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- Tags: parathion
Memorandum from W. R. Peavy, Jr. (July 23, 1962)
Tags: agricultural pollution; Charles Weiss; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; diethyl parathion; fish kill; fishing; fishing lodge; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Folidol; frog; insecticide; lake; Lake Apopka; parathion; parathion-ethyl; pesticide; regulation; sanitary science; snake; turtle; UNC-Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; W. R. Peavy, Jr.; water conservation; water quality
The Tallahassee News Release, June 1962
Tags: agricultural pollution; bass; Bob Peavy; citrus; citrus industry; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; diethyl parathion; fish kill; fishing; fishing lodge; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; Folidol; gizzard; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Lake Apopka; lake whitefish; parathion; parathion-ethyl; pesticide; pollution; press release; sewage; Talahassee; The Tallahassee News; threadfin shad; waste; water quality; Winter Haven
Letter from Harold L. Moody to O. E. Frye, Jr. (June 11, 1962)
Tags: agricultural pollution; Apopka Moose Head Lodge; Bill Fulford; Bill Turk; Board of Commissioners; Bob Sherman; chamber of commerce; chemical; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; diethyl parathion; dissolved oxygen; Don McAllister; fish camp; fish kill; fishing; fishing lodge; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Folidol; freshwater fishing; frog; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Jeb Stuart; Joe Jacobs; John A. Sutton; Lake Apopka; Lake County Board of Commissioners; M. W. Hammond; O. E. Frye Jr.; Orange County Board of Commissioners; oxygen; parathion; parathion-ethyl; pesticide; pollution; snake; sportsfishing; Tom Denmark; turtle; W. R. Peavy, Jr.; water quality; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce
Lake Apopka, Florida Fish Kill Report by Eugene W. Surber
Tags: A. D. Aldrich; agricultural pollution; agriculture; algae; algal poisoning; Aquatic Biology Section; Bacillus columnaris; bacteria; bass; black crappie; bluegill; bullhead; catfish; Chic Archer; Cincinnati, Ohio; corn; crappie; crop; Cytophaga columnaris; Dactylogyrus; DDT; detritus; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; Duda; Eugene W. Surber; farming; fish; fish kill; fishing; flatworm; Flavobacterium columnare; Flexibacter columnaris; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; game fish; gill; gizzard shad; Graham; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Joe E. Burgess; lake; Lake Apopka; Lake Harris; MacDonald Flying Field; Montverde Fish Camp; Oakland; oxygen; parasite; parathion; pesticide; phytoplankton; plankton; planktonic algae; pollution; research; Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center; Russell Fielding; Scyphidia; speckled bullhead; spray; supersaturation; toxaphene; Trichodina; Turk; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; water; water conservation; water quality; Winter Garden; Zellwood; Zellwood Drainage and Water Control District
Lake Apopka: Operation Cleanup
Tags: A. Duda & Sons; agricultural pollution; algae; Billy Long; carrots; catfish; celery; Central Florida Agricultural Institute; citrus processing plants; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; E. T. York; eutrophication; Everglades; fertilizers; Fiske-Gay Associates, Inc; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; Frank Hooper; Henry Swanson; Hooper Brothers, Inc; Jim Fiske; John F. Darby; Lake Apopka; Larry R. Sinclair; Leon Miller; muck farms; parathion; peat soil; pesticides; Richard B. Forbes; Sanford Agricultural Research and Education Center; sewage disposal plants; Stanley Winn; sweet corn; UF; University of Florida; water hyacinth; William D. Long; Zellwood Drainage District