Letter from Joshua Chase to Sydney Chase (October 19, 1934)
Dublin Core
Letter from Joshua Chase to Sydney Chase (October 19, 1934)
Alternative Title
Chase Correspondence (October 19, 1934)
Citrus fruit industry--Florida
Chase, Joshua Coffin, 1858-1948
Citrus fruit industry--California
Chase and Company (Sanford, Fla.)
Lakeland (Fla).
Orange industry--Florida
Orange industry--California--History
New Deal, 1933-1939--Florida
Florida Citrus Exchange
Chase, Sydney Octavius, 1860-1941
An original letter of correspondence written by Joshua Chase to his father and Chase & Company business partner Sydney Chase. The letter discusses a meeting Joshua attended in Lakeland about the specifics on the proposed Federal Marketing Agreement on citrus and nationally standardized shipping rates. Issues discussed in the meeting included freight rates of citrus products, New Deal policies, and accurate reporting.
Chase & Company was established by the brothers in 1884. The company sold insurance and later invested in storage facilities and fertilizer sales. Chase & Company was known mainly for its agricultural interests and maintained a series of citrus groves throughout Central Florida. The company was based out of Sanford and became one of the city's largest employers into the early twentieth century. The Florida Citrus Exchange was founded by a group of growers on June 21, 1909 to help improve production of citrus in the state. Members shared facilities and helped establish operation and shipping standards. Both Sydney and Joshua Chase were hesitant to join the Exchange because they did not want to jeopardize the business they had successfully managed. Chase & Company eventually became a part of the Exchange, but backed out three years later.
Chase & Company was established by the brothers in 1884. The company sold insurance and later invested in storage facilities and fertilizer sales. Chase & Company was known mainly for its agricultural interests and maintained a series of citrus groves throughout Central Florida. The company was based out of Sanford and became one of the city's largest employers into the early twentieth century. The Florida Citrus Exchange was founded by a group of growers on June 21, 1909 to help improve production of citrus in the state. Members shared facilities and helped establish operation and shipping standards. Both Sydney and Joshua Chase were hesitant to join the Exchange because they did not want to jeopardize the business they had successfully managed. Chase & Company eventually became a part of the Exchange, but backed out three years later.
Chase, Joshua
Original letter from Joshua Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr., October 19, 1934: Chase Collection (MS 14), box 3, folder 13.49, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Date Created
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original letter from Joshua Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr., October 19, 1934.
Is Part Of
Chase Collection (MS 14), box 3, folder 13.49, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Florida Citrus Exchange Collection , Chase Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
Is Referenced By
Folder referenced in Chase Collection finding guide, http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/pkyonge/chase.htm.
9,859 KB
6 page typrwritten letter on Chase & Company letterhead
Sanford, Florida
Asheville, North Carolina
Lakeland, Florida
Seattle, Washington
Spokane, Washington
Portland, Oregon
Tampa, Florida
Spatial Coverage
28.811729, -81.268138
35.595065, -82.551673
28.0333, -81.9500
36.747138, -119.770317
47.607089, -122.332878
47.658913, -117.425423
45.523668, -122.674828
27.951345, -82.456627
Temporal Coverage
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Entire Chase Collection is comprised of four separate accessions from various donors, including Cecilia Johnson, the granddaughter of Joshua Coffin Chase and the children of Randall Chase.
Rights Holder
The displayed collection item is housed at Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. Rights to this item belong to the said institution, and therefore inquiries about the item should be directed there. RICHES of Central Florida has obtained permission from Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida to display this item for educational purposes only.
Contributing Project
Special and Area Studies Collections, University of Florida
Digital Collections (UFDC), University of Florida
Marra, Katherine
Digital Collection
Source Repository
University of Florida, Special and Area Studies Collections
External Reference
"Sydney Chase Sr. (1860-1941)." Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. Copyright 2012. http://floridacitrushalloffame.com/index.php/inductees/inductee-name/?ref_cID=89&bID=0&dd_asId=600.
Hopkins, James T. Fifty Years of Citrus, the Florida Citrus Exchange: 1909-1959. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press: 1960.
Warner, S.C. "Development of Marketing Citrus Fruits in Florida." Florida State Horticultural Society vol. 36 (1923): 198-200.
External Reference Title
19, 1934Mr
. O. Chase
Asheville North Carolina
Dear Dad:
Attended the meeting in Lakeland yester afternoon composed of the 96 growers and shippers who united last August in fighting the proposed newAgreement
. There were a few other growers of the
Lakeland territory present, also representatives of the Atlantic Commission Company, and two new Grower-shippers, making a total of 93 now instead of 96.
L. V. Kirkland was elected as chairman of the mmeeting and stated briefly the reason for the meeting, stressing particularly the point that in
is opinicn an erffort as being made by Washington and urged by interests in California more or less at the request f a certain group in Florida to force -the Florida citrus industry into national prorating.
r. irk and pointed out that national prorating was unsuited to Florida, because California enjoyed a freight rote which allowed them to put their fruit into the eat at $1.17 a box, whereas Florida could not go west of the Mississippi River due to the very high freight rate. He also pointed out that California would want to prorate their Naval crop against or entire crop of oranges, including Valencias, and in this wor allow them a very clear and unobstricted cncampetitive market for their Valencias.
it was later brought out in the meeting that Florida freight rate to Seattle and spokane, Washington, and Portland, Oregon .1d surrounding territory amounted to $1.91 a box, including refrigeration, nd that California, if they wanted to, could place their oranges in Tampa, Florida by rail at 1.17 a box.
C. Chaser. Kirkland then asked Judge Holland to review the whole matter of the fight against the Agreement which Washington proposed last August, and the results that had been obtained by the 96 grower-shippers who had fought the matter together, as a unit, and he Urged that they all continue to • meet the matter in a united effort, as he believed that was the only way to secure recognition in Washington to such an extent that they would listen and give the Florida citrus industry a representative and fair group of grower Control Committee members, which Washington had agreed to do when they met in that city in September, and which Washington has not done, as evidenced by the group of names just received from Washington, and which I gave you as a list in my letter of two days ago.
Judge Holland reviewed the matter, begin-ning with last June up through his last visit to Washington in September. He emphasized the fact that Washington was very much astounded at the
united front and effort made by the 96 growers, and that they had not considered this possible before last August. He pointed out that this united action had secured practically every concession that had been asked for, and that the attitude of the Depart¬ment of Agriculture was entirely different after August, due to the strength shown by the majority of the shippers in the state, representing a decided majority of the fruit. He also stated that it was his personal opinion that the naming of the Grower Control Committee as sent out from Washington was a last effort to try to bluff the industry into national prorating and ram down the throats of the majority what California would like to see and the old Central Committee clique would like to have.
Mr. S. O. Chase page #3
e said he felt reasonably sure that if united effort was continued as in the past we would be able to secure a Grower Control Committee that would be fairly selected and in line with what Washington had agreed to d in selecting the Grower Committee.
Aurin was asked to say a few words.
e brought out tee Tampa Tribune and read part of a statement issued by Commander, wherein Commander said he hoped the independent shippers and buyers would consider for once the growers of the at.. to of Florida. Dr. Aurin said that he was an hundred per cent in accord with Commander in regard to that part of hi; statement, ands that he sincerely hoped that all off the shippers present and in the state would consider the poor growers of the state and see that they would not get the Growers Control Committee as handed down by Washington, but one that would be fair to the growers of the state; that it Was high time that the continued effort of a certain group to coerce growers into the exchange be stopped and that the growers be allowed to ship and sell their fruit to those shippers which they themselves
might choose. Dr. Aurin Said that, in looking over
the group of growers appointed to the Committee by Washington, that he could not believe that the leopard had changed its spots any more than if someone told him that Hitler was a friend of the Jews.
Howey was called on to soy a few words, which ho did, and a great deal of it amounted to politicings; he tactfully said that he felt that Some of the good Democrats present would be making good Republicans by the time the present administra¬tion got through trying to run their business for them by groups of people who knew nothing about it. He was asked the question as to what he thought the lose would be if Florida was forced into national prorating. Howey very carefully avoided giving his own opinion, but did say !hat he had heard the loss would be from several different sources, which amounted to anywhere from $250,000 annually to a
Mr. S. O. Chase Page #4
1,500,000 annually. Fe also stated that he had been informed sten in Washington by good authorities that some businessess which Washington was trying to run by would-be experts who knew nothing about the businesses or any business were suffering a loss in some- instances as high as 17,000,000 a year.
We next heard from Jeff Sligh, who was very brief and said that he did not approve of r. Howey politicing in such meetings. This was all good. natured. -.nigh did bring out something in regard to what Florida's less would be if they participated in national prorating for several years. Pe said the real loss would amount to about 40,000,000, or the citrus industry in Florida. This brought down some real applause, and even Howey nodded his agree¬ment.
Several other growers and shippers spoke briefly, one or two stressing the difference of freight rates from California and Florida. judge Holland drew up a motion protesting the appointment of the Grower Committee and alternates selected by Washington, which was unanimously approved.
7. J. Howey next moved that the chair appoint a committee to form an organization and in-corporate same including the group present and as many more as they could secure for united action in
ll such matters. The judge had already prepared a motion which was substituted for Howey's, and,we believe, a very good one.
A fully detailed report as to the motions and Committee appointed, and the whole meeting will undoubtedly follow from the Clearing House within the next day or two.
Mr. S. c, Chase Page #5
The press was present and were told in no unmistakable words that the paper which would not publish all of what was said at the meeting would never be allowed at a meeting again, and that it would be made known why. It was stated that in the past it has been very noticeable that some of the papers in the state published very damaging :and unfair articles Pertaining to the growers and shippers meetings in the past by not giving all of the information, and by omitting parts and misconstruing many facts. This was directed, I believe, primarily at the Orlando Sentinel. Their reorter as present, and certainly got red around the ears when he received these instructions. The reporter for the Lakeland paper, which has been so active in the past in getting fair and correct informa¬tion, was present, and I noticed he remained after the meeting to get some of the details he was unable to catch and record as the meeting progressed. I did not see the Sentinel reporter doing this, and 1 will be interested to set: how the two papers compare.
Affectionately yours,
SOCjr / b
Mr. J. C. Chase
G. B. Ayerigg W. Haven
John S. Taylor Largo
Harry L. Borland Ocala
Judson J. Reynolds Orlando
A. W. Young Vero Beach
Francis Whitehair DeLand
I. A, Yarnell Lake Wales
xehjL Lowry Exchge.
WCG Commands,
A- Mouser Exchge. Ind.
Edwa Stwart C.Cstw. Hof
L. C. alwardi Tampa Ind.
Barry L. Askew Lakeland
LWCGA- Edwar
row Shi per
H. E. Cornell Haven Ex 0 Patterson Tampa Exchge.
Marvin H. Walker Tampa prank Clark Indian
A. F. Pickard Lakeland Comm. 50 River City "W.
• Vickers Sebastian AG J. C, Chase Winter Park Ind»
James Tillman Lake Jabs LWCGA L. P. Kirkland Auburndale "
W. T. Bland Lake Gem AFG G. Roe W. Haven
C. 3. Stewart DeLand Exchge.J. J. Parrish Titusville "
19, 1934Mr
. O. Chase
Asheville North Carolina
Dear Dad:
Attended the meeting in Lakeland yester afternoon composed of the 96 growers and shippers who united last August in fighting the proposed newAgreement
. There were a few other growers of the
Lakeland territory present, also representatives of the Atlantic Commission Company, and two new Grower-shippers, making a total of 93 now instead of 96.
L. V. Kirkland was elected as chairman of the mmeeting and stated briefly the reason for the meeting, stressing particularly the point that in
is opinicn an erffort as being made by Washington and urged by interests in California more or less at the request f a certain group in Florida to force -the Florida citrus industry into national prorating.
r. irk and pointed out that national prorating was unsuited to Florida, because California enjoyed a freight rote which allowed them to put their fruit into the eat at $1.17 a box, whereas Florida could not go west of the Mississippi River due to the very high freight rate. He also pointed out that California would want to prorate their Naval crop against or entire crop of oranges, including Valencias, and in this wor allow them a very clear and unobstricted cncampetitive market for their Valencias.
it was later brought out in the meeting that Florida freight rate to Seattle and spokane, Washington, and Portland, Oregon .1d surrounding territory amounted to $1.91 a box, including refrigeration, nd that California, if they wanted to, could place their oranges in Tampa, Florida by rail at 1.17 a box.
C. Chaser. Kirkland then asked Judge Holland to review the whole matter of the fight against the Agreement which Washington proposed last August, and the results that had been obtained by the 96 grower-shippers who had fought the matter together, as a unit, and he Urged that they all continue to • meet the matter in a united effort, as he believed that was the only way to secure recognition in Washington to such an extent that they would listen and give the Florida citrus industry a representative and fair group of grower Control Committee members, which Washington had agreed to do when they met in that city in September, and which Washington has not done, as evidenced by the group of names just received from Washington, and which I gave you as a list in my letter of two days ago.
Judge Holland reviewed the matter, begin-ning with last June up through his last visit to Washington in September. He emphasized the fact that Washington was very much astounded at the
united front and effort made by the 96 growers, and that they had not considered this possible before last August. He pointed out that this united action had secured practically every concession that had been asked for, and that the attitude of the Depart¬ment of Agriculture was entirely different after August, due to the strength shown by the majority of the shippers in the state, representing a decided majority of the fruit. He also stated that it was his personal opinion that the naming of the Grower Control Committee as sent out from Washington was a last effort to try to bluff the industry into national prorating and ram down the throats of the majority what California would like to see and the old Central Committee clique would like to have.
Mr. S. O. Chase page #3
e said he felt reasonably sure that if united effort was continued as in the past we would be able to secure a Grower Control Committee that would be fairly selected and in line with what Washington had agreed to d in selecting the Grower Committee.
Aurin was asked to say a few words.
e brought out tee Tampa Tribune and read part of a statement issued by Commander, wherein Commander said he hoped the independent shippers and buyers would consider for once the growers of the at.. to of Florida. Dr. Aurin said that he was an hundred per cent in accord with Commander in regard to that part of hi; statement, ands that he sincerely hoped that all off the shippers present and in the state would consider the poor growers of the state and see that they would not get the Growers Control Committee as handed down by Washington, but one that would be fair to the growers of the state; that it Was high time that the continued effort of a certain group to coerce growers into the exchange be stopped and that the growers be allowed to ship and sell their fruit to those shippers which they themselves
might choose. Dr. Aurin Said that, in looking over
the group of growers appointed to the Committee by Washington, that he could not believe that the leopard had changed its spots any more than if someone told him that Hitler was a friend of the Jews.
Howey was called on to soy a few words, which ho did, and a great deal of it amounted to politicings; he tactfully said that he felt that Some of the good Democrats present would be making good Republicans by the time the present administra¬tion got through trying to run their business for them by groups of people who knew nothing about it. He was asked the question as to what he thought the lose would be if Florida was forced into national prorating. Howey very carefully avoided giving his own opinion, but did say !hat he had heard the loss would be from several different sources, which amounted to anywhere from $250,000 annually to a
Mr. S. O. Chase Page #4
1,500,000 annually. Fe also stated that he had been informed sten in Washington by good authorities that some businessess which Washington was trying to run by would-be experts who knew nothing about the businesses or any business were suffering a loss in some- instances as high as 17,000,000 a year.
We next heard from Jeff Sligh, who was very brief and said that he did not approve of r. Howey politicing in such meetings. This was all good. natured. -.nigh did bring out something in regard to what Florida's less would be if they participated in national prorating for several years. Pe said the real loss would amount to about 40,000,000, or the citrus industry in Florida. This brought down some real applause, and even Howey nodded his agree¬ment.
Several other growers and shippers spoke briefly, one or two stressing the difference of freight rates from California and Florida. judge Holland drew up a motion protesting the appointment of the Grower Committee and alternates selected by Washington, which was unanimously approved.
7. J. Howey next moved that the chair appoint a committee to form an organization and in-corporate same including the group present and as many more as they could secure for united action in
ll such matters. The judge had already prepared a motion which was substituted for Howey's, and,we believe, a very good one.
A fully detailed report as to the motions and Committee appointed, and the whole meeting will undoubtedly follow from the Clearing House within the next day or two.
Mr. S. c, Chase Page #5
The press was present and were told in no unmistakable words that the paper which would not publish all of what was said at the meeting would never be allowed at a meeting again, and that it would be made known why. It was stated that in the past it has been very noticeable that some of the papers in the state published very damaging :and unfair articles Pertaining to the growers and shippers meetings in the past by not giving all of the information, and by omitting parts and misconstruing many facts. This was directed, I believe, primarily at the Orlando Sentinel. Their reorter as present, and certainly got red around the ears when he received these instructions. The reporter for the Lakeland paper, which has been so active in the past in getting fair and correct informa¬tion, was present, and I noticed he remained after the meeting to get some of the details he was unable to catch and record as the meeting progressed. I did not see the Sentinel reporter doing this, and 1 will be interested to set: how the two papers compare.
Affectionately yours,
SOCjr / b
Mr. J. C. Chase
G. B. Ayerigg W. Haven
John S. Taylor Largo
Harry L. Borland Ocala
Judson J. Reynolds Orlando
A. W. Young Vero Beach
Francis Whitehair DeLand
I. A, Yarnell Lake Wales
xehjL Lowry Exchge.
WCG Commands,
A- Mouser Exchge. Ind.
Edwa Stwart C.Cstw. Hof
L. C. alwardi Tampa Ind.
Barry L. Askew Lakeland
LWCGA- Edwar
row Shi per
H. E. Cornell Haven Ex 0 Patterson Tampa Exchge.
Marvin H. Walker Tampa prank Clark Indian
A. F. Pickard Lakeland Comm. 50 River City "W.
• Vickers Sebastian AG J. C, Chase Winter Park Ind»
James Tillman Lake Jabs LWCGA L. P. Kirkland Auburndale "
W. T. Bland Lake Gem AFG G. Roe W. Haven
C. 3. Stewart DeLand Exchge.J. J. Parrish Titusville "
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
6 page typrwritten letter on Chase & Company letterhead
Chase, Joshua, “Letter from Joshua Chase to Sydney Chase (October 19, 1934),” RICHES, accessed March 4, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/703.