Browse Items (4848 total)
The San Francisco Giants' Camp for Boys, Sanford, Florida
The Florida State League All-Stars Ballot
Tags: 100th anniversary; Albritton; Alexander; All Stars; All-star game; bank; baseball; bat boy; Bradley; Brewer; Buck; Bunchl Walters; catcher; center fielder; Chapman; Chidress; Ciccone; Clark; Cole; Colone; Coombs; cross; Davis; Daytona; DeLand; Dillon; Donnelly; Drews; Dwyer; Eichler; Elliot; Emerson; Ferrazzi; first baseman; Florida State League; Frye; Gainesville; Gallagher; Ganzel; Geary; Geigerich; Gobel; Goolsby; Groat; Haefner; Hartley; Hartman; Hayes; Hazel; Helm; Heltzel; Herr; Holland; Hudson; Ivey; Jones; Judy; Kennedy; Kerr; Kinard; Kirkland; lake; Leach; Leesburg; left fielder; Leonhardt; Livingston; Lurtz; manager; Mancini; Martin; McGloin; McMullen; McShane; Mobley; Newcomb; Newell; Niedson; Noblett; Occhaillni; Ogle; Onis; orlando; Palatka; Petropoulos; Popovich; Quimby; Rabe; Radney; Reitz; Reynolds; right fielder; Rinaldt; Risk; Rodgers; second baseman; sheffield; Shelton; Sheppherd; short stop; Shroba; Smathers; Smith; Sparkman; St. Augustine; Steen; Stefani; Stephens; third baseman; Toenes; Trammell; Trania; Valci; Voshell; Walker; Wayton; Weigle; West; Willis; Womack; Wozniak; Zawlocki
All-Star Baseball Game Ticket
Sanford entered the world of pro ball in 1919 with the…
Merchants Day Baseball Game Ticket
The Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium, located at 1201 South Mellonville Avenue…
The Giants' Camp For Boys Application
Florida State League, Class D
Tags: Abreau, Jose E.; Adair; Agnew, Sam; Albany; Aleno, Charles; Aleno, Chuck; Alexander, Dale; Alonzo, Guillermo; American Baseball League; American League; Amoriello, Clarence; Anderson, Arnold; Anderson, Don; Anderson, Donald E.; Andrews; Andrews, George; Appoleano, Vincent; Atlanta, Georgia; Bagli, Guy A.; Bailes, Harry; Baird, Charlie R.; Baldwin; Balla, Joe; Bardin, Benjamin; Barnett; baseball; Bass, Dick; bat boy; Batts, Aubine L.; Bauer; Beckwith, Arthur; Belacovy, Rudy; Belbeck, Ross H.; Bell, David R.; Benton, Rex; Berry, John; Bevell; Bevil, Lou; Bevil, Louis; Bevilacqua, Louis; Biles, Walter D.; Biles, Walter D., Jr.; Bissen, Charles J.; Blackmon; Blalock, James A.; Bodine, Charlies R.; Bodner, Joseph R.; Boell, E. H.; Boerner, George A.; Boim, Irving; Bolling; Boyd; Bozutto, Albert; Bradshaw, John; Bray; Bray, Clarence; Braziel, Dennis E., Jr.; Braziel, Ty; Brewer, Forrest; Bride, David W.; Brinkman, John Henry; Broome, Bob; Broome, Robert J.; Brown, James; Bryant, Alphonso, Jr.; Buck, Lyle; Buck, Shaw; Buck, Shaw S.; Bumgarner, Jack E.; Bunch, Jake; Buonato, Nicholas G.; Buonato, Nick; Burke, David L.; Burns; Buscher, Bucky; Bussey, Earle; Butler, Jim; Camp, Julian P.; Campbell, Earl; Campbwell, Lem; Carroll; Caswell, Fred; Caswell, William, F.; Celeryfeds; Chandler, David C.; Chapmas, H. W.; Chicago Cubs; Chiros, Francis L.; Cimock, Ben; Ciolek; Ciolek, Eugene, F.; Class D; Cleary, Joseph G.; clemmons; Clemons; Clifton, Lloyd M.; Coker, Don J.; Cole; Collns, Jack; Combs, Al; Conn; Conn, Harold; Conroy; Conroy, Mike; Cook, Arthur E.; Cook, Jim; Cooney, John W.; Cooper, Glenn; Cordele; Cox, J. Edward; Crammer, Norman; Cranford, John H., Jr.; Creamer, Harry B.; Creel; Cunningham, Wesley L.; Cuthbertson, Worth; Danson, Elwyn; Danyol; Daublender, James; Davis, Edwin; Davis, Ewin; Davis, Kerry; Davis, W. J.; Day; Daytona Beach; Dean, James H.; DeLand; DeLand Red-Hats; Deland Sun-News; Denier, Stephen; DeSouzas, Carlos; DeVincenzi; Dixon, Sam V.; Doerflinger, Eugene; Donnelly; Douglas, Roy; Drews; Driggers, Avon Lee; Dulaney; Dulaney, Ralph; Eaton; Eckenroth; Edwards, Spence, Eaton, Joe O.; Eichler; Emerson, Edmund; Emerson, Jeff; Ermer; Evelyn; Farameili, Julio L.; Farkas, Richard J.; Faulkner, Thomas G.; Faweett, Robert H.; Fazzio, Alvin J.; Festa, Anthony; Filipski, Henry; Filipski, Henry R.; Finch, John W.; Fisher, E. V.; Fitzgerald, Jerry; Florida State League; Ford, Donald T.; Foster, William M.; Fowler, Abraham L.; Fox, Ray S., Jr.; Fragale, Edward M.; Fralick; Francis Field; Francis, Fred; Friel, Bill; Frye; Fuchs, Bill; Fuchs, William; Fuller, B. R.; Fultz, Charles G.; Fultz, George; G-Men; Gaddis, Walley L.; Gainesville; Galbraith, Kenneth W.; Gallegos, Teen; Ganzel, John; Gardner, Gerald E.; Garmon, Brice C.; Garrett, Glenn; Garrison, John R.; Geary; Georgia-Florida League; Gibson, Paul; Gillard, G. E.; Girk, Charles; Gleason, James G.; Glover, Bobby H.; Goff; Goicoecha, Len; Goicoichea, Leonardo; Gomez, Julio L.; Good, Bill; Good, Wilbur; Good, Wilbur D.; Goodman, Jean G.; Gormish, Paul; Gormish, Paul R.; Gornickil Cary; Granberg, Eugene; Gray, Henry L.; Green, George E.; Green, James M.; Grennan, George A.; Groat, Soddy; Grunwald, Alfred R.; Haefner; Hair, Robert; Hall, William L.; Hallman, Dick; Hallman, Richard F.; Hamby, John G.; Harbin, Howard B.; Hardin, Nelson; Harper, Eddie; Harridge, Will; Harrington, Walter R.; Harrison, W. J.; Hartley, Grover; Haslup; Hausey; Hayes, Bob; Head, Lee; Hearn, Richard; Hechler, James W.; Heiner, Harold; Helner, Hal; Henderson, Richard T.; Henry, Clayton G.; Herlong, A. S.; Herlong, A. S., Jr.; Herlong, Judge; Herrington, James W.; Herrington, Jimmy; Hitt, Ray; Hoag, James D.; Hoag, Myril; Hoag, Myril O.; Hoffman, Grant E.; Hoffman, William R.; Howell, Lester; Howell, Robert J.; Howingston; Hudson, F.; Hudson, Sid; Hughes, George S.; Humphries, Oscar; Hyatt, Robert C.; Hyde, Thomas D.; Hyde, Tommy; Hyder, Ralph; Ippolito, Emilio; Ivey, Robert; Ivey, Wylie C.; Jeter, Cleo; Johns, Kenneth L.; Johnson, Douglas E.; Johnson, Harold; Johnson, Sidney L.; Jones, Cowboy; Jones, Joseph A.; Judy, George A.; Judy, Lyle; Justice, Joseph; Kalosch; Kalosh, Pete; Kane; Karales, Christopher B.; Karpinski, Stan; Karpinskiy, Stan; Karpinskiy, Stanley; Keller; Kelly, Robert E.; Kennedy; Kennington; Kerr, Dick; Ketcher, Jim; Kettles, Carl; Kettles, Carl F.; Kinard, Buster; King, Stanley M., Jr.; Kirkland; Kirkland, Faulene; Klein; Klein, Louis; Knepper, Roy A.; Korpa, Edward W.; Koval; Krider, John; Kristie, Francis M.; Kroeninger, Casey; Krysko, Valentine E.; Kunes, Blaine; Labda, Godfrey; Labda, Godfrey J.; Lacy, Guy; Lake, Bernard D.; Lake, Buddy; Lamaka, Walter C.; Land, Warren E.; Lane; Langston, Mayo E.; Lariscey, Larry; Lastres, Danilo B.; Lavelle; Lavely, Elmer; Leach, Nelson; Lee, Robert E.; Leeper, Mason; Leesburg; Leiphart, Glenn W.; Leitz; Leitz, Bill; Lemly, Reid; Leonhardt; Levy, Ed; Lewis, William E.; Ligget, H. M.; Lisberger, Philip; Livingston, Ike; Lockman, Charles R.; Lopez, Harvey; Lorenz, Jack; Lorenz, John E.; Loveys, William, Jr.; Lybrand, Craig; Madjeski, Ted; Madjeski, Theodore E.; Major, Gene; Makowsky; manager; Manning, Gerald A.; Martin, C. B.; Martin, Edward; Maseda, Joe Garcia; Mathias; Mathias, F.; Mauney, Marvin J.; McCammon, Jack; McCarty, Edward J.; McCormick; McCrone, Clarence; McCullough, James; McCurdy, Howard; McDougal; McFann, Edwin; McGahagin, Alston; McGahagin, Alston, Jr.; McGarvey, Warren W.; McGloin; McGrath, William A.; McManus, John J.; McMullen, Jim; McMullen, Whitey; McNeece; McNulty, Joseph P.; McPhail, Gordon J.; McShane, Don; McWhorter; Meadows, Herman V.; Meadows, Lee; Mejido, Juan; Mendizabal, Candido; Mesa, Alfredo; Mihalik, Mickey; Miller, Eugene; Miller, Gibbs; Minarck, William J.; Minsal; Mize, Charles L.; Mobley, Alan; Mobley, Alan H.; Mobley, Allen; Moody, William R.; Moore, Eddie; Moore, John; Moore, John P., Jr.; Moore, Raymond E.; Moretti, Bart; Morgan, Lucius; Morton; Morton, E. Glenn; Moss, Joe; Mott; Mottelier, Herman; Moultrie Packers; Munch, William G.; Municipal Ball Park; Murray, Don; Murray, Donald S.; Murray, Walter; Musial; Napier, Rudolph; Napoles, Jose; Nash; National Association; Nepote, Donald A.; New York Yankees; Newell; O'Callaghan, Thomas C.; Ocala; Occhailini; Odum, Harvey; Oliver, Benjamin; Onis, Manuel; orlando; Orlando Senators; Osthoff, Wilbur; Overstreet; Owens; Padgett, Elbert; Padgett, Ernest L.; Palatka; Palatka G-Men; Patterson, Pat; Paulick, Frank; Pavlich; Pawlick, John; Payne, James G.; Pearson, Thomas L., III; Peek, John H.; Pender, William T.; Perez, J.; Perez, Juan; Perez, Mario; Perez, Mario L.; Perez, Ralph; Petrucci, Don; Pickett, Glenn, Jr.; Pinder; Pirtle, Vernon; Pirtle, Vernon A.; Pittman; Pittman, Floyd Junior; Prempas, Louis; Price; Price, Charles W.; Pritchard, Robert; Pruett; Puffer, Jerry; Quesada, Vicente F.; Rabe, Bill; Rabe, William J.; Ramsey, Claude A.; Rauscher, George F.; Rauscher, Robert F.; record book; Red-Hats; Regalado, Ramiro D.; Rhodes, Herbert H.; Rice, Harry; Richetti, Eugene; Ricketson, Donald L.; Ridaught, Leon; Ridgway, Charles R.; Ridgway, Charlie; Risk; Roberson; Roberson, Jim; Roberston, Samuel D.; Rodgers, Bill; Rodgers, Raw Meat; Roede; Rogers, Edward; Rogino; Roman, Robert a.; Rosa, Ted; Roth, Philip; Rott, Rudolph; Rotunno, Rocco; Rowland, Warren W.; Rowland, Wilton P.; Ryan, Don; Ryan, George; Saavedra, Jesus; Saints; Samuely, Max; Sanders, Jimmy; Sanford; Sanford Celeryfeds; Sanford Seminoles; Sapp, E. B., Sr.; Satterfield, Ralph; Savage, John; Sawyers, Charles W.; Schall, Peter; Schantel, Jim; Schiro; Schneider; Schoendienst, Joe; Seaone, Isaac; Sehon; Selbee, William; Senators; Shabala, Stephen; Shaugnessy; Sheppard, William D.; Shiles, Harold E.; Shirley, John; Sifft, George; Silverman, Jerome; Simmons, Bunny; Sincore, Sam; Sisler, William, Marcil, Leo, Jr.; Skeen; Sloan, Melton; Smart, Charles P.; Smith, Lucian C.; Smith, Orin M.; Smith, Thommie; Snider, Floyd T.; Sofia, Michael T.; Solter, Demond E.; Sosebee, James H.; Sosh, John; Sparkman; St. Augustine; St. Augustine Saints; Stablefield, Elvin F.; Stanton, William G.; Starr, Harry; Stebbins; Stebbins, Jay; Stefani; Steinecke, Bill; Steinecke, William B.; Stewart; Stewart, Harold J.; Sticoo, Joseph F.; Stillwell, Arhur E.; Stillwell, Art; Straub, Arthur E.; Sullivan, Elbert B.; Summers, Bill; Swailes, Alex; Swindells; Swindells, Fred; Sylvester, Joseph; Tafaro, Dan A.; Tallahassee; Taylor, E. K.; Teeter; Tetrault, Thomas L.; Theard; Theobold, John; Thomas; Thomas, Herb; Thomas, Robert; Thomasville; Thompson, Averill; Thorpe; Thorpe, Benjamin; Thorpe, Bob; Throop, Rex; Throop, Rex E.; Tiemann, Jerry; Tinker, Joe; Tomat, John; Toncoff, John; Tonsick, Albert; Toth, Frank J.; Townsend, James O.; Trammell, Wes; Troutman, George H.; Turecki; Turnage, Jimmy; Tuttle, Robert A.; Tyler, Earl Q.; umpires; Upright, Herman; Valci, Charles; Valdez, Armand; Van Kinnamon, Carl; Vander Molen, Hilbert; Varner; Veale; Vega, Guillermo; Vega, Tony; Vickers-Smith, Lillian; Vinajeras, Efrain; Vitter, Joe; Vitter, Joseph A.; Voshell; Waddell, Bordie L.; Wagner, Robert B.; Walton, Lee; Wamplar, George B.; Ward, Michael B.; Washingston; Washington, John E.; Waycross; Wayton; Weathers, Charles; Weaver, R. L.; Weigel, Carl; Wenclewicz, Walter; Wenclewixz, Walter; West, Tommie; White, Edward C.; White, John E.; Wickle, Harrison; Wilkes, Jack; William A.; Williams, Charles; Willingham; Willshaw, Edward M.; Wilson, James E.; Winston, H. R.; Wishba, Joseph; Womack; Wright; Yde, Emil; Zander, Joe; Zedalis, Stanley; Zeleznock; Zinchak, James; Zuba, Martin M.; Zupanic
Florida State League All-Star Baseball Game Souvenir Score Card
Tags: All-Star; All-Star Baseball Game; Ashton; baseball; Bauer; Bill's Package Store; Bowl Drome; Campbell; Celery Printing Co.; Celery Printing Company; Coca-Cola Bottling Works; Crowder; Daugherty; Daytona; DeLand; Florida State League; Gainesville; Gillespie; Groat; Harrington; Hayes; Hearn; Howingston; Hudson; Hyder; Jeter; Johnson; justice; Kennedy; Kimball; Kimbrell; Klein; lake; Leesburg; Marion; McKee, C. E.; Municipal Ball Park; Musial; Nehi Bottling Company; Nixon; Onis; orlando; Par-T-Pak; Park Ave.; Park Avenue; Parker, Clyde; Pruett; Reitz, Bob; Rexall Store; Roberts; Royal Crown Cola; Russell; Sanford; Sanford Seminoles; Score card; Seminoles; Skeen; St. Augustine; Toenes; Touchton Drug Company; Wayton
Official Schedule for the Sanford Lookouts, Florida State League
Sanford entered…
Tags: 2nd Street; Amoco Gasoline; Amoco Oils; baseball; Celery Printing Co.; Celery Printing Company; Daytona; DeLand; Florida State League; Gainesville; Leesburg; Lookouts; orlando; Palatka; Pharis; Pharis Tires; Reitz, W. H.; Sanford; Sanford Ave.; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Lookouts; Second St.; Second Street; St. Augustine
Sanford Memorial Stadium Blueprint
Sanford Baseball Association Game Ticket
Band Shell on the Edge of Lake Monroe
Tags: bandshell; riverfront; Seminole Boulevard
Palm Trees Along U.S. Highway 17
'Grand Romance' Side-Wheeled Steamer Tour Boat
Tags: Grand Romance; riverfront; steamer; tour boat
Steamboat Landing
Tags: dock; riverfront; Steamboat landing
View of Cypress Tree Knees in Lake Monroe
Tags: cypress trees; Lake Monroe; riverfront; St. Johns
St. John's River View Near Sanford, Fla.
Tags: postcard; riverfront; rowboat; St. John's River; St. Johns
Clyde Line Pier
The Clyde Line was established by Thomas Clyde in 1844 and connected Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with other east coast ports. In…
Tags: Clyde Line; Clyde Steamship Co.; Pier; postcard; riverfront
Steamboat, Pier, and Waterfront
Tags: Pier; Plaxco Printing Press; postcard; riverfront; waterfront
Water Hyacinths
Tags: boat; hyacinths; postcard; riverfront
Inland Canal and River Port
Tags: boats; canal; Lake Monroe; port; riverfront; St. Johns
People Fishing on Lake Monroe
Tags: fishing; riverfront; Seminole Boulevard; St. Johns
Approaching Sanford Along Lake Monroe
U.S. Highway 17 begins in Punta Gorda, briefly runs east, and then…
Steamboat Landing
Tags: dock; riverfront; Steamboat landing
Aerial View of Downtown Sanford on the St. John's River
Paddle Steamer 'City of Jacksonville' at the Dock
Steamboat 'Clara' Sailing Past a Dock on Lake Monroe
Tags: Clara; dock; Lake Monroe; riverfront; steamboat
Steamship at the South Florida Railroad Company Pier
View of Pier and Waterfront from the St. John's River
Tags: Pier; riverfront; St. Johns River; waterfront
Bird's Eye View of Drawing of the City
Tags: dock; riverfront
View of Bridge and Palm Trees
Tags: bridge; Lake Monroe; palm trees; riverfront; St. Johns
View of Wharf in Lake Monroe
Tags: riverfront; St. Johns; wharf
Produce for Sale at the First State Farmer's Market
Dedication of the First State Farmers' Wholesale Market
The Sanford State…
Celery Growing, City of Jacksonville Steamboat in the Background
Tags: celery; City of Jacksonville; Field hands
State Farmer's Market Destroyed by Fire
Aerial View of State Farmers' Market
Cornerstone of New $500,000 Hotel Will Be Laid on Tuesday
Final Flush
Hotel Forrest Lake
Hotel Forrest Lake and East First Street
Portrait of Forrest Lake
Hotel Cornerstone Laying Ceremonies Will Be Held Later
Named after the Sanford Mayor…
Hotel Forrest Lake
Hotel Forrest Lake, Sanford, Florida
West Side View of the Forrest Lake Hotel
Historical Society Tours Mayfair Inn
Tags: Bernard McFadden Foundation; Chapman, Barbara; Club E. Rancho Grande; Florida Rhythm boys; Giants; Hunt, Millard; Inter-Fraternity Dance; Junior Senior Prom; Kirchhoff, William E.; Kirchoff, William E.; Lake, Forrest; May Day Ball; Mayfair; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; Mayfair Season Opening; Moseley, Robert; New Tribes Mission; New Tribes Mission Headquarters; New York Giants; Osceola Cypress Co.; Osceola Cypress Company; Partnership Development Consultant; Robison, Jim; Sanford Historical Society; Sanford Museum; Sanford Naval Academy; Sanford Naval Air Station; Seminole County Bank; Seminole Herald; Shamrock; Spring Training; Stevens, Eddie; Stinecipher, Grace Marie; Stoneham, Horace; Swift, Frank W.; Wannamaker, John; WTRR
Hotel Mayfair
Lewis Doty Resigns as Mayfair Manager
Front of Mayfair Inn
Mayfair Inn Lobby 1946
Mayfair Inn Lobby
Swimming Pool Construction at the Mayfair Inn
Originally named after…
Mayfair Inn Swimming Pool
Originally named after the Sanford Mayor and…
Tourists at the Mayfair Inn Swimming Pool
Originally named after the Sanford Mayor and…
Original Dinnerware from the Mayfair Inn
Tags: dining; Dinnerware; Mayfair Inn; New York Giants
The Mayfair Inn Brochure
Tags: brochure; Lake Monroe; Mayfair Inn; New York Giants; resort; vacation
The Mayfair Inn Swimming Pool
Tags: brochure; Giants; hotel rates; Mayfair Inn; New York Giants; pool; resort; swimming pool; vacation
Mayfair Hotel
Naval Air Station Sanford Runway Construction
Henry Fazinni Next to Naval Air Station Sanford Sign
Bill Martin at a Downtown Sanford Filling Station
The Famous Clock in Downtown Sanford
the clock was originally purchased for the First…
Main Gate at Naval Auxiliary Air Station Sanford
NAS Sanford, Fla. Main Complex
Welcome Home RAVH-7 Banner in Downtown Sanford
TA3B and RA5C in Front of NAS Sanford Operations Tower
Main Tower at Naval Air Station Sanford
Naval Air Station Sanford Map
Aerial View of Naval Air Station Sanford
Admin Inspecting Party Enjoys Luncheon at Lake Golden
1000 East First Street, New Tribes Mission
Tags: 1st Street; Capone, Al; charity; DiMaggio, Joe; First St.; First Street; Forrest Lake Hotel; Giants; gospel; Holiday Table; Mayfair; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; missionaries; Monroe, Marilyn; Moughton, Elton J.; New Tribes Mission; New York Giants; nondenominational; NY Giants; People's Choice Awards; Sanford Naval Academy; Seminole Blvd.; Seminole Boulevard; tour; Trust's TableScapes
Newly Renovated New Tribes Mission
Naval Air Station Sanford Memorial
New Tribes Mission, 2011
Naval Air Station Sanford Historic Marker
Tags: A3D; A3D Skywarrior; aircraft carriers; airport; apartments; baseball field; Bible College; carrier aircraft; county hospital; dispensary; facilities; fighter pilots; Giants; historic marker; hospital; jet bomber; MAs; Memorial Park; motels; NAS Memorial; NAS Sanford; NAS Sanford Memorial; Naval Air Station Sanford Memorial; naval aviation; New York Giants; NY Giants; Orlando Sanford International Airport; photographic reconnaissance mission; pilots; POWs; seminary; Seminole County; Seminole County Historic Marker; Spring Training; training; Vigilante; WWII
Naval Air Station Sanford Barracks
Hanger at Naval Air Station Sanford
Chapel at New Tribes Mission
Communications Facility at New Tribes Mission
Entrance at Sanford Naval Academy
New Tribes Mission Grows
Tags: 1st Street; Bernard McFadden Gymnasium; Brown Gold; Celery Printing; Celery Printing Co.; Celery Printing Company; charitable organization; charity; church; Family News; First St.; First Street; gym; gymnasium; Johnston, Kenneth; Mayfair; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; New Testament; New Tribes Mission; New Tribes Mission HQ; New Tribes Mission Headquarters; New Tribes Missionaries; non-denominational; NTM; NTM Headquarters; NTM HQ; Pounds, Geoffrey; renovations; Sanford Herald; Sanford Naval Academy; SNA; Sunday school
Guest Facility at New Tribes Mission
New Tribes Mission International Headquarters, Sanford, Florida
Tags: 1st Street; Bankhead, Tallulah; Barrie, Wendie; Bernard MacFadden, Inc.; Borge, Victor; Capone, Al; Celebrities; charity; City of Sanford; Durocher, Leo; First St.; First Street; Forrest Lake Hotel; Giants; Godfrey, Arthur; Higgins, Ed; Hotel Forrest Lake; hotel manager; Hubbell, Carl; Hullick, Howard; Hunt, H. L.; Kirchhoff, W. E., Jr.; Kirchhoff, William E.; Krider, John; Lake, Forrest; MacFadden, Bernard; Major Baseball League; Marion, Charles; Mayfair; Mayfair Golf Course; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; Mayfair Opening Ball; McGraw, John J.; Mebane, Frank, Jr.; Moughton, Elton J.; NAS; NAS Sanford; National Exhibition Company; Naval Air Station; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Tribes Mission; New Tribes Mission Headquarters; New Tribes Mission HQ; New Tribes Mission International Headquarters; New Tribes Mission International HQ; New York Giants; NTM; NTM Headquarters; NTM HQ; NTM International Headquarters; NTM International HQ; NY Giants; Ott, Mel; Rickey, Branch; San Francisco Giants; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Naval Academy; Sauls, John; SF Giants; SNS; Stoneham, Horace; The Ides of March; Wilder, Thornton
New Tribes Mission Lobby
Swimming Pool at New Tribes Mission
Tags: 1st Street; charity; First St.; First Street; New Tribes Mission; NTM
Boat Dock Near Sanford
Tags: boat dock; Lake Monroe; Osceola; Riverboat; St. Johns River; steamboat
Water Hyacinths Near Sanford
Tags: Lake Monroe; Osceola; Riverboat; St. Johns; St. Johns River; steamboat
Steamship Osceola
Back of Steamship Osceola
Live Oaks Along Mellonville Avenue
Holy Cross Episcopal Church
Palmetto Avenue and First Street
First Street Between Palmetto Avenue and Magnolia Avenue
Sanford House Hotel Park
First Street and Park Avenue
Tags: 1st Street; Dr. LeEngles Drugstore; fire department; First Street; H. L. Hoefer's Bakery; Henry L. DeForest Store; Hisbers, M. K.; Lilienthal store; Park Avenue; Parramores Stable; R. Müller Barber Shop; S. J. Drawdy Saloon; Sanford, Henry Shelton; Stafford and Ellis; Stafford Tallies Hardware Store; Wiebolot, A. A.
Old Fort Reid Building
Tags: 1st Street; dry goods; dry goods store; First St.; Fort Reed; Fort Reed Building; Fort Reid; Fort Reid Building; Ft. Reed; Ft. Reed Building; Ft. Reid; Ft. Reid Building; Magnolia Ave.; Magnolia Avenue; Old Fort Reed Building; Old Fort Reid Building; Old Ft. Reed Building; Old Ft. Reid Building; store; Yowell Store; YowellFirst Street
Orange Grove After the Freeze of 1888
In 1871, General Henry S. Sanford (1823-1891) began clearing land…
Interior View of Holy Cross Episcopal Church
Gertrude Dupuy Sanford, the wife of General Henry S. Sanford…