Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: Lake Howell High School
Graduation at Lake Howell High School, 1995
Lake Howell High School Football Squad, 1987
Lake Howell High School Marching Band with Tuskawilla Middle School Band, 1998
Lake Howell High School Senior Powderpuff Cheerleading Squad, 2005
Lake Howell High School Senior Powderpuff Team, 2005
Lake Howell High School Soccer Player Nick Martin
Oral History of Dr. Annye Refoe
Tags: African American; ballet; Brooks, Gwendolyn; CHS; Crooms High School; Dean of the Arts and Humanities; demonstration; desegregation; education; Fisk College; Francis, Daphne F.; Francis, Gayle; Georgetown; Goldsboro; Haley, Alex; high school; historic preservation; Hopper Academy; Humphrey, Daphne F.; integration; JHS; Jones High School; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Lake Howell High School; LHHS; Midway; Midway Elementary School; Nashville, Tennessee; protest; race relations; racism; Refoe, Annye; Refoe, Herman L., Jr.; Refoe, Shellye L.; riot; Ritz Theatre; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; SCC; school; SCPS; segregation; Seminole Community College; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; SHS; South; SSC; student movement; The Great White Hope; Winter Park; Wright, Richard; Wright, Stephen Caldwell