Fourteenth Census of the United States, Population for Titusville, Florida, 1920
Dublin Core
Fourteenth Census of the United States, Population for Titusville, Florida, 1920
Alternative Title
Census, 1920
Population--United States
Census--United States
The Fourteenth United States Census records for Titusville, Florida, in 1920. Individuals are identified by name, titles and terms, gender, age, marital status, race, relationship to head of household, birthplace, birth year, the last place of residence, and occupation.
A notable resident listed in this record is William Harris Jr. (1909–1944).
The Florida-France Soldiers Stories Project seeks to tell the stories of the Florida soldiers buried in the American Battle Monuments Commission cemeteries in France. Our goal is to honor and commemorate the brave individuals who gave their lives supporting the Allied forces, liberating France, and defeating Germany in the Second World War. Simultaneously, our goal is to teach the students who participate in this research project about the history of France and Florida during World War II, about the history of individual servicemen, and about how to implement historical research methods in their work.
A notable resident listed in this record is William Harris Jr. (1909–1944).
The Florida-France Soldiers Stories Project seeks to tell the stories of the Florida soldiers buried in the American Battle Monuments Commission cemeteries in France. Our goal is to honor and commemorate the brave individuals who gave their lives supporting the Allied forces, liberating France, and defeating Germany in the Second World War. Simultaneously, our goal is to teach the students who participate in this research project about the history of France and Florida during World War II, about the history of individual servicemen, and about how to implement historical research methods in their work.
Digital reproduction of original handwritten census record by a Census Enumerator, 1920.
Date Created
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1.28 MB
1 handwritten census record
Titusville, Florida
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Originally created by a Census Enumerator and published by the United States Census Bureau.
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Taylor, Cole
Digital Collection
Source Repository
National Archives and Records Administration
External Reference
Anderson, Margo J. The American Census: A Social History. New Haven [u.a.]: Yale Univ. Press, 2015.
Garcia, Sebastian. "Episode 28: The Florida-France Soldier Stories Project." Knights Historycast Podcast, 2022, [].
"Florida-France Solider Stories Memorializes Veteran Experiences." CAH News, June 21, 2023.
United States Census Bureau, “Fourteenth Census of the United States, Population for Titusville, Florida, 1920,” RICHES, accessed March 4, 2025,