A Tribute Recognizing Creative Sanford, Inc.


Dublin Core


A Tribute Recognizing Creative Sanford, Inc.

Alternative Title

Tribute to Creative Sanford


Sanford (Fla.)
Community theater--United States
Theater--United States
Awards--United States
Historic preservation--Florida


A certificate awarded by the Florida House of Representatives to Creative Sanford, Inc. on June 23, 2011. This award recognizes the accomplishments, work, and awards received by Creative Sanford. Some of the achievements cited include the Celery Soup production Touch and Go, the 2011 Cultural Preservation Award, and the completion and transcription of over 100 oral histories. The document is signed by Chris Dorworth, the Florida State Representative for District 34.

Creative Sanford, Inc. is a non-profit organization created to manage Celery Soup community theater productions. The original idea for the Celery Soup project came from Jeanine Taylor, the owner of a folk-art gallery on First Street in Sanford, Florida. Their first production was Touch and Go, a play focusing on the people of Sanford and their determination to overcome various obstacles, including the Freeze of 1894-1895, the fall of Sanford's celery industry, and the closing of Naval Air Station (NAS) Sanford in the 1960s. Richard Geer and Jules Corriere, partners from Community Performance International, were in charge of assessing oral histories, converting them into scenes for the play, and writing original songs. Director Geer also used an all-volunteer cast from the local community, many of whom were not experienced actors. In the process of producing the show, Creative Sanford decided to rehabilitate an historic building, the Princess Theater, which is located on 115 West First Street and owned by Stephen Tibstra. The Creative Sanford offices are housed in the Historic Sanford Welcome Center, located at 203 East First Street.


Original 8.5 x 14 inch certificate, June 23, 2011: Florida House of Representatives, Tallahassee, Florida: Creative Sanford, Inc., Historic Sanford Welcome Center, Sanford, Florida.

Date Created

ca. 2011-06-23

Date Issued



Thompson, Trish
Reisz, Autumn
Miller, Mark

Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original 8.5 x 14 inch certificate, June 23, 2011: Florida House of Representatives, Tallahassee, Florida.

Is Part Of

Creative Sanford, Inc., Sanford Welcome Center, Sanford Florida.
Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play Collection, Sanford Collection, Seminole County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.

Is Referenced By

"Oral History of Trish Thompson." RICHES of Central Florida. https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka2/items/show/3093.




94.2 KB


8.5 x 14 inch color certificate






Creative Sanford, Inc., Sanford, Florida
Princess Theater, Sanford, Florida

Accrual Method



History Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Humanities Teacher
Theater Teacher


Originally created by the Florida House of Representatives and Christ Dorworth.

Rights Holder

Copyright to the resource is held by Creative Sanford, Inc. and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.

Contributing Project

Dr. Scot French's "Tools in Digital History Seminar", Fall 2013 at the University of Central Florida


Reisz, Autumn

Source Repository

External Reference

"WHO IS CREATIVE SANFORD, INC?" Celery Soup. http://www.celerysoupsanford.com//about.
"About: History and Purpose." Celery Soup. http://www.celerysoupsanford.com/about/
"Tales of Sanford's resilience are the stars of 'Touch and Go'." The Orlando Sentinel, October 20, 2010. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2010-10-20/entertainment/os-celery-soup-sanford-20101020_1_oral-histories-swamp-gravy-celery-soup.

Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

8.5 x 14 inch color certificate


Florida House of Representatives and Chris Dorworth, “A Tribute Recognizing Creative Sanford, Inc.,” RICHES, accessed February 14, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/3049.

