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- Tags: A. Duda & Son, Inc.
Oral History of Algerine Miller
Tags: 13th Street; 7th Street; A. Duda & Son, Inc.; African Americans; Beiler, Rosalind J.; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; class reunion; Crooms Academy; Crooms Academy Alumni Association; Crooms Academy Alumni Exhibit: Triumph Through Adversity; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; desegregation; Duda, D. A.; executive secretary; exhibit; Five Points Operation Complex; Gibson, Colonel; Goldsboro; Goldsboro Museum; high school; Hopper Academy; ice house; integration; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; Miller, Algerine; museum; Museum of Seminole County History; Oliver, Francis; oral history; Orangeburg; pool; Sanford; Sanford Civic Center; Sanford Museum; Savannah State University; school; SCPS; segregation; Seminole County Board of Education; Seminole County Community College; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County Public Schools School Board; Seminole High School; Seventh Street; SSU; State of Florida; Student Museum and Center for Social Studies; Thirteenth Street; trade school; Vance, Meghan; Walker Business School; Williams