Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 26, 1927)
Dublin Core
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 26, 1927)
Alternative Title
Chase Correspondence (August 26, 1927)
Sanford (Fla.)
Chase, Sydney Octavius, 1860-1941
Chase and Company (Sanford, Fla.)
Banks and banking--Florida
Chase, Joshua Coffin, 1858-1948
An original letter of correspondence between brothers and business partners Sydney Octavius Chase and Joshua Coffin Chase. Topics discussed in the letter include city bonds held by the Chase National Bank, securing the services of a legal firm in New York, and the possibility of the City of Sanford using George M. Powell for an attorney.
Chase & Company was established in 1884 by brothers Sydney Octavius Chase and Joshua Coffin Chase. The company sold insurance and later invested in storage facilities and fertilizer sales. Chase & Company was known mainly for its agricultural interests and maintained a series of citrus groves throughout Central Florida. The company was based out of Sanford and became one of the city's largest employers into the early twentieth century. Randall Chase joined in the family business soon after his brother, Sydney Chase, Jr., did in 1922. Randall became the president of Chase & Company from 1948-1965.
Chase & Company was established in 1884 by brothers Sydney Octavius Chase and Joshua Coffin Chase. The company sold insurance and later invested in storage facilities and fertilizer sales. Chase & Company was known mainly for its agricultural interests and maintained a series of citrus groves throughout Central Florida. The company was based out of Sanford and became one of the city's largest employers into the early twentieth century. Randall Chase joined in the family business soon after his brother, Sydney Chase, Jr., did in 1922. Randall became the president of Chase & Company from 1948-1965.
Chase, Sydney Octavius
Original letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase, August 26, 1927: box 173, folder 2.51, Chase Collection (MS 14), Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Date Created
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original letterĀ from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase, August 26, 1927.
Is Part Of
Chase Collection (MS 14), box 173, folder 2.51, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Sanford Collection, Chase Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
Is Referenced By
Folder referenced in Chase Collection finding guide, http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/pkyonge/chase.htm.
265 KB
2-page typewritten letter on Chase & Company letterhead
Chase & Company Office, Sanford, Florida
Camden, Maine
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Entire Chase Collection is comprised of four separate accessions from various donors, including Cecilia Johnson, the granddaughter of Joshua Coffin Chase and the children of Randall Chase.
Rights Holder
The displayed collection item is housed at Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. Rights to this item belong to the said institution, and therefore inquiries about the item should be directed there. RICHES of Central Florida has obtained permission from Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida to display this item for educational purposes only.
Contributing Project
Special and Area Studies Collections, University of Florida
Digital Collections (UFDC), University of Florida
Cepero, Laura
Digital Collection
Source Repository
University of Florida, Special and Area Studies Collections
External Reference
"Sydney Chase Sr. (1860-1941)." Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. Copyright 2012. http://floridacitrushalloffame.com/index.php/inductees/inductee-name/?ref_cID=89&bID=0&dd_asId=600.
"Joshua Coffin Chase (1858-1948)." Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. Copyright 2012. http://floridacitrushalloffame.com/index.php/inductees/inductee-name/?ref_cID=89&bID=0&dd_asId=960.
Sanford Historical Society (Fla.). Sanford. Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 2003.
Mills, Jerry W., and F. Blair Reeves. A Chronology of the Development of the City of Sanford, Florida: With Major Emphasis on Early Growth, 1975.
August 26, 1927.
Mr. J. C. Chase,
Camden, Maine.
Dear Josh:
I wrote you a short note from Jacksonville yesterday, after spending the morning there interviewing McQuaid and Boggs.
It will be some days yet before we will know just what has to be done with reference to the City affairs. The Chase National Bank hold, subject to the order of the City, some city bonds which have not been sold but were sent to New York subject to delivery on our order. They are attempting to hold onto these bonds pending settlement of their account with the Seminole.
It may be necessary to secure the services of a first class legal firm in New York, if after an audit is completed, and if after another conference with the Chase National people, they refuse to release the bonds. In case we do have to have a New York attorney the firm headed by Chas. E. Hughes is probably the firm we would use. There is something over $500,000.00 in bonds now being held by the Chase National Bank as Trustees.
Since returning to Sanford last evening the name of Geo. M. Powell, Jacksonville, Attorney, has been suggested as a good man for the City to use if it is found necessary to have a Jacksonville attorney. I think he is the same man who had some notoriety a few years ago, resulting from the Proprietor of the Windsor Hotel entering his office with a cow-hide whip and giving him a severe thrashing. I am not sure as to this, but think he is in the same party. You probably know who I am referring to. Wish you would let me have your views about this party. I understand he is a very able lawyer, does not have very much court practice, but is consulted by
Mr. J. C. Chase. #2.
other attorneys and used in advisory capacity and is regarded as one of the best advisory lawyers in Jacksonville. Personally I would not consider any one other than the party you recommend.
Yours very truly,
August 26, 1927.
Mr. J. C. Chase,
Camden, Maine.
Dear Josh:
I wrote you a short note from Jacksonville yesterday, after spending the morning there interviewing McQuaid and Boggs.
It will be some days yet before we will know just what has to be done with reference to the City affairs. The Chase National Bank hold, subject to the order of the City, some city bonds which have not been sold but were sent to New York subject to delivery on our order. They are attempting to hold onto these bonds pending settlement of their account with the Seminole.
It may be necessary to secure the services of a first class legal firm in New York, if after an audit is completed, and if after another conference with the Chase National people, they refuse to release the bonds. In case we do have to have a New York attorney the firm headed by Chas. E. Hughes is probably the firm we would use. There is something over $500,000.00 in bonds now being held by the Chase National Bank as Trustees.
Since returning to Sanford last evening the name of Geo. M. Powell, Jacksonville, Attorney, has been suggested as a good man for the City to use if it is found necessary to have a Jacksonville attorney. I think he is the same man who had some notoriety a few years ago, resulting from the Proprietor of the Windsor Hotel entering his office with a cow-hide whip and giving him a severe thrashing. I am not sure as to this, but think he is in the same party. You probably know who I am referring to. Wish you would let me have your views about this party. I understand he is a very able lawyer, does not have very much court practice, but is consulted by
Mr. J. C. Chase. #2.
other attorneys and used in advisory capacity and is regarded as one of the best advisory lawyers in Jacksonville. Personally I would not consider any one other than the party you recommend.
Yours very truly,
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
2-page typewritten letter on Chase & Company letterhead
Chase, Sydney Octavius, “Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 26, 1927),” RICHES, accessed March 4, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/2539.