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- Tags: LHHS
Lake Howell High School Soccer Player Nick Martin
Lake Howell High School Football Squad, 1987
Oral History of Dr. Annye Refoe
Tags: African American; ballet; Brooks, Gwendolyn; CHS; Crooms High School; Dean of the Arts and Humanities; demonstration; desegregation; education; Fisk College; Francis, Daphne F.; Francis, Gayle; Georgetown; Goldsboro; Haley, Alex; high school; historic preservation; Hopper Academy; Humphrey, Daphne F.; integration; JHS; Jones High School; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Lake Howell High School; LHHS; Midway; Midway Elementary School; Nashville, Tennessee; protest; race relations; racism; Refoe, Annye; Refoe, Herman L., Jr.; Refoe, Shellye L.; riot; Ritz Theatre; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; SCC; school; SCPS; segregation; Seminole Community College; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; SHS; South; SSC; student movement; The Great White Hope; Winter Park; Wright, Richard; Wright, Stephen Caldwell