The Artists: Johann Eyfells


Johann Eyfells was born in Reykjavík, Iceland, in 1923. Eyfells works with a variety of media, including metal, wood, paper, plastic, and cloth, in an effort to document the interaction between time, space, and gravity. Many of his sculptures are minimal and non-objective, resembling lava or geological formations. In the 1960s, he developed the concept of "Receptualism," or the practice of "portraying original ideas visually" using non-representative and abstract forms. Eyfells considers himself more of an experimental chemist than a sculptor.


Receptualistic Pyramid.

Eyfells worked as an architect, artist, and teacher in Iceland before relocating to the United States. During his studies at Berkeley, Eyfells met Kristin Halldorsdottir, a former Icelandic model and dress designer. They married in 1949 and moved to Florida together to complete their studies. Eyfells finished his degree in architecture in 1953, and in 1964, he earned a master’s degree in fine arts. In 1969, he joined the art department of the University of Central Florida (called the Florida Technological Institute at the time) and taught there for over 30 years. On retirement, he moved to Fredericksburg, Texas.

Eyfells will also be featured in Art Legends exhibitions at the City of Orlando Terrace Gallery (October 15, 2015 through January 8, 2016), CityArts Factory (December 17, 2015 through January 15, 2016), and the Orange County Regional History Center (March 5 through May 29, 2016).


The Power of Passage, 1987.

The Artists: Johann Eyfells