Browse Items (107 total)
- Tags: citrus industry
Maitland Pamphlet
Tags: ACL; agriculture; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Black Bear Trail; Captain Maitland; chamber of commerce; citrus; citrus industry; Daytona Beach; E. A. Upmeyer; Grace N. Beecher; Gulf of Mexico; H. E. Angell; Indian War; J. H. Hill; Lake Apopka; Lake Maitland; Louis L. Coudert; Maitland; orange county; orlando; poultry; poultry industry; R. A. Wheeler; railroad; Rollins College; Sanford; school; Seminole War; Silver Springs; St. Augustine; St. Johns River; State Highway Number 3; Winter Park; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association
Maitland from the Air
The Maitland Courier, December 24, 1885
Tags: agriculture; Altamonte Hotel; B. D. Stone; B. J. Taliaferro; C. C. Haskell; C. F. Townsend; Church of Good Shepard; citrus; citrus industry; E. Turner; G. B. Van Dyke; G. T. Stith; George E. Hudson; Horace Greeley; horse; horse breeding; HOTEL; I. Vanderpool; J. A. Richardson; J. C. Eaton; J. D. Bowen; J. E. Clark; J. W. Spitler; K. Turner; Lake Maitland; M. J. Spitler; Maitland; Maitland Real Estate Agency; N. A. Wilson; notary public; Odd Fellows of Manchester, England; orlando; Percheron horse; R. L. Hungerford; R. V. Pierce; railroad; Remington Sewing Machine; Richardson Currie; Roscoe Conkling; S. H. Pullman; S. J. Powe; Sanford; Seminole Hotel; Tavares Herald; taxes; The Maitland Courier; W. A. Heard; W. A. Morris; W. B. Whipple; W. H. Massey; Whitlaw Reid; William B. Jackson; William Hall; William J. Coughlin; Winter Park
The Maitland News, Vol. 02, No. 18, May 18, 1927
Tags: A. B. Rowland; A. M. Springer; A. W. Benson; agriculture; An Historical Sketch of Maitland; B. Auxford Burks; B. R. Swope; Baby Grand Theatre; Billy Powell; Black Bear Trail; Boston Herald; Bryan's Barber Shop; C. D. Benson; C. D. Homer; C. D. Horner; C. M. Niven; chamber of commerce; Charles B. Waterhouse; Chester A. Arthur; citrus; citrus industry; Clarence D. Benson; Colla F. Owen; death; E. C. Hungerford; E. Turner; E. W. Horton; Eatonville; Elizabeth D. Benson; Florida State Audubon Society; Fort Maitland; Fort Mellon; Foster R. Fanning; George Rockwood; Georgianna Trout Hill; government; Grover Cleveland; Hamilton & Pike Studio; Henry Sanford; Hill School; Hungerford Industrial School of Eatonville; Hungerford School; Hurd National Bank; Inter-City Realty Company; Isaac Vanderpool; J. C. Eaton; J. E. Hill; J. H. Hill; John J. Hurd; Julia Ward Howe; L. F. Dommerich; L. L. Lampp; Lake Lily; Lake Maitland; library; local government; M. C. Bryan; Maitland; Maitland Clothing & Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Insurance Agency; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Malcolm C. Niven; Marinello Beauty Parlor; Mary Orrmins; Mellonville; Moody Bible Institute; municipal government; obituary; orlando; Osceola; Parent-Teacher Association; pavement; paving; PTA; R. G. Grassfield; railroad; rain; real estate; road; Robert Hungerford; Rollins Press; S. B. Hill; S. J. Stiggins; Sanford; sanitation; Sanlando Springs; school; Seminole Indian; Seminole War; settler; St. John's River; State Road No. 3; steamboat; steamer; steamship; street; taxes; The Maitland News; Thomas Haskell; Town Council; town government; Ulysses S. Grant; Union State Bank; W. J. Beckham; weather; White Way Motor Company; William Driscoll; William H. Waterhouse; Winter Park; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park Refrigerating Company
The Maitland News, Vol. 02, No. 17, April 27, 1927
Tags: A. B. Lemmon; A. C. Olmstead; A. M. Springer; Agnes Stiggins; agriculture; Aledo Times Record; Anna B. Treat; Annie Ruth Mulkey; Arthur Wellons; Augusta McNair; B. Auxford Burks; Baby Grand Theatre; bank; banking; Barbara Bennett; barber shop; beautification; Beautiful Florida; Betty Jane Kilbourne; Betty Peat; Betty Rowland; Billy Rowland; book; Bryan's Barber Shop; C. A. Vincent; C. D. Horner; C. E. Bowers; C. G. Weston; C. M. Niven; C. N. Beecher; Caroline Kingsley; Carroll L. Ward; chamber of commerce; Charles B. Waterhouse; Chevis O'steen; children; Christine Ponder; church; citrus; citrus industry; Cleo Umphrey; Clyde Clark; Comille Sowell; crime; Curtis Kyle; David Kilbourne; Dorothy Lampp; E. D. Visor; E. R. Hall; E. W. Horton; education; Elmer Johnson; Emma Small; F. Ellison Adams; Fannie Traphagen; film; Florence Bennett; Florida Public Service Company; Foster R. Fanning Company; garage; George Bates; Georgianna Trout Hill; government; Grace Kingsley; green vegetable; Hamilton & Pike Studio; Harold R. Peat; Hazel Riles; health; Herbert Kyle; Hill School; honor roll; Hungerford School; I. Vanderpool; Inez Kyle; Inter-City Realty Company; Isabelle McNair; J. A. Brown; J. A. Howell; J. H. Bennett; J. H. Hirsch; J. Harold Hill; J. R. Watson; Jean Springer; Jimmie McNair; John Masek; John Strong; Johnnie Stover; K. E. Kilbourne; Karl Lehmann; Kenneth N. McPherson; Kitty Vanderpool; L. L. Lampp; Lake Eola; Lakemont Dairy; library; Lily Lake; local government; Lucile Lampp; Lucinda Milliman; M. C. Bryan; M. Leroy Kyle; Maitland; Maitland Auxiliary; Maitland Clothing and Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Post Office; Maitland Realty Company; Mamie Kyle; Margaret Rice; Margery Murray; Marvin Frieland; Mary A. Stennis; Mary Belle Milliman; Mary Francis Rice; May Rena McIntyre; McGaffin Electric Shop; Mertice Horton; Methodism; Methodist; Mickey Peat; Morris Friedman; motion picture; movie; municipal government; Myrtle O'steen; N. A. Reasoner; Ocala; Ocala Chamber of Commerce; Parent-Teacher Association; Pat Peat; post office; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; R. A. Wheeler; R. P. Cobb; Ralph Joslin; real estate; Richard Pinder; robbery; Rollins Press; Rosa Belle Allen; Ruby Lake Grove Fruit Company; Ruth Russell; S. J. Stiggins; sanitation; school; Stella Waterhouse; student; The Bookery; The Maitland News; Town Council; town government; Twilla Horton; vegetable; vegetables; Vera McIntyre; Vera Whitfield; Vernon Ayers; Virginia Burke; Virginia Pinder; W. J. Beckham; W. R. G. Orwick; Wallace Wilson; wedding; Wesley Widdis; William Cammack; William W. Long; Willifred Stiggins; Winter Park; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park Refrigerating Company
The Maitland News, Vol. 02, No. 6, February 9, 1927
Tags: A. B. Lemmon; A. B. Rowland; A. H. Shadix; A. M. Springer; agriculture; Anna B. Treat; Annie Meer; B. Auxford Burks; bank; Bank of Maitland; banking; Berkeley Blackman; boat; boat racing; book; Brown's Store; Bryan's Barber Shop; C. D. Horner; C. F. Batcheldor; C. J. Woodward; C. M. Niven; Caroline Kingsley; chamber of commerce; Charles Hasslinger; church; citrus; citrus industry; D. O. Hibbard; E. A. Upmeyer; E. D. Flynn; E. R. Baldwin; E. R. Hanson; Earl Murray; Edward B. Hall; Elmer Johnson; F. A. McNair; F. J. Fotch; fair; Forrest B. Stone; Foster R. Fanning; Founder's Day; Frederick E. Godfrey; G. W. Backus; garage; government; H. C. Pearson; H. D. Haldeman; Harold Peat; Hill School; holiday; housing; Hungerford School; Irving W. Metcalf; J. A. Brown; J. A. Howell; J. H. Bennett; Kittie Vanderpool; L. L. Lampp; library; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. C. Bryan; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Auxiliary; Maitland Clothing and Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Marinello Beauty Parlor; Mary Ely; Mary Orrmins; Memorial High School; Methodism; Methodist; municipal government; music; New England Society of Orlando; Orange Hardware & Furniture Company; Orange Tea Shop; orlando; Orlando Realty Board; Parent-Teacher Association; park; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; R. A. Wheeler; R. B. Wright; R. P. Bronson; R. P. Cobb; real estate; Rollins Press; Ruby Lake Grove Fruit Company; S. J. Stiggins; sanitation; Sanlando Golf Club; school; song; T. M. Henkle; Tampa; taxes; Texaco Gas; The Maitland News; Theodore Johnson; Town Council; town government; Valentine's Day; W. A. Myers; W. B. Joiner; W. R. G. Orwick; W. R. Orrmins; William Cammack; William Howell; Winter Park; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park Country Club; Winter Park Refrigerating Company
The Maitland News, Vol. 02, No. 3, January 19, 1927
Tags: A. H. Shadix; A. M. Springer; agriculture; Anna B. Treat; Anna C. Stone; Annie Meer; B. A. Galloway; B. Auxford Burks; B. M. Robinson; bank; Bank of Maitland; banking; Bessie Galloway; Betty Rowland; book; Boy Scouts of America; Bryan's Barber Shop; C. A. Moberg; C. B. McNair; C. D. Horner; C. L. Pruyn; C. M. Niven; C. N. Beecher; Carol Bennett; chamber of commerce; Charles B. Waterhouse; church; citrus; citrus industry; club; construction; Don Cochran; E. A. Upmeyer; E. D. Visor; E. N. Beech; E. R. Baldwin; E. R. Hanson; Elizabeth Smith; Ella Kennedy; F. A. McNair; Forrest B. Stone; Foster R. Fanning; Frederick B. Conant; freeze; freeze protection; frost; fundraising; George B. DeNoyelle; Georgianna Hill; Glee Club; Goodyear Tires; government; gun club; H. A. Griner; H. D. Haldeman; H. E. Milliman; H. T. Sowell; Harold Haldeman; Hill School; Hungerford School; J. A. Brown; J. Blanton Belk; J. C. Russell; J. D. Baggett; J. F. Gardner; J. H. Bennett; J. H. Foster; J. I. Whitworth; Jack Lee; Jane Goode; Joseph Ponder; Karl Lehman; Kenneth N. McPherson; L. L. Lampp; Lena Fugate; library; Lily Lake; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. A. Howard; M. C. Bryan; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Clothing and Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Home Builders Association; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Mamie Fugate; Mary Wahl; Methodism; Methodist; Moody Bible Institute; municipal government; Nellie W. Taylor; Orange Hardware & Furniture Company; orlando; Orlando Realty Board; Parent-Teacher Association; Pepper Pot Restaurant; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; R. A. Wheeler; R. B. Wright; R. P. Cobb; radio; Ralph Ponder; Ray Ponder; real estate; Robert Kilbourn; Rollins Press; Ruby Baggett; Ruby Lake Grove Fruit Company; Ruth Knight; Ruth Russell; S. B. Hill, Jr.; S. J. Stiggins; sanitation; school; sport; Stella Waterhouse; T. M. Henkel; tennis; tennis court; Texaco Gas; The Bookery; The Maitland News; Town Council; town government; W. A. Myers; W. F. Smith; W. H. Johnston; W. R. G. Orwick; water; waterworks; WDBO Radio; Wesley Widdis; William W. Long; Winter Park; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park High School; Winter Park Refrigerating Company
The Maitland News, Vol. 02, No. 1, January 5, 1927
Tags: A. H. Shadix; A. M. Springer; agriculture; Alice Waterhouse; Anna B. Treat; Annie Meer; Arthur B. Rowland; Arthur Wellon; B. Auxford Burks; B. D. Galloway; B. J. Jones; B. M. Robinson; bank; Bank of Maitland; banking; Barbara Bennett; Blue Poultry Farm; book; Brown's Store; Bryan's Barber Shop; C. A. Campbell; C. A. Vincent; C. D. Horner; C. H. Ponder; C. L. Pruyn; C. M. Niven; C. N. Beecher; C. T. Sullivan; C. W. Mahan; Cara Ely; Carol Haile; Caroline Kingsley; chamber of commerce; Christmas; church; citrus; citrus industry; Clarence Brown; D. Harold Hair; Doris Waterhouse; E. A. Upmeyer; E. R. Baldwin; E. R. Hanson; E. Turner; Eleanor Upmeyer; Ellison Adams; engineering; F. A. McNair; F. G. Ponder; Fanny Traphagen; fire department; fire protection; Flora's Studio; Florida Rock Products Company; Forrest B. Stone; Foster R. Fanning; fruit; fruit industry; fundraising; George B. Carleton; Georgianna Hill; government; Grace Kingsley; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; Greenwood Gardens; grocery; H. A. Griner; Harold Peat; Helen Crane; Helen Holmes; Helen Waterhouse; Hill School; holiday; housing; I. Vanderpool; J. A. Brown; J. C. Sykes; J. D. Baggett; J. F. Gardner; J. H. Bennett; J. H. Foster; J. H. Hill; J. M. Brown; Jane Goode; Karl Lehman; Kate Vanderpool; Kenneth N. McPherson; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; L. L. Lampp; library; Lily Lake; local government; Louis L. Coudert; Lucy Brown; lumber; lumber industry; M. A. Howard; M. C. Bryan; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Clothing and Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Malcolm Niven; Martin Johnson; Mary C. Ely; Max Meer; Methodism; Methodist; Mildred Graham; municipal government; Orange Hardware & Furniture Company; Orlando Realty Board; Parent-Teacher Association; Paul Rogers; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; R. A. Wheeler; R. B. Wright; Ray Leuthy; real estate; retail; Rollins Press; Ruby Lake Grove Fruit Company; S. B. Hill; S. B. Hill, Jr.; S. J. Stiggins; Sallie Crane; sanitation; Sanlando Country Club; school; shop; Stella Waterhouse; store; The Bookery; The Maitland News; The Reporter-Star; The Tampa Times; Town Council; town government; Universal Dry Cleaners; W. A. Myers; W. R. G. Orwick; Wesley Roberts; White Way Filling Station; Will Smith; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park Refrigerating Company
Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr. and George Lee Wheeler
Tags: B. F. Wheeler; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; celery; celery industry; citrus; citrus growers; citrus industry; city councils; county commissioners; Frank Wheeler; George Lee; George Lee Wheeler; Georgia Lee; Georgia Lee Wheeler; Lake Jessup Avenue; orange industry; oranges; Oviedo; Oviedo City Council; Seminole County Commissioner; tangerine industry; tangerines
Undesirable Factors Cited in Report of 'The Big Pond', Lake Apopka; 1962-1964
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; Bureau of Sanitary Engineering; citrus; citrus industry; City of Winter Garden; David B. Lee; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; draining; farmer; farming; fertilizer; fish; fishing; Florida Inland Sportsfishing Host; Florida State Board of Health; Free of 1962-1963; freeze; hyacinth; insecticide; irrigation; lake; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Chapter; Orange County Health Department; oxygen; packing; Percy D. Blunt; pesticide; pollution; processing; research; Robert W. Sherman; SBH; sewage; sewage treatment plant; spray; waste; water; water conservation; water quality; William R. Pomeroy; Winter Garden
Tags: Alafaya Woods; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Ben Ward, Jr.; celery; celery industry; chicken; citrus; citrus industry; Colene Ward; college; Downtown Oviedo; Florida Technological University; FTU; Great Depression; home; Homebuyer; house; Mead Manor; neighborhood; orange county; Oviedo; Oviedo Place; school; Solaria's Wharf; subdivision; suburb; university
The Tallahassee News Release, June 1962
Tags: agricultural pollution; bass; Bob Peavy; citrus; citrus industry; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; diethyl parathion; fish kill; fishing; fishing lodge; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; Folidol; gizzard; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Lake Apopka; lake whitefish; parathion; parathion-ethyl; pesticide; pollution; press release; sewage; Talahassee; The Tallahassee News; threadfin shad; waste; water quality; Winter Haven
Receipt from A. D. Starbird to Isaac Vanderpool (December 29)
Isaac Vanderpool Receipt for A. D. Starbird (December 28, 1893)
Corporate Farming: How Chase & Company Has Grown Into a Dominant Force in Florida Agri-Business
Tags: agribusiness; agriculturalist; agriculture; Belle Glade; building; Building Materials Department; cabbage; cabbage industry; celery; celery industry; Chase and Company; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; Citrus Department; citrus grove; citrus industry; construction; corn; corn industry; corporate farm; corporate farming; corporation; crop; distribution; distributor; escarole; escarole industry; farm; farming; fertilizer; Fertilizer and Garden Supply Department; fertilizer industry; fruit; fruit industry; garden supply; grove; grower; growing; harvest; insurance; insurance industry; lettuce; lettuce industry; manufacturer; manufacturing; marketing; nursery; orange; orange industry; packing; packing house; packing industry; Sanford; shipping; sweet corn; vegetable; Vegetable Department; vegetable industry; warehouse; warehousing; wholesale; wholesaler; Zellwood
Chase & Company: Packers and Distributors of Florida Fruits and Vegetables Exclusively
Tags: accident insurance; accounting; automobile insurance; burglary insurance; Chase and Company; Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, Ohio; citrus; citrus industry; distribution; distributor; farming; FCE; fire; fire insurance; Florida Citrus Exchange; fruit; fruit industry; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; grower; Growers' Marketing Organization; growing; insurance; insurance industry; Jacksonville; Minneapolis, Minnesota; New York, New York City; orange; orange industry; packer; packing; packing house; packing industry; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; sales; sales department; Sanford; shipping; St. Louis, Missouri; Tangerine; tangerine industry; tornado insurance; vegetable; vegetable industry; Washington, D.C.
Chase and Company Packing House
FACTS: Seminole Florida: The Celery County
Tags: agricultural club; agriculture; bank; banking; Better Farming Show; celery; celery industry; citrus; citrus industry; club; co-operative; consumer; credit; crop lien; cultivation; demand; farmer; farming; fertilizer; finance; freight; Great Depression; grower; insect; lien; machinery; marking; money; Oviedo Agricultural Club; packing industry; pest; plant disease; production; Seminole Agricultural Club; Seminole Celery Fields; Seminole County; Stock Market Crash of 1929; supply; transportation
Inventory for George W. Oden Grove
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 36: Harry T. Moore, Part 2
Tags: African American; assassination; Barnes, Althemese; Barton, Juanita; Beiler, Rosalind J.; block voting; bomb; Brevard County; Brevard County NAACP; Brevard County National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; citrus; citrus industry; civil rights; civil rights activist; Civil Rights Movement; Clark, Jim; Dickson, Oscar; documentary; educator; equal pay; Evers, Medgar Wiley; FBI; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Florida African-American Heritage Preservation Network; Florida State Attorney's Office; Gary, Bill; Green, Ben; Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex; historic preservation; homesite development committee; Jacksonville; John Gilmore Riley Research Center; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; labor; Lake County; law enforcement; lynching; martyr; McCall, Willis Virgil; Moore Cultural Complex, Inc.; Moore Festival; Moore, Angela; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry Tyson; murder; museum; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; open records law; orange; orange county; orange industry; orlando; park; podcast; police; police brutality; Poole, T. H.; preservation; principal; public history; public record; race relations; racism; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Sanford; segregation; Simms, Harriette Vyda; teacher; terrorism; terrorist; The Orlando Sentinel; UCF; University of Central Florida; voter registration; voting; voting rights; wages; white supremacy; Wolfinger, Norm; Wolfinger, Norman "Norm" Robert
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 35: Harry T. Moore, Part 1
Tags: African American; Apopka; Apopka KKK; Apopka Ku Klux Klan; assassination; bomb; Brevard County; Brevard County NAACP; Brevard County National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; citrus; citrus industry; civil rights; civil rights activist; Civil Rights Movement; Clark, James C.; Clark, Jim C.; court; court case; Democrat; Democratic Party; documentary; educator; efore His Time: The Untold Story of Harry T. Moore, America's First Civil Rights Martyr; El-Shabazz, El-Hajj Malik; FBI; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Florida State Attorney; Green, Ben; Jacksonville; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Lake County; Library of Congress; Little, Malcolm; Live Oak; LOC; lynching; martyr; McCall, Willis Virgil; Moore, Angela; Moore, Evangeline; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry Tyson; murder; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; orange; orange county; Orange County Sheriff's Office; orange industry; podcast; principal; racism; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Simms, Harriette Vyda; Suwannee County; teacher; terrorism; terrorist; The Orlando Sentinel; tourism; voter registration; voting; X, Malcolm
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 11: Harry T. Moore: An Interview with Dr. Jim Clark
Tags: Apopka; Apopka KKK; Apopka Ku Klux Klan; assassination; baseball; bomb; Brevard County; Brevard County NAACP; Brevard County National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Brooklyn, Earl J.; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; citrus; citrus industry; civil rights; civil rights activist; Civil Rights Leader Harry T. Moore and the Ku Klux Klan in Florida; Civil Rights Movement; Clark, Jim; desegregation; documentary; FBI; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Florida State Attorney; hate group; historic preservation; integration; investigative journalism; journalism; journalist; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; klansman; Ku Klux Klan; labor; laborer; Lake County; McCall, Willis V.; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry Tyson; murder; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; newspaper; newspaper editor; newspaper publisher; open records law; orange county; Orange County Sheriff; Orange County Sheriff's Office; orlando; Orlando Magazine; podcast; Powell, Angelea; preservation; public records law; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robinson, Jack "Jackie" Roosevelt; Sacher, John; Sanford; segregation; sheriff; Simms, Harriette Vyda; Star, Dave; The Orlando Sentinel; tourism; tourist; UCF; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; Winter Park Magazine; Wolfinger, Norman "Norm" Robert
Chase & Company Train Cars and Trucks at Isleworth Grove
Franklin W. Chase and Randall Chase Inspect Sweet Black C Valencias at Isleworth Grove
Chase & Company Lifts and Carts at Isleworth Grove
Chase & Company Bulk Fruit Equipment at Isleworth Grove
President Calvin Coolidge Visits Sanford
Census of Negroes Living and Working at Isleworth, November 1, 1933
Tags: African Americans; Alston, Buster; Alston, Julia; Alston, William, Jr.; Alston, William, Sr.; Anderson, Albert; Anderson, Cora; Anderson, Maggy; Butler Chain of Lakes; census; Chase and Company; citrus; citrus industry; Cuyler, Bessie, Jr.; Cuyler, Bessie, Sr.; Cuyler, Captain, Jr.; Cuyler, Captain, Sr.; Cuyler, Dub; Cuyler, Elberta; Cuyler, Ella; Cuyler, Harry; Cuyler, Jack; Cuyler, Jennie; Cuyler, John; Cuyler, Mary; Cuyler, Nancy; Cuyler, Wesley; Floyd, Dan; Floyd, Hattie; Floyd, John; Floyd, Leo; Floyd, Willie May; Ford, Ellen; Hall, Annie May; Hall, Arline; Hall, G., Sr.; Hall, Gilyard, III; Hall, Gilyard, Jr.; Hall, Isabella; Hall, Jack, Jr.; Hall, Jack, Sr.; Hall, Le Roy; Hall, Lulu; Hall, Robert; Hall, W.; Isleworth Grove; Johnson, Avy; Johnson, Ed; Kilgore, A.; Kilgore, Livinia; Milton, Greely; Milton, Guy; Milton, Ola Lee; Milton, Ophelia; Milton, Talmadge; Minton, Annie; Minton, Athony; Patterson, Alfred; Patterson, Avy; Patterson, Emma; Peterson, W.; Smith, Lulu; Smith, M.; Steen, Bertha May; Steen, Emma; Steen, James, Jr.; Steen, James, Sr.; Tillman, Amy; Tillman, Carrie Lee; Tillman, George; Tillman, Hardy; Tillman, Janie; Tillman, Lizzie; Tillman, Nancy; Tillman, William; Windermere; Young, Bartras; Young, Chalie; Young, Charles; Young, Elisa; Young, Ewa May; Young, Garfield; Young, Israel; Young, James; Young, Jennie; Young, Lizzie May; Young, Martha Lee; Young, Nancy; Young, Robert
Census of White People Living and Working at Isleworth Grove with Earnings, October 31, 1932-November 1, 1933
Tags: African Americans; Armstrong, L. E.; Bellew, T. V.; Butler Chain of Lakes; census; Chase and Company; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Crowell, S. M.; employees; Fry, N. A.; Graves, O.; Hutchinson, Corbett; Isleworth Grove; Magnuson, E.; Merritt, M. P.; Merritt, M.P.; packing house; Roberts, R.; Smith, W.; Tyner, E. J.; wages; White, L. E.; Windermere
Isleworth Grove Colored Employee Statistics
Isleworth Grove Wage Statistics
Catalog and Price List, 1908-1909: Isleworth Nurseries
Tags: Boone, C. A.; Boone's Early Oranges; Carleton; Carleton Seedless Oranges; catalog; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Common Florida Grapefruit; Conner, O. W.; Conner's Prolific Grapefruit; Dunedin; Enterprise Seedless Oranges; fertilizer; Florida Horticultural Society; Fuller, John T.; Golden Hope Pinery; Gotha; grapefruit; grapefruit tree; grove; Hardeem W. R.; Hart's Late Oranges; Hoard, J. W.; Homosassa Oranges; irrigation; Isleworth Grove; Isleworth Nurseries; Jaffa Oranges; Jensen; King, J. H.; Kissimmee; kumquat tree; kumquats; Lamb's Summer Oranges; Lee County; Lee-Parsons Cattle Company; Lee, John M.; lemon tree; lemons; Moseley, J. E.; Nagami Kumquats; nursery; Oblong Kumquats; orange county; orange grove; orange tree; oranges; orlando; Osceola County; Oviedo; Parson Brown Buds; Pepper Publishing and Printing Company; planting; pruning; rough lemons; Silver Cluster Grapefruit; Skinner, L. B.; sour oranges; Starke Seedless Oranges; Steffe, Judson; Tangerine; Tardiff Oranges; Valencia Late Oranges; vegetables; Villa Franca Lemons; Walters Grapefruit; Washington Navel Oranges; Wauchula; Windermere
Chase & Company Citrus Exhibit
Tags: Chase and Company; citrus; citrus industry; exhibit; exposition; fair
Chase & Company Orange Packers in Winter Park
Oral Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin Wheeler III
Tags: Alafaya Trail; Andrew George Alexander Kelsey; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; Basil Corbett “B.C.” Dodd; bedroom community; Benjamin "Ben" Franklin Wheeler III; Benjamin Franklin "Frank" Wheeler, Jr.; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler; Black Hammock; Buster Garrison; Charles Simeon Lee; citrus industry; Clara Isabelle Lawton; Desta Lee Horner; Dinky Line; Five Points Operations Complex; Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad; Florida Technological University; Forrest Lake; Henry Shelton Sanford; Holler Chevrolet; Iron Bridge Water Pollution Control Facility; Jacob Summerlin; John Thomas Wheeler; King Brothers; Memorial Building; Narcissa Melissa; Nelson and Company Packing Plant; Nelson Brothers Packing House; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Depot; Oviedo Drug and Meat World; Oviedo Lights; packing houses; pine timber; Sanford; Seaboard Air Line Railroad; Seminole County; Steen Nelson; T.L. Lingo; Theodore “Judge” Aulin, Sr.; Thomas Willingham Lawton; turpentine; University of Central Florida; Wheeler-Evans House; William Henry “Billy” Dial
A History of Central Florida, Episode 38: Citrus Industry
Tags: 14th Avenue; A History of Central Florida; Adams Citrus Products Reception Center; advertising; Arcadia; Barbadoan; Bluebird; Caribbean Islander; citrus; Citrus Belt; citrus grove; citrus industry; Citrus Tower; Clarke, Bob; Clermont; Crescitelli, Jim; Deer Island; Dipper; Dunedin; factory; FDA; Flagler, Henry Morrison; Ford, Chip; Fourteenth Avenue; freeze; frozen concentrate; fruit preservation; Gibson, Ella; Gus Hall Citrus Fruit; Hall, Gus; Harrell, George "Speedy"; Hazen, Kendra; Indian River; Indian River Citrus Museum; Indian River Packing Company; Jamaican; Jax; juice; Just Fine; Keene, R. D.; Kelley, Katie; Killarney; labor; Lake Garfield; Long, Mark Howard; Main Street; marketing; Minute Maid; Mormino, Gary Ross; OCRHC; orange; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; orange grove; orange industry; orange juice; orlando; packing; packing house; packing industry; Parramore; Parramore Road; pineapple orange; Plant, Henry Bradley; podcast; preservation; R. D. Keene, Inc.; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Saint Augustine; sawdust; shipping; shipping industry; Spain; Spaniard; Spanish; spoilage; The Orange State; U.S. Food and Drug Administration; UCF; University of Central Florida; Valencia orange; Velásquez, Daniel; Vero Beach; WGHF; Whole Sun; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Winter Garden Heritage Museum; World War II; WWII
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 39: The Orange County Regional History Center
Tags: American Civil War; American Museum Association; cattle; Cattle and Citrus; cattle industry; Central Boulevard; citrus; citrus industry; Civil War; costume; courthouse; Destination Florida; documentary; Downtown Orlando; exhibit; exhibit design; Florida in the Civil War; Henson, James "Jim" Maury; Henson, Jim; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Mel Fisher Maritime Museum; Muppets; museum; museum studies; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Out of This World: Great Costumes from Sci-Fi Movies and Television; Perkins, Michael; pirate; podcast; public history; puppetry; race relations; racism; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Smithsonian; tin-can tourist; tourism; tourist attraction; traveling exhibit; Turnbull, Lindsey; Walt Disney World; white supremacy; Wigwam; Wigwam Village
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 26: The Oviedo Chickens
Tags: Adicks, Richard; Alafaya Woods; Black Hammock; celery; celery industry; chick; chicken; citrus; citrus industry; documentary; Downtown Oviedo; Econ River; Econlockhatchee River; Gagliano, Barbara; Great Day in the Country; Great Depression; hen; Lake Jesup; Murphee, Daniel S.; Oviedo; Oviedo Chickens; Oviedo Woman's Club; Petitt, Josh; podcast; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; rooster; rural; Shadron, Cindy; suburb; suburbanization; surburban; Taste of Oviedo; The Townhouse Restaurant; The Vine; UCF; University of Central Florida; White, Lars; Woman's Club; World War II; WWII
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 18: Winter Garden's 20th Century: Boom, Bust and Rebirth
Tags: ACL; Atlantic Coast Railroad Company; Avalon; bust; Cappleman, Kay; Central Florida Museum; cinema; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Cross, Phil; documentary; Downtown Winter Garden; Dr. Philips; farming; freeze; Gannon, Barbara A.; Garden Theatre; Gotha; grove; historic preservation; historic renovation; housing; hurricane; land boom; land development; McMillan, Alana; National Railway Historical Society; news; Niemi, Nicholas; night life; Oakland; orange; orange grove; orange industry; Plant Street; podcast; Polk County; population growth; preservation; railroad; real estate; real estate industry; renovation; revitalization; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; shipping; suburb; suburban; Tavares; Tavares, Eustis & Gulf Railroad; theater; theme park; turpentine; turpentine industry; Walt Disney World; West Orange Trail; WGHF; Windermere; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 25: The Railways of Central Florida
Tags: Brooksville; Central Florida Railroad Museum; CFRM; citrus; citrus industry; City of Winter Garden; Cross, Phil; documentary; historian; historic preservation; historic restoration; historical society; Killarney; Murphee, Daniel S.; museum; National Railway Historical Society; Neimi, Nicholas; NRHS; Oakland; orange county; podcast; preservation; railroad; restoration; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Speer, James G.; Spring Lake; Tavares and Gulf Railroad Company; Tildenville; West Orange County; WGHF; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Winter Garden Music Fest
History of the Oviedo Woman's Club by Lillian Della Lee Lawton
Tags: American Red Cross; B. F. Wheeler; citrus; citrus industry; civic club; club; freeze; Freeze of 1894-1895; Gay Nineties; H. B. McCall; Henry Wight; Henry Younge; Liberty Loan; Lillian Della Lee; Lillian Della Lee Lawton; M. M. King; Minna McCall; O. G. Wolcott; orange; orange industry; Oviedo; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Sweetwater Park; T. L. Mead; W. J. Lawton, Sr.; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.; Woman's Club; women; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII; Z. Spinks
Letter from J. A. Jacobson to Isaac Vanderpool (December 17, 1895)
Letter from Edwyn Sandys Dawes to Henry Shelton Sanford (January 5, 1882)
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 22: Hannibal Square
Tags: African American; African American community; African American neighborhood; Chambliss, Julian C.; Chapman, Oliver; Chase, Loring A.; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; City of Winter Park; college; cracker; Cravero, Geoffrey; Democrat; Democratic Party; documentary; Eatonville; Fountain of Youth; gentrification; GOP; Grand Old Party; Hannibal Square; Hannibal Square Heritage Center; Henderson, Gus C.; Hungerford Vocational High School; Hurston, Zora Neale; incorporation; Jacksonville; labor; Lake Monroe; liberal arts college; Livingston, Fairolyn; Maitland; Miami; orange; orange grove; orange industry; Özoğlu, Hakan; podcast; race relations; railroad; Republican; Republican Party; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rollins College; Sanford; segregation; Seminole Hotel; snowbird; St. Johns River; Town Council; Town of Winter Park; upper class; voter; voting; Winter Garden; Winter Haven; Winter Park
Headstone for George White Crawford at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: 5th Tennessee Infantry; cattle; cattle industry; cemetery; church; citrus; citrus industry; Confederate Army; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; Crawford, Cora Belle; Crawford, Ethel; Crawford, George White; Crawford, John; Crawford, Sarah; Florida State Legislature; grave; gravestone; headstone; McDonald, James D.; MECS; Methodist church; Mizell, Morgan Montgomery; Mizell, Sarah; orlando; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Second Lieutenant; senator; state legislator; state representative; state senator; Tennessee; tombstone; UMC; veteran
Headstone for William Harrison Holden, Nancy A. Mizell Holden, and Florence C. Holden at Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery
Tags: Brahman bull; cattle; cemetery; church; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Civil War; Convention Committee; Conway; Conway Road; Conway UMC; Conway United Methodist Church; Conway United Methodist Church Cemetery; Cook, Thomas; county commissioner; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; graprefuit grove; grave; gravestone; headstone; Holden, Cora; Holden, Florence C.; Holden, John; Holden, Mary; Holden, Nancy A. Mizell; Holden, Norman; Holden, William; Holden, William Harrison; Lake Holden; MECS; Methodist church; Orange County Commission; orlando; Prospect MECS; Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Tallahassee; tombstone; UMC; veteran; Virginia; Watson's Company Florida Mounted Troop
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase, Jr., to Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr. and Joshua Coffin Chase (June 13, 1933)
Tags: American Telephone & Telegraph Company; Attaberry; Austin car; Australia; Burton; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; Chase, Sydney Octavius, Jr.; Chase, Sydney Octavius, Sr.; citrus; citrus industry; farmers; Farmers' Marketing System; fruits; growers; Lake County; market; marketing; Mellon, Andrew; Municipal Auditorium; Nutting, L. B; Nutting, L.B.; orlando; Pennsylvania Railway; Pickard, A. E.; shippers; shipping; Southern Railway; Stockfeld, H. H.; vegetables; Way, S. Y.
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to E. Magnuson (December 2, 1927)
Tags: bulge pack; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; Coat-of-Arms grade; employee; fruit; fruit grading; fruit industry; grading; Hutchinson, Corbett; Isleworth brand; Isleworth grade; Isleworth Grove; labor; laborer; Magnuson, E.; Nesmathla; orange; orange industry; packing; packinghouse; picking; processing; pyramid pack; Windermere; worker
"Dec. 6, 1878 to Mar. 14, 1940" Manuscript
Tags: anniversary; Apopka; Bartow; Belair Grove; Carter, Silas B.; Chase and Company; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; cold spell; Collins House; courthouse; Fort Brooke; Fort Davenport; Fort Meade; freeze; Garrett; George M. Bird; grove; Hillsborough River; Kissimmee; Manatee; manuscript; Mellonville Trail; Miller; missionary; mule team; Old Trail; orange; orange industry; orlando; ox; Palm Springs; Parish Grove; Plant City; Platt; Platt tree; Presbyterian; Saddle Creek; Sanford; silver anniversary; steamboat; steamer; steamship; Stone; Tampa; Tampa Trail; Waverly; Waverly Cooperative; Waverly Silver Jubilee; Wekiva River; Winter Haven; Yates
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 10, 1927)
Tags: Asheville, North Carolina; bond; California; Chairman of the County Commissioners; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus growers; citrus industry; Clearing House; Clearing House proposition; Commander; commissioner; farmer; Gainesville; Isleworth Grove; Lake, Forrest; Mayo, Nathan; mayor; Mayor of Sanford; Newton; Payne, L. L.; Pratt; prune; prune industry; road proposition; Robinson, J. Curtis; Sanford; Skelly; Sunniland
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (December 6, 1921)
Tags: 10th Street; 9th Street; African American; Brevard County Road; Bunnell; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; election; First Street; Geneva; Hubbard; Isleworth Grove; Jacksonville; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Lake, Forrest; Landis, Cary D.; Leffler, C. D.; Leffler, C.D.; Magnuson, E.; Neamathla; Ninth Street; Oak Avenue; orlando; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Stevens; Sunniland; Tampa; Tenth Street; Tildenville; voter; voting; Windermere; Winter Garden
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (May 3, 1924)
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (May 7, 1924)
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 26, 1927)
Tags: Bartlett Pears; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; Chicago, Illinois; citrus; citrus industry; Clearing House; Commander; Edwards; Exchange Bank; FCE; Florida Citrus Exchange; Growers & Shippers League; Growers Sale Agency; justice; Lee, Will; Newton; pears; Robinson; Stewart, C. E.; Stewart, C.E.; Sunniland; Wirt
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (July 11, 1924)
Letter from Randall Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 9, 1919)
Letter from Randall Chase to A. Q. Lancaster (August 9, 1919)
Tags: Army; Bogue; Chase and Company; Chase, Randall; citrus; citrus industry; employee; employment; fight; foreman; hospital; Isleworth Grove; labor; laborer; Morrison; orlando; packing; packinghouse; processing; shipping; U.S. Army; veteran; wages; Watkins; Windermere; worker
Letter from Randall Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase, Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr., William A. Leffler, and Sydney Octavius Chase, Jr. (January 9, 1934)
Tags: AAA; American Fruit Growers; ammonia; Atenas; Beardall; Camp, Arthur Forrest; castor; celery; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Randall; Chase, Sydney Octavius; Chase, Sydney Octavius, Jr.; Chase, Sydney Octavius, Sr.; citrus; citrus industry; Clyde Line pier; cooling system; cotton seed meal; crates; Davis, T. J.; fertilizer; Gainesville; grapefruit; Harrington Hotel; Jacksonville; Lees, J. W.; Leffler, William A.; Manatee Truck Growers; manure; McKinnon; Monsalvatge; Mowry, Harold; muriate; nitrate; NRA; oranges; pomace; potash; Refrigerated Steamship Line; Rhodes; Sanford-Oviedo Truck Growers; Satsumas; soda; Spitzer; SS Atenas; sulphate; Superintendent of Stevedores; Superintendent of Terminal Operations; tangerines; tobacco; Tung; Tung trees; United Fruit Company; Williams; York Manufacturing Company
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Frank P. Lum (April 26, 1928)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Corbett Hutchinson (March 26, 1928)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Corbett Hutchinson (January 5, 1931)
Tags: Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; citrus; citrus industry; coloring; Crescent City; Crescent City tangerine; fruit coloring; Hutchinson, Corbett; Isleworth Grove; Isleworth tangerine; Newbold, L. M.; packing; packinghouse; processing; retail; sale; Tangerine; tangerineindustry; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Corbett Hutchinson (April 26, 1928)
Tags: California; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; citrus; citrus industry; Edwards, William E.; Erie Pier; food inspection; Fruit Auction Company; fruit grading; fruit inspection; Gorman; grading; Harrison Street; Hutchinson, Corbett; inspection; Isleworth Grove; Lum, Frank P.; New York City, New York; Newbold, L. M.; orange; orange industry; packing; packing industry; Penn Station; Pennsylvania Hotel; Pennsylvania Station; Potomac Yards; processing; retail; sale; Star Building; Thomas, R. H.; Thomas, R.H.; Valencia orange; Washington, D.C.
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Corbett Hutchinson (April 15, 1931)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Corbett Hutchinson (April 2, 1928)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (December 1, 1927)
Tags: American Fruit Growers; auction; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; employee; Eubank; fruit; fruit grading; fruit industry; grading; Hutchinson, Corbett; Isleworth Grove; labor; laborer; packer; packing; packinghouse; processing; Rinck; shipping; wages; Wiley Avenue; Windermere; worker; wrapping
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to S. M. Crowell (February 15, 1929)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (January 31, 1927)
Tags: Browne, C. E.; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; citrus picking; employee; Goodall Grove; grapefruit; grapefruit grove; grapefruit industry; grove; harvest; hot weather; irrigation; Isleworth Grove; Kiser Grove; labor; laborer; Lord & Spencer; Lord, Fred; McNiff; orange; orange grove; orange industry; picker; picking; pineapple; pineapple industry; pineapple orange; Stanley; Tangerine; tangerine grove; tangerine industry; tangerine picking; Valencia orange; weather; White Grove; Windermere; worker
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (September 20, 1919)
Tags: auction; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; citrus picking; cold weather; coloring; freeze; fruit; fruit coloring; fruit industry; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; grapefruit picking; harvest; Isleworth Grove; picking; Skinner; weather; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (October 26, 1931)
Tags: Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; citrus picking; cold weather; Crowell, S. M.; Davis, F. W.; dry weather; fruit; fruit industry; grapefruit; grapefruit grove; grapefruit industry; grapefruit picking; grove; harvest; Hutchinson, Corbett; irrigation; Isleworth Grove; Lake Butler; Magnuson, E.; Norris Earlies; Parson Browns; picking; pineapple; pineapple industry; rain; Tangerine; tangerine industry; weather; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (October 3, 1924)
Tags: acidity; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; citrus picking; fruit; fruit coloring; fruit industry; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; harvest; Isleworth grapefruit; Isleworth Grove; juice; Manatee Fruit Company; Mayo; picking; shipping; sugar; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (November 26, 1921)
Tags: Barger; Belair Grove; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; DA; Department of Agriculture; fruit coloring; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; Isleworth Grove; Isleworth Seedling; lemon; lemon industry; orange; orange industry; Potomac Yards; research; sales; Selling Department; shipping; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (November 21, 1930)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (May 13, 1929)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (May 11, 1929)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (May 10, 1924)
Tags: Browne, C. E.; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Crescent; employee; FEC; finance; Florida Citrus Exchange; grove; Isleworth Grove; labor; laborer; Lancaster, A. Q.; Neamathla; Nocatee; wages; Wiley Avenue; Windermere; worker
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (May 4, 1927)
Tags: Browne, C. E.; Chase and Company; Chase Brand; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grading; citrus industry; citrus picking; Coat of Arms brand; construction; dry weather; fruit grading; fruit picking; grading; Hutchinson, Corbett; Isleworth grade; Isleworth Grove; Lake Butler Tibbett; Lake Laura; orange; orange industry; orange picking; Overstreet; picking; road; Roadway Department; Valencia orange; weather; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (May 1, 1920)
Letter from Joshua Chase to brother Sydney Chase (March 29, 1934)
Tags: Brown; Cartright; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; Crowell, S. M.; freeze; frost; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; Hamlin orange; Isleworth Grove; orange; orange industry; pineapple orange; real estate; real estate industry; Rollins College; Tangerine; tangerine industry; Valencia orange; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (March 26, 1926)
Tags: Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; Crane; Fellowship; fruit; Fruit Auction Company; fruit industry; Gorman; Isleworth Grove; Lake Apopka; Miller; orange; orange county; orange industry; packing; packinghouse; processing; shipping; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (March 24, 1928)
Tags: Angelo; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; grapefruit juice; Hutchinson, Corbett; Isleworth Grove; juice; juice industry; New Yor; orange; orange industry; packing; processing; shipping; Smith; Valencia orange
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (March 14, 1929)
Tags: Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; Coat of Arms brand; crop; Crowell, S. M.; farming; gale; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; Hutchinson, Corbett; irrigation; Isleworth Grove; Magnuson, E.; orange; orange industry; pineapple; pineapple industry; planting; sand; Smith; Valencia orange; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (June 18, 1920)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (July 1, 1912)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (January 31, 1927)
Tags: advertising; alligator pear; Atlanta, Georgia; Browne, C. E.; Browne, C.E.; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; fruit; fruit decay; fruit industry; Goodall Grove; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; grove; irrigation; Isleworth Grove; Kiser Grove; Lord & Spencer; Lord, Fred; marketing; McNiff; orange; orange industry; packing; pear; pear industry; pineapple; pineapple industry; processing; shipping; Stanley; Tangerine; tangerine industry; Titusville; tree; Valencia orange; weather; White Grove; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (January 29, 1927)
Tags: Browne, C. E.; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus industry; Coat of Arms brand; employee; fruit grading; Fruitman's Club; grading; Isleworth brand; Isleworth Grove; Isleworth pineapple; Isleworth pineapples; labor; laborer; orange; orange industry; packing; pineapple; pineapple industry; pineapple orange; Pratt; processing; retail; sales; Tangerine; tangerine industry; Windermere; worker
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (January 23, 1911)
Tags: Belair Grove; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; employee; Eubank, T. J.; farming; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; grove; Isleworth Grove; Kelley Grove; laborer; Lancaster, A. Q.; orange; orange industry; planting; Swamp Chase; Valencia orange; Windermere; worker
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (January 22, 1929)
Tags: Ball, Edward; bank; banking industry; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Crowell, S. M.; DuPont; finance industry; Florida National Bank; fruit; fruit industry; grapefruit; grapefruit grove; grapefruit industry; grove; Isleworth Grove; Leighton, Bruce; Miller, DeWitt; Navy Aviators; orange; orange industry; Overstreet; packing; packinghouse; processing; shipping; U.S. Navy Aviators; United States Navy Aviators; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (January 18, 1924)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (January 4, 1929)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (February 25, 1927)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (February 24, 1928)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (February 18, 1911)
Tags: ammonia; Barnett; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; employee; Eubank, T. J.; grove; Hass, Carl; Hoard; Homestead; Isleworth Grove; laborer; Lancaster; Lancaster-Rankley; Lancaster, A. Q.; potash; Rankley; sulphate of ammonia; ulphate; Windermere; worker
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (February 8, 1927)
Letter from Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (December 22, 1913)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (April 27, 1927)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (April 15, 1911)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (April 5, 1923)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Brockelman Brothers (January 30, 1928)
Tags: Broadcaster; Brockelman Brothers, Inc.; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; citrus; citrus industry; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; Indian River orange; Isleworth grapefruit; Isleworth Grove; Isleworth orange; magazine; orange; orange industry; photography; pineapple orange; pineapple oranges
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Brockelman Brothers (January 20, 1928)
Tags: ACL; arsh seedless; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Brockelman Brothers, Inc.; Chase and Company; Chase Investment Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; citrus; citrus industry; dancy tangerine; dancy tangerines; Department of Agriculture; freeze; frost; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; irrigation, freeze; Isleworth Grove; Lake Butler; Native American; Ocoee; orange; orange county; orange industry; orlando; packinghouse; pineapple orange; Riverside, California; Samuel J. Shallow Company; Seminole; Shamel, A. D.; Shamel, A.D.; Tangerine; tangerine industry; U.S. Department of Agriculture; Valencia; Windermere