Browse Items (3 total)

Jack Little Photograph.jpg
A colorized portrait photograph of Second Lieutenant Jack Julian Little. Jack Little served on the B-17 Arkie-II, serial number 42-29553, as a bombardier. The bombardier’s main purpose was to aim and release bombs on designated targets and ensure…

John Leslie- Missing Air Crew Report.jpeg
A page of the Missing Air Crew Report for Aircraft 44-6126 details how the pilot, John Leslie, gave his life so that every man onboard the B-17 could bail from the aircraft after it was shot down. Aircraft 44-6126 was traveling to its bombardment…

Arkie-11 in Flight.jpeg
A black and white photograph of the B-17 42-29553, “Arkie-II” in flight over an unknown location. The Arkie-II was a part of the 366th Bombardment Squadron, 305th Bombardment Group, which was among the first sorties to conduct daylight bombing…
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