Browse Items (20 total)
- Tags: graduations
Flag Corps at the Orlando Naval Training Center
FTU Grads Named
Tags: Betty Ann Bledy Katzin; college; commencement; Cristie Elizabeth Cole; Cynthia Johnson Sloan; education; Elizabeth Buck Bradley; Florida Tech; Florida Technological University; Frank Kurtz Scharf, Jr.; FTU; George S. Eubanks, James R. Hall; Gerald Edward Fensch; graduate; graduations; Hanne Margret Lutken; higher education; James Andrew Burgess, Jr.; Joanne Elizabeth Aldrich; John F. Kennedy Space Center; June Etta Cone; KSC; Lee R. Scherer; Linda J. Stoothoff; Marcea Linda Stiver; orlando; Oviedo; Reba Kozette Day; Robert Eby Cummings; Steven Earl Brown; Susan Bravence Martin; The Oviedo Outlook; Thomas Earl Knickerbocker; university; William Mark Wise
Graduation at Lake Howell High School, 1995
Oral History of Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan
Tags: Abraham Lincoln; Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch; American flags; Anderson; Andrew Aulin III; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Schott Reagan; Andy Aulin; art; artists; Aulin Avenue; Aulin's Landing; awards; B. F. Wheeler; baccalaureate services; Baptists; Bayton; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Bettye Reagan; bicycles; bike riding; bikes; Black Beauty; Bob Ward; book reports; books; bovines; busing; camping; canines; car accidents; cattle; chapels; Charles Warren Aulin; Charlie McCulley; Charlotte Lee Lawton; church; churches; clothes; clothing; Coat of Many Colors; coats; cops and robbers; cows; cycling; Daniel Lee McGill; Daniel Lee Reagan; Debbie Lynn Reagan; desegregation; discipline; doctors; dogs; Don Reagan; Donald Thomas Reagan; dressmakers; dressmaking; drugstores; Easter; education; educators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; flags; Florida State Bank; forts; Frankie D. Gore; fruit testers; GA; games; George Lee Wheeler; Girls’ Auxiliaries; graduations; Grand Ole Opry; gym; Heidi; high schools; immigrants; immigration; integration; Jackson Borough School for Nursing; Jacobs; Joanne Ward; Joel Edwin McGill; Joel McGill; Julie Karin Reagan; Kathleen An Reagan; Kathleen Ann McGill; Lake Charms; Lake Mary; Lee; Leonard Franklin Slye; Lillian Della Lee Lawton; Lona Lawton Aulin; Lottie Lee Lawton; Martin; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; Mary Leonora Aulin Bartlett; milk; milking; Morrison’s Cafeteria; Nelson and Company; novels; oranges; orlando; Orlando Transit; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oviedo, Spain; P.E.; painters; painting; Patrick Kelley Reagan; pets; physical education; physicians; postmasters; pranks; RA; race relations; radios; Rebecca Schwandt; Rollins College; Roy Rogers; Royal Ambassadors; Sanford; school bus; school buses; schools; seamstress; seamstresses; segregation; sewing; Slavia; spitz; spitzen; storekeepers; strawberries; strawberry; Sunbeam Band; Swedes; Swedish; swimming pools; T. W. Lawton; teachers; telephone operators; The Roy Rogers Show; Thomas Willington Lawton; Trigger; Troubles; Tusta's Drugstore; W. J. Lawton; Walker; weddings; West; West House; Wheeler; Wheeler Fertilizer Company; White's Wharf; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.
Oral History of Connie Reuter
Tags: Abingdon, Virginia; active duty; Airman Apprenticeship Training School; Baldwin Park; basic training; Beechcraft T-34 Mentor; birth control glasses; boot camps; chapels; chow halls; church; churches; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; Connie Reuter; Corpus Christi, Texas; CVHP; Delayed Entry Program; DEP; drill teams; education; educators; enlistment; eyeglasses; females; firearms; Fleet Week; G.I. glasses; gas chambers; gig lines; glasses; graduations; Ground Zero; guns; Hines; inactive duty; Ingelside, Texas; instructors; Leanne Wiggins; Liberty Call; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Martha Reuter; memorials; MEP; Merritt; military education; Military Entrance Processing; military training; NAS Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Ingelside; Naval Air Warfare Center Training System Division; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Buddy Enlistment Program; NAWCTSD; New York City, New York; NS Ingelside; NTC Orlando; orlando; peanut butter; Petty Officer, Second Class; photographer's mates; photographers; photography; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; RTC Orlando; sailors; ships; suicides; T-34; teachers; The Grinder; training; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; USN; USNR; USS Blue Jacket; veterans; weather; woman; women; World Trade Center; WTC
Oral History of Gordon Pierce and Trina Cothrin
Tags: A School; A-4; Afghanistan; aircraft carriers; airplanes; Arctic Ocean; aviation maintenance administrators; aviation metalsmiths; aviation structural mechanics; Baldwin Park; basic training; boot camps; Bruce Pierce; Buffalo, New York; CENTCOM; Chief Yeoman; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; Company Commander; Correctional and Instructional Standards Division Officer; CVHP; Douglas A-4 Skyhawk; education; Enduring Freedom; enlistment; F-14; facsimile; fax; Fighter Squadron 124; firefighting; Firefighting School; fires; Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 58; Florida State Road 436; Global War on Terror; Gordon Pierce; graduations; Great Lakes, Illinois; Grinder; Grumman F-14 Tomcat; GWOT; instructors; Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Jacksonville; James Pierce; Key West; liquid oxygen; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; MacDill AFB; MacDill Air Force Base; Master Chief Petty Officer; memorials; Memphis, Tennessee; Meridian, Mississippi; military education; military training; Miramar, San Diego, California; NAS Jacksonville; NAS Key West; NAS Meridian; NAS Miramar; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Jacksonville; Naval Air Station Key West; Naval Air Station Meridian; Naval Air Station Miramar; Naval Air Station Sanford; Naval Nuclear Power Training Command; Naval Station Great Lakes; Naval Training Center Orlando; NAVSTA Great Lakes; Navy Achievement Medal; Navy Commendation Medal; NS Great Lakes; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Power School; OEF; Olongapo, Philippines; Operation Enduring Freedom; orlando; Pensacola; Philippines; planes; Qatar; QWIP Technologies; recruit training; Recruit Training Center Orlando; Recruit Training Command; recruits; Republic of the Philippines; Roger Jordan Sims; RTC Orlando; sailors; Sanford; Sims, Roger Jordan; Skyhawk; SR-436; State of Qatar; swimming; Tampa; terrorism; terrorists; Tomcat; Tommy Foreman; Trina Cothrin; Trina Pierce; U.S. Army; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; United States Central Command; USCENTCOM; USS Blue Jacket; USS Coral Sea; USS Forrestal; USS Franklin D. Roosevelt; USS John F. Kennedy; USS Wasp; VA-72; VC-7 Tallyhoers; veterans; VF-11 Thunderbolt; VF-124; VF-171; Vietnam War; VR-58; War in Afghanistan; War on Terror
Oral History of Marc Ennis
Tags: Afghanistan; Air Crew School; Anti-Submarine Warfare; Arthur Fonzaerlli; ASW; Australia; Australian Special Forces; Aviation Systems Operator; Aviation Warfare Sensor Operator; AW; Ayase, Japan; Cannes International Film Festival; Cannes, France; co-ed; co-educational; Community Veterans History Project; Competition Week; Corry Station Naval Technical Training Center; Corry Station NTTC; CVHP; desk-top simulators; dogs; education; Electronic Warfare; enlistment; Equator; EW; fleet replacement squadron aircrews; Fonzie; Gibson; Glass, Jonathan; Global War on Terror; graduations; Gulf Breeze; GWOT; Harold Lavine; Helicopter Squadron 1; Helicopter Squadron 14; Helicopter Squadron 5; helicopters; Henry Franklin Winkler; Henry Winkler; HS-1; HS-14; HS-5; humanitarian aid; inspections; instructors; Jonathan Glass; Jones, John Paul; Kendra Hazen; Little Creek, Virginia; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Marc Ennis; marching; memorials; Millington, Tennessee; Mount Fuji; NAS Atsugi; Naval Air Facility Atsugi; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; naval training; NAWCTSD; Operation Enduring Freedom; orlando; Pensacola; Philippines; pools; Port Hueneme, California; radars; recruit training; Recruit Training Center Orlando; rescue swimmers; RTC Orland; SAR; Search and Rescuer; shellback ceremonies; shellback ceremony; Sikorsky SH-60/MH-60 Seahawk; simulations; Starboard Delta; swimming; terrorism; The Fonz; The Grinder; The Guardian; training; typhoon reliefs; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Navy; USS Blue Jacket; USS Gunston Hall; USS John C. Stennis; veterans; War in Afghanistan; WAVES; woman; women; Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service; Yamato, Japan
Oral History of Richard Tobias Sloane
Tags: A-5; advanced training; aircraft; airplanes; airports; auxiliary service; B-52; B-52 Memorial Park; Baldwin Park; basic training; Blue Jacket Park; Boeing B-52 Stratofortress; Bronze Star with V Device; BUPERS; Bureau of Naval Personnel; captains; Carli Van Zandt; Carolyn Van Zandt; Central Florida Research Park; Combat Action Award; Commander Carrier Group 8; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; CVHP; Dave Arms; deployments; destroyers; discipline; drafts; engineering; engineers; ensigns; Fernando Maldonado; Garcia; Get Me to the Church on Time; graduations; Great Lakes, Illinois; Grinder; Groucho Marx; gunnery officers; Harry Smith; historical preservation; historical restoration; Honey Bun; Jim Allen; Julius Henry Marx; Lake Baldwin; Legion of Merit; Lieutenant Junior; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; LST; LTJG; Luis De Florez; Luis De Florez Building; Lydia and the Tattooed Lady; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Mekong Delta; memorials; military spouses; military training; military wife; military wives; Milwaukee; monuments; Morale, Welfare, and Recreation; MWR; My Fair Lady; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Divisions; Naval Destroyers School; Naval Education and Training Command; Naval Training Center; Naval Training Center Great Lakes; Naval Training Center Orlando; Naval War College; Navy E Ribbon; Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society; NAWCTSD; NETC; Newport, Rhode Island; NMCRS; North American A-5 Vigilante; NTC Great Lakes; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Power School; nurses; OCS; Officer Candidate School; Officer Car; orlando; Orlando International Airport; Orlando-Sanford International Airport; parks; planes; preservation; Purple Heart; Queens, New York City, New York; RA-5C; RA-5C Vigilante; recruit training; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; Repair Division Officer; Research Park; retirement; Richard T. Sloane; Richard Tobias Sloane; river patrols; River Section 35; Rockbridge; RTC Orlando; Sanford; Santa Barbara; selective service; Service School Command; Service Schools Command; SERVSCOLSCOM; simulations; simulators; South Pacific; Surface Warfare Advisor; Surface Warfare Officers School; The Navigator; training; U.S. Naval War College; U.S. Navy; United Service Organization; USO; USS Blue Jacket; USS Garcia; USS Hassayampa; USS Milwaukee; USS Rockbridge; USS Santa Barbara; USS Wisconsin; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; Vietnamese; volunteers; Ward Room; wars; Weapon Systems Officer; Wisconsin
Oral History of Robert Matthews
Tags: A-7; Attack Squadron 174; aviation electronics technicians; Baldwin Park; Base Realignment and Closure Commission; basic training; Bill Nelson; boot camps; BRAC; BUILDCON; Central Florida Navy League; Central Florida Research Park; Clarence William Nelson II; co-educational; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; CVHP; demolitions; E-1; education; Enlisted Rank 1; enlistment; Expeditionary Medal; gender segregation; graduations; Grinder; Jacksonville; Lake Wales High School; Lake Wales Junior High School; Ling-Temco-Vought A-7 Corsair II; Lockheed P-3 Orion; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Maintenance Technician; marching; Mark Miller; Master Training Specialist; memorials; Memphis, Tennessee; Mike Philips; military education; military instructors; military leave; military training; Millington, Tennessee; NAMTRADET; NAS Jacksonville; NAS Memphis; Naval Air Maintenance Training Detachment; Naval Air Station Cecil Field; Naval Air Station Jacksonville; Naval Air Station Memphis; Naval Air Systems Command, the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; Naval Reserve; Navy League; NAWCTSD; orlando; P-3; POW; prisoner-of-war; Recruit Training Center Orlando; Research Park; Rob Matthews; Robert Matthews; RTC Orlando; sailors; Science Drive; segregation; simulations; simulators; Soaper; Spook Hill Elementary School; training; training systems; U.S. Naval Reserves; U.S. Representatives; U.S. Senators; University Boulevard; USS Blue Jacket; VA-174; VA-87; veterans; World War II; WWII
Recruit Training Center Orlando Graduation Review
Rifle Drill Team at Recruit Training Center Orlando
Sanford High School Annual Commencement Program, 1912
Tags: 9th Street; Alberti; Bachmann; Beethoven; Butt, Cecil; Carter, Tom; Chappell, Lucca; Chopin; Class Day; commencements; Crosby, Wallace; Custance, Arthur F. M.; Davis, Margaret; Deane, Tenney; Durand; education; Erminie; Frank, Florence; Gavotte; graduations; Grey, Bob; Higgins, Lillian; high schools; Hogan; Howard, W. E. C.; Inman, W. Clay; Irving Literary and Debating Societies; Jones, Hoskins; King, Earl; Landon, Dorothy; Landon, James, Sr.; Langley, J. D.; Leffler, Linda; Liszt; Litolff; Long, Harold; Lovell, Carrie; Lysberg-Rinaud; Mac Dowell; Mahoney, Clarence; Marshall, Leonard B.; McKim, Mary; McLaughlin, George; Munson, Fannie Stembridge; Nash, Harvey; Ninth Street; Palmetto Avenue; Perkins, N. J.; Purden, Essie; Ristow, Cecil; Rossini; Salter, Mary Turner; Sanford; Sanford High School; Sanford Public Schools; Schmidt; schools; Schubert; Smith, Wilson G.; Speaks, Oley; SPS; Starling, Clarissa; Stewart, Ruth; Stumon, Junnie; Tell, William; The Time of His Life; Thurston, Irene' Coffee, Marguerite; Tolar, Ernest; Uncle Tom; Verdi; Wagner, Maude Alice; Wagner, Richard; Ward, Madge; Wycombe, Peter
Sanford High School Annual Commencement Program, 1914
Tags: 9th Street; Barnes; Beethoven; Berner, Evelyn; Bowler, Mabel; Brantley, Belle; Brown, Victory; Brown, Winnie Irene; Chappell, Lucca; Chase, Randall; Chopin; Class Day; Coates, J. Frank; Coenen; Columbia College; commencements; Connelly, Linda; Davis, Margaret Lucille; Dennee; education; Flagler; Frank, Florence; Gardener, Mary; Gatchel, Mary; Gilbert, E. Howard; Glee Club; Godard, B.; Gounod; graduations; Grieg; Haydn, J.; Higgins, Adelaide; high schools; Kanner, Ruth; Kullak; Liszt; Little Ercel; Lohr, Frederick N.; Lund; MacDowell; Massneret, J.; McAlexander, Watson; McKinnon, J. F.; McLaughlin, George W.; Meridith, Tom; Mishaps of Minerva; Montague, A. P.; Moughton, Ethel Mae; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Fannie Stembridge; Murphree, Albert A.; Murrell, Renie; Ninth Street; Packard, Marian; Palmer; Palmetto Avenue; Perkins, N. J.; Philips, Marian; Radford, Rosamond; Rowland, Helen; Salter, Mary Turner; Sanford; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Glee Club; Sanford High School Literary Societies; Sanford Public Schools; School of Musical Art; schools; Schubert; Shannon, Mike; Skabo, Signe; Speuryker, Jennie Van Deusen; Spindler, Fritz; SPS; Sterling, Clara; Sterling, Lydia; Sterling, Minerva; Sterling, Mortimer J.; Stevenson, Harry; Strong, F. P.; UF; University of Florida; Wagner, Maud Alice; Waldron, Katherine G.; Waldron, Ruth; Walker, Claire; Walker, Clifford; Whitner, Benjamin F., Jr.; Williams, Edna; Wright
Sanford High School Annual Commencement Program, 1916
Tags: 9th Street; Abernathy, Mollie; Alberti; Anderson, Agnes; Anderson, Allie; Arnold, Marjorie; Aspenwall, Frances; At the End of the Rainbow; Austin, Jack; Behrend; Benton, Joy Kline; Blackman, W. F.; Bolinger, C. D.; Britt, Frank, Huston, Mildred; Brown, Douglas, Preston, Dick; Brown, Oscar; Brown, Susie; Brownlee, E. D.; Bruce, Mollie; Chamberlain, E. C.; Class Day; Clementi; commencements; Davis, Margaret; Dayton, Marion; Deas, Madge Ward; Doyle, A. C.; education; Elliott, Emily; Ernest, Elsa; Ezell, B. F.; Foster; Goertz, Alma; Gounad; graduations; Graves, Jessie; Greene, Robert; Grieg; Hand, Ruth; Henry, Florence; high schools; Holly, May; Hulley, Lincoln; Hyman, George; Kanner, Ruth; Kern; Klintworth, Royal; Knox, Kathleen; Kowalski; Laing, Joe; Laing, Roby; Lake, Sarita; Lane, Phyllis; Lavallee, Calixa; Leavitt, France; Liszt; Lyman, Emma Abbott; Marshall, Ruth; Mason, Anna; McDaniel, Ruth; McKinn, William; McLaughlin, Anna; McLaulin, Henry, Jr.; McQueen, Anne; Molloy; Morris, Gladys; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Marie Sembridge; Murrell, John; Mylnarski; Neal, T. A.; Newtown, Marian; Ninth Street; Palmer, Stanley; Palmetto Avenue; Peck, Helen; Preston, Nellie; Preston, Robert; Price, Polly; Puleston, Mary Elizabeth; Rines, Lucille; Ross, Louise; Rumph, Hume; Runge, Adele; Runge, S.; Runge, Theodore; Sanford; Sanford High School; schools; Schubert; Schutt; Shelton, Helen; Smith, Sidney; Spindler; Steinmeyer, F. E.; Sternberg; Stetson University; Stewart, Edith; Stewart, Max; Stone, Izetta; Strong, F. P.; Swift, Marie; Takach, Lucille Aspinwall; Thayer; Theta Phi House; Thrasher, May; Wagner; Wallace; Ward, Fern; Ware, Harriet; Watson, M.; Welleby; West, Etta; Whitner, B. F., Sr.; Whitney, Ted; Woodburn, Esther
Sanford High School Commencement Exercises, 1911
Tags: 7th Street; Betts, William Ernest; Carlson, Harry F.; Chappell, Mary; Class Day; commencements; Cowan, Mabel Brown; education; Fox, Martha Gwynn; graduations; high schools; Housholder, Ernest F.; Kanner, Abie O.; Lovell, Carolina Louise; Lovell, William Vail; McKinnon, J. F.; Mettingers, Ruth Esther; Perkins, N. J.; Pope, Sarah Eugenia; Sanford; Sanford High School; schools; Seventh Street; Singletary, Willie Mary; Thackston, J. A.; Tillis, Gussie Emma; UF; University of Florida; Williams, Saidee Christina; Woodruff, Seth Lee
Sanford High School Commencement Exercises, 1920
Tags: 9th Street; Adams, Gladys; Aycocke, Alberta; Bell, Perry Lee; Brown, Martha; Chappell, Ellen; Class Day; commencements; Cox, H. W.; DeCoursey, Virginia; education; Frank, Gussie; Gallagher, Rose; Gillon, Ruth; graduations; Henry, Ethel; Herring, Eleanor; high schools; Hunt, E. M.; Lawton, T. W.; Lingle, Glenn; Mason, Anna; Mason, Reuben, Moore, Sherman; McKim, William; McLaulin, Henry; Ninth Street; Palmetto Avenue; Rines, Adele; Roller, Leslie; Runge, Adele; Russell, Fordyce; Sanford; Sanford High School; schools; Spencer, Carolyn; Squires, Herbert; Strong, Winnie; Takach, Julius; Terwilleger; Tillis, Cora Lee; Whitcomb, Glenn; White, Carolyn; Zachary, Julia
Sanford High School Commencement Exercises, 1920
Tags: 9th Street; Adams, Gladys; Aycocke, Alberta; chrysanthemum; Class Day; commencements; Cosby, Vivian; education; Gallagher, Rosa; graduations; Hail and Farewell; high schools; In the Harbor; McKim, William; Ninth Street; Palmetto Avenue; Rines, Adele; Sanford; Sanford High School; schools; Strong, Winnie
Sanford High School Commencement Program, 1920
Sanford School Graduates Hear Dr. Nixon Sunday: Methodist Minister Draws a Lesson for Members of the Senior Class from Miracle of 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes
Tags: 7th Street; Barber, Carmeta; Bethsaida; Brumley, John; Byrd, Sam; Capernaum; Christianity; Christians; commencements; disciples; Dubose, H. C.; Edenfield, Evelyn; education; Galilee; Gladstone, W. E.; gospel; Gospel of John; graduations; Gray, Ida M.; Harris, Herman F.; high schools; King David; King, F. D.; Lawton, T. W.; Long, Stewart; McKay, G. E.; Methodists; minister; Moses; Nixon, T. J.; Peck, Lee; Rines, Clinton; Rollins College; Russell, Clyde; Sanford; Sanford High School; Schirard, John; schools; Scoggan, Warner; Sea of Galilee; sermon; Seventh Street; Spuregeon; St. John; Stoinoff, Mary; Twelve Disciples; Women's Club
To Receive Degree from U. of Florida
Tags: A. A. Calhoun; Aquilla A. Calhoun, Jr.; B.A.; Bacchus; Bachelor of Arts; Cavaliers; cheerleaders; commencements; Florida Blue Key; Gainesville; Gator Pep Club; Glee Club; graduations; James Miller Leake Medal; Kappa Sigma; Mike Calhoun; Peabody Club; Reserve Officers Training Corps; ROTC; Spessard Holland; Spessard Lindsey Holland; student executive councils; U.S. Army Reserve; UF; University of Florida; Young Democrats