Vanessa Rivera working on homework at the after-school program of Restore Orlando, a church that is now known as the Emmanuel Fellowship and Worship Center. Created by Jerry Applebee and Polly Applebee in 1994, the Restore Orlando's after-school…
Vanessa Rivera, on the left, and Jackie Rivera, on the right, working on art projects at the after-school program of Restore Orlando, a church that is now known as the Emmanuel Fellowship and Worship Center. After the students completed their…
Vanessa Rivera working on art projects at the after-school program of Restore Orlando, a church that is now known as the Emmanuel Fellowship and Worship Center. After the students completed their homework, they were allowed to participate in…
The Cultural Festival at Kaley Square Park in the Parramore neighborhood of Downtown Orlando, Florida, in 1998. The festival featured a "dunk the pastors" booth and was created to represent local cultures. The first photograph shows a group of…