The Outlaws, featuring the original five members in 1967. Formed in Tampa, Florida, in 1967 by guitarist and lead vocalist, Hugh "Hughie" Edward Thomasson, Jr., The Outlaws peaked in popularity in the mid-to-late 1970s, with hits such as "Green Grass…
Autographed 1 color photograph of The Outlaws performing live. The photograph features, from left to right, guitarist Hughie Thomasson, drummer Monte Yoho, and guitarist/keyboardist Billy Jones. Although the photograph was taken of a much earlier…
The Outlaws sometime between 2005 and 2006. From left to right, the photograph features guitarist Chris Anderson, drummer Monte Yoho, guitarist Hughie Thomasson, drummer David Dix, and bassist Randy Threet.Formed in Tampa, Florida, in 1967 by…