Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Mayo Dade (May 7, 1925)


Dublin Core


Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Mayo Dade (May 7, 1925)

Alternative Title

Chase Correspondence (May 7, 1925)


Chase, Sydney Octavius, 1860-1941
Fort Myers (Fla.)
Citrus fruit industry--Florida
Florida Citrus Exchange
Chase and Company (Sanford, Fla.)


An original letter of correspondence written by Sydney Octavius Chase to Mayo Dade. Dade worked with Chase & Company and was a respected professional in the Florida citrus industry. The letter shares some of the doubts and distrust Chase & Company felt toward the Florida Citrus Exchange, a state organization comprised of a large number of Florida citrus growers. While members who trusted the Exchange praised the organization as a united group of growers that promoted better distribution and marketing of their citrus products, growers such as Chase & Company were hesitant to hand over all of their power to a larger organization with poor marketing strategies.

Chase & Company was established in 1884. The company sold insurance and later invested in storage facilities and fertilizer sales. Chase & Company was known mainly for its agricultural interests and maintained a series of citrus groves throughout Central Florida. The company was based out of Sanford and became one of the city's largest employers into the early twentieth century.


Chase, Sydney Octavius


Original letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Mayo Dade, May 7, 1925: Chase Collection (MS 14), box 7, folder 14.10A, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

Date Created


Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Mayo Dade, May 7, 1925.

Is Part Of

Chase Collection (MS 14), box 7, folder 14.10A, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Florida Citrus Exchange Collection , Chase Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.

Is Referenced By

Folder referenced in Chase Collection finding guide, http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/pkyonge/chase.htm.




1,650 KB


1 page typrwritten letter on Chase & Company letterhead






Jacksonville, Florida
Arcadia, Florida
Ft. Myers, Florida

Spatial Coverage

30.3167, -81.6500
27.216014, -81.858544
26.640708, -81.872921

Temporal Coverage


Accrual Method



History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher


Entire Chase Collection is comprised of four separate accessions from various donors, including Cecilia Johnson, the granddaughter of Joshua Coffin Chase and the children of Randall Chase.

Rights Holder

The displayed collection item is housed at Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. Rights to this item belong to the said institution, and therefore inquiries about the item should be directed there. RICHES of Central Florida has obtained permission from Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida to display this item for educational purposes only.

Contributing Project

Digital Collections (UFDC), University of Florida


Marra, Katherine

Digital Collection

Source Repository

External Reference

"The History of Seald-Sweet." Seald Sweet International. http://www.sealdsweet.com/welcome/our-history.php.
Warner, S.C. "Development of Marketing Citrus Fruits in Florida." Florida State Horticultural Society vol. 36 (1923): 198-200.
"Mayo Dade Offers Helpful Aid on Fruit Picking," Florida Clearing House News, August 25, 1930.
Hopkins, James T. Fifty Years of Citrus, the Florida Citrus Exchange: 1909-1959. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press: 1960.
"Sydney Chase Sr. (1860-1941)." Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. Copyright 2012. http://floridacitrushalloffame.com/index.php/inductees/inductee-name/?ref_cID=89&bID=0&dd_asId=600.



May 7, 1925.

Mr. Mayo Dade,
Arcadia, Fla.

Dear Sir:

This will acknowledge carbon copies of your various favors of the 6th.
I note that you are putting in some good missionary work among the old Exchange member, and hope that the work will result in securing some new business. It looks as if the Exchange did not wind up matters at the annual meeting in Tampa on the 5th, and same was continued until the 6th. You will probably be advised quicker as to the result of these various meetings than we will, as you are in touch with many satisfied, as well as dissatisfied, Exchange members. At the present time all we have seen has been confined to the Tampa Tribune articles, one referring to the meeting of the Wauchula Citrus Growers League, which indicates that they have elected a man by the name of Stansfield as President of their organization. The other article refers to the Tampa meeting. Neither of these notices release any special information. We know that the Wauchula Sub-Exchange did not have a very big business the past season, although they speak of having a very successful season, and refer to some tree prices of up to $4.00 per box having been realized by some members.
Walker of the Nocatee Crate Company was in the office the other day during my absence and told Randall that the Stripes Citrus Packing Company of Fort Myers would lose this year approximately 50% of their business due to sub-division having been made, or arranged for, covering a large citrus acreage in the Fort Myers district, If possible wish you would ascertain whether or not this is founded on facts.

Yours very truly,


Document Item Type Metadata

Original Format

1 page typewritten letter on Chase & Company letterhead


Chase, Sydney Octavius, “Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Mayo Dade (May 7, 1925),” RICHES, accessed March 4, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/768.

