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- Tags: play
"Remade - Not Bought" Display Window
40 Years of the Parliament House
Tags: 40 Years of the Parliament House; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Aid Orlando; AIDS; anniversary; bar; Bent; Bill Lape; Bill Miller; dance floor; David Bain; disco; Don Granatstein; Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue; Doug Ba'aser; drag; fundraising; gay; Geraldine Jones; GLBT History Museum of Central Florida, Inc.; HIV; HIV/AIDS; homosexual; HOTEL; human immunodeficiency virus infection; hurricane; Hurricane Charley; IDEAS; Joel Strack; John Barber; Ken Barnard; lesbian; LGBT; Marvin Hamlisch; Michael Hodge; Michael Wanzie; Mike Hodge; music; natural disaster; OBT; Orange Blossom Trail; orlando; Parliament House Motor Inn; Parliament House Resort; Paul Weitman; play; RCI; Rebecca Hodges; resort; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Ron Stoddard; storm; Susan Unger; The Boys in the Band; theater; They're Playing Our Song; Tim Caladrino; tourism; Vicki Bebout; Walt Disney World Resort; William G. Miller; Willie Tilmon
Baggs' Produce Cart from "Remade - Not Bought"
Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play
Plat of Survey for Pilgrim Black
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 24: The Parliament House
Tags: Cohen, Adam; cross-dressing; documentary; elderly; entertainment; entertainment industry; Fort Lauderdale; gay; Gay and Lesbian Community Center; gay club; Hodge, Mike; homosexual; hospitality; hospitality industry; HOTEL; Ladies of Eola Heights; Lape, Bill; lesbian; LGBT; Marlin Beach Hotel; Miller, Bill; OBT; Orange Blossom Trail; orlando; Parliament House Lodge of Orlando; Parliament House Resort; play; podcast; Port Orange Retirement Club; prostitution; resort; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; senior citizen; The Carolina Moon; theater; theme park; transgender; transsexual; Walt Disney World; Wanzie, Michael
Stage Set for Remade - Not Bought
The Oviedian, 1943
Tags: 4-H Club; Aaron Slick; Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick; Aaron Slick From Punkin Crock; Aldred Cone; Alease Lane; Annis C. Thompson; Arthur Metcalf; Audrey Cox; Barbara Lee; Barbara Wheaton; basketball; Bennie Ward; Betty Mikler; Beulah Borgard; Beverly Carter; Bill Meek; Billie Chance; Blanche Duda; Blanche Hart; Bobby Hamil; Bobby Malcolm; Bobby Parker; Brown; Buba Lukas; Buck Gammage; Buddy Mills; Butvh Hastings; C. R. Clonts; cafeteria; Carmel Johnson; Cecil Jackson; Charles Aulin; Charlie Weitmon; Charlotte Beasley; Children of Buttercup Common; Clarence Green; club; Connie Cops the Boss; Cora Bumper; Craig; Crystal Cluett; Daniel Lukas; Dick Grass; Don Knight; Donald Lee; Dorothy Link; Dorothy Rose Link; Douglas Smith; Dusan Lukas; Earl Beasley; education; educator; Edwin Hamil; Elizabeth Farnell; Elizabeth Simmons; Ellen Archer; Eloise Wolfram; Ena Piloian; Evelyn Tindall; Foul Play at Brown's Gone With the Wind; Frances Stine; Frank Bumper; Gail Archer; Gene Gore; Geneva Bailey; Geneva Grantham; George Carter; George Duda; George Jakubcin; Gill Pobb Wilson; Gilman; Gladys May Merridew; Glenn Miller; Grace Jasper; Gritsie; gymnasium; Harold Jordan; Helen E. Leinhart; Henry Gilman; high school; holiday; Home Economics Club; Inez Smith; J. L, Malcolm; J. T. Kieksen; Jack King; Jackie Kasell; James Henry; James Henry cooper; James J. Montague; James Jackson Montague; James Peter Lawton; Jane Jasper; Janes Staley; Jason Gouch; Jean Chance; Joanne Meek; Johnnie Piloian; Josephine Godwin; Joyce Blount; June Marine Durbin; June Mariner; Kathryn Aulin; Kathryn Aulin Bunch; Kenneth Malcolm; L. E. Jordan; La June Estes; Leon Olliff; Lex Abell; Lillian Jakubcin; Lizzie Simmons; Lois Ruddell; Louis Sistrunk; Lucilla "King; Lucy Carter; Lucy King; Lucy Piloian; lunchroom; Luther Mills; Margaret Harper; Marguerite Partin; Marian Stanko; Marie Smith; Marion Marsh; Marjorie Wilkerson; Marlowe Link; Martha Carraway; Martha Moon; Mary Barr; Mary Frances Jordan; Mary Totten; Mattie Pearl Jordan; May Day; maypole; Milan Jakubcin; Miranda Jasper; Mitsie; Nobody Home; Nola Miller; Norma Lee Miller; O'Leary; OHS; Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.; Ollie Dinkleybury; Oviedo; Oviedo Future Farmers; Oviedo Girls' Glee club; Oviedo High School; Paul Jones; Paul Mikler; Paula Dunlap; Peggy Carter; Pennie Mitchem; Peter Lawton; Piano Study; play; Potter Van Zandt; principal; R. F. Cooper; Ray Beasley; Reminiscences of My Early Oiety; Richard Grass; Richard Kasell; Riggs; Rita Haworth; Robert Hamil; Robert Lee; Rosy Berry; Salmagundi; Sarkis Piloian; school; Schuyler Pell; Sherdell Owen; Shirley Morgan; sport; Stene Braddock; student; Sunbonnet Jane; Sunbonnet Jane of Sycamore Lane; superintendent; T. W. Lawton; teacher; Teddy Kimble; The Midnight Ghost; The Oviedian; theater; Toby Simmins; Tommy Staley; Too Busy to Study; Valita Tripp; Virginia Balkcolm; Vivian Wheaton; Walter Teague; Wanda Day; Whittle; Wilbur Gammage; Wilbur Merridew; Wilbur Van Zandt; Wiley Abell; Wilson; Windshield Wiper Swing; World War II; WWII; yearbook