Tags: 3rd Street; 4th of July; A. Duda and Sons; Bob's Standard Station; Burdell Daugherty; Chuluota; Citizens' Bank of Oviedo; Conley Associates; Country Quick Market; Don Knight; Doris Omey; E. Stoner; Ed Hayslett; Ervin's Auto Parts; Family Fun Day; fireworks; First Federal Savings and Loans; Fourth of July; freezer; Gary Rice; GE; General Electric; Greater Oviedo Jaycees; Hi-Flavor Meats; high school; holiday; Hudson Fruit Company; Independence Day; James Roll; Jaycees; John Courier Field; John Cox; John Jones, John; Johnie Conley; Lary Shull; Lisa Conley; Nelson and Company; OHS; Oviedo; Oviedo Child Care; Oviedo Drug Store; Oviedo Garage; Oviedo High School; Parker Brothers Grove Service; Samuel Jackson; school; Third Street; Tod Bowser; Victor Blair; Western Auto
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