The Maitland Courier, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 24, 1885


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The Maitland Courier, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 24, 1885

Alternative Title

Maitland Courier, Vol. 1, No. 4


Maitland (Fla.)


The Maitland Courier issue published on December 24, 1885. The Maitland Courier was established in 1885 by C. F. Townsend, its editor and publisher. The newspaper was published every Thursday and it's estimated circulation between 1886 and 1887 was 559 to an area of residents with an estimated population of 1,300 by 1887. This edition features articles on topics such as medical and agricultural advice, jokes, the opening of the Seminole Hotel, British Revolutionary War officer Major John André (174-1780), sectional amiability between the North and South following the end of the war, settlers in Florida, the development taking place in Altamonte, an open letter to taxpayers, local events to celebrate the holidays, the staff’s contention with a loud rooster, the comings and goings of Maitland’s residents, decisions made at the last town meeting and the members of the board, scientific experiments conducted in the interest of industrial innovation, weather, temperance, and religious readings.


Original 8-page newspaper issue: The Maitland Courier, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 24, 1885: Maitland Public Library, Maitland, Florida.


The Maitland Courier
Townsend, C. F.

Date Created

ca. 1885-12-24

Date Copyrighted


Date Issued


Has Format

Photocopy of original 5-page newspaper edition: <em>The Maitland Courier</em>, December 24, 1885: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, <a href="" target="_blank">Maitland Historical Museum, Art &amp
History Museums - Maitland</a>, Maitland, Florida.

Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original 8-page newspaper issue: The Maitland Courier, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 24, 1885.

Is Part Of

Maitland Public Library Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




8.53 MB


8-page newspaper issue






Maitland, Florida
Sanford, Florida
Seminole Hotel, Winter Park, Florida
Altamonte Springs, Florida
Longwood, Florida

Accrual Method



History Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Economics Teacher


Originally published by The Maitland Courier and C. F. Townsend.

Rights Holder

Copyright to this resource is held by Maitland Public Library and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.


Shumate, Alayna
Wolf, Casey

Digital Collection

Source Repository

External Reference

Rowell's American Newspaper Directory. Vol. 19. New York: George P. Rowell & Company, 1887. December 1, 2009. Accessed June 7, 2016.


NO. 4.
The Shadow of the Cloud.
Ripe fields and sunny skies;
A glamour on the distant hills that stand Like citadels of some enchanted land Which yet invites our eyes.
A wealth of daisies spread;
A weight of redolence upon the air,
From yonder crab, whose wanton blossoms there
Oppressive fragrance shed.
Here in the sedges deep,
A little pool that, full of sweet content,
To ripple, wind swept, ’neatfi the branches
Lies tranquil and asleep.
High up among the boughs The feathered choristers of morn, that strove To fill the air with ecstacy and love,
Chirp feebly as they drowse,
And all things yield in silence to the power4 Of warmth and sunlight at the noontide hour.
Unfathomed depths of blue,
And rifted dusky clouds chased by the breeze Across a sea of azure, which one sees The veiled sunlight through;
Which darken pond and hillock as they pass, And cast their flying shadows on the grass.
A moment and 'tis done; llie meadow glows once more with heavenly light,
A glimpse of gloom whose momentary flight Shuts out the fadeless sun.
How many a seeming ill which casts a shade Upon life’s sunny plains would be allayed, Could we but think when that it hides the sky, ’Tie but a swift cloud-shadow passing by.
—Nannie M. Fitzhugi
I believe 1 always did admire my cousin Celestine. She was pretty when she was a school girl. She had the softest brown hair, fine and sheeny as corn silk, and the sweetest blue
timid way with her.
Such a
girl as any boy might fall in love with. She married George Andover, a young Presbyterian preacher. I saw nothing of them for nearly five years, when they came to Crmhntslwlin, a little town down in Pennsylvania, where I lived. It was called by a Welsh name, because there were no Welsh people within a thousand miles of it so far as I was able to learn. Still, it had to be called something, and Crmhntslwlin was pronounced as good a name as it deserved. It was at least an improvement on Jinkinville and Thompsontown and Snyderburg. George and Celestine were going to live in the city, a few miles distant, or near, rather. George had to go right away and attend a presbytery or synod or something or other that was going to burn a heretic or something, and would I go to the city and help Celestine hunt a house? Wouldn’t I? I would go and find a house for them myself, and Celestine could stay at home and rest. But she hesitated, in her timid way, and then said she would go with me. How glad I was. She was prettier than ever, and seemed so grateful that I was going to take care of her. How glad I was, I repeat it. How glad I was.
It didn’t take me twenty minutes to find the very house she wanted; just the one she described. Eleven rooms, hot and cold water in every corner, Philadelphia window shutters four inches thick, and a parlor so respectably dark that the boldest cat would fall over the furniture and break its head against the piano limbs every time it ventured in there. But Celestine didn’t like it, because Mr. Gonge, the agent, wouldn’t paint, paper, put in a new range, build on a bay window and add another story. I never saw that timid, appealing, confiding expression on Celestine’s face look quite so sweet and appealing as it did when she refused to take that house.
We rode about six miles on nine different street car lines that morning, and visited a dozen houses. I was charmed with every house, but Celestine would look so appealingly at me time, when we consulted the and state her objections so
sweetly and timidly, and say; “Oh, cousin, won’t you decide for me?” And then we would start after another one. We found a new house. Just completed. Just scrubbed and oiled and varnished from garret to cellar; agent just putting the card in the window when we got there. We went all over it, and Celestine said she would take it if he would have it repainted and papered and a new heater put in. The brute looked into that pleading, timid, gentle face and refused.
Somewhere during the next mile Celestine suddenly stopped.
“There,” she said, so decidedly I was frightened. “I would take that house.”
She was looking at a handsome mansion of stone, situated in a beautiful yard and bursting into bloom and blossom from every window.
“Yes,” I said a little uncertainly, “but isn’t it a little larger than you want?”
I judged that it contained possibly not more than twenty rooms.
“Ye-es,” she said, “but we could close a portion of the house. Suppose you run over and see what it rents for.”
I didn’t believe it was to let.
“You can’t tell until you find out,” said cousin Celestine, timidly.
“It looks like a very expensive house,” I said.
“But maybe the man is embarrassed in business,” she said, “and would be glad to find a good tenant. Don’t fail me, please,” she added, and I said I would go.
I did go. I rang the bell, and stated my business. The liveried servant shut the floor in mv face without a word, andil returned.
•7 co.j^^Oelesyne,
the sweet blue eyes, and calmly, without a blush, I said: “The man said he owned the house, and did not care to rent it this season.” She sighed, and said in low, tremulous tones that she believed she
<4W^1,” she said, “George is coming home to-morrow, so I suppose there is an end to house-hunting.”
“Why,” I said, sternly resolving the minute George came homo to send myself a telegram calling me to the Horth Pole on the first train, “you haven’t found a house yet?”
“Oh, yes,” Celest ne said, in tones so melting that I half started to go out and resume the search, “there is a parsonage with the church to which George has been called, and our things are all there. The ladies of tbe church got it all ready for us^'vhen we decided to come. But,” she said softly, probably noticing the look of brutal amazement that came creeping over my face, “I thought perhaps they could let the parsonage to some one else if we found a house we liked beH*\.‘ “Then you don’t the parsonage?” I managed to say.
“Oh, I don’t siy that,” she said, sweetly. “I have not seen it. They didn’t want us tc come until everything was all ready”
I have not seen by cousin Celestine since she went to tie parsonage. They came out to Crnhntslwlin several times, but the mai whom I have employed to watch a the station is vigi lant and faithful, and so has warned me in time to effect my escape over into the hills of Irddnwr Any person desiring to pu chase an undivided •interest in a coush, low-voiced, sweet- tempered and fair favored, gentle and affectionate, a charming singer and an infallible judge of inproved city real estate, can secure a bargain by corresponding with me. I Cannot give a clear title, sa^e as to co isinship, and
that I will quit-claim, jmrehaser
assume all risks and encumbrances
epusinship durng the moving season.
About Auroras.
The extent of the auroral displays over the world is not uniform, the United States being the most favored, while Siberia, opposite to us across the pole, but much further north, is the least. Hew York city has about the same frequency of auroral displays as St. Petersburg and Londo:., and also as Siberia, more than half way up the Behring Sea coast, fully 1,500 to 2,000 miles nearer the pole. They are seen as far south as Cuba, Yucatan, Central Mexico and Cape St. Lucas on the American continent, while in Asia they are unknown in Pekin, and almost so in the Japanese Islands, Southern Europe, on the latitude of Hew York city, being just within the limits of visibility. In general, it is seen about 1,400 miles further south on the Western Continent side than it is on the Eastern, or just the distance the magnet pole is from the true or geographical one, pulled over the same side, so to speak, it being just north of our continent. It thus plainly shows that the magnetic pole is a central point from which the auroral force in some unknown way is dependent. The magnetic pole, approximately speaking, is on longitude 100 degrees west from Greenwich, and on that meridian the displays are more frequent than at other points of the same latitude.—Lieut. Schwatka.
National Flags.
The present beautiful tricolor of France which succeeded the white field with golden lillies, was formed by the combinatiod of the colors of the city of Paris, red and blue, with the white of the house of Bourbon. What is now called the “union” of the British flag
onc<j consisted onlv^f Sm cross of St.
could have got it if she had gone over.
That afternoon, while we were somewhere on our ninth mile, Celestine found another house that suited her exactly, but the rent was $240 a month, and she didn’t want to go beyond $60. As we walked now, she leaned heavily on my arm, and I tottered along on blistered feet, eagerly scanning the horizon in every direction for street cars, while Celestine could see a “To let” card with the naked eye farther than I could think. Her timid, trustful way grew upon her, until she looked a perfect miracle of submissive diffidence, and when we went home that night, in a low, sweet voice she tore houses, landlords and agents to pieces so sweetly and timidly and completely it made you think of a cyclone weaving garlands of anemones and violets, and breathing softly through a flute to blow a six-story warehouse clear across the Delaware Biver.
We went house hunting the next day and the next day after that, and the next day after that again, for two weeks. Celestine timidly drove me into the happy homes .of all sorts of people to see if the houses were not to let, “because,” she said, “sometimes very particular people, who have the best houses to let, may not like to advertise them.” Sometimes, in these forays, I stumbled into homes of some of my acquaintances, and had to go in and go through the hollow mockery of “a call” to conceal the real reason of my visit, and then I could see my friends wondering and laughing behind the blinds when I went guiltily out and rejoined my cousin Celestine. I wouldn’t have believed it possible that so many houses, exactly alike from drain to chimney pot, could have so many faults, no two alike. I prowled about in cellars until I began to smell moldy, and I climbed stairs till I was knee sprang. At length, just before 1 died, there came a letter from George. Celestine read it and sighed.
Mig£a\ Jot Birds.
.ot long ago large numbers of British migratory birr |(dead) were found floating in the se/.f off the Eddystone Lighthouse. It improbable that during their night joirney from the Devonshire shores a fog overtook them, and that the light proceeding
from the lantern H the lighthouse attracted them anc1 so stupefied them that they dashed themselves against the thick glass and were killed in large numbers. The fi&er^aen who trawl for turbot, soles, skplfce, etc., on the Varne Bidge Baf^ between Dover and Calias, not unfiequently hear the sound of flocks of migratory birds flying overhead. Tlie speed at which birds can go when on their migratory flight has been noticed. Quails are said to accomplish 150 miles in a night, and undigested African seeds and plants have been found in the crops of these birds when they reach the French coast. A It is said that thcJRgration of birds will foretell severe weather, and it is well known by the bird-catcher that when the larks and other northern birds appear, snow and hard weather will follow the fli>?®M These warnings of migratory birdo,%uough apparently insignificant, may be of vast political and even national importance. If the Emperor Hapoleon, when on the road to Moscow with his army in 1811, had condescended to observe the flights of storks and cranes pausing over his fated battalions, subsequent events in the politics of Europe might have been very different. These storks and cranes knew of the coming on of a great and terrible winter; the birds hastened toward the south, Hapoleon and his army toward the north.— Frank Buckland.
Camels iu America.
The camels turned loose upon the Arizona desert some years ago have so multiplied that theJP?oam the Gila Valley in herds of 100 or more. The hunters of the Territory have great sport in chasing them. A camel hunt is a long way ah<*iu|r>f the old-fashioned deer drive.—Sfti Francisco Ex« aminer.
-vT St7 Andrew was added to it, and finally the cross of St. Patrick, and as the first and last are of the same shape, the last change could only be denoted by the addition of the narrow white line to the edge of the cross of St. George, which can be seen byclosely examining the union of Britain’s banner. Many people fancy that the present German flag has some relations to the “German liberty flag” of black, red and gold horizontal stripes, adopted by the German revolutionists, which in turn is fancifully connected with the Holy Bom an empire. As a fact the German flag is simply the flag of the Horth German Confederation, which was a combination of the black and white of Prussia with the red and white of the Hanseatic league. The blue in the American flag came from the English Whigs, whose colors were blue and buff. The Whigs were the friends of the struggling colonies before the Bevolution. The Whigs were allied with the Protestant cause in Germany and got their colors from Sweden. Blue and buff, with a dash of red in the union to signify the coalition with Horway, still form the Swedish flag.—Cultivator.
Danger of Larse Doses of Quinine.
At a late meeting of the New York Clinical Society, two papers were read in which it was shown that large doses of quinine have a deleterious effect on the heart, through the nervous system. This, it appears, is especially the case in typhoid fever, where, through long continued pyrexia, the heart becomes weak or degenerated.
A Closet for Medleines.
Keep if you can, a closet for the sole use of medicines, and appliances for sickness or accidents. A narrow, high chimney-side closet answers the purpose admirably, with shelves half way down and deep drawers to fill the remaining space. Bundles of old, soft cotton and linen pieces, a roll of cotton batting and flannel, the rubber water bag, medicine dropper, bed pan, and feeding cup, and everything needed in an emergency or long sickness. Have every vial plainly labeled, those marked poison place always on the upper shelf. Keep the whole undei lock and key, the key beyond the reach of children, but easily accessible to older members, of the family.—Good Housekeeping,
Dangerous Medicines for Children.
The British Medical Journal says: It. is well known that in every household a great deal of useless and unnecessary medication is carried on by parents among the youthful members of the family. As a rule, resort is had to medicines that are practically safe, and which experience has shown to be innocuous; but there is also, we fear, a tendency to employ drugs which should only be ad Mastered by the family physician, wi'pBafcall- *12 in jziedical aid. An J
Saved His Cattle.
The French Professor Pasteur, who has made himself famous by inoculating men and cattle with disease germs to insure them against epidemics, ought to yield the palm of priority in that discovery to a humble, priest of our own country, says a Bussian paper. In 1868, when the Siberian plague was killing the cattle in this place, Father Andrew Joakimansky of the Troitzky village, resorted to a desperate means in order to save his cows. He got some blood from a dying cow, saturated threads with that blood, and passed these threads through the ears of the healthy cows, numbering eleven. At the place where the ears were punctured there appeared tumors of the size of pigeon eggs. In a short time those tumors disappeared, and the cows remained alive and healthy, though the rest of the cattle of that village perished.
this was furnished by a triaf^vhieh took place at Hamilton, where a father was placed in the dock, on the charge of culpable homicide, for administering four drops of laudanum to a child five weeks old, with the result that it became unconscious and died within the next few hours. There was no evidence that the medicine had been given with any criminal intent, and the jury very properly acquitted the parent, whose mental suffering must have been sufficient punishment for the indiscretion of which he had been guilty; but the facts brought out in connection wit^h the case cannot be too widely known. They may serve to impress more forcibly on the public wThat is well known and universally admitted, that there is extreme susceptibility on the part of children, especially within the first few weeks of life, to the influence of opium in any form, and that it should never be given except under medical guidance and sanction. The evidence of some of the witnesses at the trial showed the hazy notions that exist as to the administration of laudanum to children, some holding that a drop of laudanum for each week of the age was perfectly safe, while others were not prepared to go such lengths. Where the issues involved are those of life or death, it would be well to follow the rule we have given above; for, where a child is ill enough to require an opiate, the sooner medical advice is procured the better.
To Encourage the Victims.
Y’oung man: I came in answer to the advertisement
Dentist: Are you of a cheerful dis- position ?
“Sir, I could laugh at a funeral and play checkers in a graveyard.”
"I think you’ll do. I want a young man of good address to issue forth from the operating room at ten-minute intervals, looking as if he enjoyed it I think it will tend to encourage the real victims”— Philadelphia Call.
Laces embroidered with lead beads and bands of cloth embroidered with gold threads in patterns resembling lace, are new trimming novelties. °
As birds to sun-land wing their way in blithesome bevies and with song,so from the gift-hand, Christmas-day, flow tokens that life’s joys prolong. The season’s symbol, like a charm, wish and delight is interlocking; and plainest gifts the heart will warm be they but found within a stocking! *** Time can destroy the dearest whim; the sweetest joy Cge can bedim; but on life's way all love to pause each year a day with Santa Claus. Tho’ heads be bowed with weight o f years, and onward crowd life’s saddening cares, the mera’ry turns a t Christmas-tide i n grooves of child- hood joys to glide.
*** Then hang the stockings — great and small!
Our chimney- sprite will know them all! He reads the wish in every mind, and tries the wished-for aye to find. Yes! hang the stocking — young ai}d old! Let Saint Nick’s legends b e re-told! Let old heads play* the Chris tmas parts, which prove that naught can age young hear ts !
d'arkness and daylight.
“Now, Charlie dear, do make it go as far as you can,” said little Mrs. Rushton, as she counted a roll of crisp, green bills into her husband’s hand as they stood in the cottage door one Christmas eve, Charlie received them quite nonchalantly, never once thinking, perhaps, how many weary stitches that pale, patient litt-*3 woman at his side had earned them with--stitcheg made in the dead midnight hours, when he and the little ones were fast asleep. He twisted them together and stuffed them into his vest pocket.
Mrs. Rushton sighed, and looked wistfully out into the stormy gloom.
“There are :^o many things we need,” ihe sai(I could have gone m. self; but hjflBpI >o ill for that ! glancing bac^BHHlithe crib in one €&&&**%
_______________ gj l
the medicine for ths jtiritgv
fthat—*and coal, an! a fttijte
sugar and tea. and a few loaves of bread. And I did want a turkey for to-morrow —a small one, you know, Charlie; and a few plums to make a pudding. We can’t afford it well; but it seems so hard for you and the children to have npthing for Christmas.
Charlie moved restlessly, but her thin, labor-worn hand held his arm.
“And some little trifles for the children, dear,” she went on; ‘‘the poor little things wrill be hanging up their stockings to-night, and it hurts me so to disappoint them. Get a few candies, aid a knife for Tom, and a doll for Annie— some little things that won’t cost much, Charlie.”
He shook her hand from his arm, and hurried out.
“Yes, yes,” he replied,half impatiently, “I’ll do it all if you don't keep me here all night.”
“And Charlie,” she called, as he strode away, her voice full of touching entreaty, “please don’t stay long; baby is so ill, and will need her medicine in an hour; and I thought we would fix up a bit when the children get to bed. You will come back soon, dear?”
“Oh, yes, Mary, yes!”
But Alary watched him out of sight, with a glimmer of tears in her patient •jyes. ‘ T wish I could have gone myself, ” she sighed, as she returned to her baby’s -■radle. “Poor Charlie; I do hope he will be as good as his word.”
■ She sat dowrn, with her foot on the
“You’ll have to put one of your sticks on the fire, Tom,” she said; “the room is too cold for the child. I thought the coal would have been here before this.”
“And baby ought to have had her powder at four,” said fhe thoughtful Annie; “do you mind how fast she breathes, mother?”
The mother bent over the little sufferer, and pressed her lips to the hot, dry little mouth. Then she went to tbe door and looked long and wistfully down the village road, and such a sharp pain at her poor heart. She had worked so hard, and hoped so much for this Christmas; sewed so constantly and patiently for the few bills that Charlie had gone out to expend. Oh, surely, thoughtless, and thriftless, as, he was, he would not forget and the children that Christmas Eve*
But the stormy hours wore by, yet he did not return. Poor, half famished little Tom sat before the fire, and watched the scanty supper with longing eyes. His mother noticed the little fellow, and proceeded at once to place it on the table; she made them eat, and then coaxed them to go to bed. Then she *at down again to her work and her anxious vigil.
Slowly and wearily the hours wore on, and with every moment the storm seemed to increase. At last she heard the village bells striking for midnight. At the same moment a feeble little moan from the crib made her start to her feet.
The babe was growing worse, its breath came now in sharp gasps, and its little face began to wear a strange, purplish pallor. The poor mother caught it up with a stifled cry. Then she ran to the bed where Tom was lying fast asleep, and dreaming, no doubt, of what the long-hoped-for-to-morrow would bring him.
“Tom, Tom!” she cried, shaking him gently, “get up, dear— you must run for vour father, for I’m afraid baby’s dying.”
The sturdy little fellow was on his feet in an instant.
“The saloon, mother?” he inquired, significantly, with a strange look of sorrowful humiliation in his young eyes as he quickly drew on bis warm jacket.
“Yes, Tom! And be sure you bring him; and if there’s any money left, run by the apothecary’s and get the medicine —but it’s too late now! Be quick, now, Tom! How very dark it is! I’ll wake Annie to go with you, if you’re afraid.”
“No, mother, she shan’t go out in this storm—I’m not afraid!” and away the manly little fellow went, out into the ■wild, stormy midnight.
The mother sat down and held the dying babe close to her bosom. And this was the night for wrhich she had worked, and hoarded, and hoped for so long!
An hour passed, and little Tom returned, drenched and shivering.
“He’s there, mother,” he half sobbed, “but he won’t come, and the money’s ail gone, he says. I came by the apothecary’s, but he wouldn’t let me have the medicine. Oh, mother, what shall vje
“Heaven knows, my boy,” said hi3 mother, as the breathing on her bosom grew more convulsive, “put on more wood and wake Annie, then you had better run back. The child is dying— tell your father so.”
Tom obeyed! Another hour went by, and above the din of the storm, above the sobs of little Annie, the waiting wife caught the sound of that heavy, unsteady footstep. He was coming, but it was too late. The babe that she held so closely to her poor, aching heart, was now past all earthly suffering. She arose, and laid it in its crib, and crossed the little, waxen hands upon the pulseless bosom. Then she rose to meet her husband.
He staggered in, pale and abashed, and half desperate. She pointed in silence to the little, marble face on the cradle-pillow. N
“Your work,” she said, hoarsely. “You have killed my baby. The medicine might have saved her! Where's my money, that I worked so hard for?” The shock half sobered him, and he answered, defiantly:
“I went to the saloon and gambled it away. You might have known that I would.”
This poor wife had spirit and temper enough beneath her meekness and patience, and it blazed up fiercely now. She turned to push him from her in bitter anger and disgust, but the sight of his face arrested her. A bloated, brutal, drunkard’s face, but the face of her own husband; the face that had won her
“Mary,” he said, solemlv, as he entered the room and knelt down beside her, “I’ve brought you something,” and he laid a folded paper on her lap. “I’ve signed the pledge, an! intend to begin a new life. If God will forgive me, can you, Mary?”
She glanced at the paper, and then she caught his poor, repentent face to her bosom, and covered it with kisses,
“Oh, Charlie,” she sobbed, “I do forgive you, and I love you so!”
“ ’Tisyour love that will save me,” he answered solemnly — “my wife’s forgiving love.”
Tom and Annie crept from the room, and stood hand in hard in the glittering Christmas dawnlight.
“We shall have a sad Christmas,Tom,” sobbed Annie, “much as we’ve thought of it.”
“No we shan’t,,” responded Tom, his blue eyes flashing- \viih triumph; “we shall always call this tie happiest Christmas of our lives, A.urie, for father has signed the pledge!”
And little Tom was right.
England’s highest medical authority on dyspepsia, Dr. Fothergil, recommends milk pudding and stewed fruits for dyspepsia.
A cup of cold, strong beef tea nicely seasoned and free^rpm grease, taken during the night, will overcome, in many cases, nervousness and sleeplessness.
Lotion for dandruff: Tincture of capsicum, 2 parts; glycerine, 8 parts; cologne 2 parts; water, 24 parts. Appby by means of a sponge to scalp every day.
Never stand stffff in cold weather, especially after having taken a slight degree of exercise; md always avoid standing upon the ice or snow, or where exposed to a cold wind
Dr. Antonin Martin siys that the flavor of cod liver oil may br. changed to the delightful one of fre4J oysters if the patient will drinK a lairds glass of watei poured from a vessel in rhich nails have been allowed to rust.
The many sudden sanations in the temperature, in some healities, make it necessary for delicaite arrl aged people to take precautions againtcold, which are apt to develop pneumonia. Keep the feet dry and do no* sit h a draught.
Girl Athletes of Amsterdam.
A phase of Dutch niddle class life was revealed to us last (vening, writes a correspondent of the Baton Transcript, from Amsterdam, Hfll&nd. We were walking along the qiays that face the Y, or Het Ij, as this portioa of the Amsterdam harbor is called by the natives, searching for a little steamboat that would take us Almost anywhere, when we came upon a boat that didn’t look big enough to steam very hr from the city—certainly no* into the Zuyder Zee.
rocker, and took up her work basket. Lyears before, in her happy girlhood; the There was never an idle moment for her, face that was so noble and. manly, w en
not even on Christmas eve. The babe slept, its cheek hot and flushed, its breath coming in quick, short gasps. Presently the children came in from the pine ridge, beyond the village, where they had ^een to gather wood for the fire.
“We’ve got a lot, mother,” said Tom, a sturdy little fellow, the image of his father. We’ll have a rousing fire on Christmas, won’t we, Annie?
Annie nodded and crept into the corner holding her little red hands to the fire.
“I’m not cold,” said Tom. Girls be so tender mother—let Annie stay in; I’ll feed the cow and get in the water—I’m in for Christmas work,I am! Say,mother, shall we have ary goodies to-morrow?”
His mother smiled.
“We must wait and see,” she said: “there’s no tolling what Saata Claus may do.”
4 I wish he’d bring me a jack knife, or a humming top, like Ned Raynor’s,” said Tom, as he ran off to finish his work.
Having warmed her hands, Annie stole softly to the baby's crib, and sat dotvn beside it.
Mrs. Rushton sewed on, and the stormy twilight closed in rapidly. Very *000 it was quite da k ^ t c.very moment the storm increases. i?hc put by her work, and made pr^i^tdio*** for t.l*eir frugal supper.
the village bell rang in honor of their wedding day. A sudden gush of tenderness melted her heart.
“Oh, Charlie,” she sobbed, “how can you break my heart, and I love you so ? ”
Ills face whitened to the hue of death and his breast heaved convulsively.
“Don’t,” he cried, hoarsely, as he tore himself from her arms, and the next instant he was gone—out in the storm and
The mother dressed her little one with her own hands in its daintiest robes ■with knots of ribbon at the dimpled shoulders, and a fall of misty lace at the tinv, white throat. Then she draped the cradle all white, and laid it ao'\n and she and Tom and Annie watched beside it. A sorrowful vigil to welcome Christmas mom!
It dawned upon them royally a glo- rious daybreak, born of the storm and darkness The east was one glow of soTcndor; and from every steeple for miles around ran- out the frlonous jubilant, “peace ^on earth, and goo
" The*drunkard’s wife and children sat in silence and desolation, watching by theTr dead. A step broke upon their
^TheQfpootCI1a0nxio^ wife raised her head and met her husband s steadfast, sober eye.
and, 1 have no ,. but
we got fioin him only a wague idea of where the boat was goug. However, we got on board and foiud that we were on a ferryboat that went icross the Y to some pleasure grounds, vlere we found enough to entertain us fer several hours —a grove fitted up with all sorts of gymnastic apparatus and scores of people enjoying themselves tp the top oi their bent. The curiom *ature about the place (aside from fae astonishing fact that we did not have to pay to enter the grounds—I still tofink it was a blunder on the part of somebody that we did not)—was that eight out of every ten of the athletes \(Tere young women, who seemed to be fasicinaed with sports tbat arc usually mofl^Rized by boys. It was not an extd(feinary thing to young women of from twenty to thirty swinging, but I was greatly amused at some of the feats that they did and at others that they undertook to do. The “giant’s stride,” as called in England, is peculiarly a boy's sport.
Four strong ropes, with big loops in the ends, are attached to a movable block on a pivot at the top of a high, strong post. Yet these strong, robust Dutch girls would half sit in these loops and whirl ajgtmd with all the abandon of bom ^Pletes, touching a foot now and then, Kfcug into the air, laughing and shouting- all the while. It was great sport for them, and at times it was highly diverting to the spectators—when they would miss their footing and get bumped against each other. But they were utteito.nconscious of everything except thl^njoyment they got from the exercise, and did not mind bumps or being dragged over the ground.
A rod or two further on one would find half a dozen young women having a match to see who could make the most rounds on a horizontal ladder; and two or three put up a spring-board and attempted " a jump. The girls had a monopoly of the sport that evening, certainly. There were only a few young men "about, and they looked as if they thought the exercise would be too violent for them. Moreover these young women were of fine appearance, many of them; not rough, uncouth peasant girls, but intelligent, well-dressed—evidently belonging to good families. The color in their cheeks, and the buoyant, easy manner in which they walked, indicated plainly enough the good which this exercise does them.
IXovv to Care for Horses#
Commissioner Colman, of the agricultural bureau, was visited by a Washing- ton Star reporter and questioned in regard to the proper feeding and care of horses. The commissioner has devoted a great deal of care and study to the horse. He owns a large farm near St. Louis, which for years has been mainly devoted, under his own supervision, to the breeding, raising, and training of fine horses. In response to a request for some information with regard to the feeding and care of hoises, based upon his experience, he said that the feeding of horses was a very simple matter, the main requisite being the best quality of oats and hay. Damaged hay and damaged oats were unfit to be fed to horses, and most of the injuries to the digestive organs were produced by food of a bad character. Some horses require more
food than others. For horses that work, about twelve quarts of oats per day to each horse, and from twelve to fifteen pounds of hay was the proper quantity to be led. The oats should be fed in three equal installments, and the main portion of hay should be given at night. To horses ths lave
but little exercise, not more shan eight or nine quarts of oats
and about the same quantity of hay as above should be given. Regularity of feeding was very desirable. Horses
should be fed three times a day at a certain hour, and minute if possible. They are excellent time keepers, they know just when to expect their feed, and if they do not get it at that time they become worried and fretted. Oats is a better grain food than corn, because it is lees heating and produces more muscle; but three or four ears of good, ripe corn tHrown into the feed-box occasionally would be greatly relished by the horses, and would be beneficial. An occasional addition of two or three quarts of good wheat bran, either wetted or dry, is also relished; it furnishes a variety, and conduces to the health of the horse. A horse to do well needs daily exercise, and cannot remain in perfect health if kept standing in the stall day after day. Two or three hours at least of exercise is essential to health.
Horses should be given water about half an hour before their meals, or not until an hour has passed after they have been fed grain. The stomach of a horse is very small, and if a large quantity of vjater is taken the water washes the grain into the intestines without having oeen properly digested, and, frequently inflammation or colic is the result.
A good bed to sleep upon is indispensable, and many horses will not lie down unless they have a soft bed to rest upon. Thorough grooming, removing the dust and dirt and the exhalations of the system from the coat of the horse is also indispensable to good heallh and condition. A thorough currying and brushing should be given daUy tj°everv
Kindness i.a the trealmeal' \aorses is i very desirable. A horse responds to kind treatment and endeavors to repel and defend himself against cruel treatment. Vicious horses are produced by vicious treatment. A horse has the same senses as a man, can be educated to do a great many things, if the proper pains is taken with him from his birth up, and if his senses are properly appealed to he will become a kind, useful and intelligent domestic animal. The abuse and ill-treatment given to horses throughout the country is very reprehensible, and every kind-hearted man should do all that he can to bring about a better treatment of the most useful animal that the Creator has conferred upon him.
We loved tbe birds and babbling brooks, John and I, my John.
In meadows and in shady nooks,
O’er lake and farm with wondering looks, We saw what ne’er was told in books, John and I, my John.
We found a maid with golden hair,
Ab, John! my happy John I The wonders of the earth and air Were but reflections made more rare In her blue eyes and face so fair,
For John, my happy John.
Lo, birds and books and brooks have fled.
For John, alas, poor John.
The night winds come and smite her dead. Alone in Nature’s realm I tread;
He followed where her footsteps led,
My John, alas, my John.
—Hoseci Ballou, in Home Journal.
The Why.
Said Jones to Brown the other day,
“My trade is very slack;
I must agree at least with me,
The'world seems going back.”
“And I,” retorted smiling Brown,
“Must simply say^uitead Of going back, the wbrld with me Seems rushing on /110 ad.”
Now why the world Jvas bright for Brown, And for poor Joneu was b;ue,
Is, Hrown would always, advertise,
Which Jones refused to do.
~Neiv York World.
Farm and Garden Notes,
The pear delights in a deep, rich, warm loam, with a clay subsoil.
It is said that 955 farms in Iowa are owned by women and that twenty dairy farms are managed by women.
It is a good plan to wrap a piece of tarred paper around the bodies of trees during the winter to keep rabbits away.
Provide for the winter water supply of all live stock; they should have access to pure water at pleasure throughout the winter.
Never plant black raspberry roots from an old, worn-out plantation. If the old plant is thrifty and healthy, age makes no difference.
Place a teaspoonful of salt close around, each raspberry plant now. Scatter maA nure and salt freely on tbe asparagus beds in the fall.
Skim milk is said to be good to cause hens to lay. It is often fed in the form of loppered milk, in which form the fowls are very fond of it. The best solid food is wheat.
Do not forget to provide before the ground freezes a box of good soil for a hot-bed next spring. Place the box in some sheltered place, and cover it with boards; or put it under some building.
An Ohio farmer is a strong advocate of the idea that apples grown on certain soils keep better than on others. He says willow twigs grown on red clay do not keep well, but his trees on yellow clay bear fruit which keeps til! after harvest.
Pigs of about one hundred pounds weight make the best bacon. It is more readily cured than hams are; placing it in a mild pickle for six weeks and then smoking it. Belly pieces are used for bacon. w Bacon is ;i good change in meat at most any time of the year.
It is a mistake, says the American Cultivator, to suppose that parsnips are improved by being allowed to remain in the ground all winter. It is best to d*g them in the fall and store them in sand in the cellar, and they will keep better and be much more palatable than those * left in _tho ground.
A swell affair—the soap bubble.
Is corn-popping an agricultural report?
An open question—Are you going to let me in?—Boston Courier.
A desirable bargain in silks—a pretty girl with a million.—GoodalVs Sun.
The tattler is the missing link, fit? they all bear tales.— Waterloo Observer,
Window sashes on trains are mjoro fashionable than ever. —Evansville Ar gw.
The bald headed man’s favorite ftress material is mohair. — Burlington F*ee Press.
The right hand is the cleverest 'mtm- i ber of the body. It never gets left—
1 Texas Figaro.
A California man keeps five th^&guid . hens. It is surmised that he also kseps his next door neighbor in hot waker during the gardening season. — Ulicago Ledger.
Every man has a role in life,
And has had since time biegcfi,
But after all the baker’s rol l Is the best for a hungry man.
—Boston Coirier.
‘‘What do those letters strand for?*
I asked a curious wife of her hiuabmd, as Bhe looked at his Masonic seal. “Well, really, my love,” he replied. encouragingly; “I presume it is* they can’t sit down. ” She postponed fcirther questioning. —Merchant- Traveller.
Delia had a little bonnet Just as big as George’s hancfl— Horticultural fairs upon it,
Like rose gardens in the sand.
Oh, it was so neat and little,
Jaunty, dainty, “made to kill”—
But that charming little bonnet Coat a fifty dollar bill!
—Lynn Unio n.
“Off again, Charley?” “Yes; I’m goilng to Chicago.” “Got your grip along a\s usual. By the way, what an odd looic- ing thing it is.” ‘That is Scotch plaid, dear boy. I wouldn't travel with any other kind.” “Why not?’ “Because I am sirrc this is always checked.—Philc
detail '
Catch Cold.
Sit in a street car next to an open window.
Leave off your heavy underclothing on a mild day.
Take a hot drink before going out into the cold or damp air.
Let the boys romp at school during recess time without their hats.
Sit in the passage or near an entry after dancing for haif an hour.
Sit in a barber shop in your shirt sleeves while waiting to be shaved.
Wear your light-weight summer hosiery through November.
Put on a pair of thin shoes in the evening when you call upon your girl.
Fail to change your shoes and stockings after coming in on a very rainy day.
Have your hair cut and shampooed just as a change takes place in the weather.
Wear one of the new ladies’ cutaway coats without a chamois or flannel vest underneath.
Throw your overcoat open on a blustering winter day to show off your nice new necktie.
Send the children out in autumn for exercise in short, thin stockings and skimpy skirts.
Leave off your rough overcoat when you go driving, and wear your nice thin one to look swell.
Go to the front door in a cobweb dress, and linger, bidding good night to your favorite young man. f Take a hot "bath in the evening and sit up in your room to finish the last pages of an exciting novel.
Throw off ycur heavy coat when you reach the office in a hurry and put on your thin knock-about.
Go down to breakfast without a wrap on a chilly morning before the fires have got fully started.
Put the window of your sleeping-room up before you go to bed, especially if the window is near the bed.
Run a square to catch a street car and take off your hat for a few moments to cool off when you catch it.
Go out into the lobby during a theatrical performance and promenade around without your overcoat.
Do your back hair up high when you have been accustomed to wear it low and go out on a windy day.
Come in from a rapid gallop on horseback and stand talking in the open air to a friend for five or ten minutes.
Go to an evening party in a dress suit without putting on heavy underwear to compensate for the lightness of the cloth.
If you are bald-headed or have a susceptible back, sit during grand opera near one of the side doors in the Academy of Music.
Wear a thin vest of fancy pattern that protrudes a little below the coat and allows a part of the body that should always be warm get chilled.- —Philadelphia Times.
Life Story of the British Spy—A Man Who Was Unlucky Throughout his Entire Career. 3
Many Facts in the History of Andre that are Full of Interest—
His Monument in West minster Abbey.
[Special New York Letter.] '
Ever since the blowing up of the Andre monument, erected by Cyrus W Field, on TreasonjHill, Major John Andre has once more been prominentlv before the American public, and the citizens of Tappan, where the explosion occurred, the papers of this city, and orators here and elsewhere have been more or less excited and moved over the unfortunate young man of the last century.
Every reader of history has heard more or less of the beautiful young Honora Sncyd, the adored love of Andre, and whose final rejection of his suit sent him out of England and into eternity sooner than than he would have otherwise have left one and reached the other. Perhaps every one hasn’t heard, however, that the adorable young lady in question had suitors while yet in her teens other than Andre, and one in particular, whose curious ideas are worth noticing. This was one Thomas Day, an eccentric genius, who seldom combed his hair, wa9 pitted with small pox, round shouldered and ugly, but—he had $5,000 a year and waded in. Ilis ideas of matrimony were peculiar, and he had taken two little girls from an orphan asylum intending to raise them and marry the one he loved best after rearing her in the way she should go. In the meantime, Miss Snyed crossed his path, and being already raised, anti possessing a handsome-4 nee, blue eyes, and -golden hairT
she captivated him,
and for a while it
the army, his want of ready cash being an unsurmountable objection in the eyes of the old folks on both sides; for money in those days carried its weight, even when joined to uncombed hair and a pitted countenance. Mr. Day, however, submitted such a voluminous proposal of marriage, and required so many conditions, verbally and in manuscript, that the fair Honora gave
him the go-by, as she had done Andre ; and then he turned to the little orphans and fired off pistols close to their ears to give them self-control, and dropped horsealing wax on their naked shoulders to give them fortitude, until finally he fell in love with one of them. It was the old story, and the one he wanted he couldn’t get, and the one he could get he didn’t want, and they both married somebody else. Then he wrote a story to amuse the children of his lost love, Honora, called “Sandford and Merton;” and for a time it eclipsed Robinson Crusoe in merry England, but didn’t last, and is out of print long ago.
Among other suitors there came along a jolly young married man named Richard Lovell Edgeworth, who ran away from Oxford with a Miss Elers, and married her before he was twenty, and had left her behind on the continent while he roved over England in search of fun and an affinity, as he had succeeded to an Irish property since his marriage which demanded something in this line to keep up the reputation ot the estate. He kept up the reputation until July 17, 1773, when, his wife having considerately died a few months before, he'returned to Honora, and was married to her on the above date. The beautiful wife fell a victim to consumption in a few years thereafter, and died before Andre did. Then the bereaved Mr. Edgeworth married Honora’s sister for his third wife, who, by the way, had also been sought in marriage by Mr.
Day. before ho finallv decided on bach- e’.ordom. Elizabeth also quitted the world and the loving Mr. Edgeworth together, in a short time, and then he took a fourth wife in a sister of Admiral Beaufort, who stayed by him through life. Ho, however, seems to have thought the most of his second wife, Honora, as it is said he gave the name of Sneyd- borough to a North Carolina town in uer honor, he owning some estates in this at that time English territory.
In spite of all, Andre appears to have been unable to get over his early love for Honora, and when first captured by the American forces in Canada hid a picture of Honora in his mouth while his captors were searching him, and managed to retain it, as it was one he had
made of her himself, he beng an artist of no mean talent under ordinary circumstances. He drew a picture of himself seated at a table on the day before he was executed at Tappan, which, however, is not a fair sample of his ability in this line, as he was expecting to die on that day instead of the next, and under these circumstances was not in the best of spirits, and neither is the picture, although we believe the original pen-and- ink sketch is held in high esteem by its owner. A better sketch, and one said to have been made by himself from which the one given with this letter is taken, the original of which was made in England before he emigiated to America.
Among the curious things regarding the death of Andre are the visions and dreams which presaged it here and in Ungla.od It is vouchsafed for that in
i /7b, seven years before he was executed he mY a visit to Miss Anna Seward, an
and she described the scene, the court, the judge, and the surroundings with great minuteness. Once more she was quieted by her friend, who smiled at her fears, but again she awakened her friend by screaming out that they were hang'ng her brotlier as a spy, from a tree, and in his regimentals. There was no more sleep for either that night, and they arose and entered in their diaries the particulars of the successive visions, with the date, the friend trying to allay the fears of Miss Andre as best she could until morning broke and daylight banished the fears cf that dreadful night. The next mail from America brought the sad tidings of the death of Andre, as described by his sister through her visions to her friend in England.
There is yet one more story of this kind in connection with his demise, and one which brings General Washington to the foreground. After the British evacuated Philadelphia and the American forces took possession, a banquet was given by the officers in the Springetts- bury manor house, near Twentieth and Spring Garden streets, which had formerly been used by the Penn family as a residence, but was a favorite place for entertainments at this time and for dinners given by the military to the citizens. It had been frequently used in this manner by the British, and now by the American forces. i Two ladies who had known Andre well when he hau been stationed there, and who had frequently dined at parties in this same house when he was one of the guests, were present at thi3 dinner given to General Washington and some of his aides. As they were passing through the groves of cedar trees and catalpas which surroundsd the mansion they simultaneously perceived a corpse dangling from one of the limbs in the uniform of a British officer, and while they stood terrified tne body swung round facing them, and though calm and stiff as in death, theyT both recognized the features of Major Andre, and then the illusion vanished. At dinner they spoke of the vision, and with such solemnity that it provoked a smile, and finally, considerable chaffing laughter at their expense, from Washington and others assembled, at their credulity; one of them especially remarking it as being the first time that she had seen General Washington indulge in hearty laughter. Shortly thereafter Andre was hung; and many years after one of the ladies seeing Washington agriji, he then Leing President of the United States, she mentioned the circumstance to him, reminding him of his mirth. He appeared troubled, and asked her to please never refer to it again, as the whole subject had been a source of great trouble and perplexity to him. The narrator states that one of the ladies was the daughter and sister of two of the first physicians of Philadel- phia at that day, :md t hat her companion was equally well connected, but omits
who forthwith wrote to some friends *bf hers, a Mr. Cunningham and a Mr.Newton, that she intended bringing an acquaintance to visit them the next day. That night Mr. Cunningham, who was a curate and a poet, had a strange dream, in which he found himself in a forest and in a strange land. While looking about he perceived a solitary horseman approaching at great speed, who had scarcely reached tbe spot where the dreamer stood when he was seized by three men who rushed out of a thicket, and, after searching his person, laid hold of the horse’s bridle and hurried him away. The dreamer specially was struck by the lace of the lone rider, which was specially interesting, and his sympathy for him in this misfortune awoke him. Presently he fell asleep again, and once more dreamed that he was standing in a strange land, near a large city among thousands of people, and that the same person that he had previously dreamed of was slowly marched out between the files of spectators on either side and brought to a gallows, where he was hanged. He awoke in a fright, and the next day while waiting with Mr. Newton for the arrival of Miss Seward and ner friend, he told Mr. Norton of the dream, stating that it had left a very vivid impression on his mind. Upon the arrival ol the two friends he was horrified to see in the face of Andre the features of the solitary horseman and also the man who was hanged.
Apropos of this comes the story of the visit of a lady friend to Miss Hannah Andre, just about the time of the execution. This friend shared the bed of Miss Andre, and was awakened one night by the violent sobbing of her companion. Upon entreating to know the cause, Miss Andre stated that she had seen her brother in a vision, and that he had been taken prisoner by the Americans. Her friend quieted her, and she again fell asleep, but Miss Andre started her companion from slumber by the announcement that she had again seen her brother and they were trying him as spy,
me names,
iHnaaefpc^ tournament 6 the return of gland, and inJ
ligence of the death of Andre reached that place. Disclaimed that the treasonable papers found in Andre’s boots at the time, September 23, 1780, andjwhich are on file with the pass in the same library, still bear the wrinkles made' bv the impress of Andre's feet 105 years ago. Tne name of Anderson was also assumed by Benedict Arnold years afterward, when he was a refugee from America and ostracised from good society in England. He was doing business in Gaudaloupe when it was captured by the French forces, and lie packed h;s wealth in a cask, assumed the name of Anderson, and escaped to a British vessel, the name bringing him better luck than it did Andre.
Andre’s executioner was a Tory named Strickland, who had been captured by the American forces, and whose liberty was granted on the condition that he perform the part of hangman on this occasion, which he did, an eye witness stating that he had so thoroughly blackened his face, with what appeared to be greasy blacking from the outside of a pot, that his features were unrecognizable, and that he looked frightful euough to perform any work of this description. The same narrator states that Andre’s two servants, who were permitted to attend him for the purpose of taking his clothes after the execution, were both dwarls, being under four feet, and that they were most gaudily decked out on that occasion, as he particularly noticed them standing at the head of the coffin after the hanging, and the body had been stripped of its regimentals, which one of them held upon his arm, the body being buried in its underclothing at th% foot of the gallows tree, three feet below the surface. After the remains had laid there forty-one year3 they were removed to England, in 1821, and the spot was lost sight of for some time, until a New York merchant, a Mr. Lee, in 1847, commemorated it by placing over it a bowlder, about three feet long, inscribed with the words: 4 ‘Andre executed
took a leading ious tickets, to be worn by
It was a grand and glorious triumph of mock virtue over vice, and tinsel over solid sense. 1*“ river was lined with boats and barges gaily decked, and the city was filled with knights riding about on horseback, for this was the festival called Mischianza, and the Knights of the Burning Mountain and the Knights of the Blended Rose met in mortal combat to shiver their swords in defense of their true lady loves, who were pres> ent and watched the fray from safe seats around the circle. A great deal of money was spent, and although Philadelphia had less than 30,000 population then, they had balloons, Chinese lanterns, plenty of skyrockets, and a dining room containing fifty-six pier mirrors and over 1,200 dishes. There were some military men who, of course, objected to all this knight-errantry business, and one of them was an old major of artillery in the British army, who, when asked by his child what was the difference between the Knights of the Burning Moun- lain and^the Knights of the Blended Rose, said that “one were tom fools and the other dom fools.i,YThe wife of Benedict Arnold, then unmarried, and her sisters were among the favored ones present, being the Misses Shippen, and by many it was afterward thought that it was through the intoE^&cy and friendship of Addre for Miss SMppen, the future wife of the arch-traitor, that the first treasonable steps of Arnold were brought to the
Arnold’s pass to andre.
notice of the British with success. The pass given by Arnold to Andre, who had assumed the name*;!' Anderson, is still on file at the State library of New York at Albany, and the cut below is a facsimile of it, and it was taken from Andre by his captors when they made him strip under the famous whitewood tree near Tarrytown, and which tree was
Oct. 2, 1780.” A cut of the stone taken from a drawing made of it about that time, is given below. This bolder was removed by the owner of the ground, who objected to the numerous visitors, and was chipped to pieces by relic hunters until there was nothing left of it shortly thereafter, and nothing to mark the spot until Cyrus W. Field hunted it up with Dean Stanley .about six years ago, and erected a monument later on, which has been the source of so many explosive experiments. The only monument ever erected to Andre so far that has been fortunate enough to hold its own with the world is that erected by King George III. to Andre’s memory in Westminster Abbey, near the Poet’s Corner. It stands seven and a half feet high, and is surmounted by the British lion, and a figure of Britannia bewailing Andre’s fate. In the panel is represented Andre being led to execution, General Washington taking a letter peti-
Aiary Touts a rah bit breeder. Nobody ate rabbits for some t,me as long as the belief lasted tor even those who didn’t believe it preferred not to bring down on themselves the condemnation of the believers as being cannibals. St. Andre married a widow* who brought him 80,000 pounds, how’- ever, and this raised him a little in the public estimation, although the ladv was so imprudent that she was forthwith ci/smissed from the queen’s service It is also claimed that St. Andre at one time saved the life of the famous Vol- taire by holding the arms of the Earl of Peterborough, who, with sword in hand, intended to slay Voltaire, who was visiting him in England, on discovering some pecuniary dishonesty his visstor had practiced upon him. His guest fled from the house while Andre held the earl, so the story goes.
Spirto Gentil.
A Story of the Borealis.
The place was the old Warsaw campground in Milton county, Georgia The time recently. A large and soriously attentive congregation had assembled for the night service, the negroes in the rear of the pulpit, as was the custom in those days before the war. The preecher was a talented young man, at that rime stationed at Marrietta. He had reached a point in the sermon at which he held the almost undivided attention of the vast audience, and perfect quiet reigned. Just at that moment, when the interest was most intense, an old negro woman hopped over into the altar, right in front of the preacher, and shrilly cried out: “Hallelujah i the judgment day am come.” Her joyful exclamation caused the crowd to look out from under the arbor, and, sure enough, there was a striking and magnificent spectacle.
The northern heavens were lit up by a gorgeous aurora. .Not many in that crowd understood the phenomena, which, in fact is rarely observable from southern latitudes, and, not understanding, many concluded that the old auntie’s explanation was the true cne. “Ah! then there was hurrying to, and gathering tears, and tremblings of distress.” Indeed, so great was the commotion that there was imminent danger of a stampede and that somebody would be crushed in the swaying crowd.
It was at this crisis a preacher, well known to Methodist circles, tall, angular, red-headed, with the voice of a stentor, ran out and mounted a convenient stump. “Be calm, my friends,” he shouted, “be calm. This is not the judgment day, for how could the judgment day come in the night?” The incongruity struck the people with soothing force, their fears subsided, the preacher finished his sermon and order reigned in W arsaw. — Fair burn (Go.) News.
Haw Boy&Uy Travels.
The carriages which are used by Queen
mosc exacting passenger, and the imperial train of the late Emperor Napoleon used to be considered a miracle of luxury ; but the latter was not good enough for the late czar, who purchased it, and it was improved and altered and refurnished out of recognition was pronounced fit for use in Russia. The English saloons sink into utter contempt when compared with it. This train, which is always used by the emperor and empress for long journeys, carried them to Kremsier and back. There are sixteen carriages, of which the first is a kitchen, and then comes one for police agents, one for military suite, three for members of the household, and two for the imperial family; each grand duke having an entirely separate compartment, which can be fitted for either day or niglit use. The carriage of the empress has a spacious sleeping apartment, with a hammock bed, furniture of ebony and utensils of silver, and an immense looking glass. There is a bath room completely fitted, and a compartment for the lady in waiting. The empress’s sleeping room contains a writing table, a sofa and easy chairs. The emperor’s sleeping carriage is fitted with olive green leather, and contains only a bed and dressing table and bath. Then comes a sitting room, fitted very simply; and lastly the dining room, which is furnished with carved oak, and merely con- ta ns tables, chairs and a sideboard. There is communication throughout the traiu from one end to the other.
a certain flourished
iiCtti At***jvv"“ > ---- ------ '-'V' ma:
struck by lightning on the day the intel-
tioning a soldier’s death, and the tree Andre was hung upon. King George settled a pension on the Andre family, and conferred knighthood upon Andre’s brother, in order to wipe out the stain of Andre being hung as a spy. will is still on file in this city.
One of Andre's ancestors,
Nicholas St. Andre, who ___
about 1700, was a very noted character, as a runner, fencer, rider, and jupiper also a writer. King Geo ire L is said to have presented him with his own sword on one occasion, in admiration for some one of hi's accomplishments. But he fell into great disrepute a little later on by becoming a firm believer in and publishing a work substantiating the absurd theory, at that time accepted by a great many credulous people, that the race of rabbits
Possible Result of a Blow.
A particular man receives a blow on the head, you see. Now perhaps he thinks he recovers fiom that blow; he is apparently perfectly well; but the effect of the blow continues. A son is born to the man. What has become of the energy expended in that blow upon the man’s head? It is bound to continue. You can not get rid of that. The persistence of force makes it inevitable. Perhaps the man’s son gets along all right, and perhaps he doesn’t. But suppose that the son, or the sop’s..son, turns out to fee a fcqger, or a criminal of somfe soft— possibly a murderer. How do we know that thi§ ijf not the result of fhe original blow on the lead, producing a slight accidental impression on the brajn, the force of which takes the form of moral perversion in the offspring?— Geoiye P. Lathrop.
The Terrible Little Sister.
It usually happens when you sit Surrouuded by her pa and ma and sisters, There is no equal parallel to it,
Except the wretchedness of strong fly blisters.
You've just been telling them a funny tale, AnJ all your elocution is in play,
When up she bobs, she’s never known to fail, As poets sing “to give the snap away.”
“Oh, Mr. Blank. I know a story, too,
About yourself. It happened in our hall. Last ni^-ht I saw our Mollie kissing you!
You promised peanuts, but brought none
—Pittsburg Dispatch
jVTaitlaftd Courier.
Q. F, Townsend, -» - Proprietor.
S^TAn Independent Newspaper Devoted To The Best Interests Of Maitland And Vicinity.
i^r- ______ __^ —
fXRAJS: - .
TWO DOLLARS Par YEAR, Strictly in Advance.
A D VEli TlSUfQ R. t TKS.
Professional Cards, $10.00 per year.
Local Notices, ten cents per line.
Specif} Notices, fifty cents each. Rates for Jarge oy continued ady’ts on application. r Transient adv’ts must be paid in advance. Yearly ftdv’ts are payable quarterly, in ad- yaftfep, No deviation from these terms.
THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1885.
If you arp too lazy to earn a living in jour own state, don’t come to Florida, This is no Utopia where potatoes grow ready baked and roasted and chickens walk around begging to be eaten. You must work for a living here as elsewhere.
If your heart yearns for fashionable routs, soirees, five o’clock teas, fettle-drums, hops, and other social dissipations, Florida is no place for yvnt, Our society is the good, old- fashioned kind which refuses to lionize a man because of his ability to lead the german !
If you belong to the noble army of snobs, Florida won’t suit you There is no hero-worship among us Every man is as good as his neighbor if he is industrious, honest and persevering.
Are you a member of that “codfish aristocracy” that judges people by their dregs ? Then keep out of jPforMa, and especially away from AI;tk^uid. A man’s a man here, though his coat be thread-bare and his hat old-fashioned. The wealthiest man in our town dresses the plainest, and the prettiest girl we have seen in Maitland wore the least furbelows.
If you arc a grumbler, fault-li Uq\ pld fogr, dude, toper, gambler or gJnggard don’t come here—don’t!
ly—none can but admire how grandly its people have shaken off these burdens and risen into a new and glorious manhood. It has been the policy of certain ghouls whose hold on the public “crib” depended on agitation, to be ever at work digging up the festering remains of dead and buried issues. Let no o$e be deceived thereby. The yells of the jackal frighten nobody, however much they may disgust. The bonds of union between the sections of this great nation are stronger than at any previous time in our history, and neither demagogues nor syncophants can rend them asunder. We thank God that it is so. “Let the dead past bury its dead.”
The New York Tribune has again opened its mud batteries and is vomiting forth volleys of dirt at lloscoe Colliding. Wliitlaw IteicL than whom no more venomous creature ever lived, seems to think that the sole object of the great paper founded by Horace Greeley is to abuse all who oppose him. Like most men of few brains, he cannot appreciate a iToble mind, as he measures all mankind by his own contemptible self. His feeble intellect cannot grasp the fact that Conkling, like the fairy prince of old, is enveloped in an impenetrable armor—that of truth and honesty—from which his puny shafts fall harmless.
Mr. and Mrs. Coffin, with a number of servants, arrived last week and the “Altamonte” is being pat in order preparatory to being opened the 25th. With the addition cf the pool and billiard room and pavifion the “Altamonte” will offer a greater attraction to the tourist than ever.
Mr. Wm. P. Ireland, a young farmer from Kent Co., Md., arrived last week and will spend the winter with his cousin, A. W. Wallis, at Frost’s Spring Lake grove. Mr. I. is so well pleased with the country and climate that he is thinking seriously of remaining permanently and going into business here.
As cool as it is, Agent Rudisill is as accommodating and smiling as if there was a red-hot stove in the waiting-room at the station. Truth to tell, lie hasn’t time to get cold.
The S. F. R. R. is indeed a “handsome narrow gauge,” for we have a crossing at the station, which is a great convenience to the public generally and especially to the managers ofthe Syndicate” grove.
Mr. V. E. Lucas, our genial friend, had the misfortune to lose his line driving mare last week.
The “buzz” of the “boss saw-mill” is “buzzing.” Silas.
Maitland Heal Estate Agency
I Have Got It On The List!”
$1,600,086 Worth tf liu Property I
Maitland Courier informs its readers that there are no cyclones in Florida. Its editor should get acquainted before he gets too positive in his statements.—Tamrcs Herald,
From which we infer that there is some truth to the storifl^ of hurricanes, drouths, killing frosts, mala ria, sand barrens and other pleasant features around Tavares.
you are not wanted. In plain words, your room is better than your com
* +-U „ . (V . „ .*'*
emffgetic, industrious, and levelheaded; plain, persevering, simple- minded and willing to accept the situation as you find it, then cor to Florida by all means, and we w l; f gqjiraqtee you a royal welcome by pur people.
Ip these days of cool and reflective historical criticism, the events of the past decade can be discussed without arousing any of the bitter animosities so prevalent during the bygone years. Sectional strife has passed away. The North and South are united in a bond of brotherhood stronger than ever before, and the only rivalry be tween them is that of open-handed good fellowship. The success of Lincoln is rarely questioned now, and by none less than by the South era people. The noble qualities of Grant, whose superb heroism was only equalled by his magnanimosi- ty, are unquestioned throughout the length and breadth of the nation. So, too, are the exhibitions of high manhood, Christian forbearance, pa tience under the most trying circumstances and adroit generalship displayed by Lee, freely admitted in the North.
In the face of these facts—fact; that are palpable to all—how absurd, nay, how criminal are the vaporing? of a Sherman or the idiotic winnings of a Reid. The South long ago itc cepted the rgsult of the war in good faith, and entered upon its new era with an heroic rpsolve to do its best, And it js a striking proof of Southern nobility that, after passing through such years of terrible suffering as the Civil War engendered, no traqes of hatred nqr revenge are to be found.
The War left ttye Sotyth poor. Stripped of every wreck of property or power, witty desolated fields, ruined credit, no commerpp, an alien population—and, worse than all, a blighted hearthstone in every fami-
» • . Vi ■ • * ’ ■ • 1 • 1 . ‘ 1
It is remarkable that any marine disasters occur between New York and Boston, when we consider that all the steamers go Island sound !
To the Tax Paters of the Town of Lake Maitland; Gentlemen:—
Various circumstances have prevented our calling on you for the Town Tax. J. W. Spitler is now prepared to receive your Taxes and give receipts therefor*. He appoints the 39th and 30th of Decern icr for that purpose.
Perhaps this will be a proper opportunity for stating a few facts tu the Tax Payers ot Lake Maitland.
The Tax paid by you is used for no salary of officers. The mayor and council give their best services without fee or reward ; the town clerk is paid only actual expenses and the tax assessors and collector lave only the usual per cent age on taxes coil • ted. It was found necessary in your interests, that, as all proceedings should by* in exact legal form, to employ an attorney. have an active and able one, who renders value for all he receives.
That is all. The money you pay is Maitland’s; it does not stick hy the way; it will be employed in a manner to appreciate the value of all property in the neighborhood, and that everyone shall take an 1 onest pride in saying,
OU&NOE GROVES FROM $1,300 TO $50,000
kT belong to Lake Maifqml.”
with a dress of new type from celebrated foundry of Farmer, tie & Co., New York. Improvemel is our motto.
We are told that Mormon women re poor cooks. Of course. There is an old saying that “loo many cooks spoil the broth.”
We are prepared to print Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements Enve&^pev*,
and at
Maitland is surround *d by one of the most beautiful, most healthy, and most Lake abounding regions in the state Her exemption from killing frost 3 proverbial In large and magnificent Orange Groves and l aotiful Lake Fronts she is unexcelled Only 16 miles Louth of San fold, and yet 00 feet above the St. Johns! With five Cheches, A Live Newspaper, stores, good school, music school vhe bes' of society, and in the healthiest of localities, she offers inducements bard to beat. For Circulars and other information, address, RICHARDSON & TALIAFERRO, Maitland, Fla.
A new machine for making cigarettes does the work of thirty men. They are bound to kill off the dudes somehow.
A new brand of Kentucky whiskey is called the “Horn of Plenty,’ because it will corn you copiously.
The Seminole Opening;—The Dew and elegant Seminole, at Winter Park, will open for guests on New Year’s Day, and to give all an opportunity to see the house before the rooms are occupied, the management proposes to celebrate the day by throwing open the entire house for inspection, from the Kitchen to the Large Promenade on top, from which ten Lakes can be seen within a radius of one and one-half miles.
Everybody is cordially invited to come and see the most elegantly finished hotel in the State of Florida. It is especially desired that every citizen of Orange county should come and see the superb accommodations that, have been prepared for visitors to our beautiful region.
The formal opening and banquet will take place early in February, for which special invitations will be issued, consequently nothing in the way of entertainment will be attempted, except a dance in the evening, when the entire house will be brilliantly illuminated with gas
The Winter Park Band will be in attendance, the Steam Yachts belonging to the house will make free excursions on the lakes, and the Skating Rink will be open day and evening, free to all.
In addition to the regular trains a special will leave Sanford fir Winter Park, at 5.40 P. M.; arrive at Winter Park, 6.35 F* leave Orlando for Winter Park at 7.201. M., leave Winter Park for Orlando at 12.30 midnight; leave Winter Park for Sanford, 1.30 midnight.
Round trip tickets will be sold for the special tram as follows: Sanford and re- turn, 50c.; Longwood and return, 25c.: Altamonte and return, 25c.; Maitland and return, 10c.; Orlando and return, 20c.
Willcox and return, 10c.
Come one and all and spend New Year » Daym happy greetings with neighbors and friends. Respectfully,
F\^hlMAy’ PT ’ L• A- Chase. See.,
W, E. Forbes, W. F. Paige, Managers'.
Mrs. S. J. Powe,
Maitland Ave. Maitland, Fla«
A Pleasant Home for Gentlemen!
Table supplied if it I! every delicacy. Mrs. M. J. Spitler, Proprietress.
B. B. STONE, M. B.,
Office on Maitland Ave. first door below depot. Night address, C. K. Venires, Central Ave.
W. A. HEARD, M. D.
A complete stock of medicines always on hand, and anything not in stock promptly ordered. Prescriptions compounded at all hours.
House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter/
Carriages, Buggies, Wagons etc. Paper hanging, graining and kalsjommiug.
Lake Maitland, Fla.
Notary [Public,
Deeds, Moitgagesand other legal in- struments prepared and executed with care and dispatch. | At the Post Office.
Job printing at tbe Maitland Courier office.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing c.
in fact, everything generally kept in a country
=----------~ ' ■ 4——-
Passenger Trains Leave Maitland: GOING NORTH.
7:50 A. M. No.4; Sanford Accommodation $ for local stations.
3:10 P. M, No.2j Mail and Express; for Sanford, Jacksonville and New York.
4:20 P. M, No,10; Sanford Express.
11:35 PM No. 12; Saturday Accommodation; runs Saturdays, only
0:15 A. M* No.l; Mail and Express? for Orlando, Kissimmee, Tampa, Key West and Havana.
6:16 P. M. No.5; Kissimmee Accommodation.
10:55 A. M. No.ll; Sunday Accommodation; runs Sundays, only.
Maitland Post Office.
For the North, ----- 3 P, M, “ “ South, ----- 9 A, M. MAILS ARRIVE:
From the North. - - - - 9:15 A. M. “ u South, * - - - 3:15 P. M
THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1885.
City and Suburban.
Hang up your stocking.
Forgive your enemies and pay your debts.
What do you think of the Courier thfe week ?
No criminal cases will be tried at Orlando until after the Holidays,
Mr. Clark, of Batonville, has something to say to the public in another column ^
We are prepared to do every kind of Job Printing in neat style and at reasonable rates. Rush in your work.
Paint your houses and get your material of R. L. Hungerford who sells the famous Liquid Glass Paint—the best in the market.
Engine No. One; of the A. & A.. R. R., was detained by Agent Hill last week, owing to the non payment of charges for transportation.
N. A. Wilson has a swertpotato,grown in Maitland, which weighs seven and one half pounds, and this was not much of a year for sweet potatoes either.
TP'h uuiinenoM ,3-urfvals during the past week have caused a Hatter am<Wg
cur few bachelors. The * way “biJed”
shirts appear of an evening maketh the washwoman’s heart glad.
The second of the series of sociables, givtn by the ladies of the Church of the Good Shepherd, will be held at the residence of Mr. 1. Vandcrpool, on Tuesday, 29 th inst. All are cordially invited.
The Maitland Dramatic Club held its first regular meeting on Tuesday evening. The Committee on Plays has selected Robertson’s comedy of “Caste” for the initial performance of the Club, and active rehearsals will begin at once.
We have sent the Courier for several weeks to people whose namos were given us by subscribers. We tah it f ^rgranted that all parties who have not ordered the paper discontinued wish to fvrceive it regularly, and shall look to them for payment.
The Episcopal Church has been this week most beautifully and tastefully decorated for the Christmas Festival, and Divine Service will beheld at 10.30 A. M., Christinas Day. We feel satisfied that the announcement that Bishop Whipple and Canon Street will officiate will more than fill the little church with an appreciative congregation. All are most cordially invited. We understand the music will be exceptionally good.
War Declared:—Mrs. Powe, our pleasant hostess, has a gentleman fowl of the genus gallinaceous—in other words, a rooster. This interesting bird is of a sad and thoughtful disposition, much given to pondering over the sins of the world and the general depravity of mankind. Unfortunately he has an impediment in his speech and therefore his voice is not as musical as Patti’s, but that doesn’t inpair his enthusiasm in the least. He sings his song beneath our window at various hours of the night with a gusto quite appalling. We have argued with him; we have begged, coaxed, threatened and thrown shoes and things at him; but all to no purpose. He takes our mild remonstrances for applause, and opens his throttle yet a little more, if possible. We can stand it no longer. There is blood on the moon, and fire in our editorial eye. We have bought a Gun ! Now let our gallic friend with the melancholly air and bazoo voice beware! We propose to stand up for our rights, and if that reckless songster warbles again beneath our window, we will shoot the top of his head off if it takes all the ammunition in Florida.
—Hello, Santa Claus!
—Justice McMurray went to Orlando on official business last Friday.
-Mayor Eaton held forth in the Court H'tuso ’last week, as a trial juror.
■v. W. B. Whripple, Bishop of Minks returned to Maitland for the
>re pleased to see Col. Mayo in town y ^terdfcy and regret to note that Mrs. Mayo "nil aii invalid.
—Mr. Clark, of Lake View, cut over eight fc nidred thousand feet of lumber from his sporty last year.
—Mrs. Kedney’s numerous friends will be glad to learn that although still ill, she is recovering from her serious illness.
—Mr. G. B. Van Dyke is not only a good painter "but an excellent musician as well. Hts flute playing it remarkably flue.
--Bishop Whipple and family are stopping the Park House until the furniture arrives their house opposite the Episcopal Church. —Among our latest arrivals are Mrs. Woodard, grand-daughter and Miss Sherman; ateo Mrs. Prentiss, daughters and Miss Lay.
- - We wish Messrs. Richardson Taliaferro e**py success in their increasing’business, wbkh has compelled them to move into more
ce*>* *!a; quarter*.
— B notice liilerlaken it again occupied by its owner, Dr. Kingsley, with his charming daughter, Miss Carrie, and their accomplished
friend, Miss Marsh.
—8. H. Pullman, of Belfast, Ireland, has seated down here. He has purchased sixteen acres near Lake Charity, and will soon have a. grove under headway.
—Mr. George E. Hudson recently laid on our desit a bouquet of Damask Koses grown on bns premises near Maitland. These beautiful lowers should have a place in every door yard.
- Misses Taliaferro and Simmons, Mayor Eat m. Mrs. E. C. Hungerford, Capt. Richardson Mr. R. L. Hungerford, Mr. S. H Pullman amSM> C. C. Haskell were among those who called cm the CovnttEtt last week.
—Agent Hill at the depot is a busy man ; he is telegraph operator, express agent, freight agent, ticket agent and bill clerk all in one. The way business is booming on the 8. F. R. R. makes the work here much too heavy for one man.
The Courier will soon be in new quarters; the budding which Postmaster Stith is erecting ?or us on Main street, will be ready in a tern days, and thus with a new building, new tjpe ami plenty of new subscribers, we shall bee sY»ry comfortable.
—Richardson Currie is among the re-
ceonr settlers; he is at present residing at Moss the residence «uf Mr. 1. Vandcrpool. M r. 'Cwrie contemplates building a commo- di«w .s Louse on his recently purchased proper on Lake Howell. We notice he has also pi -ti, ed a spirited hoise: query, from the h-r nes: ias he a buggy A
- «♦ the other
(kay> and cqp^sqfcly recommend this well ap- po&rted'lwtfise as a good one in which to get ycymt Christinas dinner. Mr. Bruce is fulfilling his promise to make it the best house in Orange County. Ail trains going North and stop at Park House station, three minutes urglk from the hotel. Mr. Sands has just opined a real estate office at this station. Walk ever after dinner and have a chat with hffcb *beiit Maitland real estate. He’ll be glad to see .yen and we can ; safely say you’ll not take the train either way.
Thane You, Brothers ! —The initial imra^ of the Maitland (Florida) Courier aiotitesto us this week. It presents a neat appearance, and gives promise of great usefulness to the locality from wk» A it hails. The Maitlanders should give & geod patronage. Mr. Townsend is a kestn writer, and will greatly aid in buihteg up their town if he receives, as we d&ebt not he will, the local aid to whkk he is justly entitled.—Cayuga Chief. JS. Y.
The Maitland Courier is a credit to its tew#. We wish it success.—Sanford Jouvwat,
Tbr Maitland Courier is before us Iiaviia^ made its bow to the citizens of Oraogp* County on Thursday, Dec. 3d. The TOt)»iiR will be Democratic, and pronrtik*? to be newsy. We wish Orange Couruty** fourteenth paper success.— South Florida Argus.
Tike Maitland (Fla.) Courier is before us. It iji a neat and tasty paper and Maitland be proud of it. Mr.
Townsend, its editor and proprietor, is one th£ sharpest, keenest writers in the cowfttf/i I** 1 picturesque descriptions, witty brilliant satire and clear, hard logic, hp haf* few superiors. We wish him abundant success.-—TVu# Register.
Meeting of Town Council:—Special meeting, Tuesday evening, Dec. 22,1885. Present R, Turner, Chairman; G. T Stitb, Q, c. Haskell.
Vob»»d that the resignation of W. H. Massey Marshal and Collector be accepted^
Votc»d to accept the tax list as given in by Ass»^br Amnions.
Voted to make the rate of taxation one per cent of th« assessment.
Voted to eJocfc J. W. Spitler, Marshal and Collator for the unexpired term i. e. to the r>ettgeneral election in March.
Adjourned eine die.
C. 0- Haskell, Sec. pro tem.
There will. be Divine Service at the Presbyterian Church next Sunday—both morning and evening.
Good correspondents wanted in Orlando, Sanford, Apopka, Longwood and Mayo. Write us for instructions.
Special Notice!
Parties subscribing for two of more copies of the Courier can have tbeextra copies sent to any address, by directions at our office.
Fine Cigars only $1,60 per box at
Stith & Jackson's.
Snow Flake Crackers at
Stith & Jackson's*
Corn, Oats and Hay at
Stith & Jackson’s.
Canned Goods in every variety,
At Tamer's.
Orange Wraps at Turner’s.
Orange Wraps at Turner's.
Orange Wraps at Turner’s.
Great variety of Canned Meats, Fish, Fruits and Vegetables,
At Tomer’s.
Lots on this Street For Sale!
Fine Locality! High Ground ! Near Lake Maitland!
Cofne and look at .them !
R, L. Hungerford, Lake Maitland, Fla.
Building Lots For Sale 1 BATONVILLE, - - - FLORIDA.
Splendid Location ! High Lands U Convenient to Churches and Schools. Each Lot 44 by 100 feet. Fpr terms, Address, J. E. Clark, a Mait**nd, Fla.
A Fresh Stock Of Canned Meats, Vegetables &c.,constantly On Hand!
Jost Received; 450k Choice Candy
All who intend paintin g their buildings, should uf|* the best paint for Floy (a wood and climah.
Liquid Glass £aint
Is The Best!
R. L. Hungerford, Agt.,
Lake MaWjand, Fla.
Special 3SJ* otioes.
The Maitland Nurseries Will
Orange Trees Wari^Hl
One Hundred good size Tangerine Orange Trees wanted. Will-JUg.. A |te°d
W. A. Morbus, Lake Maitasjd, Fla.
For Sale!
A second hand double wajon : Not nearly as good as new, but well worth the $20,00 asked for it. Ajply to
J. CL Eaton.
Buggy For Sale
A good, covered buggy, ’^Rsewster,) almost new. Will be sold clieap.
Apply to J. I, Eaton.
Boy Wanted!
To learn the Printing business.
come to stay.
On Monday the Billiard Hall did well; Tuesday was slim. No one whispers to me—but doves whisper together.
J. D. Bowen.
I Sure to Give
IV General Office, Ilion, N. Y. New York Office, 283 Broadway,
Advertiss Here Next Week!
Buying Agents Wanted.
The dreatait Medical Triumph of the Age!
Indorsed all over the World. SYMPTOMS^ OF A
L»i.s of appetito.^J ausea, b^elsoos;
tivi.. PaTnin theHfsd.wRha dullsen- aation in tho baclc part. Pain under the shoulder-hlade, fullness aftereat- iueTwith. a disinclinaUontoexerUpn (3?hody or mind* Irritability oftemp- t^7tpw!i^rits,I^^f_niemory, ^Tth a feeling ofXavingjiegfeoted some dtityi weariness. Dizziness, Flutter^ at the Heart* Cots before the eyes, Vrtllow Skfn. Headache,Restlessness highly colored Urine*
tUTT’S PILLS arc especially adapted to iueb cases, one dose effects such a change f f Reeling as to astonish the sufferer.
Vboy Increase the Appetite, and cause ♦vrJbodv to Tffihe on Flesh, thus the sys- is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on t he Digestive Organs, ols are produced. Price ^5
Subscribe for $2.00 per year.
the Courier. Only
UU.VW** *■ —-----
iwAT Hair or Whiskers changed to a y nAcK bT a single application of
U impart, a Saturaf color, act* SffieS? Sold by Druggists, or hoUt by express on receipt of $1.
Office, 44 Murray St., New York.
Job PrintihjTofall kinds neatly executed at this office.
KIBNRGEN la highly recommended t«d uiiNurpawaied for WEAK or FOUL KiDNum imorsv, Hkimiirs di».
rF“B/ tho distlllnUon of a fX)RK8T LRAF witfc JUNIPER RKRRIRS *nd BARL8Y MALT we dteccrvered KIDNKGKN, which notjs Bpeclficnlly on tho Kidneys and Urinary Organs, ranoTiug deposits In tin Bladder and any straining, unsrtlcf,heater lrrttatlbn to the water passages, giving them strength, rigor and oansing a healthy color ana easy flow ot urine. It can be taken at all times, in all climatao, without Injury to tho system. Unlike any other pro pa ration for Kidney difficulties. It has a very please*! and agreeable testa and flavor. It contains positive diuretic pro pert iso and wiN not nauseate. lanitea eipesiallY win like It, and Gentlemen will find kIdNEUKN tho best Kidney Tonic ever used I NOTICK.—Each bottle beam the algmtnre of LAW- RKNCK A MARTIN, also a P+vpriatnrjf Govcmm+ii Stamp, which permits KIDNKGKN to be told (wtthont It Donse) by drnggists,grooemand other persons everywhere, fVI mp in Quart^u# BottUefor € antral and Family (7m,
<* LAWRENCE k MARTIN, Prop^re, Chleago, III. » pr»old by Druggists, Grocers and Dealers everywham
JOYFUL News for Boys and Girl Young and Old !! A NEW 1 JVKNTION just patented lor the for Home use I
| Fret and Scroll Sawing, Turni I Borinf, DrillingrGrinding, Polishi
1 Screw Cutting. Price (5 to M50.
I Send 6 cents for 100 pages. 'SPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mt
The Christmas chimes are pealing high Beneath the solemn Christinas sky,
And blowing winds their notes prolong Like echoes from an angel’s song;
Good will and peace, peace and good will Ring out the carols glad and gay, Telling the heavenly message still,
That Christ the Child was born to-day. In lowly hut and palace hail Peasant and king keep festival,
And childhood wears a fairer guise,
And tenderer shine all mother-eyes;
The aged man forgets his years,
The mirthful heart is doubly gay,
The sad are cheated of their tears,
For Christ the Lord was born to-day.
—Susan Coolidge.
It was Christmas eve, clear and frosty. The sky stretched above, one cloudless canopy of blue, studded with countless gem-like stars, while the silvery moon shed her matchless radiance over all.
The night came on apace, and the many feet which thronged the crowded streets, or entered the brilliantly lighted stores or saloons, whose tempting wares forbade that any should pass them by,
frew less and less; while within the, whose tall fronts stood up against the quiet sky, many little hearts beat high with hope of anticipation, and many a childish voice might be heard importuning the good Saint Nicholas for the possession of some coveted treasure.
But it is not with the rich that we have to do to-night; so passing the homes of affluence and pride, we will pause before a tiny cottage in a remote part of the great, teeming city.
Very tiny indeed it appeared at first sight, for it was only one story high, and over the low roof the drooping eaves might almost be touched by your hand. A small wooden paling enclosed the tiny strip of garden in front, and a plot scarcely larger at the back of the house; and here lived the Widow Martin and two children—twins—a boy and girl, of seven years.
The blinds that protected the two small windows had been drawn close; and in a low chair, with her eyes bent upon some fine sewing, sat Mrs. Martin, glancing occasionally at the innocent sports of her children, while a pensive smile rested upon her lips. Rousing herself at last from the painful reverie into which she had fallen, and which had drawn more than one sigh from her lips, she said, quietly:
“Come, children, it’s time you were to bed and asleep.’
The children ceased their play, and came to her side; then throwing their arms about her neck and casting a bright glance toward the fire-place, where two little stockings were suspended, Nellie, her mother’s namesake, said
for what we want, and then we can 20 to bed, mamma.”
Mrs. Marlin sighed. Little chance there was for gifts at this holiday time. Alone in the world, her husband dead, and her only brother alienated and wan- j dering, she knew not where, her utmost exertions for the last twelve mouths had scarce sufficed to win for them the barest necessities. It was hard to disappoint their chi dish faith; and her eyes filled with tears as she answered sadly:
“I fear Santa Claus will pass us by tonight, my darling. He is little likely to 15nd his way to our poor home.”
“Oh, yes, he will, mamma,” cried Eddie, confidently; “he has never forgotten us before, and I know he won’t this time. I mean to call up to him right away.”
* A-flight sound outside, at this moment, as of a foot crushing the crisp snow, caused Mrs. Martin to start; theu she resumed her sewing, while Eddie approched the chimney, and in his clear, childish VQice petitioned Sata Claus not to forget them, but to bring the overcoat, cap, and boots, so sorely needed, and whatever toys he could spare from his generous store beside.
“There, now!” he exclaimed, stepping back, his little cheeks glowing with anticipation, “Now, Nellie, it’s your turn.” The little girl advanced timidly, and bent her face down with grave earnestness.
“Dear Santa Claus,” she called, sweetly, * ‘please come to-night and bring us a few presents. •Mamma’s afraid you’ll forget us, but I know you won’t.”
“Now, mamma,” she said,returning to her mother, with her little face radiant with the trust her words had in- ipired, “you ask him for something, and then he’ll come, I’m sure. He won’t disappoint all of us.”
Mrs. Martin smiled through her tears. “You will have to ask him for me, Nellie. He doesn't listen to olef people.”
“Very well, mamma. What shall I ask him for?”
But Mrs. Martin didn’t hestr her in the emotions that overpowered her.
“Oh, that some good angel would guide my brother’s wandering footsteps back to me,” she faltered, brokenly, “that I might offer him my forgiveness, and ask his, that I might once more have a sympathizing heart to love and lean upon.”
She bowed her head upon her hands and wept, while the child, slipping from her side, again stepped forward to the chimney.
“Dear Santa Claus,” once more she pleaded, “won’t you please bring Uncle Lddie back to mamma? She wants to forgive him, she cries for him every day. Oh, dear Santa Claus, say you will!” What made the little one start back, while a bright spot sprang to either cheek.
Upon the low roof of the cottage a slight sound was heard, and then down the chimney came the word* earnest and clear:
“I will.”
With bated breath Nellie hastened back to her mother, who, in the violence of her grief, had not heard aught that passed.
“Mamma,” she whispered, “Santa Claus was there, I know, for he answered me. Uncle will come.”
Mrs. Marlin kissed her little girl with a sad, incredulous smile.
“Let us hope he will, mv love. And now you must get to bed without further delay.” and laying her work aside she arose to see her little ones in their humble couch.
While the chihli en had been engaged at their play a man had approached the cottage from without, and pausing in front of it, surveyed it gloomily.
“And this is the place to which she has been driven,” he murmured: “he must be dead then. Has poverty soft- cned her heart, I wonder, or would she still drive me from her with harsh and bitter words? I have enough to lift them all to happiness and plenty; may I shower it upon them, or must I be a wanderer once more? If I only had some sign—some means of knowing whether my return would be welcomed—whether on this anniversary night of three years ago—-there is a feeling of tenderness, of longing in her heart, for me. One word of intimation that the past would be forgotten and forgiven, would reconcile us again, and make us both so happy.”
As he stood there, irresolute, his eye fell upon the low roof, and a sudden and novel idea entered his mind.
“The children will doubtless be petitioning Santa Claus for Christmas gifts; and how I should like to play the part of the good saint in their behalf, and far exceed all they could ask. With my ear to the chimney I could hear all they say; and if one word of tender remembrance reaches me I will go to her,acknowledge my error, and bring, on this Christmas Eve, happiness, joy and peace to her heart. There will be no one passing this lonely place, and there is no danger of my being seen.”
Possessed with this idea, and trembling with excitement, he drew himself slowly and carefully up on the wooden palings, and from thence gained the roof. lie had scarcely secured himself at his novel post ^hen Eddie’s sturdy voice reached his ear, followed by the gentler acceuts of his little niece. Then followed a short silence; and disappointed and sad, he was about to vacate his post, when once more the soft silvery tones came floating up:
“Dear Santa Claus, won’t you please bring Uncle Eddie back to mamma? She wants to forgive him, she cries for him every day. Oil, dear Santa Claus, say you will!”
The man’s eyes grew heavy with joyful tears, and almost involuntarily, he made the answer which Had so surprised his little niece; and then sliding noiselessly down, sped with rapid steps toward the distant city.
An h-A
entering on an uncertainly; and as I was about to turn away, leaving the experiment untried, when glancing up at the roof, the novel idea occurred to me tc^Tawl up to the chimney and listen, it perchance the children might have their requests to proffer to Santa Claus.
“I did so, and heard first Eddie’s, then Nellie’s voice, but no word of remembrance or desire for the wanderer; and with all the old bitterness sweeping over me afresh, 1 was about to turn avv^y from you once more, when again her sweet voice came floating up to me, with its loving petition for ‘uncle Eddie.’ In my joy and excitement I answered her, and then hurried awTay to fulfill , her requests. I have returned again, will you bid me stay?”
Once more Mrs. Martin threw herself into his arms, with a burst ot grateful tears.
“Stay,” she repeated; “that was the sound I heard, then, outside of the cottage. Oh, thank God, who put it into my darling’s heart to speak those blessed, blessed words!”
“Amen!” echoed the brother, fervently; “but for her loving appeal I should have been a second time a wanderer through the world. And now, my dear sister, bid farewell to poverty and wTant from this hour, for I have enough for all.”
Itw as a joyful Christmas morning that dawned upon that little household.
Nellie and Eddie gazed with wide open eyes of delight upon the brimming stockings and the mysterious bundles beneath them; and then as their eyes wandered from them to Uncle Eddie, who had stolen near by unperceived, she flung herself into his arms with a scream of joy.
“Oh, mamma, mamma, didn’t I tell you so? Santa Claus has brought Uncle Eddie hack to us, and all of these beautiful things beside!”
Nellie has had firm faith in the presence and efficacy £2 the good saint ever since then; and/peace and plenty has flowed uninterruptedly in the train of that joyful night, when so welcome a Santa Claus came to the Martins.
Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Also good for Cold in the Head, Headache, Hay Fever, <fcc. 50 cents.
“Judging from its effects in my case, Piso’s Reme dv for. Catarrh is ‘ Excelsior.’ ”—H. D. Ksowltos, Holland, New York.
Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
ood for Cold in the Head, ie, Hay Fever, &c. 50 cents.
“ Piso’s Remedy lor Catarrh gave me almost immediate relief.”—F. E. Brainerd, Audubon, Iowa.
Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. .
^Also goot^for^Cold in the Head,
Headache, Hay Fever, &c. 50 cents.’
** Piso’s Romeffy for Catarrh is just the medicine I have been looking for-”—W. Outon, Maysville, Ky.
Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Also good for Cold in the Head, Headache, Hay Fever, &c. 50 cents.
“ Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh has done me more good than anvthing I ever tried.”—Miss R. A. Stud- ley, Cornwall Bridge, Conn.
Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
good for Cold in the Head, ffie, Hay Fever, <fec. 50 cents.
stiil sat with her head bowed upon her hands, and her mind traveling sorrowfully over the past. Three years before she had been happy in the love of a ; husband and brother; now she was bereft ’ of both. A dispute, trivial in its com- I mencement, had arisen between the two men; both proud, high-tempered, and hasty; and although a word from her, fitly spoken, would have sufficed to pour oil on the troubled waters, and restore all to peace and harmony again, it was withheld; and taking sides with her 1 husband, she added her reproaches and j recriminations to his; and the war waged 1 fiercer and fiercer, until in a moment of j ungovernable passion she bade him leave ■ her house, and never darken her doors again.
Bitterly had she since repented the words when it was too late to recall ‘ them, and miles separated her from the brother she had loved so dearly. And when at the end of two years her husband died, leaving his business affairs so complicated and embarrassed, that in a few months afterward she had been driven to this meager home, and despite her utmost efforts destitut\pn stared them in the face, the bitter sting of poverty added to ;ier grief and remorse, until it seemed . that life was too great a burden to bear; and her heart yearned to aching for the return of that wandering brother, and the soothing balm of peace and reconciliation.
“Oh, that my sweet Nellie's childish fancies might be realized!” 3he murmured, sadly; “that there was some good spirit to bear my love and repentance to my dear brother, and restore him once more to my arms! That would be a blessed Christmas g’ift, iudeed.”
Even while she spoko, a low knock sounded on the door. Rising from her seat, she drew the bolt with trembling haste, and threw the door open, to be confronted by a man, muffled up so as to be unrecognizable and his arms full of bundles.
“Will you allow Santa Claus to fulfil the desires of the dear little ones who have asked in such loving faith to- niahti” he said, with a grave sweetness; then stepping into the room he laid his bundles on the table, and pushing his
cap from his brow, confronted her.
.*1 have come hack to you, Nellie, he said, holding out his arms; ‘‘for from the lips of my own dear little niece I
have heard that I am forgiven.
A low cry of joy broke from the lips of the widowed mother as she fell into the arms outstretched to receive her; then, ... she partly raised herself and looked with questioning silence into his face, he drew her to a chair, and sat
down beside ber. _ , . .
“Two days ago, Ne lie, I came back to my native city, impelled by a longing wh*ch I could not resist, to look upon it once more . I inquired for you, and
after some searching, found where you & ^■,"od "
front of this house.
Much as my heart
iroui “Reconciliation to you, the
The fkmous electrician, Bell, says the problem of seeing by electricity is so nearly solved as to give much encouragement tO‘those at work in that field of
Paper of proper thickness is rendered transparent by soaking in copal varnish. When dvy it is polished, rubbed with pumice stone, and a layer of soluble glass is applied and rubbed with salt. It is stated that the surface is as perfect a3 glass.
A remarkable illustration of wind- fertilization of ground is found by Mons. Alluard in the fertile French valley of Limagne. From the chain of the Domes tffle^indjgqi^ffs vast quantities of vol-
ash and ime—the annual deposit in the valley beng estimated at about three- fourths cf a pound per square yard.
. In resjonse to some thousands of circulars, J)r, Sophus Tromholt ha3 received tie testimony of 144 persons in Norway concerning the emission of sound bj the northern lights. Of these persons rlnety-two believe in the aurora sound, aid fifty-three assert that they have heard it themselves. The sound is various!; described as sizzling, hissing, whizzing, crackling, rushing, rippling, rolling, flapping, creaking, roaring, etc.
The diameter of trees is said to vary not only from summer to winter, but from da/ to day. They are larger from noon to twilight the next morning than from twilight until noon; they are smaller in the winter than in summer. Water and the sap of trees expand not only in proportion as they go below the freezing point. Low temperature as well as high promotes evaporation, and the trees evaporate from their branches in winter, and so the colder the weather the more they shrink.
Attention is called by the Coal Trad& Journal, in an elaborate article, to the fact that the value of water as an aid to blasting, when used in connection with explosives, is rapidly becoming recognized in this country, as well as in the larger mines and quarries of Europe. Among the favorite points pertaining to this process, special mention is made of the fact that the powder, in exploding, bursts the tube containing the water,and —careful estimates showing—with in creased power or explosive violence; this is because the rending force is extended through the water, in accordance with certain well-known principles of hydrostatics, over the enlarged interior area of the bore hole, due to the space occupied by the water tube. A much larger quantity of the material to be mined or quarried is thus brought down or loosened with a smaller quantity of the explosive used. Again, tho heat given off by the burning of the powder ana surrounding gases converts a larger proportion of the water into steam, the elastic force of which assists in the operation of blasting, and the steam and remaining water together extinguish the flame and flash of the powder.
A Winter’s Tale.
The winter days are near at hand When silently through all the land The snow will fall;
Its dazzling whiteness all around Will drift above the frozen ground,
Deep over all.
Then the young lover haste will make, And in a narrow cutter take His girl to ride;
And she will laugh, blithe and jocose, Beneath the buffalo smuggled close Up to his side.
Meanwhile at home his aged fath- Er will, to shovel out a path,
The drifts attack;
And while Love holds the youth in thrall The poor old man at home will al- Most break his back.
—Somerville Journal. -
“Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is producing favorable results.”—Geo. W. Witham, Philadelphia, Pa.
Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Also good for Cold in the Head, Headache, Hay Fever, &c. 50 cents.
►1 have a positive remedy for the above disease; by lti nse thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have beencured. Indeed, sostrongis myfaith in Its efficacy,that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any 3Ufferer. Give express and P. O. addr.-BS.
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl St., Now York.
Chloral and Opium Habits
BOOK FREE. Jefferson, Wisconsin.
Grind y°ur ®wn Bone,
VI IliII Meal, Oyster Shells, 6BAHAHI Flour and Cora in the BLA.IVD MILIi
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Endorsed by Physicians
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By the use of HUNT’S REMEDY^the Stomach and Bowels will regain their strength, and the blood will be perfectly purified.
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It is purely vegetable, and meets a want never before furnished to the ^ public, and the utmost relia ice may be placed in it.
“ He who lives after nature shall never be poor.”
A Cl erg; man.
Rev. Charles Pike, or Wa ternary, Conn., says: “ I contracted a weakness of ihe kidneys, which was made worse by drinking water in the different places where I resided. I suffered severely. I purchased a bottle of Hunt's (Kidney and Liver) Rei- edy, with the guarantee that it would help me, ss it afterward did.”
“ In an orderly house, all is soon ready.”
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“ Out of debt, ouf of danger.”
Mv Wife’s M tlier.
Mr. Charles W. Morris, Eagle Office, Pittsfield, Mass., writes : “ My wife’s mother had been in a very precarious condition with dropsy, or Bright’s disease of the kidneys. Hunt’s (Kidney and Liver) Remedy has worked a miracle in her.”
Price $1.25. Send for Illustrate 1 Pamphlet to
HUNT’S REMEDY CO.. Providence, R.I.
Sold by all druggists.
C. N. CR1TTENTQM, Genera! Agent, New Yore, NY N U—49
Vinegar Bitters, a purgative and tonic, purifies tho >lood, strengthens the liter and kidneys, and will restore health, however lost.
Vinegar Bitters is tho best remedy discovered for promoting digestion, coring headache and increasing tho vital powers.
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Vinegar Bitters is the great disease preventer, and stands at the head of all family remedies. No house should ever he without it.
Vinegar Bitters cures Malarial, Bilious and other fevers, diseases of the Heart, Liver and Kidneys, and a hundred other painful disorders.
Send for either of our valuable reference books for ladies, for farmers, for merchants, our Medical Treatise on Diseases, or our Catechism on Intemperance and Tobacco, which last should be in the hands of every child and youth in the country.
Any two of the above books mailed free on receipt of four cents for registration fees.
1H. McDonald Drug Co., 532 Washington St., N. Y.
We want a reliable Lady or Gent in each town and township to sell our goods; also general agents. Par- ticularsfree. Address Jefferson M’e’g Co., Toledo.O.
Face, Hands, Feet, and all their imperfections, including Facial Development, Superfluous Hair, Moles. Warts, Moth, Freckles, Red Nose. Acne, Bi’k Heads, Scars, Pitting & their treatment. Dr. John Woodbury, 37 N.Peari St.,Albany, N.Y. Est’b‘d ISTO. Send 10c. for book.
No jewelry receipts or trash; but goods
needed in evtiry house, that sell for $5.45 CASH, sent free on receipt of the addresses ot 25 persons (18 to 40 years old), and za cents t:> pay for this advertisement and postage on goods. Certain satisfaction. Order now, as this offer is limited. ■■ *
Din ftCEED To introduce them, w0 will
did give away i,<wo seif-
Operating Washing Machines. If you want one send usyour name, P. O., and express office at once. The National Co., 25 DEYST., N.Y.
to Soldiers & Heirs. Sendsta m > for Circulars. COL. L. BINfih HAM, Att’y. Washington, D. 0.
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This Plaster does wonders. WhyP Because, made from nature’s best known remedies. Virtues of fresh Hops, Burgundy Pitch and Foreign Gums. Cures instantly, Lame Back, Side or Hip, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Female Pains, 3ore Chest, Kidney Diseases, Sprains, or weakness in any part. Soothing, stimulating and strengthening. The BEST plaster known. 25o. Mailed for price. Hop Plaster Co., Boston, Mass.
When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of jny infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and I will cure you.
AddressDk. H. G. ROOT, 183 Pearl St., New York.
I German Asthma Cure neverfails io,n.\e B mediate relief in the worst cases,insures comfort-9 Sable sleep; effects cures where a-1 others faiL A f I trial convinces the most skeptical. Price oOc. and#
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, GENTS WANTED for ten new fast-selling articles, V Samples, etc., free. C. Marshall, Ljekport,N.Y.
JOHN P. LOVELL’S SONS, BOSTON, EV5ASS. champion angle Breech-Loafe
Donble Action Ejector
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Top-Snap Action, Pistol Grip,Rebounding Lock, Patent Fore-end Fastening. For good workmanship, convenience of manipulation, hard and close shooting, durability, and beauty of finish, this Gun has no equal, and challenges the world. Thousands of these Guns have been Bold, and the demand for them is rapidly increasing. We
F. Cartridges, which can be reloaded. It is the best D. A. Ejector Revolver in the market. All who are in want of a first class Revol-
10 bore, $19.
rofessional Skaters to be the best in tho challenge the world to produce its e^ual.
would most respectfully recommend all parties in
tending to purchase a single breech-loading shot-gun _____________________________
to 8lye this Guna thorough examination. PRICES: ver should order one. Sent by mail on rec’t of price. Plain Barrel l2bore, $ 1 o; 10 bore, $ 16. Twist Barrel, 12 bore, ~ ..........................
Lovell Roller skate. market.
P ltlCES •
No. 1 Rink, - No. 2 Rink, -
No. 3 Half Clamp, Nickeled and Polished.
No. 4 All-Clamp, Nickel and Polished.
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Sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price Sour Agents for the Bon Ton, Bay State and Quaker City Roll. The celebrated Pon Ton Roll*.
$2 per set, by mail postpaid on receipt of price.
Round Barrels, $12.50.
Octagon Barrel; $13.50.
Colt’s 15-Shot Repeating Rifle.
inZ piflo prices are just one-half the factory price. It is the best Repeat-
whtJhnanu«bvdA Sbootsthe 44 calibre centre fire Winchester Rifle Cartridge, 5 No n,\an want of a first-class Rifle should fail to secure one
ceiv^d^om}5f^.are, alis°to- These Rifles are all new, having just been re- vf^olt s ln Hartford, Ct., and are warranted in every respect. This
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Flobert Rifles are usually sold at $5 each, we sell for S2.S5.
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Price reduced from jjiO to $7.50
each, with darts, target, slugs, 8tc. ______________________________________
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Shoots darts and slugs. For target practice on the lawn and in the parlor it has no equal. It is becoming very popular with the ladies, who by a little practice become good rifle shots. It affords more amusement than anything in the sporting line, and teaches one to * dead shot.
0TSENI) fl (JT. STAMP for our new Illustrated Catalogue of Guns, Riflea Revolvers, b ishing Tackle, Dog Collars, Police Goods, Roller Skates and Sportica
Where Stor es Are Brcu eil ami What Tlielr Track—Why Wind Blows and Kain Falls*
It was to protect the shipping of lake and ocean that the weather bureau was brought into existence by General Albert J. Meyer in 1870. From the twenty stations of 1S70 have grown 400. The sphere of usefulness of the service has devoloped with the number of stations. Beside warning shipping of the approach of storms, farmers and shippers of fruits have been saved thousands of dollars by being notified of coming rain or frost or the approach of a cold wave. It -was formerly the custom to mail reports and predictions from stations to country post offices that could be reached ;he same day the reports and predictions were male, and there to display them. The daily newspapers are devoting so much space and attention every day to matters meterological that the rural bulletins were discontinued in July. Bulletins are now displayed in every commercial organization’s rooms, and are furnished all daily newspapers, while from each signal station signals forecasting the weather for the succeeding twenty-four hours are displayed from 7:30 a. m.
A square blue spot on a red background is a cautionary signal against storm. A round blue spot on a white background bespeaks rain or snow; a square blue spot on a white background means that a cold wave is approaching; a blue crescent on & white background Indicates clear or fair weather, and a blue cross oa a white background calls for local rain or snow.. The round red spot on a white background means high temperature, the red crescent lower temperature, and the red star stationary temperature. Since General W. B. Hazen took charge of the service on the death of General Meyer in 1880, reorganization has been going forward and the scope of the service has been widened. The Fort Meyer (Ya.) school, where tho observers are given a six or eight months’ training in meteorology and army signaling, has been put on a thorough footing. Students are admitted only after passing a successful competitive examination. They go out as assistants to observers. Then if they develop capability they are ad- vonced when opportunity affords.
There are three observations made at all signal stations daily and telegraphed to Washington, where the predictions are made up that are promulgated to the entire country. When a severe storm is raging special observations are taken, and the information thus obtained is furnished by telegraph to stations in advance of the storm and akely to be visited by it.
The regular observations are taken at 7 a. m. 2 p. m., and 11 f. m., seventy- fifth meridian time. Half an hour later they are forwarded. The operators on
aiA. I/AIC ceitrgto. f/LA dfcl/lluJiO AL.UVS YT-UlC.- ,«*o
stations are grouped sit at their desks, all other business is tak in off tfie 1/iae, and the operator fanhe*! from Washington begins sending his report. All the other operators on the line take it. The next one sends; ail the others take that. When Washington has sent its report all the operators in the section have complete reports of observations at every station in their telegraph section. Time is saved in this manner, and still further cut down by a cypher system, one word of which often means a whole paragraph. The observations result in obtaining the pressure of the atmosphere as shown by a barometer adjusted to a common standard; the temperature by the thermometer; the atmosphere’s humidity by the hygrometer; the wind’s direction and velocity by a combination of windmill and weather vane that automatically records its findings on a. paper driven by clockwork; the rainfall as measured in a vessel on the roof, which has a surface equal to one square foot and a preparation against evaporation; the velocity, character and* direction of clouds.
The usual birthplaces of storms are the Gulf of Mexico, the West Indies, aud Vamtoba. Their courses are directed somewhat eastward. This is accounted for by the fact that the earth revolves in that direction. Those emanating from Manitoba travel southeast over the great lakes and pass off to sea by way of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. ThOfee coming from the Gulf of Mexico, l enerally cyclones, pass up the Missis- ippi valley and out over Lakes Erie ad Ontario. They also go east over he Gulf of St. Lawrence. The West [ndian tornadoes travel northwest until .hey strike the South Atlantic coast, vhere they curve to the east, and, fol- owing the coast line up the gulf stream, inaliy strike the track of the Manitoba nd Gulf of Mexico zephyrs. New- ouudland’s favored people sometimes et storms from all three of these hatches at about the same time. They ever complain up there of not getting nough weather for their money. The Vest India storms are the most robust f all.
The supposition as to the cause of iorms is that, for some unknown rea- )n, certain parts of the country are eated to a greater temperature than ffiers. Heavy evaporation is caused, id the atmosphere is laden with water irried up by the hot air, which is srhter than the air around it. The hot r passing upward creates a vacuum to which the cool rushes. The dis- irbance thus created in the atmosphere rcharged with the evaporation of the kes and rivers of the overheated dis- ict causes rainfall. The near approach a rain storm is heralded by an increase air pressure and humidity, and a ris- ng temperature. Knowing the direction >f a storm and its velocity and extent by he observations taken in the signal tation, and the general knowledge of torm9 possessed, accurate information ;an be furnished as to when a storm will
reach a given point, how soon it will j APEltCHERON HORSE FARM.
pass over, how great will be the rainfall
and how violent Telegraph.
the wind. —New York
A Fruitful Five-Dollar Bill.
A little money sometimes goes a great way. As an illustration of this read the following, founded upon an incident which is said to have really occurred:
A. owed $15 to Hr
$20 to C.
$15 to D.
$30 to E.
$12.50 to F. $10 to A.
at the
All of them were seated table.
A. having a $5 note, handed it to B., remarking that it paid $5 of the $15 he owed B.
B. passed the note to C., with the remark that it paid $5 of the $20 which he owed.
C. passed it to D., and paid with it $5 of the $15 he owed D.
D. handed it to E , in part payment of the $30 owed him.
E. gave it to F., to apply on account of the $12.50 due him.
F. passed it back to A., saying, “ This pays half of the amount I owe you.’*'
A. again passed it to B., saying, “I now only owe you $5.”
B. passed it again toC., with the remark, “This reduces my indebtedness to you to $10.
C. again passed ft'to D., reducing his indebtedness to $5.
D. paid it over to E., saying, “I now owe you $20.”
E. handed it again to F., saying,
“This reduces my indebtedness to you to $2.50.”
Again F. handed the note to A., saving, “Now I don’t owe you anything.”
A. passed it immediately to B., thus cancelling the balance of his indebtedness.
B. handed it to C., reducing his indebtedness to $o.
C. cancelled the balance of his debt to D., by handing the note to him.
D. paid it again to E., saying, “I now owe you $15.”
Then E. remarked to F., “If you will give me $2.50 this will settle my indebtedness to you.”
F. took $2.50 from his pockefc.handed it to E., and returned the $5 note to his pocket, and thus the spell was Token, the single $5 note having paid $82.50, and cancelled A.’s debt to B.. C s debt to D., E’s debt to F., and F’s debt to A., and at the same time having reduced B’s debt to C. from $20 to $5, and D s debt to E. from $30 to $15.
Moral. —“Here a little and there a little,” helps to pay off large scores.
Money circulates from hand to hand and business moves. Pay your debts—in full if you can, and if you cannot pay in full, pay something. What helps one helps another, and so the round is made.
—Amer an Merchant.
-------------- HIM ■ — ^ ------;--
Light and Life at the Ocean’s Bottom.
A writer in tb«* '\‘^fw fl'oik Sun says that “the results of deep-sea dredging tend to show tiirtfc the ocean boLom, which has long been supposed to be in absolute darknets, is lighted by briiriant phosphorescence. I believe that if we could find ourselves upon the bed of the sea in 2,000 fathoms, we should see brilliant white lights, casting intense shadows, illuminating the bottom in an effectual manner. The groves of cou fore the spectator*'
i Twenty five S inure Allies of Terra
In Colorado Revoted to Raisin;
Fine Draft Horses.
A Denver (Col.) letter to the Chicag* Tribune describes the visit of a party of Eastern gentiemcn to the extensiv3 breeding ranches of the Percheroa Horse company. The party left the train at Dixon. Conveyances were h waiting, and the party were driven tm miles to one of the ranches of the company. These are six in number—five of them located on the plains a few mies to the south of the Burlington road, add the sixth in Elbert county, near Eli:a- beth station, on the Denver and Njw Orleans road. They cover an area of about twenty-five square miles, and on this vast range horseflesh is supreme tnd the Pcrcheron is the king. The drve across gave visitors an opportunity to get an idea of the extent of the donum owned by the company and the native grass upon which tlie stock is kept, m- mense stacks of hay showed that there was no danger of starvation sh'iulc a heavy snowfall cover the ground for my length of time. The fact was made known that never yet had this large reserve been drawn upon, and that as spring approached the hay had ®een marketed yearly, while the stock ftund jilenty of fresh, nutritious gmss -fer their consumption.
But the ranch and its stables were reached, and the visitors were eager to see that portion of the stallions which are kept there. It must not be forgotten that this is only one of the six central stations of the company. Here in a number of roomy box-stalls the great, handsome fellows are kept. Each stall has a portion of ground outside for its occupant, wherein he reigns supreme. Each holds a stallion, some jet glossy black, dark mottled gray and some a lighter gray. These are the only colors. A bridle was thrown over their heads, and they were brought out to where they could be better seen. When one raised himself on his hind legs his head would tower high above the talljst giraffe, and the party admitted thal they were the Jumbos among the hors&s.
From one point of interest to another the party passed, and, sooner than expected, lunch was announced. While the visitors were at lunch the men were out gathering in a bunch of horses. On they came, from over the rising ground, sad still they kept coming, until the corrals were nearly filled. Among them were sucklings, yearlings and twVyear- cAs, and the forms of the youngsters all showed strong marks of their Pereheron sires. These were prominent even among the quarter-blooded colts. As they Akih gathered in there was a better opportunity to examine them hseif arid see what the bum There
re so;
handsome two-year-olds, an i the vounerer stock are in fine There are 3,400 Head ot horses company's ranges. Rosa Bcnhetr’s painting of “The Horse Fair” gives an idea of these Pereheron horses, but togee them in all thei; glory they nust be seen alive, that their motion ma/ add to the picture just as a photograph may be a portrait true in all its details of form and feature, but the spirit and motion are wanting to bring rctlity be-
would shine with this light, shrimp and fishes would dart about, sceptre-like, over an illuminated pathway, each carrying his own lamp, and the whole ground would be one glowr of phosphorescent light. The bottom animals have eyes, and hence they have use for them, for nature supports no useless organ. One thing that is certain is that there is practically no glimmer of sunlight in these great abysmal depths; and unless we admit that there is some such light as I have mentioned, the presence of eyes cannot be explained. Certain animals retain phosphorescent lustre even after being brought to the surface, and it seems natural to conclude that in this way the ocean bottom is lighted.
“The dredge comes up laden*with its precious load of deep-sea treasures, and the enthusiastic naturalists crowd around to explore the contents. Mixed up in a mass of mud are brilliant red starfishes, deep purple sea pods, delicate pink sea anemones, pure white holothurians, auU ugly black fishes, all peculiar in many res; cats. While the naturalists are busy getting the animals ready for us to see, let us take a bit^of the mud into the laboratory and examine it through the microscope. It will be found to be composed of countless numbers of microscopic shells, the testte of Foraminifera. They are usual y composed of carbonate of lime, but there are siliclous species also, and, in the shallower waters, sandy forms. Some are as smooth and glossy as the best glazed chinaware, showing beautiful concentric rings of different hues, while others rough and lobeu in a manner which defies description. Still others are the rao^t beautiful shade of pink, and some present in color a most delicate chocolate brown. We find them tubular, coiled, crown shaped, spherical, and oval, and in masses of lobes upon lobes.”
The inquiry may arise why Peicheron horses are so specially desirable, and why should they be raised ia such quantities. Where is the demand for them, and to what uses are they especially requi ed? One visit to the breeding ranch will quickly furnish an answer to a host of such question^#. The Pereheron occupies the same reldL’on to the working horses that the _ fin(| hor- ough-bred does to the racing stock. Graded from the colossal thoroughbred of his species, and crossed with the native breed, the product gives a class of horses fitted for all work. For heavy hauling the pure blood, from their massive size, seem fitted to draw any thing that can be placed on wheels.
The company sells no mares, but it is always ready to buy blood mares for its range. It retains all mare colts, and by constantly breeding it will gradually advance its vast herd toward the pure breed of Percherons. Five years hence its ranges will show great numbers of three-quarter stock, and in the mean time the lower grades will be marketed for carriages, transfer and other £ur- noses. ________
The four richest men in the worlJ. are said to be Mackay, of California, whose property is estimated at $275,00{X6CIP, Vanderbilt, of New York, $175,(Mh\0TO; Rothschild, $200,000,000, and the-Duke of Westminister, $86,000,000. Th? Ui- come of Mackay is $36,000 a day, yr $1,500 every hour; that of Yand'erbdt $19,000 a day, or $800 an hour.
A writer from the tea districts of northern India defines the different varieties of tea as follows: The very coarse tea remaining after the first sifting (which ends the “making”) is called Bohea, and the second quality Souchong. Flowery Pekoe is the very young shoot, with a down on it, called the flower. “Facing” tea is simply cooking it in an iron pan, by which means principally green tea acquires its color.
There are 1,900 white people in Southeastern Alaska. Vegetation is abundant and luxurious, the cattle sleek and fat, and the mining industry assuming large proportions. These facts appear in %u official report tD Washington.
Maryland, My Maryland.
Maryland legislators, who are always alive to the public interests, h^ve endorsed the new discovery, Red Star Cough Cure; because it contains neither morphia nor opium, and always cure3. The price is only 25 cents.
The four sons of Lieutenant Kisling- burv,of areiic fame, receive a pension <>f $10*each per month.
Blood Purifiers and “invigorates*” “tonics,” and “alteratives,” htiVe be*R palmed off upon the people, but, alter a brief season of experiment, ha.^e disappeared because of their utter vv.orthickness. Dr. Walker’s famous Vinegar Bitters are not of this class. Miny million bottles have been sold, and still does the demand continue to increase.
Turkey is the only state in Europe tha is not Christian.
Is Ev<ry Body Drunk'?
Among the many stories Lincoln used to relate w2s the following: Trudging along a lonely road one morning on my way to the
county seat, Judge------overtook me with his
wason and invited me to a seat.
VVe had not gone far before the wagon bo- gan to wobble Said I, “Judge, X think your coachman has taken a drop too much.
Putting his head cut of the window, the judge shouted: “Why, yon infernal scoun- drel. vou are drunk!”
Turning around with great gravity, die coachman said: “Be dad! but that s the firs rightful s’cision your Honor s giv n n twel
mIf1people knew the facts they would bo surprised to learn how many people reelm the streets who never “drink a drop. Ihey aie the victims of sleeplessness, of drowsy days of apoplectic tendencies, whose blood is set on fire by uric acid. Some day they will reel no more—they will drop dead, just because they haven’t the moral courage to defy useless professional attendance, and by use ot the wonderful Warner’s safe cure neutralize the uric acid in the system and thus get rid of the “drunkenness in the blood. Ine American Rural Home. _______>
The wealthiest friendly society in the world is believed to be the unity of Odd Fellows of Manchester, England. According to its last financial statement the accumulated capital amounts to $28,- 661,000. The income of the society exceeds $4,200,000, of which $1,055,000 is from interest and the rest for membership dues.
It is calculated that there are in Canada from 10,000 to 15,000 lacrosse players, 5,000 curlers, 4,000 snow shoers, 3,000 or 4,000 cricketers, 2,000 football players, 1,000 rowing men, 1,000 base- ballists, and 1,000 bicyclists.
A Lucky Man.
“A lucky man is rarer than a white crow,” says Juvenal, and we think he knew. However, we have heard of thousands of lucky ones and we propose to let their secret out. They were people broken down in health, suffering with liver, blood and skin diseases, scrofula, dropsy, and consumption, and were lucky
______v. X. d ii-ion nrx All nrh 11 GO TIf
Catarrh is an exceedingly disagreeable disease, its rariecl symptoms—discharge at the nose, bad breath, pain between the eyes, coughing, choking sensation, ringing noises in the cars, &c.—being not only troublesome to the sufferer but offensive to others. Ca- barrh is also dangerous, because it may lead to bronchitis or consumption. Being a blood disease the true method to cure is to purify the blood. To purify the blood take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, by which many sufferers from catarrh have been cured.
“I suffered three years from catarrh, and my general health was poor in consequence. When I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla I found I had the right remedy. The catarrh is yielding, as Hood’s Sarsaparilla is cleansing my blood, and the general tone of my system is improving. My case i3 of such long standing that I did not expect to be cured in an instant.”— Frank Washburn, Rochester, N. Y.
“I suffered with catarrh fifteen years; tried all the catarrh remedies without benellt, an l was about to try a change of climate when I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I would not take any money consideration ror the good one bottle did me. Now I am not troubled any with catarrh.”—I. W. Lillis, Chicago, 111.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Made only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
n n FB IMway’s
is k n Rea*j
! 1L a s b i 1L ■ Ri
Ready Reliet
aropsy, aim uuusuiuguuu, emu. enough to hear of and wise enough to use Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery,” the sovereign blood purifier, tonic and alterative of
the age.
A syndicate of Southerners is raising funds to establish an agency in New York city for the sale of Confederate money.
A Bonanza Mine
of health is to be found in Dr. R. V. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription,” to the merits of which as a remedy for female weakness and kindred affections thousands testify.________
A plant has been discovered in Central America from which “real” ostrich feathers will soon he made.
* * * * Decline of man or woman, prematurely induced by excesses or bad practices, speedily and radically cured. Book (illustrated) 10 cents in stamps. Consultation free. World s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
Large numbers of Chinamen are emigrating from this country to Mexico.
Mensman’s Peptonized beep tonic, the only preparation of beef containing its entire nutritious properties. It contains blood-making force,generating and lffe-sustaining properties; invaluable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous prostration, and all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork or acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonarv complaints. Caswell,Hazard & Co., Proprietors, New York. JSold by druggists.
Rescued froai Death.
William J. Coughlin* of Somerville, Mass.,
'V? TCX* T T.. *,<3 e-»Tr<m T(Hl> TV~ w
ing of lungs followed by a severe cough. I lost my appetite and flesh, and was confined to my bed. In 1877 I wa,s admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my Jung as big as a half dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. William Hall’s Balsam for the Lungs. I got a bottle, when, to my surprise, I commenced to feel better,and to-day I feel better than for three years past.
-piutzer Axle Grease.
The Frazer Axle Grease is the best and, intrinsically, the cheapest. Don’t work your horses to death by using poor grease. Try it.
When you get your boots and shoes straightened use Lyon’s Heel Stiffeners; they will save money, give comfort and keep them straight.
3 months’ treatment for 50c. Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh. Sold by druggists.
Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza, Inflammations, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Asthma,
CURES THE WORST PAINS in from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. Badway’s Ready Relief is a Sure Cure for Every Pain, Sprains, Bruises, Pains in the Back, Coest or Limbs. It was tho Fir*t anti im the Only PAIN REMEDY
That instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allavs inflammation, and cures Congestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach. Bowels, or other glands or organs by one application.
A half to a teaspoonful in half a tumbler of water will in a few minutes cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Flatulency, and all internal pains.
Magaria in Its Various Forms.
There is not a remedial agent in the world that wiU cure Fever and Ague and all other Malarious. Bilious and other fevers, aided bv liADWAY’S PILLS# so quick as RAD WAY’S READY RELIEF. FlUty cents per bottle. Sold by druggists.
The Great Blood Purifier,
For the Cure of all Chronic Diseases.
Chronic Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilitic Com‘- plaints, etc. (see our book on Venereal, etc.; price 25 cents), Glandular Swelling, Hacking Dry Cough, Cancerous Affections, Bleeding of the Lungs, Dyspepsia. Water Brash, White Swellings, Tumors, Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions of the Face Ulcers, Hip Diseases, Gout, Dropsy, Rickets, Salt. Rheum. Bronchitis, Consumption,
Diabetes, Kidney, Bladder,
gw, from, Opiates, -Emetics and Poison.
IurI: OKCts.
At DRuaoiSTa and Dealvrb.
chitis, Liver Complaints, etc.
Whether transmitted from parents or acquired, is within the curative range of the Sarsapanlhan ±te-
S°Cures have been made where persons have been afflicted with Scrofula from their youth up'to20, 30 and 4u years of age, bv DR. RADW AY b SARSAPA- RILLIAN RESOLVENT, a remedy composed of ingredients of extraordinary medical properties, essential to purify, heal, repair and invigorate the broken I down and wasted body. Quick, pleasant, sate and i permanent in its treatment and cure. buTu fry uruggis ts. - o Axj- ° —- -
The Great Liver anl Stomach Remedy
For the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Costiveness, Indigestion, Biliousness, Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all derangements of the internal viscera. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs, , . ,
Price, 25 cents per box. Sold by all druggists.
Dr. Railway’s Pills are a cure for this complaint. Thev restore strength to the stomach and enable it to perform its functions. The symptoms of Dyspepsia disappear,and with them the liability of the system to contract diseases. Take the medicine according to directions, and observe what we say in “False and True” respecting diet. _
St^“Send a letter stamp to DR. RAD WAY <Sc CD., No. 32 Warren Street, New York# for “False and True.” ,
***Be sure to get RAPWAY’S.
Gordon’s King of Pain relieves pain of whatever nature, the moment it is applied, and is a household remedy wherever known for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache and Toothache, Burns and Scalds, Sprains and Bruises. Diarrhoea Dysentery. Sore Throat, Ulcers, Fresh Wounds, etc. Burns will not blister if applied, and Bruises will heal in a day that w ould require a week by any other method. The remedy is furnished in powder, with labels, etc., and is sent by mail, postage paid. It is put up in 50c., $l and $5 packages. The 50c., or trial package, when reduced to liquid form, will fill 24 2oz. bottles, which are worth at retail, $6. Agents can coin money selling it. It is worth ten times its cost for burns alone. Send postal notes or two cent stamps. Address E. G. RICHARDS, Sole Proprietor, Toledo, Ohio.
Iron Levers, Steel Bearing#, Brata Tare Beem and BeHrr^ Box.
JONES he pay# the freight-for free Price List mention this paper and
addre## JONES OF BINGHAMTON# Binghamton, N.Y.
MITCHELL’S Perforated Belladonna Plasters cure all Aches and Pains. Sure Remedy for that cold spot between the shoulders. Sold by Druggists everywhere.
Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
** Baekaehe, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, Bruises, etc., etc.
when applied into the nostrils, will be absorbed, effect-' ually cleansing the head of .catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions. It allays inflammation, protects the membrane from fresh colds, J completely heals the sores, and restores the senses ofj taste and smell.
lot a Liquid or Sunil.
A few applications relieve.
A thorough treatment will cure. Agreeable to use. \
Send for circular. 50 cents , g at druggists or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
- Great English Gout and Rheumatic Remedy.
Oval Box, round, 5Q cts.
, An active Man or Woman in every
_ county to tell our goods. Salary *75. per Month and Expenses. Expenses in advance. Canvassing outfit FREE! Fartieulurs free. Standard Silver-ware Co. Boston, Mass.
Keeping Teeth Perfect and Guma Healthy.
WANTED. Send 10c. for Catalogu * of prices paid. CHARLES J. SCHAYER, l3 Laithert Ave., Boston Highlands, Mass,
of about 50 to 100 acres. Address E. H., P. O. Box 3,8:35, New York. I
PATENTS Inventors’ Guide. L. Bins,
bam, Patent Lawyer, Washington, D.JJ.____________
©has taken the lead In
the sales of that class of remedies, and has given almost universal satisfaction,
Paris, Ter €} has won the favor of the public and now ranks among the leading Medicines of the o idom.
Bradford, Pa. Sold by Druggists.
' e *1.00.
Tho Original and Only Genuine.
^hnfeand always reliable. Beware of Worthless Imitation^
Mttt’pisxntj Habit Cured in le to ‘20 days. No pay till cured.
Da. J. Stephens. Lebanon, Ohia
^Chiefteater** Eiigilah” are the best made. Indispensabl#
r s
A'hiohesterV^eniicBi Co.,
to. Ladies. Inclose4o. (stiunps) for particulars, testF monials etc., in letter sent you by rfc "
imu saaii. N AW E PAPER
' ni(*nester Aheitiieai to., i Madison S(j.,Phllada, |*r»
A Common Character.
He never did any good work in his life,
He’s a man who from danger would shrink He’s always neglected his children and wife* And squandered his earnings in drink. Ignorant, selfish, uncultured is he,
Yet people by whom he is known,
Remark with a sigh, “What a man he would be
If he’d only let liquor alone 1”
—Boston Courier*
The Little Crave.
It was the day of the wine market; and not yet had the sun reached its full splendor. Will you not try to picture to yourselves, my friends, a lateral valley of the Rhine, lying amid fresh green meadows, and surrounded on all sides by mountain heights, showing up as dim, aspiring forests, in the glad sunshine resting above it all? If so, then you have Eberbach—only Eberbach without its real glow, since that you never can picture without seeing.
“Please buy my flowers! my sweet, fresh flowers!”
The voice was very young, ringing and musical, and at the sound thereof many turned, to discover only a little maiden of some ten or twelve summers, pacing back and forth beneath the walls of the lunatic asylum, which since the time I am telling of has been removed thence for lack of space to its hew site on the Eichberg. A basket of myrtle hung on the one arm, while in the hand of the other she held a bunch of the fragrant sprays, as though to tempt, as it were, the passer-by into buying her pretty merchandise.
A young man passed; he was the son of the pastor of the Cloister church, Johann von Hohenburg by name; his face was good, clever and bright, and his blue eye sparkled with the fresh, sweet glory of the world—a glory which seemed to fall also upon little Gerba, the flower girl, as his gaze then rested upon her. “I’ll buy thy flowers, little one,” he said, gaily, taking the bunch from her hand and leaving in its stead a silver coin.
“This is too much money, Herr Johann, unless you will take all my flowers,” faltered Gerba, holding out as she spoke the basket for his acceptance.
“And they are too many, unless you take all the money I have”—and Johann clinked together a couple or so of stray coins which still remained in his pocket with such a comical air that the child laughed also, in a way which was truly refreshing after her pathetic sadness.
Only for a moment, however, did this merry mood last ^^^^h^noxt^nnj^in^
who in company with angels had helped to build the same while men slept.
“I want to say something, Herr Johann—something which I fear you scarce will like to hear.” The child’s voice faltered, and her blue eyes looked misty when she raised them to his.
“Say on, child. I won’t be angry.”
“Well, then, Herr Johann, I want to tell you what made my father unkind and bad, and what made him go away.’ She was sobbing a little, and yet she would have her say. “Years ago, Herr Johann, I have heard that he was once good and kind, as you” (her hand touches his fondly), “but he did what you have done to-day—he tasted of the wine at the market; and, Herr Johann, I hate wine, for when my father grew to liking it more and more, it made him wicked and my mother miserable. It was her tears, they eay, which drove him to leave us; but oh, it was the wine which brought the tears to her, and made me without a mother. And now,* Herr Johann, won’t you give up even the tasting, lest you should go on to worse, like him? Oh, do! for you have been kind to me, and if I can make you promise to do what is right, may not God give me back my father some day, and through him my dear mother,too? I have thought of it so much, and it seems that the dear God who is so just will give me him for another, if I can but keep one from the tempting evil. Be that one, Herr Johann, for I love you!”
And in the evening glow the promise was given.
* * * * * *
Years and years after, in the graveyard of the Cloister church, an old worn-out man knelt, weeping bitter tears over a little grave—tears of repentance and regret. Strangely enough, an unseen hand had guided Johann, even at this late hour of life, to the haunts of Gerba’s miserable and debauched parent; to him he told the tale I have told you, with him he pleaded earnestly in his child’s name, who was dead and gone on before to a better land.—E. Searchjield,
So I im watching quietly Every day!
Wherever the sun shines brightly I rise and say,
Surelj it is the shining of His face!
And l*ok unto the gates of his high place Beyond the sea;
For l 'cnow he is coming shortly To summon me.
And ’when a shadow lalls across the window Of my room,
Wherel am working my appointed task,
I lift ny head to watch the door—and ask
If He is come;
And as -n angel answers sweetly In my home,
“Only a few more shadows And he will come!”
the religion which they discard for every privilege they enjoy, they may well hesitate a little before they seek to rob the Christion of bis hope and humanity of its faith in that Savior who alone has given to man that hope of life eternal which makes life tolerable and society possible, and robs death of its terror and the grave of its gloom.” *■
Without a rich heart wealth is an ugly beggar.
Corrupting the Voting by School - Books
Bad enough is it to run risks on account of the vicious character of the light reading sought after so much by the young, without having wicked mischief in the course of study imposed by law. Every citizen is deeply interested in the course taken by commissioners and boards of education in providing schoolbooks bearing upon elementary physio-
giaveTy™towanf'^^^^fey^ walls,
quaint old window close by, she said with finger on lip, as though in mute reproach upon herself, “My mother is in there, Herr Johann, and folk say she will never come out again.”
* ‘Poor child!” The word of sympathy dropped deeply down.
“It was about father’s going away that she fretted so much, never sleeping day nor night, and so—and so—”
“Yes, I know,” and taking the child’s hand Johann tried to lead her away. “Come, I’ll sell thy flowers,” he went on; and so together they passed into the busy market-square, where men sold wine3 and men bought, while those who did neither yet paused to drink (as though about to purchase) from the sellers’ ample goblet, which according to custom is presented to all. And Johann tasted with the rest, afterward chinking his stray bits of money, and then with a laugh and a jest going on to another, till in time a remote corner of the square was reached, where stood many of Johann’s friends, gay, rollicKing fellows like himself, and who, like himself, judging from their flush faces and excited talk, had also indulged in the “pearl of drinks.”
“How now, Johann!” And then Johann, holding up his hand for silence, told them of the child’s bereavement, and of his having offered to prove salesman on her behalf. Oh, but they had kindly hearts, though in many cases their pockets were well nigh empty- one by one paid for a spray of flowers as he could, wherewith to adorn his button hole, one by one said some kindly words to the little girl in turn, although from many of them, as Johann felt, the child shrank back in fear and dislike.
Now the little one had no hold upon Jchann-none whatever; therefore it was in very kindness, the kindness of a true, loving, and manly heart, that, leaving his friends to themselves, he led her away__away to the banks of the Peteis-
bornchen, which flowing from the moun- tains downward, sheds beauty in its way till at last it loses itself utterly and gloriously in the Rhine river, its tiny power it helps to swell. It was a day of fairy pleasure to little Gerba, to sit there while her companion told tales of the past, of the wild boar who had fixed the site of the ancient cloister, and
A Bishop’s warning.
Bishop Foster, of the Methodist Episcopal church, says the great dangers of the church are “assimilation to the world, neglect of the poor, substitution cf the form for the fact of godliness, abandonment of discipline, a hireling ministry, an impure gospel, which simmed up, is a fashionable church,” and then he adds, “Methodists shoald be liable to such an outcome, ^lu that should be signs of it in a hundred years from the ‘sail loft, seems almost the miracle of history; but who that looks about him to-day can fail to see the fact ? The Church of God is to-day courting the world. Its members are trying to bring it down to the level of the ungodly. The ball, the theatres, nude and lewd art, social luxuries, with all their loose moralities, are making inroads into the sacred inclosure Of the church, and as a satisfaction for all this worldliness Christians are making a great deal of Lent and Easter, and Good Friday aLty church ornamentation. It is the old trick of Satan. The Jewish church struck on that rock, the Romish church wrecked on the same, and the Protestant church is fast reaching the same d *om.”
Mr. Towell on Christianity.
One of ti e most serious antH*otable of the admirable after-dinner speeches that made Mr. Lowell so famous in England has only lately been published. It was called out by some allusions to the Christian religion made in the tone of genteel Skepticism quite common among the terary men of England.
“Go around behind, sir, and git on; he’s an American horse, sir, and he hisn’t use to dem clothes yet; dey frighten him.”—Life,
not evaded. To teach a child at school that the moderate use of alcohol is good as an invigorating beverage when the law makes the 'selling of liquor to that child a criminal offence; to prate about the moderate use of liquor when the country spends annually eight hundred and fifty millions of dollars for rum and about eighty-five millions for education; to teach that the use of alcohol can be of any real or comparative good to brain, muscle, or nerve, when the great daily press so reeks and teems with the record of crime and abomination wrought under the influence of alcohol as to make the ordinary newspaper no longer fit to come under the eye of a pure family and household- all this is to stultify all concerned.—Christian Advocate.
Temperance Notes.
A Japanese proverb says: “A man took a drink, 'the drink took a drink, and then the drink took the man.” A
Tne Russian government has decided that liquors shall be retailed only in hotels and eating houses. As a result of this edict 90,000 vodka shops will be closed on January 1, 1886.
The study of the drink question in Switzerland has disclosed the fact that the use of aleoliolic beverages is largest in those cantons in which wages ar® lowest, and the people are the poorest. Drunkeness tends to poverty and want; and then this state of things fosters th© drunkenness.
Beer is more dangerous than whisky. That is the verdict of the Scientific American, which sets forth that the use of beer is found to produce a species of degeneration of all the organs; profound and deceptive fatty deposits, diminished circulation, conditions of congestion and perversion of functional activities, local inflammations of both the liver and kidneys, are constantly present. A slight injury, a severe cold, or a shock to the body or mind, will commonly provoke acute disease, ending fatally in a beer-drinker.
Blue Ribbon beer, manufactured in Toronto, and claimed to be a temperance beverage, was tested a few day3 ago on two men, each of whom drank seven glasses in an hour and a half and then became drunk. The court thereupon decided that the stuff was intoxicating.
V1» Aixi
those enemas of the religion which ia at the very heart of all there is good in civilization, that “whatever defects or imperfections may attach to a few points of the doctrinal system of Calvin—the bilk of which was simply what all Christians believe—it will be found that^ Calvinism, or any other ism which Maims an open Bible and proclaims a crucified and risen Christ, is infinitely preferable to any form of polite and polished skepticism, which gathers as its votaries the degenerate sons of heroic ancestors, who, having been train®, in a society and educated in schools!the foundations of which were laid by men of faith and piety, now turn and kick down the ladder by which they have climbed up, and persuade men to live without God and die without hope.”
“The worst kind of religion,” continued Mr. Lowell, “is no religion at and these men, living in ease and xury, indulging themselves in the amusement of going without religion, may be thankful that they live in lands where the gospel they neglect has tamed the beastliness or ferocity of the men who, but for Christianity, might long ago have eaten their carcasses like the South Sea Islanders, or cut off their heads and tanned their hides, like the monsters of the French Revolution. When the microscopic search of skepticism, which had hunted the heavens and sounded the seas to disprove the existence of a Creator, has turned its attention to human society, and have found a place on this planet ten miles square where a decent man can live in decency, comfort and security, supporting and educating his children unspoiled and unpolluted; a place where age is reverenced, infancy protected, manhood respected, womanhood honored, and human life held in due regard ; when skeptics can find such a place ten miles square on this globe, where the gospel of Christ has not gone and cleared the way and laid the foundations, and made decency and security possible, it will then be in order for the skeptical literati to move thither and there ventilate his views. But so long as these very men are dependent upon
A Burrowing Bird.
A more quiet picture is afforded by the hill where the auks brood, says Dr. Brehfh in an article on the “Social Habits of Arctic Birds,” published in the Popular Science Monthly. They resemble
the eider-duck in shape, except that their bills are sharp and not flat, like those of tne latter, There are three species of them, which are distinguished from one another by the length of the bill and its curvature. All three species live and brood in the same places. I was told of a mountain where a million of them had built their nests. I am sure of one thing—that no man has ever seen a million birds, even though he has traveled over half the earth. Doubting the accounts, I visited the described mountain.
rowed toward it, over the smooth, trans- i parent water, between beautiful islands, followed by the screeching of the startled gulls. High above us on a towering ridge we saw the watchful ospreys; by our side, on right and left, along the shore-cliffs, the sitting eider- ducks. Finally we came to the populous part of the mountain, which is from three hundred and twenty to there hundred and thirty feet high, and saw really immense numbers of birds sitting on the ridges. The higher parts of the cone were covered with a brown spoon- wort, and as we approached the shore the birds drew back thither, and suddenly disappeared from view as if by concerted agreement. When we had reached the shore and landed, and were wondering what had become of the hosts of birds, we found the ground burrowed all over with holes that looked like common rabbit holes. We soon learned that they were the entrances to the nest- chambers of the auks. The holes are large enough to permit the birds to pass through, and then widen on the inside so as to give room for the nest and the two birds. As we climbed toward the height, the tenants first carefully and anxiously peered at us, then slipped out and threw themselves screaming into the sea, which was soon covered, as far as the eye could reach, with birds whose cry resembled the noise of a gigantic surf or of a raging storm.
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ITte Tall, Lank Man’s Scheme.
The conductor asked ft tall, lank, bearded man for his ticket.
“Hain’t got any,” replied the tall, lftnK man.
“Where are you going?”
“ Seven thirty-five, please.”
“But say, conductor, I hain’t got any money and I want you to de me a favor.
If you will you’ll never regret it. Carry me up to Chicager and in six months ±’li buy this here railroad an’ make you the superintendent of it.”
“Seven thirty-five, please.”
“Carry me up to Chicager an’ in six months I’ll buy this here hull railroad an’ make you a present of it. I’ve got a scheme, conductor; the biggest scheme on earth. It’ll revolutionize everything. It’ll—”
“You must pay your fare or get off the train.”
“It’ll turn the hull industrial world upside down. It’ll rearrange science an’ society an’ everything. It’ll bust all the monopolies on the top o’ ’arth. Carry me up to Chicager to-day, pard- ner, an’ I’ll let you in. I’ll give you a half interest. I’ll—”
“I’ve stopped the train and you must pav your fare or get off immediately, sir.”
“I’ll make you richer than Vanderbilt afore the next Fourth of July. This is the greatest scheme the civilized world ever saw. Promise me not to give it away an’ carry me up to Chicager an’ I’ll tell you. Sh-h-h! The crust o’ the ’arth is only two or three miles thick. Down there is reservoirs’ o’ heat enough to consume everything on the surface o’ the globe in ten minutes. Bend your ear down closter to me—we’ll bore ft hole down an’ tap that great reservoir an’ run all the engines, all the machinery, -warm all the houses in the world. I’m goin’ ^up to Chicager to get capital Interested, and I’ll give you two millions wuth o’ stock. 111—’ ’
But the unambitious and unfeeling conductor called his brakeman and they led the tall, lank passenger out to the platform and dropped him into the ditch. As the train pulled out the tall, lank man lifted his finger warningiy ahd exclaimed:
“I’ll tap the great reservoir an’ turn it loose under your old railroad. I’ll buy Chicager and refuse to let ye run yer trains into the city. I’ll use you fellers for plugs to keep the heat from escapin’ when we happen to hev a supply on hand. “I’ll—”
But the train rattled on and the words of the tall, lank man were lost am ong the rumble of the wheels. — Chicago
A Proposal.
Then and Now,
“Canst thou cherish me, Martha?” “Yea, if it be the Lord’s will.”.
“And wilt thou wed with me, sweetheart?”
“Yea, verily, as the Lord is my shepherd.”
“Can you love me, Maudl”
“Well, I should shudder.”
“And will you marry me, dearest?” “What are you giving us?”—Chicago Ledger.
Decision Reserved.
Miss Clara (to young Featherlv)__
“Mamma and I were discussing a certain rule of table etiquette just before you came in, Mr. Featherly. Mamma thinks it is perfectly proper to take the last piece of bread on the plate, while I contend that to do so is violating a rule almost as fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians. You must decide for us Mr Featherlv.”
Mamma—“Yes, Mr. Featherly, please do so.”
Mr. Featherly— *‘ Well—er—really, ladies, you place me in a somewhat ’em- harassing position. You see, I am only slightly acquainted with the Meades,
and I’ve never even met the Persians.”__
New York Times.
“My dear Miss Emilia, now that you are disposed to look favorably upon my suit, nothing need stand in the way of our engagement. But there is one question I would like to ask: Are you willing to be a fond mother to my three motherless daughters?”
“Oh, yes.”
“Then I’ll bring them to you to-morrow.”
“Miss Emilia, these are my daughters. Children, your future mother.”—Flie- yende Blaetter.
A Queer Mistake.
“That was a queer mistake a servant made in Philadelphia the other day,” said Mrs. De Wiggs to her husband.
“What mistake?”
“A lady sent her servant for a copy of the song, ‘He Cometh Not, She Said,’ and the girl went and asked for ‘He Combeth Not His Head.’ I wonder what sort of a song she imagined it was.”
“She probably thought it was about a bald-headed man.”—Pittsburg Chronicle- Telegraph,
Chicken Soup as a Pillow.
“Is the Blank house a good hotel?” asked one drummer of another.
“Hardly,” replied the other, briefly.
“What’s wrong with it?’.*
“Why, there isn’t a feather in any pillow in the house, but every dish oi chicken soup is chock full of feathers. Ij you get a decent pillow in that hotel you’ll have to call for chicken soup.”— Newman Independent.


“The Maitland Courier, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 24, 1885,” RICHES, accessed March 4, 2025,

