Letter from Gray Dawes and Company to Henry Shelton Sanford (May 6, 1880)


Dublin Core


Letter from Gray Dawes and Company to Henry Shelton Sanford (May 6, 1880)

Alternative Title

Letter from Gray Dawes to Sanford (May 6, 1880)




A letter from Gray Dawes and Company to Henry Shelton Sanford (1823-1891), dated May 6, 1880. The letter notified Sanford of the £8,000 loan provided by Sir William MacKinnon (1823-1893),which was later "made over" to Gray Dawes and Company. The £8,000 was made out to Sanford, using his Florida properties as securities for the loan. The letter indicated that the company authorized Sanford "from time to time, to sell and dispose of the same lands, or any part thereof, for such sums and in such manner as [Sanford] may think fit" with the ultimate goal of Sanford being able to repay the loan in full. The initial purpose of the loan was to help Sanford acquire the necessary initial financial resources to move forward with his Florida land investment scheme what became the Florida Land and Colonization Company (FLCC).

Gray Dawes and Company was founded in 1865 by business partners Archie Gray and Edwyn Sandys Dawes (1838-1903). Located at 13 Austin Friars in London, England, the company was focused, at least initially, on maritime insurance. By the mid-1870s, the company had also expanded its operations into shipping, overseeing a fleet of steamships that circulated within a trade network including London, Calcutta, Madras, and elsewhere. The company was closely linked to the Scottish shipping titan, Sir William MacKinnon (1823-1893). Gray was Mackinnon's nephew. Dawes, meanwhile, went on to become a close and trusted business partner to MacKinnon. As such, the firm became a useful means for MacKinnon to reward his friends and business associates. The company availed insurance accounts to these select individuals, accounts that could be used as a source of credit to be paid at a later date. The company became associated with Henry Shelton Sanford thanks to the mutual connection to MacKinnon. In 1880, MacKinnon lent Sanford, who was faced at the time with financial difficulties, some £8,000 to facilitate the founding of a Florida land investment company. The money offered by MacKinnon was in fact loaned to Sanford by Gray Dawes and Company. Additionally, at the behest of MacKinnon, both Gray and Dawes became reluctant subscribers to Sanford’s land investment scheme, the Florida Land and Colonization Company.


Gray Dawes and Company


Original letter from Gray Dawes and Company to Henry Shelton Sanford, May 6, 1880: box 53, folder 7, subfolder 53.7.1, Henry Shelton Sanford Papers, General Henry S. Sanford Memorial Library, Sanford Museum, Sanford, Florida.

Date Created


Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original letter from Gray Dawes and Company to Henry Shelton Sanford, May 6, 1880.

Is Part Of

Box 53, Folder 7, Henry Shelton Sanford Papers, General Henry S. Sanford Memorial Library, Sanford Museum, Sanford, Florida.
Florida Land Colonization Company Collection, William MacKinnon Collection, Henry Shelton Sanford Papers Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




165 KB


1-page handwritten letter






Gray Dawes and Company, London, England, United Kingdom

Accrual Method



History Teacher
Economics Teacher


Originally created by Gray Dawes and Company.
Donated to the Connecticut Historical Society after 1901.
Loaned to the Tennessee State Library and Archives for processing until June 1, 1960.
Acquired by the General Henry S. Sanford Memorial Library, Sanford Museum in 1960.

Rights Holder

The displayed collection item is housed at the General Henry S. Sanford Memorial Library, Sanford Museum in Sanford, Florida. Rights to this item belong to the said institution, and therefore inquiries about the item should be directed there. RICHES of Central Florida has obtained permission from the Sanford Museum to display this item for educational purposes only.


Fedorka, Drew M.

Digital Collection

Source Repository

External Reference


Gray Dawes and Company, “Letter from Gray Dawes and Company to Henry Shelton Sanford (May 6, 1880),” RICHES, accessed March 4, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/4736.

