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- Tags: air-cooled turbines
150 MW Class 501F Design to Begin Full Load Factory Testing This Summer
Tags: 501F; air-cooled turbines; Auguie Scalzo; coal-fired plants; combined cycle; Combustion Turbine Operations; compressors; cooled combustors; CTO; dual-fuel combustors; ECY768L X45L U 520L Inco 738; engineering; factories; factory; gas turbines; HRSG; IGCC; low-NOx hybrid combustors; MF-111; MHI; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; Moon Light; MTFIN; MW701D; NACA; packaged plants; power generation; Power Logic II control system; Power Projects Development; protective coatings; Robert Farmer; simple cycle; Takasago Works; testing; tilting-pad bearings; variable geometry guide vanes; W1501; W501D5; W65; Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Steam-Cooled 501G Rated 230 MW with 2600°F Rotor Inlet Temperature
Tags: 501D5; 501F; 501G; A. J. Ayoob; air-cooled turbines; Alafaya Trail; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Andrew J. Ayoob; Andy Ayoob; ASME Gas Turbine Conference; combined cycles; Combustion Turbine Development Engineering; combustors; D. A. Bartol; Dominic A. Bartol; ECONOPAC; ECY768; Edison Electric Institute; electric utility power; engineering; engineers; FiatAvio; Gas Turbine World; gas turbines; Gerry McQuiggan; heat recovery steam generators; high temperature demonstration unit; HRSG; HTDU; IN939M; industrial gas turbines; industrial power; Les Southall; MAR-M246; MHI; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; MTFIN; Nick Bartol; orlando; PGBU; Phoenix; power generation; Power Generation Business United; Power Generation Technology Division; Robert Farmer; Rolls-Royce; Rolls-Royce Turbine Aerofoil Manufacturing; rotors; simple cycles; steam cooling; Takasago Works; TRIT; turbine rotor inlet temperatures; Westinghouse Electric Corporation