The Sanford Herald, March 07, 1923


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The Sanford Herald, March 07, 1923


Sanford (Fla.)


The Sanford Herald issue published on March 07, 1923. One of the oldest newspapers in Florida, The Sanford Herald printed their first issue on August 22, 1908.


Original 6-page newspaper issue: The Sanford Herald, March 07, 1923; Museum of Seminole County History, Sanford, Florida



Transcribed by Kim Marie Fischer Peters.








Sanford, Florida

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The city was grieved to learn this morning of the death of F. W. Mahoney. His death was not unexpected for he had been very ill for the past two weeks but the shock was felt quite as much as though death had come without any warning. Mr. Mahoney was at death’s door several years ago when he was attacked with what was termed a narcotic poisoning and to save his life both of his legs were amputated above the knees and after a brave fight for life he emerged from the hospital and resumed his accustomed place at his office with the same old smile and told his friends he could do more real work now since he was unable to leave his office at all and he has actually attended to business details although unable to walk and was carried from his car to his office each day by an attendant. His iron nerve and cheerful demeanor remained the same up to the very last and about wo weeks ago he was taken ill again and was forced to give up business and go to bed. He passed peacefully away this morning at five o’clock surrounded by his family and his last hours were calm and serene and free from pain.
F. W. Mahoney was born in Richmond, Va., sixty-nine years ago and moved to Sanford about thirty-five years ago, being in charge of the plumbing business for the George Fernald Co., for many years and at the death of Mr. Fernald going into the business with the late C. R. Walker under the name of the Mahoney-Walker Co., in which business he was successful.
He was one of the pioneers in business in this city and one of the most progressive citizens, being ready at all times to take an active part in everything for the benefit and the up-building of Sanford and always lending a helping hand for the needy and his ear was never deaf to the cry for charity and assistance. His death is a loss to the community and his place will be hard to fill even though for the past two years he had been forced to curtail some of his activities.
He leaves two sons, Andrew and Clarence, and one daughter, Ellen Mahoney to mourn the loss of father, the good wife having passed to the beyond about two years ago.
The funeral services will be held from the Catholic church Thursday afternoon at four o’clock, interment being made in Lakeview. The sympathy of the many friends is extended to the children in the hour of sorrow.



“The Sanford Herald, March 07, 1923.” RICHES of Central Florida accessed June 30, 2024,