The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 02, April 29, 1926
Dublin Core
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 02, April 29, 1926
Alternative Title
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 02
Maitland (Fla.)
The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by The Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as building permits and construction in Maitland compared to Orlando and Winter Park, a town slogan contest, a new fruit company, water wells, a new radio program, the Mayor's outline for town planning and development projects, the construction of residential subdivisions, waterworks bonds, an obituary for local resident Lida P. Bronson, a local banquet and reception, and a local events calendar. Also featured are several advertisements for local businesses, including the Greenwood Gardens residential community.
Original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 02, April 29, 1926: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland Realty Company
Date Created
ca. 1926-04-29
Date Copyrighted
Date Issued
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 02, April 29, 1926.
Is Part Of
Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
1.29 MB
4-page newspaper edition
Maitland, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Winter Park, Florida
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Originally published by the Maitland Realty Company.
Rights Holder
Copyright to this resource is held by the Maitland Realty Company and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.
Settle, John
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.
- - -
Published Twice a Month by THE MATLAND REALTY Co., MATLAND, ORANGE County, Florida
volume I
APRIL 29, 1926
Number 2
GREAT INCREASE IN BUILDING The following comparative table of building permits for Orlando, Win. ter Park and Maitland, issued in 1925 and 1926 will give some idea of the increase of business during the past year. These figures are good only for purposes of comparison, as the amounts entered in building permits fall far below the actual cost of construction. ORLANDO April, 1925, 393,930.00; April, 1926, to 19th only, 537,595.00. WINTER PARK January, February and March, 1925, 87,000.00; January, February and March, 1926, 468,000.00. MAITLAND Year, 1925, 85,225.00; To April 19, 1925, 23,175,00; To April 19, 1926, 54,050.00. AUTOTAG slog AN CONTEST ANNOUNCED Mr. L. L. Coudert, president of the Maitland Chamber of Commerce has offered a cash prize of 5.00 for the best slogan for the town of Mait
land. The following rules govern the
1. The slogan may be of one or
more words, but must contain not more than fifteen letters in all 2. All slogans must be in the hands of the secretary, E. T. Owen, on or before Tuesday, May . Already submitted are: Gate City. City of Wisdom. City of Kindness. Town of Lakes. Best of Towns. City of Orange. A Beauty Spot. A Growing City.
AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS TO Build New pacKING HOUSE We are glad to be able to announce with the authority of Mr. Frank L. Skelly, manager of the American Fruit Growers, that the company will open in Maitland a new and uptodate packing house completely equip
water struck in Maitland WELL After three weeks continuous drill. ing, water was struck in the Maitland municipal well on April 16, at a depth of 410 feet, with a flow of 299.86 gallons a minute. This is the full capacity of our pumping out. fit, and it is estimated that the well could furnish over 600 gallons a ute with a stronger pumping outfit. The water stands at 26 feet three inches and is lowered 15.53 inches under constant pumping, rising again to 28 feet in one minute after the pumping ceases. The drilling for the first 100 feet was rapid, there being sand for 45 feet, then a mixture of shell, gravel, mud and sand to a depth of 70 feet, after which all trace of sand was lost and there was pure gumbo mud. In the second stratum an interesting collection was found of shell, star fish, sharks teeth and other sea ob jects. At 96 feet rock was struck, first two feet of black rock, with a one foot cavity of water above the lime. stone stratum which has continued in varying degrees of hardness down to the full depth of the well. A fifteen inch pipe was driven down 105 feet 6 inches, entering the limestone and sealing off the first cavity as it contained surface water. Two other water pockets found in the limestone feed into the well aug. menting the main supply. Through the limestone there is no pipe neces: sary, the sides of the fifteen inch drill being formed by the rock itself. The water is soft, clear and taste. less, apparently free from mineral deposits. Samples have been sent to Tallahassee for analysis and testing, and it is expected that the full report will be ready before we go to press,
ped with modern machinery in time for next years citrus season. All residents and well-wishers of Maitand will realize the importance of this announcement, as the loss of the
ackinghouse would be a serious to our prosperity.
Mayor Outlines Plans of Council for Coming Year
Mayor E. A. Upmeyer, at the Municipal Reception, gave a resume of the work of the Council during the past year and outlined the proposed plan of work for the coming term. According to this plan the chief work of the Town in addition to regular routine work will fall under the fol. lowing heads: Completion of the initial paving project, including all streets for which the town bonded last year. Contracting for new paving on the special assessment plan, for which a number of petitions have been accepted. Institution of a program of side. walk construction. Completion of project. Installation of a system of street cleaning and garbage removal. Beautification of Lily Lake. Improvement of the central park. Proper upkeep of the cemetery, including the installation of a water system and a plan for perpetual up. Codification of the town ordinances and printing of same. Securing abstracts and perfecting title on all lands owned by the town. Construction of a new town hall. Organization of a volunteer fire department. This is an ambitious program, but considering what has been already accomplished and the personnel of the town officials, there is every reason to believe that it will be done and well done, provided every citizen gives his full support and assistance.
MAITLAND JOINS IN RADIO PROGRAM Maitland was represented in the Orange County radio program, broad. casted by WDBO on April 21, by Miss Eleanor Upmeyer, who sang A Little Pink Rose" and Gray Days.”
2] The Maitland News
Published Twice a Month by the MAITLAND REALTY CO. J. H. Hill, President F. B. Stone, Vice-President ANNA. B. TREAT, Secretary S. B. Hill, ., Treasurer
Advertising Rates on Application
what makes A GOOD subDivision? Any land can be subdivided, in fact so can water, but there are cer. tain fundamental requirements for a GOOD subdivision, which in our limited space we can barely mention. These fundamental requirements should, however, be carefully considered by anyone considering invest. ment in a residential lot particularly. First there is location. Is the land suitable for the purpose? If it is to be a residential community it should be close enough to the business center to be accessible by good roads and sidewalks. It must be high and dry and not exposed to objectionable smoke, smells and noises. It must be fit to live in” Second there must be comprehensive plan for streets, park areas and properly located homesites. Every lot should be so planned as to be available for a home of beauty and comfort. Every lot should have a pleasant outlook on its neighbors. Third, to preserve this plan and perpetuate the desirability of the com: munity there must be restrictions wisely drawn and adequately administered. They must be written into the deeda covenant with the developer, your neighbors and yourself before you build your home, and not wished for afterward. Fourth, a subdivision must be ade
quately financed to ensure the car. rying out of the promises of the developer and to assure you of the future home your family has a right to expect. Your title must be good, and you must have a pride in saying, I live in Suchand-Such Heights, Soand So are the developers. If you are looking for a homesite, go to see them they will treat you right." Fifth, you should expect your modern good subdivision to have wide and properly paved streets, permament curbing, drainage and sidewalks, water and electricity available to every lot, preferable on the back lot lines, street lights and a complete system of beautifully landscaped parkways with abundant shade trees.
COUNCIL DISPOSES OF 540,000.00 waterworks bond issue
At the meeting of the Town Council on Thursday, April 15th, water. works bonds in the amount of 40, 000.00 were sold to the highest bid. der, Wright-Warlow Company of Orlando, Florida. It is understood that a very satisfactory price was ob. tained for these bonds, higher in fact than that obtained by many other Florida cities in the past few months.
I hear you went to see Artists and
Models. How was the drawing" Fine, the house was packed.”
--- --------- LOUIS L. COUDERT, INC. Civil ENGINEERS Land Surveyors
Town PLANNING P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
General Repairing Vulcanizing
boosting wartist, pay asport MAITLAND GARAGE
Phone 1304 .
Wrecking Car Service Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
Texaco Gas and Oils
Sunday, 10:00 a. mSunday school, Methodist and Presbyterian churches; :00 p. m., Epworth League, Methodist church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services Presby. terian church. Tuesday, :00 p. m.Municipal office, zoning commission. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. m.Library open. Second and fourth Thursday, 12:15 White Way Restaurant-Chamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. m.Council meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts.
Mr. Home Builder
Insure the permanence of your building by the use of the best grades of lumber and building materials.
The cost is not more than for the ordinary kind.
We specialize in quality products and quick service. Phone 1304-M THE MATLAND LUMBER CO.
Ask for Our Book of House Plans. It is Free
Where Men Are Men
"Abie, your shirt tail iss out." OutVere iss it out" "Out vere the vest begins.Con
White Way Motor Co.
We are here with a WILL to do, equipment to do WITH and know HOW. You always get a bargain when you get the BEST. Can wash your car C L E A N. Grease all but the cushions.
Have TIRES, TUBES and other ACCESSORIES. We estimate your job and stand by it.
Would like to have you call.
A City Store in a Country Town
Now Located in Our New Building
Modern Equipment Thruout Quality, Prices and Service
Not Excelled in Orange County
Telephone 1310-R MAITLAND - FLORIDA
LOIS M. HAILE Public Stenographer Notary Public
Inter-City Realty Co.
Real Estate Brokers MAITLAND - FLORIDA
Phone Winter Park 1310-
we have the exclusive list.
ing on the most beautiful
Lake Front Properties in Maitland.
Phone 1204-
J. H. Bennett, Prop,
Wesell Electric Hot Water Heatters, Ranges and Refrigerators i
Maitland Plumbing
Company C. D. HORNER Plumbing, Piping,
Irrigating, Repairing Estimates FURNISHED
A Local Bank For Local People
Your Home Town Comes First
Patronize its Stores and Industries
E. A. UPMEYER, Pres.
J. A. BROWN, VPres.
In the death of Mrs. Lida P. Bronson, who passed away on April | | --- Maitland has lost one of her most
nored citizens. Mrs. Bronson was - one of the earliest winter residents of W P Maitland, having come here with her here Do You Live - husband, N. S. Bronson, from Marquette, Michigan, in the early eighties. H In 1887, they built the present resi.
dence on the shores of Lake Mait- Act now, and you will be proud to answer: i. and, and have spent their winters In GREENWOOD GARDENS, where my here ever since. After her husbands family enjoy the beauty, vigor and health of the
death, Mrs. Bronson has spent more and more time here, the past five years having made Maitland her per
country with the conveniences and advantages of the city; where our investment is safe in per
manent residence. manent character as well as in dollars and cents." Mrs. Bronson was interested in all
the activities of the community. She GREENWOOD GARDENS offers protected
founded the Maitland Branch of the homesitesyour children will grow up in an at
Needlework Guild twenty-seven years ago and has been president ever since In spite of failing health, Mrs. Bronson has shown an interest and understanding in all matters that pertain to the progress and advancement of the town that makes her death a real loss to the community at large as well as a grief to those who knew
her personally.
MAITL and resident Makes speech at reality board
Maitland was highly honored by being asked to furnish the chief speaker at the annual banquet of the Orlando Realty Board, on April 15, at the Angebilt. Mr. Harold Peet spoke on the relation of education to the promotion of world peace, fol. lowing talks by Dr. Hamilton Holt, Karl Lehmann and Carl Hunt. Other Maitland people present at the ban. quet were Mrs. Harold Peet, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wheeler, Miss Anna B. Treat, S. B. Hill, Sr., and Forrest B. Stone.
mosphere of beauty and refinement among good neighbors. Playgrounds and shady streets, water. sports and the great outof-doors will all contribute to the health and happiness of your family in GREENWOOD GARDENS.
Conveniently located near the main arteries of travel, with wide streets, with schools and churches and shopping district within easy walking distance, a lot in GREENWOOD GARDENS makes your purchase an investment in happiness.
If you can build now, you may have the help of our generous discount to builders. If you want to secure your choice of a future homesite, you may buy now at development price, getting a beautiful carefully planned building site on a cash payment as low as 270.00, paying the balance monthly, if you wish, with your other bills. For those who have saved money to purchase a lot and want to pay cash we make a special discount or terms to suit your convenience.
You don't have to build now, but you should get your lot without delay. Real the saf. in
MUNicipal reception well. est and wisest investment for your family funds.
Some two hundred citizens of Mait and attended the municipal reception given by the Chamber of Commerce to the members of the Council on the evening of April . After the reception there was a program of music and dancing, Mrs. Thompson lead. ing in oldfashioned dances. In the
Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Fried. land and J. A. Brown.
Ask us about it today!
- - -
Published Twice a Month by THE MATLAND REALTY Co., MATLAND, ORANGE County, Florida
volume I
APRIL 29, 1926
Number 2
GREAT INCREASE IN BUILDING The following comparative table of building permits for Orlando, Win. ter Park and Maitland, issued in 1925 and 1926 will give some idea of the increase of business during the past year. These figures are good only for purposes of comparison, as the amounts entered in building permits fall far below the actual cost of construction. ORLANDO April, 1925, 393,930.00; April, 1926, to 19th only, 537,595.00. WINTER PARK January, February and March, 1925, 87,000.00; January, February and March, 1926, 468,000.00. MAITLAND Year, 1925, 85,225.00; To April 19, 1925, 23,175,00; To April 19, 1926, 54,050.00. AUTOTAG slog AN CONTEST ANNOUNCED Mr. L. L. Coudert, president of the Maitland Chamber of Commerce has offered a cash prize of 5.00 for the best slogan for the town of Mait
land. The following rules govern the
1. The slogan may be of one or
more words, but must contain not more than fifteen letters in all 2. All slogans must be in the hands of the secretary, E. T. Owen, on or before Tuesday, May . Already submitted are: Gate City. City of Wisdom. City of Kindness. Town of Lakes. Best of Towns. City of Orange. A Beauty Spot. A Growing City.
AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS TO Build New pacKING HOUSE We are glad to be able to announce with the authority of Mr. Frank L. Skelly, manager of the American Fruit Growers, that the company will open in Maitland a new and uptodate packing house completely equip
water struck in Maitland WELL After three weeks continuous drill. ing, water was struck in the Maitland municipal well on April 16, at a depth of 410 feet, with a flow of 299.86 gallons a minute. This is the full capacity of our pumping out. fit, and it is estimated that the well could furnish over 600 gallons a ute with a stronger pumping outfit. The water stands at 26 feet three inches and is lowered 15.53 inches under constant pumping, rising again to 28 feet in one minute after the pumping ceases. The drilling for the first 100 feet was rapid, there being sand for 45 feet, then a mixture of shell, gravel, mud and sand to a depth of 70 feet, after which all trace of sand was lost and there was pure gumbo mud. In the second stratum an interesting collection was found of shell, star fish, sharks teeth and other sea ob jects. At 96 feet rock was struck, first two feet of black rock, with a one foot cavity of water above the lime. stone stratum which has continued in varying degrees of hardness down to the full depth of the well. A fifteen inch pipe was driven down 105 feet 6 inches, entering the limestone and sealing off the first cavity as it contained surface water. Two other water pockets found in the limestone feed into the well aug. menting the main supply. Through the limestone there is no pipe neces: sary, the sides of the fifteen inch drill being formed by the rock itself. The water is soft, clear and taste. less, apparently free from mineral deposits. Samples have been sent to Tallahassee for analysis and testing, and it is expected that the full report will be ready before we go to press,
ped with modern machinery in time for next years citrus season. All residents and well-wishers of Maitand will realize the importance of this announcement, as the loss of the
ackinghouse would be a serious to our prosperity.
Mayor Outlines Plans of Council for Coming Year
Mayor E. A. Upmeyer, at the Municipal Reception, gave a resume of the work of the Council during the past year and outlined the proposed plan of work for the coming term. According to this plan the chief work of the Town in addition to regular routine work will fall under the fol. lowing heads: Completion of the initial paving project, including all streets for which the town bonded last year. Contracting for new paving on the special assessment plan, for which a number of petitions have been accepted. Institution of a program of side. walk construction. Completion of project. Installation of a system of street cleaning and garbage removal. Beautification of Lily Lake. Improvement of the central park. Proper upkeep of the cemetery, including the installation of a water system and a plan for perpetual up. Codification of the town ordinances and printing of same. Securing abstracts and perfecting title on all lands owned by the town. Construction of a new town hall. Organization of a volunteer fire department. This is an ambitious program, but considering what has been already accomplished and the personnel of the town officials, there is every reason to believe that it will be done and well done, provided every citizen gives his full support and assistance.
MAITLAND JOINS IN RADIO PROGRAM Maitland was represented in the Orange County radio program, broad. casted by WDBO on April 21, by Miss Eleanor Upmeyer, who sang A Little Pink Rose" and Gray Days.”
2] The Maitland News
Published Twice a Month by the MAITLAND REALTY CO. J. H. Hill, President F. B. Stone, Vice-President ANNA. B. TREAT, Secretary S. B. Hill, ., Treasurer
Advertising Rates on Application
what makes A GOOD subDivision? Any land can be subdivided, in fact so can water, but there are cer. tain fundamental requirements for a GOOD subdivision, which in our limited space we can barely mention. These fundamental requirements should, however, be carefully considered by anyone considering invest. ment in a residential lot particularly. First there is location. Is the land suitable for the purpose? If it is to be a residential community it should be close enough to the business center to be accessible by good roads and sidewalks. It must be high and dry and not exposed to objectionable smoke, smells and noises. It must be fit to live in” Second there must be comprehensive plan for streets, park areas and properly located homesites. Every lot should be so planned as to be available for a home of beauty and comfort. Every lot should have a pleasant outlook on its neighbors. Third, to preserve this plan and perpetuate the desirability of the com: munity there must be restrictions wisely drawn and adequately administered. They must be written into the deeda covenant with the developer, your neighbors and yourself before you build your home, and not wished for afterward. Fourth, a subdivision must be ade
quately financed to ensure the car. rying out of the promises of the developer and to assure you of the future home your family has a right to expect. Your title must be good, and you must have a pride in saying, I live in Suchand-Such Heights, Soand So are the developers. If you are looking for a homesite, go to see them they will treat you right." Fifth, you should expect your modern good subdivision to have wide and properly paved streets, permament curbing, drainage and sidewalks, water and electricity available to every lot, preferable on the back lot lines, street lights and a complete system of beautifully landscaped parkways with abundant shade trees.
COUNCIL DISPOSES OF 540,000.00 waterworks bond issue
At the meeting of the Town Council on Thursday, April 15th, water. works bonds in the amount of 40, 000.00 were sold to the highest bid. der, Wright-Warlow Company of Orlando, Florida. It is understood that a very satisfactory price was ob. tained for these bonds, higher in fact than that obtained by many other Florida cities in the past few months.
I hear you went to see Artists and
Models. How was the drawing" Fine, the house was packed.”
--- --------- LOUIS L. COUDERT, INC. Civil ENGINEERS Land Surveyors
Town PLANNING P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
General Repairing Vulcanizing
boosting wartist, pay asport MAITLAND GARAGE
Phone 1304 .
Wrecking Car Service Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
Texaco Gas and Oils
Sunday, 10:00 a. mSunday school, Methodist and Presbyterian churches; :00 p. m., Epworth League, Methodist church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services Presby. terian church. Tuesday, :00 p. m.Municipal office, zoning commission. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. m.Library open. Second and fourth Thursday, 12:15 White Way Restaurant-Chamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. m.Council meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts.
Mr. Home Builder
Insure the permanence of your building by the use of the best grades of lumber and building materials.
The cost is not more than for the ordinary kind.
We specialize in quality products and quick service. Phone 1304-M THE MATLAND LUMBER CO.
Ask for Our Book of House Plans. It is Free
Where Men Are Men
"Abie, your shirt tail iss out." OutVere iss it out" "Out vere the vest begins.Con
White Way Motor Co.
We are here with a WILL to do, equipment to do WITH and know HOW. You always get a bargain when you get the BEST. Can wash your car C L E A N. Grease all but the cushions.
Have TIRES, TUBES and other ACCESSORIES. We estimate your job and stand by it.
Would like to have you call.
A City Store in a Country Town
Now Located in Our New Building
Modern Equipment Thruout Quality, Prices and Service
Not Excelled in Orange County
Telephone 1310-R MAITLAND - FLORIDA
LOIS M. HAILE Public Stenographer Notary Public
Inter-City Realty Co.
Real Estate Brokers MAITLAND - FLORIDA
Phone Winter Park 1310-
we have the exclusive list.
ing on the most beautiful
Lake Front Properties in Maitland.
Phone 1204-
J. H. Bennett, Prop,
Wesell Electric Hot Water Heatters, Ranges and Refrigerators i
Maitland Plumbing
Company C. D. HORNER Plumbing, Piping,
Irrigating, Repairing Estimates FURNISHED
A Local Bank For Local People
Your Home Town Comes First
Patronize its Stores and Industries
E. A. UPMEYER, Pres.
J. A. BROWN, VPres.
In the death of Mrs. Lida P. Bronson, who passed away on April | | --- Maitland has lost one of her most
nored citizens. Mrs. Bronson was - one of the earliest winter residents of W P Maitland, having come here with her here Do You Live - husband, N. S. Bronson, from Marquette, Michigan, in the early eighties. H In 1887, they built the present resi.
dence on the shores of Lake Mait- Act now, and you will be proud to answer: i. and, and have spent their winters In GREENWOOD GARDENS, where my here ever since. After her husbands family enjoy the beauty, vigor and health of the
death, Mrs. Bronson has spent more and more time here, the past five years having made Maitland her per
country with the conveniences and advantages of the city; where our investment is safe in per
manent residence. manent character as well as in dollars and cents." Mrs. Bronson was interested in all
the activities of the community. She GREENWOOD GARDENS offers protected
founded the Maitland Branch of the homesitesyour children will grow up in an at
Needlework Guild twenty-seven years ago and has been president ever since In spite of failing health, Mrs. Bronson has shown an interest and understanding in all matters that pertain to the progress and advancement of the town that makes her death a real loss to the community at large as well as a grief to those who knew
her personally.
MAITL and resident Makes speech at reality board
Maitland was highly honored by being asked to furnish the chief speaker at the annual banquet of the Orlando Realty Board, on April 15, at the Angebilt. Mr. Harold Peet spoke on the relation of education to the promotion of world peace, fol. lowing talks by Dr. Hamilton Holt, Karl Lehmann and Carl Hunt. Other Maitland people present at the ban. quet were Mrs. Harold Peet, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wheeler, Miss Anna B. Treat, S. B. Hill, Sr., and Forrest B. Stone.
mosphere of beauty and refinement among good neighbors. Playgrounds and shady streets, water. sports and the great outof-doors will all contribute to the health and happiness of your family in GREENWOOD GARDENS.
Conveniently located near the main arteries of travel, with wide streets, with schools and churches and shopping district within easy walking distance, a lot in GREENWOOD GARDENS makes your purchase an investment in happiness.
If you can build now, you may have the help of our generous discount to builders. If you want to secure your choice of a future homesite, you may buy now at development price, getting a beautiful carefully planned building site on a cash payment as low as 270.00, paying the balance monthly, if you wish, with your other bills. For those who have saved money to purchase a lot and want to pay cash we make a special discount or terms to suit your convenience.
You don't have to build now, but you should get your lot without delay. Real the saf. in
MUNicipal reception well. est and wisest investment for your family funds.
Some two hundred citizens of Mait and attended the municipal reception given by the Chamber of Commerce to the members of the Council on the evening of April . After the reception there was a program of music and dancing, Mrs. Thompson lead. ing in oldfashioned dances. In the
Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Fried. land and J. A. Brown.
Ask us about it today!
“The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 02, April 29, 1926,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025,