The Sanford Herald, November 19, 1927


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The Sanford Herald, November 19, 1927


Sanford (Fla.)


The Sanford Herald issue published on November 19, 1927. One of the oldest newspapers in Florida, The Sanford Herald printed their first issue on August 22, 1908.


Original 8-page newspaper issue: The Sanford Herald, November 19, 1927; Museum of Seminole County History, Sanford, Florida



Transcribed by Kim Marie Fischer Peters.








Sanford, Florida

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Mrs. Rolland L. Dean
Hostess To The D.A.R. Members On Friday
The regular meeting of the Sallie Harrison Chapter N. S. D. A. R was held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Rolland L. Dean in ___fair. The rooms of this lovely home were abloom with quantities of yellow and white chrysanthemums and ferns.
Mrs. Jeon Leonardi, chapter regent presided over the meeting, which opened with the ritual and pledge of allegiance to the Flag. The principal business attended to during the business session was the report that a chair had been ______ for Constitution Hall at Washington, D. C., in Daytona Chapter to a regional luncheon to be given November 30 at Princess ____ at Daytona Beach, given in honor of Mrs. Brooks White, state regent.
Two committees were by the regent: a revision committee composed of Mrs. R. E. Tolar, Mrs. W. E. Watson and Mrs. Ernest Krupp. Another committee was formed to select a site for a park, they were Mrs. A. M. De Forest, Mrs. Alexander Vaughn, Mrs. W. E. Watson and Mrs. R. E. Tolar.
A most delightful social hour followed the business session when pretty refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. John W. Meisch Jr., and Miss Frances Dutton. Mrs. Samuel R. Preston presided at the tea service.
Those attending were: Mrs. John Leonardi, Mrs. A. B. Peterson, Mrs. A. T. Rossiter, Mrs. Samuel Preston, Mrs. W. T. Fields, Mrs. Irving Loucks, Mrs. John W. Meisch Jr., Mrs. George David Hart, Mrs. L. P. Hagan, Mrs. C. ____s, Mrs. F. Mc Kenzie Davison, Mrs. R. E. Tolar, Mrs. David Caldwell, Mrs. A. M. De Forest, Mrs. W. Morton Thigpen, Mrs. Samuel R. Dichton, Mrs. W. __. ____rd, Mrs. E. A. Douglass, Mrs. K. S. Dutton, Mrs. Frank __, Miss Frances Dutton and Mrs. Rolland L. Dunn.



“The Sanford Herald, November 19, 1927.” RICHES of Central Florida accessed July 18, 2024,