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- Tags: firefighters
Oral History of Jeffrey Edward Clark
Tags: active duty; Air Apprenticeship Training; airman; airmen; Apopka; apprentices; apprenticeship schools; Apprenticeship Training Program; Atlanta, Georgia; Atlantic Ocean; Azores Islands; Bainbridge; Baldwin Park; Bank of America; bank tellers; Barnes, Mark; basic seaman recruits; berthing areas; boot camp; boot camps; chief petty officer; chief petty officers; Clark, Jeffrey Edward; Community Veterans History Project; Company 101; CVHP; Dan Taylor; Daytona Beach Community College; DBCC; deck divisions; deployment; E-1; E-2; E-3; E-4; East Hartford, Connecticut; Enlisted Rank 1; Enlisted Rank 2; Enlisted Rank 3; Enlisted Rank 4; Facebook; Fire Control Technicians; firefighters; fireman; firemen; Firemen Apprenticeship Training; Flagler County; Flagler Palm Coast High School; Forrest Gump; Greyhound; guided missile destroyers; Hayne, Gary; Hazen, Kendra; helmsman; helmsmen; I-4; I-94; immigrants; Inactive Readiness Reserves; inactive reserves; Interstate 4; Interstate 95; IRR; Italian immigrants; Italians; Kiesden, Kurt; Kirchman Corporation; lee helms; Lieutenant Dan; Lone Sailor Foundation; Lone Sailor Memorial Committee; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; Luxemburg; Maitland; Mayflower; Mediterranean Sea; Mediterranean Squadron; MEP; Military Entrance Processing; Morse code; Moses; NationsBank; NATO; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Exchange; Navy Memorial of Central Florida; Nice, France; Norfolk, Virginia; North Atlantic; North Atlantic Squadron; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Novak, Karla; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Program; OBT; officers; Orange Blossom Trail; Orleman, Andrew; Palm Coast; Petty Officer; Petty Officers; Philippines; Ponta Delgada, Portugal; Pro Systems; Radar School; recruit training; recruits; sailors; sales representatives; San Francisco, California; Seaman Apprenticeship Training; seamen; semaphore; service representatives; Shriners Temple; signalman; Signalman School; signalmen; Storekeeper School; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; U.S. Route 17; U.S. Route 441; U.S.S Richard E. Byrd DDG-23; UCF; University of Central Florida; US-17; US-441; USS Bluejacket; USS Chiwawa CV40; USS Richard E. Bird TDG-23; veterans; Welch, Alan; Wiggins, Leanne; World War II; WWII; YouTube
A History of Central Florida, Episode 35: Leather Fire Helmet
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Benjamin Franklin; Bob Clarke; Cairns Fire Helmets; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Denver Firefighters Museum; Eagles; Ella Gibson; fire chiefs; fire departments; fire helmets; firefighters; firefighting; fireman; firemen; Henry Cairns; Henry T. Gratacap; high eagle helmets; Jasper Cairns; Jerry Michaels; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; leather; Mount Dora; Mount Dora Fire & Police Station; Mount Dora Fire Department; Mount Dora History Museum; Mount Dora Police Department; New York City, New York; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; OSHA; Robert Cassanello; Royellou Lane; Skip Kerkhof; Stephen Kerkhof; U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
City Appoints New Fire Chief, Finance Director
Tags: Bentkofsky; Carolyn White; city government; City of Oviedo; Cynthia Lindsay; Darla Kinney Scoles; Edwin White; finance director; fire chiefs; fire departments; fire protection; firefighters; firefighting; Gerald Seeber; government; local government; OFD; Oviedo; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Finance Department; Oviedo Fire and Emergency Services Department; Oviedo Fire Department; The Oviedo Voice
Declaration of Intention for Herbert Alexander Wells
Tags: 2nd Court; African Americans; Anna M. Fitzsimmons; Berdina Wells; British West Indies; BWI; DOL; Edwin R. Williams; Fearless; firefighters; Herbert Alexander Wells; Herbie Wells; immigrants; immigration; Immigration and Naturalization Service; Key West; locomotive fireman; locomotive firemen; Long Island, Bahamas; Mamie Knowles; Mamie Wells; Mary Ellen Knowles; Mary Ellen Wells; Miami; naturalization; Second Court; U.S. Department of Labor
Explosions Rock City: Flames Visible 6 Miles Away
Tags: 13th Street; 18th Street; Ansley, Hugh; Chevrolet; Cleveland, Mack N. Sr.; Eighteenth Street; farmers' market; fire; firefighters; French Avenue; Navy firefighters; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford Fruit Company; Sanford Police Department; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Seminole High School; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Tooke, Harry; U.S. Navy
Home of Fire Chief Maxie G. Bennett
Lars White Tries Out Job as Oviedo Fire Chief
Herbert Alexander Wells at the Railyard in Savannah, Georgia
Herbert Wells Dies in Sleep
Tags: 17th Street; 2nd Court; African Americans; Bahamian Americans; Bahamians; Berdina Wells; Deloria Marshall; FEC; firefighters; fireman; firemen; Florida East Coast Railway Company; Herbert Alexander Wells; Herbie Wells; Jackson Memorial Hospital; Joe L Marshall, Sr.; Joe Marshall, Jr.; John E. Marshall; Kelly Chapel; Lila Phillips Lila Marshall; Lula Marshall; Mamie Knowles; Mamie Wells; Mary Ellen Knowles; Mary Ellen Wells; Miami; Nauml McKenson; railroads; Second Court
Offspring: Washington Wells
Tags: 19th Street; 2nd Court; African Americans; Alphease Wells; Angela Wells Claire; Anthony Felton; Arthur Wells; Berdina Wells; Carlitha Felton; Carlitha Wells; Carrey Felton; Colin Wells; Earl R. Wells; Edna Wells Culmer; Ellen Major; Ellen Wells; Elma Wells; Emily Blatch Wells; Essie Wells; Ethel Wells; FEC; firefighters; fireman; firemen; Florida East Coast Railway Company; Fred Wells; Gail Moss; Gail Wells; George Moss; Gerald Wells; Giles Wells; Glen Wells; Harold Wells; Henry Morrison Flagler; Herbert Alexander Wells; Herbie Wells; Ida Hilton; Ida Major; Ida Wells; immigrants; immigration; John Wells; Lois Wells Symonette; Loreice Wells; Mamie Knowles; Mamie Wells; Marcus Royster; Maria Wells; Mary Ellen Knowles; Mary Ellen Roster; Mary Ellen Wells; Mazine Wells Sherer; McFarlane Wells; Melborn Wells; Melbourne Wells; Miami; Miriam Deveaux; Miriam Wells; Nassau, Bahamas; Out Island, Bahamas; Patrice Wells; Patrick Wells; Paul Wells; railroads; Roderick Royster; Roxanne Thompson; Roxanne Wells; Second Court; Temera Felton; Veronica Wells Travers; Washington Wells