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A newspaper article written by Erin Machaby and published by The Oviedo Voice in February of 2006. The article discusses the 75th anniversary celebration the Oviedo Woman's Club (OWC), held on February 10. OWC members were joined by members of the…

An invitation for the Oviedo Woman's Club's (OWC) centennial celebration. The anniversary tea was held on February 10, 2006, at the clubhouse and the centennial dinner was held on February 11 at the Tuscawilla Country Club, located at 1500 Winter…

A newspaper photograph about a homemade hat fashion show hosted by the Oviedo Woman's Club (OWC). Photographed in the front row, from left to right, are Janet Foley, Lynn Nemec, and Louise Martin. In the second row, from left to right, are Nancy…

A newspaper article published in The Seminole Chronicle in February of 2006. The article describes a skit performed by members to recreate what the club was like at the time of its founding. Pennie Mitchem Olliff played club president H. B. "Minna"…
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