Tags: Ann Giles Densch Civic Theater Complex; concert; Dance the Night Away; GLBT; GLBTQ+; homosexuality; LGBT; LGBTQ+; orlando; Orlando Gay Chorus
Tags: A White Sport Coat; Ain't Misbehaving; Anne Giles Densch; Civic Theater Complex; Dance the Night Away; Dance the Night Away medley; From A Distance; GLBT; If I Sing; It's a Grand Night for Singing; Kenneth R. "Ken" Ramoska; Kiss Him Goodbye; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Mr. Wonderful; OGC, Orlando Gay Chorus; Pretty Little Angel Eyes; Pride Month; S.I.; Seize the Day; Teddy Bear; Terry E. Thomas; The Last Song; This Will Be; We Shall Be Free
atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2