Oviedo High School Powderpuff Cheerleaders
Dublin Core
Oviedo High School Powderpuff Cheerleaders
Alternative Title
Oviedo High Powderpuff Cheerleaders
Oviedo (Fla.)
High schools--Florida
High school students--Florida
Cheerleading--United States
Oviedo High School powderpuff cheerleaders during the 1985-1986 school year. The male cheerleading squad consisted of Shawn Hartsfield, Bill McLoughlin, Chris Cammack, Pat Westerfield, Brent Bradley, Cliff McCloe, Mike Willette, Eric Flynn, Darrell Cunningham, and Erik Vick.
Oviedo High School is a Seminole County Public School located in Oviedo, Florida. Originally called the Oviedo School, the institution was first established in 1922 as a K-12 school. In 1948, the secondary grades separated from the elementary school. The upper grade levels formed Oviedo High School and moved to the campus at 601 King Street. Oviedo High School is notable for The Lion's Tale, the award-winning school newspaper recognized by various national and state scholastic press associations; its high ratings from the Governor's A+ Plan for Education; and its successful athletics programs.
The term "powderpuff" is used describe the participation of females in traditionally male sports, such as football, and the participation of males in traditionally female sports, such as cheerleading. Powderpuff football games are a tradition for many American high schools and universities. The first powderpuff football game was held on October 20, 1945, at Eastern State Teachers College in Madison, South Dakota. The idea for a female football team arose out of the lack of male football players due to the military draft during World War II. Powderpuff became popularized in 1972 when two high schools in Connecticut, Mark T. Sheehan High School and Lyman Hall High School, held a game between their female students.
Oviedo High School is a Seminole County Public School located in Oviedo, Florida. Originally called the Oviedo School, the institution was first established in 1922 as a K-12 school. In 1948, the secondary grades separated from the elementary school. The upper grade levels formed Oviedo High School and moved to the campus at 601 King Street. Oviedo High School is notable for The Lion's Tale, the award-winning school newspaper recognized by various national and state scholastic press associations; its high ratings from the Governor's A+ Plan for Education; and its successful athletics programs.
The term "powderpuff" is used describe the participation of females in traditionally male sports, such as football, and the participation of males in traditionally female sports, such as cheerleading. Powderpuff football games are a tradition for many American high schools and universities. The first powderpuff football game was held on October 20, 1945, at Eastern State Teachers College in Madison, South Dakota. The idea for a female football team arose out of the lack of male football players due to the military draft during World War II. Powderpuff became popularized in 1972 when two high schools in Connecticut, Mark T. Sheehan High School and Lyman Hall High School, held a game between their female students.
Oviedo High School “Oviedian” yearbook photo of powderpuff cheerleaders (page 15)
Oviedian Staff of 1986
Original color photograph.
Date Created
ca. 1985-1986
Date Copyrighted
Date Issued
Has Format
8.5 x 6 inch print reproduction of original color photograph by Oviedian Staff of 1986: Oviedian 1986, (Oviedo, FL: Oviedo High School, 1986): Seminole County Public Schools Collection, UCF Public History Center, Sanford, Florida.
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of 8.5 x 6 inch print reproduction of original color photograph by Oviedian Staff of 1986.
Is Part Of
Oviedian 1986, (Oviedo, FL: Oviedo High School, 1986): Seminole County Public Schools Collection, UCF Public History Center, Sanford, Florida.
Seminole County Public Schools Collection, Student Museum and UCF Public History Center Collection, Sanford Collection, Seminole County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
Is Referenced By
Oviedian 1986, page 15.
686 KB
1 color photograph
Still Image
Oviedo High School, Oviedo, Florida
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Originally published by Oviedian and owned by Oviedo High School.
Rights Holder
Copyright to this resource is held by Oviedo High School and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.
Contributing Project
Cepero, Laura
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
"Oviedo High School." Oviedo High School, Seminole County Public Schools. http://www.oviedo.scps.k12.fl.us/.
"About Oviedo High School." Oviedo High School Reunions. http://www.ohsr.net/about-oviedo-high-school.
Robison, Jim. Around Oviedo. 2012.
Powder Puff Cheerleaders Shawn Hartsfield, Bill McLoughlin, Chris Cammack, Pat Westerfield, Brent Bradley, Cliff McCLoe, Mike Willete, Eric Flynn, Darrell Cunningham, and Erik Vick raise spirit at pep rallies.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
1 color photograph
UCF Public History Center, “Oviedo High School Powderpuff Cheerleaders,” RICHES, accessed February 16, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/2811.