A table representing acreage and production of grain and forage crops in Seminole County during 1929. Statistics in the table identify various products produced in the county, how many acres each crop occupied, production number of each crop, and the…
A table representing acreage and production of grain crops in Seminole County, Florida, during 1934. Statistics identify the various grain crops grown in Seminole County, the acreage each crop occupied, production numbers for each crop, and how many…
A table representing acreage and production of hay and miscellaneous crops harvested in Seminole County during 1939. Statistics in the table identify various products produced in the county, how many acres each crop occupied, production number of…
Aable representing acreage and quantity of corn, sorghum, and small grans in Seminole County during 1939. Statistics in the table identify various products produced in the county, how many acres each crop occupied, production number of each crop, and…
A table representing acreage and production of grain and forage crops in Seminole County, Florida, during 1929. Statistics in the table identify various products produced in the county, how many acres each crop occupied, production number of each…
A table representing the acreage of principle crops in Seminole County, Florida, during 1924. Crops such as corn, velvet beans, and dry edible beans were listed as grain and forage crops. Tame grasses and annual legumes were categorized as hay crops.…
Bar chart representing crop acreage for Seminole County from 1919 to 1949. Corn was often planted in the summer after the celery fields were harvested. Because the fields still contained fertilizer from the previous celery production, there was often…