Above is an artist's, James Stoll, rendering of the block of Orange, Church, Main, and Jackson during the 1940s and 1950s.
This is the Thomas Building and is also known as the Church and Main Arcade. It was demolished in the early 1960s to make way for the new construction on the block.
This section contained shops such as the Brass Rail and the Cervantes Spanish Restaurant. Cervantes was one of the shops that remained on the block for a long period, just short of two decades at 19 years before it was closed. The Brass Rail served as something along the lines of a bar/restaurant.
In this section of the render of the block, there is the Star Barber Shop. Patrons could get a haircut for only a quarter. It was also another example of a shop on the block that remained in business for some time.
This section depicts the Economy Auto Store and the City Cab Company headquarters, which would go on to be Orlando’s largest taxi company and would relocate to Gore Avenue.
This section of the render shows the Serros’ Fish and Poultry market. People would go here for fresh fish and poultry. It was established in 1928 by Nick Serros.
This shows the ten story Fire and Casualty building that is actually across the street from the block. However, its significance and size make it stand out despite it being in the background of the render.
This part of the render shows the Bass Hotel, previously the Astor Hotel. It was renamed after the Bass family bought the hotel.