Browse Items (21 total)
- Tags: lumber
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1960
Tags: African Americans; agriculture; Amerindians; Anglo Americans; apparel; Armed Forces; Asian Americans; Austrian Americans; automobiles; bars; bartenders; Brevard County; British Americans; bus; buses; business services; Canadian Americans; cars; Caucasian Americans; census; Census of 1960; Central Americans; chemical; Chinese Americans; civilian labor; clerical; college education; communication; construction; cooks; crafts; craftsman; craftsmen; Czech Americans; Czechoslovakian Americans; dairy; Danish Americans; deliverymen; deliverywomen; divorced; domestic services; drinking establishments; drivers; durable goods; Dutch Americans; eating establishments; education; educations; electrical equipment; electrical machinery; elementary education; employees; engineers; English Americans; entertainment; European Americans; fabricated metal; farm managers; farmers; females; Filipino Americans; finance; Finnish Americans; fishery; Flagler County; food; food products; foreman; foremen; forestry; forewoman; forewomen; French Americans; furniture; German Americans; government; Greek Americans; health care; high school education; Hispanic Americans; hospitals; Hungarian Americans; immigrants; immigration; Indians; insurance; Irish Americans; Italian Americans; Japanese Americans; kindergarten; kindred products; Korean War; labor; labor force; laborers; Lake County; Latin Americans; Latinas; Latinos; Lithuanian Americans; lumber; machinery; males; managers; manufacturing; Marion County; marital status; married; mechanics; medical; Mexican Americans; mining; motor vehicles; Native Americans; non-durable goods; non-profit organizations; North Americans; Norwegian Americans; officials; operative; orange county; Osceola County; pedestrians; personal services; Polish Americans; population; Portuguese Americans; primary education; primary metal; printing; professionals; protective services; public administration; public education; public transportation; publishing; railroad services; railroads; railway services; real estate; recreation; repair; restaurants; retail; Romanian Americans; Russian Americans; salaried; sales; sanitary services; Scandinavian Americans; schools; secondary education; self-employed; Seminole County; separated; single; Slovakian Americans; Soviet Americans; streetcars; subways; Swedish Americans; Swiss Americans; teachers; technicak; technicians; textile mills; trade; transportation; transportation equipment; trucking services; U.S. Census; unemployment; university education; utilities; veterans; Volusia County; waiters; waitresses; walking; warehouses; warehousing; welfare; wholesale; widowed; wood products; workers; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII; Yugoslavian Americans
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1970
Tags: administrators; African Americans; aged; agriculture; Armed Forces; Asian Americans; assisted living facilities; Austrian Americans; automobiles; bakeries; bakers; bakery; banking; bars; bookkeepers; Brevard County; British Americans; bus; buses; business; cabs; Canadian Americans; Caribbean Americans; carpenters; cars; Caucasian Americans; census; Census of 1970; Central Americans; chemicals; Chinese Americans; civilian labor; cleaning services; clerical; college dormitories; college dorms; college education; communications; construction; crafts; craftsman; craftsmen; credit; Cuban Americans; Czech Americans; Czechoslovakian Americans; Danish Americans; dentists; dependents; dishwashers; divorced; divorcees; doctors; domestic service; drinking establishment; dryers; durable goods; Dutch Americans; eating establishment; education; educations; electric heat; electrical equipment; electrical machinery; electrical supply; elementary education; elevated transportation; employees; employment; engineering; engineers; English Americans; entertainment; European Americans; fabricated metal; fabrics; families; farm managers; farmers; farming; federal government; females; finance; Finnish Americans; fishery; Flagler County; food; food services; foreman; foremen; forestry; freight; French Americans; furniture; gas eat; German Americans; government; Greek Americans; group quarters; health care; health services; high school education; higher education; Hispanic Americans; hospitals; households; Hungarian Americans; inmates; institutionalized; insurance; Irish Americans; Italian Americans; Japanese Americans; kindred; Korean War; labor; labor force; laborers; Lake County; Latin Americans; Latinas; Latinos; legal; Lithuanian Americans; local government; lumber; machinery; machinists; males; managers; manufacturing; Marion County; marital status; married; material handlers; mechanics; medical; medical practitioners; mental hospitals; merchandise; Mexican Americans; Middle Eastern Americans; military barracks; mining; motor vehicles; non-durable goods; non-profit; Norwegian Americans; nursing homes; old folks homes; operatives; orange county; Osceola County; pedestrians; personal services; physicians; Polish Americans; population; Portuguese Americans; primary education; primary metal; printing; private sector; professionals; protective services; public administration; public sector; public transportation; publishing; railroads; railways; real estate; recreation; religious; repair; restaurants; retail; Romanian Americans; rooming houses; Russian Americans; salaried; sales; sanitary; sanitation; Scandinavian Americans; schools; secondary education; secretaries; secretary; self-employed; Seminole County; separated; servicemen; servicewomen; single; Slovakian Americans; Southwest Asian Americans; Spanish Americans; spouses; state government; stenographers; stock; streetcars; subways; Swedish Americans; Swiss Americans; taxicabs; teachers; technical; technicians; televisions; textiles; trade; transport equipment; transportation; truck drivers; trucking services; TV; typists; U.S. Census; unemployment; university education; utilities; veterans; Vietnam War; Volusia County; walkers; walking; warehousing; washing machines; welfare; wholesale; widowed; widowers; widows; workers; World War I; World War II; wringers; WWI; WWII; Yugoslavian Americans
Letter from Chase & Company to G. T. Smith (January 30, 1926)
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Mrs. Sydney Octavius Chase (April 26, 1928)
Celery Capital
Tags: 13th Street; ACL; agriculture; American Fruit Grower Publishing Company; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; canning plant; celery; Celery City; cypress; cypress lumber; cypress tree; Dawson, C. R.; Deep Swamp timber; factories; farmers; farmers’ market; Florida; Florida Grower; Florida State Farmers' Market; Florida State Market Board; freeze; fruit; fruit juice plant; Longwood; lumber; marketing; Markham; meat packinghouse; milling; Osceola; pine timber; SAL; Sanford; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Seaboard Air Line; Seminole Big Tree Park; Seminole County; St. Johns River; The Senator; timber; vegetable; wholesale
A History of Central Florida, Episode 25: Company Scrip
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Bass Road; Bethany Dickens; Bob Clarke; Chip Ford; commissaries; company scrips; company stores; currency; Daniel Velásquez; debt peonage; Disston City; Disston Land Company; Edge Mercantile Company; Ella Gibson; Elliott Edge; Great Railroad Strike; Great Railroad Strike of 1877; Great Upheaval; Great Upheaval of 1877; Groveland; Groveland Historical Museum; Hamilton Disston; Hazen, Kendra; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; labor; labor strikes; Lake Avenue; Lake County; lumber; lumber mill; lumber mills; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; money; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Osceola County; Osceola County Welcome Center and History Museum; Paul Ortiz; Riley, Groover and Company; Robert Cassanello; sharecropping; slavery; St. Cloud; Sumter County; turpentine
Oral History of Harold Haldeman
Tags: African Americans; Cameron; Cameron Boulevard; Celery Avenue; chickens; cypress; cypresses; First Presbyterian Church of Maitland; Gainesville; Gatlin Grocery Store; Geneva; Geneva Avenue; Geneva Bridge; Great Depression; Haldeman, Harold; hardwood; hens; Lake Harney; Lemon Bluff; logging; lumber; lumber industry; Maitland; Maytown; Motta, Daniel; Osceola; pine mill; Pine Street; planing mill; pond cypress; Port Everglades; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; sawmill; segregation; Seminole County; softwood; SR 436; St. Johns River; timber; U.S. 17-92; UF; University of Florida; World War II; WWII; yellow pine
R. W. Estes Celery Company Ledger, 1947-1950
Tags: . A. Harris; A. Aulin; A. Duda and Sons; A. E. Bramble and Son; A. H. Malcom Company; A. J. Lossing Transfer and Storage; A. J. Peterson; A. K. Rossetter; A. W. Towne Agency; Abbott & Cobb; ACL; Adkins and Adkins Company; agriculture; Airplane Dusting Service of Zellwood; Alex Leinhart; American Red Cross; American Rug and Linoleum Company; Anderson Brothers; Andrew Carraway Agency; Annie C. Merriweather; Annie Laura Bennett; Annie May Davis; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; Arch Eug. and Construction Company; Asa Pendleton; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Austin, Inc.; B. E. Taylor; B. J. Ward; B. Jones; Bailey Motor Company; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; Bank of Zephyrhills; Beggs Company; Ben G. Wainwright; Ben Jones; Ben Jones Drug Company; Bertha Mason; Bethel Methodist Church; Bill Crey; Bill Slater; Bisese & Console; Black Hammock Drainage Fund; Block B; Blunk Furniture Company; BO; Bob Jones University; Borden's Dairy; Boy Scouts of American; Brainard and Horne Trucking Company; Britt Tractor Company; Brown and Loe, Inc.; Buster Henderson; Byron Thompson and Company, Inc.; C. D. Beggs; C. G. Rakeshaw; C. G. Shaffer; C. Henderson; C. O. Smith; C. R. Clonts; C. R. Clonts and Associates; C. T. Nublack; C. T. Walker Radiator Shop; C. W. Baker; cabbage; California Spray and Chew Company; Camp Bearwalla; Carraway & Smothers; Caruso Fruit Distributors; celery; Celery City Printing Company; celery industry; Cell-u-Mop Company; Central Avenue; Central City Bag Company; Central Florida Bag Exchange; Central Florida Quick Freeze and Storage Company; Charles G. Shaffer; Charles J. Collins; Charles T. Niblack; Chase and Company; Cherrito Celery Company; Chester D. Hiatt; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; City Ice and Fuel Company; Clarence Ashe; Clarence Henderson; Cleveland Celery Market; Clontz Zellwood Farms; Commissioner on Claims; Community Church; Community Produce Company; Consumers Lumber and Veneer Company, Inc.; Cook's Pharmacy; Cook's Prescription Stop; Cooperative Inspection Fund; Crawford Amoco Service; D. Caruise; D. R. Ulrey; D. Rubey; D'Arrigo Brothers Company; Demase and Manna; Dick Harrow; Dorothy Pulmley; DOT; Duda Tire Sales, Inc.; Dunham concrete Company; E. G. Kilpatrick, Jr.; E. L. Kempf; E. P. Collins; E. Williams; Earl Higgingbotham; Earnest Ingram; Eastwest Produce; Econlockhatchee Hunt Club; Elberta Crate and Box Company; Eleanor Lotz; Elwyn Evans; Estes, Ulrey, & Gore; Evelyn Williams; F. A. Long Farm; F. Washington; Falkner, Inc.; farm; Farm and Home Irrigation Supplies; Farm and Home Machinery Company, Inc.; farmer; farming; Farnell's Grocery; feed; Fernald Laughton; fertilizer; Fields Firestone Store; Firestone Stores, Inc.; First National Bank; First National Bank of Orlando; Florida Bank and Trust Company; Florida Farmer Corporation; Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association; Florida Fruit Digest Company; Florida Power Corporation; Florida State Bank; Florida State Bank of Sanford; flower; Food Machinery Corporation; Frank Marshall; Fred Diplin; Fred Washington; freight; Frisco; G. C. Williams; G. J. Rhodes; G. M. Arie; Garrett-Holmes, Inc.; George A. Speer, Jr.; George Armistead Smathers; George D. Daudes; George H. Spohn; George Jakobian; Georgia Crate and Basket Company; Gibbs Corporation; Gibbs Machine Company Shop; Good Neighbors Magazine; Grace C. Hardy; Grady Page; Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church; Grant Chapel AME Church; Great Southern Stores, Inc.; grower; Growers and Shippers League of Florida; growing; Gulf Fertilizer Company; H. & W. B. Drew Company; H. M. Gleason; H. P. Newhouse; H. P. Newhouse Celery Company; H. T. Kitson; H. W. Lowell; Haley Stewart Electric Company; Halloway Concrete Products; Harry Becker; Harry Beeker and Company; Harry P. Leu; Hays and Russell, Inc.; Hazel W. Nowell; Heintzelman Motors, Inc,; Helen E. Leinhart; Henry A. Russell Seed Company; Henry Detriville; Hern's Photo Supply; Hiatt's Dairy; Hill Implement Company; Hinky Dinky Stores; Howard Gould; Howard Young; Hubert Lee Gray; Hungerford School; Hunt Mercury Company; Hunt's Garage; Hunt's Tuxedo Feed Store; Hutchinson Tractor Equipment Company; ICRR; Illinois Central Railroad; Independent Supply Company; Industrial Equipment Company; insecticide; insurance; Internal Revenue Service; Ira Tossie; IRS; J. A. Harris; J. Baker; J. C. Faircloth; J. C. Hutchinson; J. C. Kassell; J. D. Dillon and Sous Stores Company; J. D. Driggers; J. D. Moore; J. E. Clontz; J. E. Jackson; J. F. Wilson; J. Frank Wilson; J. Miller; J. R. Chappell; J. W. Craddock; J. William Martin; J. Y. Harris; Jack C. Kassell; Jack C. Kendall; Jack F. Wakeman; Jack Gore; James Apothecary; James Craddock; James Gilbert Lyerly; James H. Gut Agency; James Miller; Jim Wilson; Jimmie Cowan; Joe Leinhart; Joe Merritt; Joe Priest; John A. Eick; John Deere; John L. Galloway; John Miceli; John Rocher Chappell; Jones and McLaughlin Trucking Service; Jones Prescription Shop; Joseph L. Stecher; K. Brown; K. C. Baker; Karl Daul; Karl Schneeder; Kay Estes; Kennong Bearing Service; Kilgore Seed Company; Kingman and Hearty, Inc.; Kissam Builders Supply Company; Kooter Brown; Krick Weather Service, Inc. J. H. Daniell; Kroger Company; L. A. Hardy; L. W. Wilkerson; labor; LaJune Estes; Lake Charm Fruit Company; Lake Jessup; Lakeland Cash Feed Company; Lee Brothers; Lee Daniels; Leight Banana Case Company; Leinhart Floral Gardens; Leland Chubb, Jr.; Lena I. Hunt; Levy Grant; Lloyd's Furniture Company; Loniel E. Metcalf; Lonnie Wilkerson; Lot 26; Lot 3; Lot 45; Louis Roesch Company; lumber; M. C. Hagan; M. L. Gore; M. M. Estes; M. P. Mickler Company, Inc. G. M. Arie; M. Roth; M. Vinson; Mallory; Mamie Allen; Mandell; March of Dimes; Martin; Martin Equipment Company; Mary I. Young; Mary King; Masonic Home Endowment Fund; Mathers; Mattie McCoy; Max Leinhart; Medlock Tractor Company; Megan Sladek; Mercury 6; Merrill Wattles; Methodist Church of Oviedo; Mill Suppliers, Inv.; Millikan Brothers Garage; Milton Gore; Miracle Concrete Company; Mitchell Company; Monroe Vinson; Montgomery Ward Company; Morgan; Morgan Tire and Battery Company; Mount Zion Baptist Church; National Bellas Hess; National Marketing Company; National Society for Crippled Children; Nelson and Company, Inc.; New York Life Insurance Company; New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Company; O. P. Hendon; O'Neal Branch Company; Orange Belt Truck and Track company; Orange Memorial Hospital; Orlando Farm Equipment Store; Orlando Forge; Orlando Office Supply Company; Oviedo; Oviedo Baseball Club; Oviedo Drug Company; Oviedo Farm Equipment Store; Oviedo Garage; Oviedo Lumber and Supply Company; Oviedo Lumber Company; Oviedo School; Oviedo Service Station; P. C. McMichen; P. C. McMicher; P. H. Lansing's Garage; P. I. Oviedo Drug Store for Medicine; Patrick Fruit Company; Paul E. Mary; Paul W. Heasley; Paymaser Corporation; payroll; pecan; Pennie Olliff; Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Pentland and Gray; Pere Marquette; Perkinson-Robison; Peter P. Volante; Peter P. Volaute; Peter S. Schaulan; Phillip Zwigg; Pioneer Fruit; Plywood Industries, Inc.; Produce Reporter Company; Prudential Insurance Company; Public Relations Service; R. C. DeGuehery; R. H. Johnson; R. K. Evans; R. L. Ragsdale; R. L. Scarick; R. L. Slavik; R. L. Stephens; R. N. Fisk Company; R. R. Bass; R. R. Stephens; R. S. Carlson; R. S. Woodruff; R. W. Estes; R. W. Estes Celery Company; Ralph Sirianni; Ratliff and Sons; Ray Clontz, Jr.; Remington-Rend, Inc.; Reynolds Produce company; Rice, Frew, and Rice Company, Inc.; Richard Allen; Richard H. Walker, Jr.; Roger W. Gidley; Rome Lincoln Mercury company; Ruby H. Estes; Russell R. Jones; Rutland's; S. E. Parker; S. F. Long; SAL; Salvation Army; Samuel P. Mandell; San Juan Drug company; Sanford Produce Company; Sarah Vinson; Seaboard Air Line Railroad; Sears, Roebuick, and Company; Seatt Mill Work Company; Seminole County Chamber of Commerce; Seminole County Farm Bureau; Seminole County Motors; Seminole County Tuberculosis Health Association; Seminole Truck and Tractor Company; Senter Brothers; Seventeen Magazine; Sherman Concrete Company; shipper; shipping; Smathers for Senate Club; Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; Southern Chemicals, Inc.; Southern Crate and Veneer Company; Southern Pipe and Supply company; St. Louis-San Francisco Railway; Standard Growers' Association; Standard Oil Company; Stanley P. Curtis; Stephens Brothers; Steward; Stock Yard District Agency; Strickland-Morrison, Inc.; Super Concrete, Inc.; Swift and Company; T. Cobb; Texas Company; Thad L. Lingo; The Lions club; The Orlando Morning Star Sentinel; The Sanford Herald; The Shoe Box; Theodore Glassmire; Thomas H. Daniell; Thomas H. Daniell, Jr.; Thomas Lumber and Supply Company; Thomas Moon; Tilden; Tilden Tiling; Title Guaranty and Abstract Company of Sanford; Town of Oviedo; Treasurer of the United States; U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue; U.S. Department of the Treasury; USDOT; V. H. Slay; W. A. Meek; W. A. Teague; W. C. Hutchinson; W. F. Maulding; W. G. Kilby; W. J. Chance; W. j. Flowers; W. J. Lawton; W. L. Daniels; W. T. Whitehead; W. Vincent Roberts; wage; Walker Fertilizer Company; Walton Wall; Ward's Garage; Ward's Garage and Filing Station; warehouse; warehousing; Wesco Foods; Wesley Reddick; Wesleyan College; Western Union Telegraph Company; Wheeler; William C. Hutchinson; William Enderlsin and Company; Willie Cray; Willie Daniell; Wilson-Horne; Winpark Roofing company; Womarath; Woody's Radio Shop; Yoriville; Young Harris Supply Company; Yowell-Drew Ivey Company
Letter from E. R. Trafford to Henry Shelton Sanford (September 11, 1883)
Letter from E. R. Trafford to Henry Shelton Sanford (December 24, 1883)
A. D. Starbird Receipt for Isaac Vanderpool (December 12, 1892)
A. D. Starbird Receipt for Isaac Vanderpool (December 21, 1892)
A. D. Starbird Receipt for Isaac Vanderpool (February 27, 1893)
A. D. Starbird Receipt for Isaac Vanderpool (March 17, 1893)
A. D. Starbird Receipt for Isaac Vanderpool (June 29, 1983)
A. D. Starbird Receipt for Isaac Vanderpool (May 8, 1894)
A. D. Starbird Receipt for Isaac Vanderpool (May 14, 1894)
A. D. Starbird Receipt for Isaac Vanderpool
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 04, May 29, 1926
Tags: A. N. Pettis; Anna B. Treat; bank; Bank of Maitland; Bill Deuel; Bill Tucker; Boy Scouts of America; C. D. Horner; chamber of commerce; Charles B. Waterhouse; Dixie Highway; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. C. Pipkin; E. N. Beech; E. R. Hall; E. T. Winn; elected official; engineering; F. B. Conant; F. H. Manning; fire; Forrest B. Stone; garbage; Goodyear Tires; government; Greenwood Gardens; housing; Inter-City Realty Company; J. A. Brown; J. G. Friedland; J. H. Bennett; J. H. Hill; J.B. McCrary Engineering Corporation; Jack Lee; James Doig; James E. Fleming; John Lawson; John Nelson; K. N. McPherson; Lake Faith; library; Lloyd Haines; local government; Lois M. Haile; Longwood; Louis L. Coudert; lumber; M. L. Kyle; Maitland; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; municipal engineering; Nellie R. Draper; notary; R. A. Wheeler; Ray Ponder; restaurant; Robert Kilbourn; sanitation; Stella Waterhouse; Teddy Brocksmith; Texaco Gas; The Maitland News; Town Council; trash collection; W. A. Manning; W. F. Parker; waterworks; Wekiwa River; White Way Motor Company; White-Way Restaurant; Winter Park
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 25, October 23, 1926
Tags: A. B. Rowland; Agnes Moremen; Alvord L. Stone; Anna B. Treat; Anna C. Stone; artists; Augusta McNair; Bank of Maitland; banking; banks; Beulah Rowland; books; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's City Store; C. C. Jackson; C. D. Horner; C. Fred Ward; C. N. Beecher; camping; chambers of commerce; Charles B. Waterhouse; church; churches; city government; construction; Dale Orwick; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. D. Visor; Eleanor Upmeyer; Elinor Barnett; Elizabeth Treat; F. A. McNair; F. G. Manning; Flora's Studio; Forrest B. Stone; Goodyear Tires; government; Halloween; Harry Cargyl; highway; Hill School; holidays; housing; I. Vanderpool; J. A. Brown; J. C. Russell; J. G. Bennett; Joseph Ponder; Kate Vanderpool; Katharine Brewer; Kenneth N. McPherson; L. C. Ingram; libraries; library; Lily Lake; local government; Louis L. Coudert; lumber; lumber industry; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Auxiliary; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Mary C. Ely; mayors; Methodism; Methodist; municipal government; music; musicians; Nellie W. Taylor; Parent-Teacher Association; parties; party; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; R. A. Wheeler; radio; real estate; road; Robert Kilbourn; Rollins Press; S. B. Hill, Jr.; S. J. Stiggins; Saretta Hill; schools; State Highway No. 3; streets; Teddy Brocksmith; Telecommunications; The Maitland News; Town Council; town government; Viking Tires; WDBO Radio; WEAF Radio; White-Way Restaurant; Winter Park
The Maitland News, Vol. 02, No. 1, January 5, 1927
Tags: A. H. Shadix; A. M. Springer; agriculture; Alice Waterhouse; Anna B. Treat; Annie Meer; Arthur B. Rowland; Arthur Wellon; B. Auxford Burks; B. D. Galloway; B. J. Jones; B. M. Robinson; bank; Bank of Maitland; banking; Barbara Bennett; Blue Poultry Farm; book; Brown's Store; Bryan's Barber Shop; C. A. Campbell; C. A. Vincent; C. D. Horner; C. H. Ponder; C. L. Pruyn; C. M. Niven; C. N. Beecher; C. T. Sullivan; C. W. Mahan; Cara Ely; Carol Haile; Caroline Kingsley; chamber of commerce; Christmas; church; citrus; citrus industry; Clarence Brown; D. Harold Hair; Doris Waterhouse; E. A. Upmeyer; E. R. Baldwin; E. R. Hanson; E. Turner; Eleanor Upmeyer; Ellison Adams; engineering; F. A. McNair; F. G. Ponder; Fanny Traphagen; fire department; fire protection; Flora's Studio; Florida Rock Products Company; Forrest B. Stone; Foster R. Fanning; fruit; fruit industry; fundraising; George B. Carleton; Georgianna Hill; government; Grace Kingsley; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; Greenwood Gardens; grocery; H. A. Griner; Harold Peat; Helen Crane; Helen Holmes; Helen Waterhouse; Hill School; holiday; housing; I. Vanderpool; J. A. Brown; J. C. Sykes; J. D. Baggett; J. F. Gardner; J. H. Bennett; J. H. Foster; J. H. Hill; J. M. Brown; Jane Goode; Karl Lehman; Kate Vanderpool; Kenneth N. McPherson; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; L. L. Lampp; library; Lily Lake; local government; Louis L. Coudert; Lucy Brown; lumber; lumber industry; M. A. Howard; M. C. Bryan; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Clothing and Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Malcolm Niven; Martin Johnson; Mary C. Ely; Max Meer; Methodism; Methodist; Mildred Graham; municipal government; Orange Hardware & Furniture Company; Orlando Realty Board; Parent-Teacher Association; Paul Rogers; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; R. A. Wheeler; R. B. Wright; Ray Leuthy; real estate; retail; Rollins Press; Ruby Lake Grove Fruit Company; S. B. Hill; S. B. Hill, Jr.; S. J. Stiggins; Sallie Crane; sanitation; Sanlando Country Club; school; shop; Stella Waterhouse; store; The Bookery; The Maitland News; The Reporter-Star; The Tampa Times; Town Council; town government; Universal Dry Cleaners; W. A. Myers; W. R. G. Orwick; Wesley Roberts; White Way Filling Station; Will Smith; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park Refrigerating Company