The Sanford Herald, January 12, 1927


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The Sanford Herald, January 12, 1927


Sanford (Fla.)


The Sanford Herald issue published on January 12, 1927. One of the oldest newspapers in Florida, The Sanford Herald printed their first issue on August 22, 1908.


Original 6-page newspaper issue: The Sanford Herald, January 12, 1927; Museum of Seminole County History, Sanford, Florida



Transcribed by Kim Marie Fischer Peters.








Sanford, Florida

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Mesdames Hutton And
Lake Are Hostesses
To Members of D.A.R.
The Sally Harrison Chapter, N. S. D. A. R. , was entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Forrest Lake and Mrs. Monroe B. Hutton at the home of the former on Park Avenue.
Mrs. R. E. Tolar, regent, presided over the meeting, which included the regular reports from the
officers and committees. Among the important matters handled were the subscription of $10 from the club to the International College for Foreigners in Springfield, Mass., which was increased by a personal gift of $5 from Mrs. DeForest. Twenty-five dollars were sent to the Mont Verde School for the girls’ dormitory fund; payment was made on the memorial chair for the first regent of the chapter in the Constitution Hall; and $45 was added to the auditorium fund for the building.
The next entertainment is scheduled for Feb. 11 and is in the capable charge of Mrs. George D. Bishop, finance chairman. It will be for the benefit of the work this organization is handling and supporting. A display of antiques, to be followed by a colonial dinner and subscription bridge for the afternoon and evening will soon be arranged in detail.
A committee has been appointed consisting of Mrs. J. K. Whitner, chairman; Mrs. A. M. DeForest and Mrs. John Leonardi to investigate the possibility of placing a marker at the old Fort Reed, which is now Sanfo Park. It was one of the chain of forts that extended from Jacksonville to Tampa.
A marker has already been placed at Ft. Mellon.
During the social half hour which followed, refreshments were served. The table was spread with a beautiful lace cloth, and was centered by a silver basket of red roses, surrounded by four red candles in mahogany holders. Mrs. W. E. Watson poured tea.
Those who attended were: Mrs. Ernest Krupp, Mrs. J. N. Whitner, Mrs. E. A. Douglass, Mrs. A. T. Rossiter, Mrs. John Leonardi, Miss Alice Caldwell, Mrs. W. E. Watson, Mrs. R. E. Tolar, Mrs. Sam Puleston, Mrs. A. M. DeForrest, Mrs. K. S. Dutton, Mrs. S. C. Dighton, Mrs. M. Minick, Mrs. Mitchell Clark, Mrs. George Herring, Mrs. George Davis Hart, Mrs. Forrest Lake and Mrs. M. B. Hutton.



“The Sanford Herald, January 12, 1927.” RICHES of Central Florida accessed July 18, 2024,