Letter from Sydney Chase to Joshua Chase (March 17, 1928)
Dublin Core
Letter from Sydney Chase to Joshua Chase (March 17, 1928)
Alternative Title
Chase Correspondence (March 17, 1928)
Chase, Sydney Octavius, 1860-1941
Chase, Joshua Coffin, 1858-1948
Citrus fruit industry--Florida
Sanford (Fla.)
Orlando (Fla.)
Chase and Company (Sanford, Fla.)
Florida Citrus Exchange
An original letter of correspondence between brothers and business partners Sydney Octavius Chase and Joshua Coffin Chase. The letter contains information about W. J. Lee, an agent in the Florida Citrus Clearinghouse, and his motive for other Florida agents to use content in a recently printed newspaper article to interest potential customers. Sydney's disapproval on the matter and the need for the Exchange's chairman, Archie M. Pratt, to be the sole person making decisions for all Florida agents is also discussed in the letter. Carbon copies of Sydney's letter to Lee and Lee's letter to all Florida agents were also enclosed.
Chase & Company was established by the brothers in 1884. The company sold insurance and later invested in storage facilities and fertilizer sales. Chase & Company was established by the brothers in 1884. The company sold insurance and later invested in storage facilities and fertilizer sales. Chase & Company was known mainly for its agricultural interests and maintained a series of citrus groves throughout Central Florida. The company was based out of Sanford and became one of the city's largest employers into the early twentieth century. The Florida Citrus Exchange was founded by a group of growers on June 21, 1909 to help improve production of citrus in the state. Members shared facilities and helped establish operation and shipping standards. Both Sydney and Joshua Chase were hesitant to join the Exchange because they did not want to jeopardize the business they had successfully managed. Chase & Company eventually became a part of the Exchange, but backed out three years later. In 1928, Pratt operated and managed the Florida Citrus Clearinghouse.
Chase & Company was established by the brothers in 1884. The company sold insurance and later invested in storage facilities and fertilizer sales. Chase & Company was established by the brothers in 1884. The company sold insurance and later invested in storage facilities and fertilizer sales. Chase & Company was known mainly for its agricultural interests and maintained a series of citrus groves throughout Central Florida. The company was based out of Sanford and became one of the city's largest employers into the early twentieth century. The Florida Citrus Exchange was founded by a group of growers on June 21, 1909 to help improve production of citrus in the state. Members shared facilities and helped establish operation and shipping standards. Both Sydney and Joshua Chase were hesitant to join the Exchange because they did not want to jeopardize the business they had successfully managed. Chase & Company eventually became a part of the Exchange, but backed out three years later. In 1928, Pratt operated and managed the Florida Citrus Clearinghouse.
Chase, Sydney Octavius
Original letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase, March 17, 1928: Chase Collection (MS 14), box 3, folder 13.46, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Date Created
Has Format
Original letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to W. J. Lee, March 17, 1928.
Original letter from W. J. Lee, March 16, 1928.
Has Part
Carbon copy of original letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to W. J. Lee, March 17, 1928: Chase Collection (MS 14), box 3, folder 13.46, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Carbon copy of original letter from W. J. Lee, March 16, 1928: Chase Collection (MS 14), box 3, folder 13.46, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase, March 17, 1928.
Digital reproduction of carbon copied letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to W. J. Lee, March 17, 1928.
Digital reproduction of carbon copied letter from W. J. Lee, March 16, 1928.
Is Part Of
Chase Collection (MS 14), box 3, folder 13.46, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Florida Citrus Exchange Collection , Chase Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
Is Referenced By
Folder referenced in Chase Collection finding guide, http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/pkyonge/chase.htm.
5,111 KB
1 page typewritten letter on Chase & Company letterhead with 2 enclosed carbon copies of typewritten letters
Sanford, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Frostproof, Florida
Spatial Coverage
28.811729, -81.268138
28.538084, -81.378593
27.745863, -81.530631
Temporal Coverage
Accrual Method
Audience Education Level
SS.K.A.1.2; SS.1.A.1.1; SS.1.A.2.2; SS.1.A.2.4; SS.1.E.1.4; SS.2.A.1.1; SS.3.A.1.1; SS.4.A.1.1; SS.4.A.7.1; SS.4.E.1.1; SS.4.E.1.2; SS.5.A.1.1; SS.6.W.1.3; SS.7.E.2.4; SS.8.A.1.5; SS.8.E.2.1; SS.8.E.2.3; SS.912.A.1.1; SS.912.A.1.6; SS.912.A.5.4; SS.912.E.1.5; SS.912.E.2.3; SS.912.E.2.12; SS.912.W.1.3
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Entire Chase Collection is comprised of four separate accessions from various donors, including Cecilia Johnson, the granddaughter of Joshua Coffin Chase and the children of Randall Chase.
Rights Holder
The displayed collection item is housed at Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. Rights to this item belong to the said institution, and therefore inquiries about the item should be directed there. RICHES of Central Florida has obtained permission from Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida to display this item for educational purposes only.
Contributing Project
Special and Area Studies Collections, University of Florida
Marra, Katherine
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
"Sydney Chase Sr. (1860-1941)." Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. Copyright 2012. http://floridacitrushalloffame.com/index.php/inductees/inductee-name/?ref_cID=89&bID=0&dd_asId=600.
Warner, S.C. "Development of Marketing Citrus Fruits in Florida." Florida State Horticultural Society vol. 36 (1923): 198-200.
Hopkins, James T. Fifty Years of Citrus, the Florida Citrus Exchange: 1909-1959. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press: 1960.
"Our Heritage: The History of Seald-Sweet." Seald Sweet International. http://www.sealdsweet.com/welcome/our-history.php.
External Reference Title
March 17, 1928.
Mr. J. C. Chase,
Orlando, Fla.
Dear Josh:
I am enclosing carbon copy of letter I am writing to W. J. Lee, with reference to the last clause in a mimeograph circular letter he sent out to All Florida Agents.
I think it is a mighty dangerous proposition to pass out such a circular letter as this instructing agents to make use of libelous information, which may or may not be based on facts, against our competitors, until we know exactly how it stands.
I cannot see where the economy, or desirability, comes in to issue mimeograph bulletins when we only have about half a dozen agents to reach. Gestures of this kind, do not appeal to me a bit.
I really think as long as Mr. Pratt is making a personal effort to round up new tonnage for the coming season that Mr. Lee, or any other member of the Orlando office force, should confer with Mr. Pratt before they release instructions which might be in direct conflict with some of Mr. Pratt's ideas, and offset some of the good work which he has already accomplished.
Yours very truly,
March 17, 1928.
Mr. W.J. Lee,
c/o Chase & Co.,
Orlando, Fla.
Dear Sir:-
Referring to your circular letter of the 16th, with reference to contract turned in by Wm. Vogt. The last paragraph of this circular letter refers to mailing each of our District Agents a copy of the Tri City Times of March 9.
It is alright to have this paper mailed to the District agents, but in my judgment it is not alright to instruct them to carry the paper around with them and show it to any interested parties. Until we know more about the Exchange side of this attack I be very careful in instructing our Agents as to how to handle themselves with regard to the article which appears in the Tri-City Times.
This morning's Orlando paper carried a dispatch article to the effect that there is a suit instituted against the Tri-City times, as well as McCoy, account of the article referred to above.
Chase & Company never have used methods of this kind to get business, and we don't want to start it now, so I would immediately cancel the instructions given in the last paragraph of your circular letter.
As a matter of fact the writer cannot see any necessity of issueing a mimeograph letter to our Florida Agents when they can all be covered in a circular letter at less expense to the Company. If we had a hundred or so agents it would be different.
Yours very truly,
March 16, 1928.
This morning we are in receipt of a letter from Mr. Will Vogt, District Agent at Frostproof, enclosing a straight marketing contract for next year covering the Wm. Walker Grove. This grove consists of 20 acres, and while the trees are young, should carry about 2000 boxes next year.
This business was secured on the merits of Chase & Company as marketing agent and did not involve any loan or advance. This is desirable business.
If there are any growers in your district who are dissatisfied with a competitive marketing organization, whether it be cooperative or private, now is the time to get them pried loose. There are certain contracts that the Exchange has in effect which provide that if not cancelled by May 1st, they automatically bind for another year. You should call the attention of any dissatisfied growers to this situation and see that they file their withdrawal at an early date.
Under separate cover we are mailing each of our district agents a copy of the Tri-City Times of March 9th, with a marked article on the front page. You can carry this around with you as talking material and show it to any interested parties. It looks like pretty hot stuff!
Yours very truly,
W. J. Lee.
March 17, 1928.
Mr. J. C. Chase,
Orlando, Fla.
Dear Josh:
I am enclosing carbon copy of letter I am writing to W. J. Lee, with reference to the last clause in a mimeograph circular letter he sent out to All Florida Agents.
I think it is a mighty dangerous proposition to pass out such a circular letter as this instructing agents to make use of libelous information, which may or may not be based on facts, against our competitors, until we know exactly how it stands.
I cannot see where the economy, or desirability, comes in to issue mimeograph bulletins when we only have about half a dozen agents to reach. Gestures of this kind, do not appeal to me a bit.
I really think as long as Mr. Pratt is making a personal effort to round up new tonnage for the coming season that Mr. Lee, or any other member of the Orlando office force, should confer with Mr. Pratt before they release instructions which might be in direct conflict with some of Mr. Pratt's ideas, and offset some of the good work which he has already accomplished.
Yours very truly,
March 17, 1928.
Mr. W.J. Lee,
c/o Chase & Co.,
Orlando, Fla.
Dear Sir:-
Referring to your circular letter of the 16th, with reference to contract turned in by Wm. Vogt. The last paragraph of this circular letter refers to mailing each of our District Agents a copy of the Tri City Times of March 9.
It is alright to have this paper mailed to the District agents, but in my judgment it is not alright to instruct them to carry the paper around with them and show it to any interested parties. Until we know more about the Exchange side of this attack I be very careful in instructing our Agents as to how to handle themselves with regard to the article which appears in the Tri-City Times.
This morning's Orlando paper carried a dispatch article to the effect that there is a suit instituted against the Tri-City times, as well as McCoy, account of the article referred to above.
Chase & Company never have used methods of this kind to get business, and we don't want to start it now, so I would immediately cancel the instructions given in the last paragraph of your circular letter.
As a matter of fact the writer cannot see any necessity of issueing a mimeograph letter to our Florida Agents when they can all be covered in a circular letter at less expense to the Company. If we had a hundred or so agents it would be different.
Yours very truly,
March 16, 1928.
This morning we are in receipt of a letter from Mr. Will Vogt, District Agent at Frostproof, enclosing a straight marketing contract for next year covering the Wm. Walker Grove. This grove consists of 20 acres, and while the trees are young, should carry about 2000 boxes next year.
This business was secured on the merits of Chase & Company as marketing agent and did not involve any loan or advance. This is desirable business.
If there are any growers in your district who are dissatisfied with a competitive marketing organization, whether it be cooperative or private, now is the time to get them pried loose. There are certain contracts that the Exchange has in effect which provide that if not cancelled by May 1st, they automatically bind for another year. You should call the attention of any dissatisfied growers to this situation and see that they file their withdrawal at an early date.
Under separate cover we are mailing each of our district agents a copy of the Tri-City Times of March 9th, with a marked article on the front page. You can carry this around with you as talking material and show it to any interested parties. It looks like pretty hot stuff!
Yours very truly,
W. J. Lee.
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
1 page typewritten letter on Chase & Company letterhead with 2 enclosed carbon copies of typewritten letters
Chase, Sydney Octavius, “Letter from Sydney Chase to Joshua Chase (March 17, 1928),” RICHES, accessed March 4, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/650.