The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 01, April 12, 1926


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The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 01, April 12, 1926

Alternative Title

The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 01


Maitland (Fla.)


The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by The Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition is the first ever issue, and it features articles on topics such as the modernization of the local fire department, the achievements of the town council, the development of the town's first residential neighborhood, urban planning, the construction of a new hotel, a local concert, a calendar of local events, the Bank of Maitland, the development of the Greenwood Gardens residential neighborhood, the Needlework Guild, and the publication plans of The Maitland News itself. Also featured are several advertisements for local businesses.


Original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 01, April 12, 1926: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.


The Maitland Realty Company

Date Created

ca. 1926-04-12

Date Copyrighted


Date Issued


Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 01, April 12, 1926.

Is Part Of

Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




1.23 MB


4-page newspaper edition






Maitland, Florida

Accrual Method



History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher


Originally published by the Maitland Realty Company.

Rights Holder

Copyright to this resource is held by the Maitland Realty Company and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.


Settle, John

Digital Collection

External Reference

Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.


Published Twice a Month by THE MATLAND REALTy Co, Maitland, ORange County, Florida
VoluntE I
APRIL 12, 1926
Number 1
Greenwood Gardens Opens April 15th
Resolved that immediate steps should be taken to lessen the liability of a repetition of the recent destruc. tive fire which on the evening of March 15 destroyed the buildings of the American Fruit Growers and the Maitland Lumber Company, the re. tiring Town Council at its last meeting took definite action toward the organization and equipment of a modern fire fighting department by the purchase of a modern automatic fire engine from the Boyer Fire Engine Company of Logansport, Indiana, and soo feet of fire hose from the Eureka Fire Hose Company. The fire engine is mounted on a standard Reo Speedwagonchassis, thereby assuring immediate local repair work or replacement of parts in case of accident or breakdown. It is equipped with double chemical tanks so constructed that one can be recharged while the other is in action, thereby assuring a steady and uninterrupted supply of chemicals. The pumps will have a capacity in excess of 350 gallons of water per minute and will throw three one and one fourth inch streams over a hundred foot high building within the next few days the Council will begin the organization of a volunteer fire department consisting of a chief, two assistant chiefs and nine firemen with an auxiliary or ganization of alternates to act in case of the absence of any members. with the placing of hydrants at all the important street intersections throughout the town and of fire plugs around the many lakes, the modern waterworks plant now being installed and the fire fighting apparatus as above outlined, Maitland will have one of the best equipped fire depart ments of any town of its size in the
state. The Town Council is to be con
gratulated upon its progressive action in the matter.
Town COUNCIL closes EvenT. FUL YEAR
One of the busiest and most fruit. ful years of the Maitland Town Council has just come to an end by the installation of the new Mayor and Councilmen on the evening of March 25. At this meeting the out going Council composed of Mayor J. A. Brown and councilmen C. J. Woodward, Kenneth N. McPherson, Joseph H. Bennett, E. A. Upmeyer and Albert N. Pettis turned over the affairs of the town to the new Count cil composed of E. A. Upmeyer as Mayor and J. A. Brown, S. B. Hill . C. J. Woodward, Joseph G. Fried land and F. H. Manning as council 11-11.
Among the outstanding achieve ments of the outgoing Council are the disposal of a sits,000.00 bond issue, and the subsequent paving of all the principal streets in the town, the dredging and bulkheading of Lily Lake and the purchase and improve ment of a new Central Municipal Park, the passage of a 40,000.00 bond issue and the subsequent instal lation of a modern and comprehensive water system; the purchase of modern automatic fire fighting equipment and the starting of a modern and efficient fire department; the installation of a White Way two miles long along the Dixie Highway from the south corporate limit to the north corporate limit, the securing of a right-of-way one hundred feet wide through the corporate area for State Road No. 3, thereby assuring Maitlands future by making her the only town on that highway between Sanford and Or. lando, and the creating of the officers of resident Town Surveyer and res. ident Attorney.
The new Council has ahead of it the many propositions confronting al growing towns, but with the cooper ation of the townspeople 97% of whom are estimated as being whole
heartedly in favor of progress and the
record of the past council as an example to emulate, there is every prospect that all problems and difficulties will be met in characteristic Maitland
Sales of Mainlands First Large Residen. tial Subdivision to start with Formal Opening
The Maitland Realty Company an nounces today the formal opening of Greenwood Gardens on Thursday, April 15. This development, extend ing along the Dixie Highway from the north limits of the business district to the northern boundary of the town, is the first large residential subdivision to be offered in Maitland.
The entire development of approxi mately 150 acres is on high land covered with pine and oak, except for the forty acres in grove it touches four lakes and has 500 feet of front age on the Dixie Highway, thus make ing it possible to offer purchasers a great diversity both in character, location and price.
This development has been in prep. aration for the past year and there have been a number of predevelop ment sales, with three residences al ready under construction, but the Maitland Realty Company who are the developers have not placed the property generally on the market until the plan of the entire development was ready.
The first section extending from Sybelia Avenue north to Marion way is now platted and ready for sale, and reservations will be taken on the second section comprising all the other land east of the Dixie from Marion Way to the north end of town.
At the fourth luncheon meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on March 25, Howard J. Wischaupt, President of the American Business Lyceum, gave an inspiring talk on community building, which he asserts is possible only through the sincere cooperation and earnest effort of the citizens. Mr. Wisehaupt, who has been spending some time in Orlando is most enthusiastic over the opportunities in this section and the possibilities of future development

2] The Maitland News
Published Twice a Month by the MAITLAND REALTY CO. J. H. Hill, President F. B. Stone, Vice-President
ANNA. B. TREAT, Secretary S. B. Hill, ., Treasurer
Advertising Rates on Application
We have long felt the need of getting in closer touch with the people of Maitland so that we may better understand each other and the things for which we are all striving.
To that end we determined to send out periodically a trade letter or house organ. In considering this idea and talking it over with friends we thought we might enlarge it some what and make the publication a com: munity newspaper of more general in terest and give our fellow business men an opportunity to reach the townspeople at the same time. Their response to our invitation has been most gratifying and the financial aid thus secured will be a material help in defraying a part of the cost of printing.
Arrangements have been made to publish the Maitland News regularly twice a month. We are sending the paper to members of the Chamber of Commerce, resident and non-resident property owners and others who we think will be interested in news of Maitlands development. We will be glad to enlarge this list by including names of a limited number of your friends who you feel would be interested. It is the hope of the editors that the townspeople will make use of our columns in announcing meet ings and reporting items of general and personal interest.
Sentiment regarding the necessity of a hotel in Maitland crystalized at the Chamber of Commerce meeting in the appointment of a committee con sisting of R. A. Wheeler, J. H. Hill and S. J. Stiggins to obtain subscriptions for stock for a hotel. 3000.00 was subscribed immediately, which sum has been increased to 6,000.00 as we go to press. The site has not yet been selected but tentative plans submitted by architect F. T. Marsh call for a hotel of twenty rooms, with restaurant and offices on the first floor.
A lecture by C. W. Leavitt, noted landscape archiect, which was held at the Library on the evening of March 15, was well attended by the represen. tative people of the town. Mr. Lea. vitt gave an interesting and inspiring talk on city planning, in which the people of Maitland are much interest ed.
A delightful concert was given by the Jubilee Singers of the Hungerford School at the Hill, Tuesday evening, March 23. The plantation songs and negro spirituals were especially en joyed by the audience. During the program a collection of over 2500 was taken up for the benefit of Hungerford School.
LOUIS L. COUDERT, INC. Civil ENGINEERs Land Surveyors Town planning
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
MAITLAND GARAGE M. L. KYLE, Prop. Phone 1304-
General Repairing, Vulcanizing Batteries Recharged Wrecking Car Service Goodyear Tires & Tubes. Texas Gas & Oil
Tuesday, April 13. :00 P. M. Municipal OfficeZoning Commission.
Friday, April 16. :00 P. M. Hill Scouts.
Sunday, April 18. 10:00 A. M. Sunday School Meth dist and Presbyterian Churches. 11:00 A. M. Services, Methodist and Episcopal Churches. :00 P. Epworth League, Methodist Church. :30 P. M. Services, Methodist Church.
Tuesday, April 20. :00 P. M. Municipal OfficeZoning Commission.
Thursday, April 22. 12:15 White Way Restaurant. Chamber of Commerce luncheon. :00 P. M. Council Meeting.
F. H. MANNING, Prop. Special Chicken Dinner Sunday:

Mr. Home Builder
Insure the permanence of your building by the use of the best grades of lumber and building materials.
School, Boy
The cost is not more than for the ordinary kind. We specialize in quality products and quick service. Phone 1304-M THE MAITLAND LUMBER CO.
Ask for Our Book of House plans. It Is Free

Watch the Maitland Well Go Down --------------- A log of the drilling with samples - - of the core is on display in the A. City Store in a window of the Maitland Realty Company. Country Town --------------------------------------------------------------------------Inter-Cit Realt Our Insurance Now Located in Our у - New Building Co. Service Modern Equipme - Odern Equipment Real Estate Brokers Representing some of the old. Thruout est and strongest insuramce com- - - MAITLAND - FLORIDA panies in America, the Maitland Quality, Prices Realty Company is offering and Service Phone winter Park 1310-Maitland people competent servo Not Excelled in ice in writing practically all kinds of insurance, including: Orange County EVERYTHING IN Fire, Automobile Fire and Theft A. BROWN REAL ESTATE Tornado, Property Damage - - Collision, Burglary Telephone 1310-R we have the exclusive list plate Glass, Rain, Hail, Public Lia- MAITLAND - FLORIDA - - bility, Fidelity Bond, Live Stock. ing on the most beautiful Accident, Sprinkler Leakage, Auto- Lake Front Properties in mobile plate Glass --- Maitland ------------------------------------------------------------------ LOIS L. HAILE ---------------------------kings--------------------------- Public Stenographer i Oranges, Grapefruit Notary Public Tangerines
FORREST B. STONE --------- Grower & Shipper Maitland, Fla.
Member Electragists, Inter
national Electrical Contractor Ali Kinds of Fixtures A Local Bank Sepco Heaters - Westinghouse Ranges For Local People
Agent Electric Refrigerator
Your Home Town Comes First
Maitland Plumbing Patronize its Stores and Industries
Company E. A. UPMEYER. Pres. J. A. Brown, VPres. DONALD. G. SPAIN. Cashier
Plumbing, Piping, Irrigating, Repairing

The Bank of Maitland, our newest business institution, is demonstratinga fine spirit in promoting cooperation and a tradeat-homespirit, as evi. denced by their mailing to pay trons a card bearing the following message: Do you realize that when you spend a dollar away from Mait land that dollar is forever lost to the Town? It is gone, and will never return. On the other hand, when you spend your dollar in your own town it continues to do its part in the development of the town. It gives the merchant with whom you spend it his profit, it goes to the bank. The bank makes a profit of that dollar by lending it to someone else in the town who, in turn, makes his profit by making good use of that dollar. Do you see the difference? Your local merchants can probably give you the same goods you may be getting else. where, and at the same price. Remember that every dollar you spend at home is not a dol. lar lost, but one that goes ondo ing its duty in building up the town. We wish to take this oppor: tunity to thank you for the busi. ness you have given this institu. tion, and to assure you that we will do our best to merit a continuance of your patronage. BANK OF MAITLAND.
The annual meeting of the Needlework Guild was held at Under Oaks on last Monday afternoon. A report was made of the work done by the Maitland Auxiliary during the past year as well as the garments turned in by the members of the Guild. The absence of Mrs. L. P. Bronson, who has been president since the beginning of the Branch twenty-seven years ago, and is now suffering from a serious fall, was deeply felt by all present
Home People
- They Deserve The Best
Homes are the basis of American independence and prosperity, and nowhere else in America do we find a finer home community than Orange County, Florida, nor a finer suburban town than Maitland.
On April 15th will be opened to the public the first section of Greenwood Gardens, Maitlands beautiful homesite development. Two years have been spent in planning this community for our home people. During this time little has been said of Greenwood Gardens, but no expense has been spared in securing the counsel and services of experts in landscaping and modern subdivision engineering, with the result that every homesite in Greenwood Gardens, while maintaining and emphasizing the beauty of its own natural setting, has been provided with every facility and convenience of the modern suburb.
We invite you to investigate these modern homesites and see for yourselves the advantages of living in Greenwood Gardens. For those of our townspeople who want a real home of their
own we have a plan that will help you get it you
Lots are all ample and well located. Prices are reasonable. We are giving special generous dis. counts to those who choose their homesites now and assist us in building up Maitlands first com: plete residential suburb.
YOU want to know about ANY good thing for Maitland.
Ask us to explain


“The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 01, April 12, 1926,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025,

