Rummell, V. G.; Rummell, Violet Grace; Sams; Sams, A. Celestina; Sams, A. Celestina R.; Sams, Addie M.; Sams, Adelaide; Sams, Adelaide Elizabeth; Sams, Anna C.; Sams, Anna Celestina Robinson Sams; Sams, Anna Celestine R.; Sams, Anna Lois; Sams, Anna Lore; Sams, Annie Rignon; Sams, Annie S.; Sams, Annie Signon; Sams, B. B.; Sams, C. R.; Sams, Catharine; Sams, Catharine De Veaux; Sams, Catharn; Sams, Catherine; Sams, Catherine D.; Sams, Catherine D. E. V.; Sams, Catherine De. V.; Sams, Cecil Williams; Sams, Celestina R.; Sams, De Veaux Lorris; Sams, Edward LaRoche; Sams, Elizabeth E.; Sams, Ernest W.; Sams, Frances Carr; Sams, Frances Zara; Sams, Hervery Hanahan; Sams, Horace H.; Sams, Horace Hahn; Sams, Horace Hann; Sams, Horace S.; Sams, J. De V.; Sams, J. De Veaux; Sams, J. DeVeaux; Sams, J. H.; Sams, J. H., Sr.; Sams, J. W.; Sams, Jennie Gertrude; Sams, Jennie M. B.; Sams, Jennie May; Sams, John Brady Bower; Sams, John De Veaux; Sams, John DeVeaux; Sams, John H.; Sams, John Hanihan; Sams, John Seabrook; Sams, Julia Emily; Sams, Kathrine De V.; Sams, Martha S. LaR.; Sams, Mary Catharine; Sams, May S.; Sams, May Stanyarm; Sams, Melvin Toland; Sams, Mical Seabrook; Sams, Mikell Seabrook; Sams, Milledge Bonham; Sams, Millege B.; Sams, Millidge Braham; Sams, S. S.; Sams, Sarah; Sams, Sarah J.; Sams, Sarah L.; Sams, Sarah Phoebe; Sams, Sarah Reynolds; Sams, Sarah S.; Sams, Sarah Stanyarm; Sams, Seabrook; Sams, Sturner Stann; Sams, W. Earnest; Sams, Walter Birt; Sams, Walter Earnest; Sams, Walter Ernest; Sams, William Bernard; Sams, William S.; Sams, William Seabrook; San Angelo, Texas; Sanborn, Carl H.; Sanborn, Carlton; Saregent, Marian Frances; Schaefer, Bertha P.; Schofield, J. O.; Scrrvien, George B.; senility; Shackelford, Liota; Shakelford, Harold; Sharp, A. J.; Sharpe, A. P.; Sharpes; Shreveport, Louisiana; Sinclair, M. Belle Neilson; Smith, Barbra Allen Godby; Smith, Meredith Ellen Burns Smith; Smith, Robert Elliott; Smith, Sarah T.; Smith, Victory Cloud; South Merritt Island; Spanish influenza; St. Lucie; St. Luke's Episcopal Church; St. Marks; Stanyarm, May; Stewart, Eugenia; Stewart, Mary H.; Stewart, Rufus B.; Stone, Roy M.; Stuart, Mary; Stuart, Rufus B.; Symmes, S. Bancroft; Taylor, Adelaide H.; Taylor, Adelaide La Roche; Taylor, Carene Grant; Taylor, Carrie Grant; Taylor, Cora Isabella Quimby; Taylor, Elizabeth C.; Taylor, Elizabeth C. La R.; Taylor, Elizabeth Celemtn; Taylor, Elizabeth Clement; Taylor, Ellise B.; Taylor, Ellise Bullock; Taylor, J. Carolyn G.; Taylor, Jane Caroline; Taylor, Jane Caroline Grant; Taylor, Laurent; Taylor, Laurent Evans; Taylor, Laurent La R.; Taylor, Laurent LaRoche; Taylor, Mary Olivia; Taylor, Shirley Nell Mc Michael; Taylor, W. O. E.; Taylor, Wilbur O.; Taylor, Wilbur O. E.; Taylor, William Evans Lee; Taylor, William Oliv; Tead; Tead, Albert; Tead, Annie S.; Tead, Frank Tead; Tead, Jane Anne; Teed, Albert; Teed, William Jeremiah; Terrell County, Georgia; Thomas, Jewel; Thompson, Madison; Titusville; Travis, Alma Klein; Tropical Trail; tuberculosis; Wallace; Webb, William Henry; Weed, E. G.; West Palm Beach; Whaley, Amarintha Caroline; Whaley, Amarintha L. Jenkins; Whaley, Amarintha LaRoche; Whaley, Annie J.; Whaley, E. M.; Whaley, Edward; Whaley, Edward M.; Whaley, Edward N.; Whaley, Eva Julia; Whaley, Margaret Ruth; Whaley, Marion S.; Whaley, Marion Seabrook; Whaley, Marion Seabrook, Jr.; Whaley, Marion Seabrook, Sr.; Whaley, Marvin S.; Whitlock, A. J.; Whitlock, A. Judson; Whitlock, Frederick; Whitlock, Frederick L.; Whitlock, Frederick Littleon; Whitlock, Frederick R.; Whitlock, Margaret McG.; Whitlock, Martha; Willis, Annie L..; Willis, J. R..; Willis, William F.; Wing, John D.; Wingman, Celestina La Roche; Wingman, Celestina Sams; Wingman, Clara Martha; Wingman, Robert Vernon; Wingman, Robert Vernon, Jr.; Wingman, Robert Vernon, Sr.; Wingood, David; Winston-Salem, North Carolina; Winter Park; Woelk, Fred; Woelk, Fred Benjamin; Woelk, Fritz; Woelk, Martha D.; Woelk, Martha Woschik; Woods, Josephine G.; Woods, Walter W.; Wright, Carrie; Wright, Russell T.; Yates, Bertha Blanche; Yates, Betty Lucile; Yates, Catherine Olivia; Yates, Ida Lucile; Yates, Lucile; Yates, Oscar C.; Yates, Oscar Clayton; Yates, Reginald Clark; Yaylor, William Oliv