U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1850
Dublin Core
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1850
Alternative Title
Census, 1850
Census--United States
Orange County (Fla.)
Marion County (Fla.)
Population--United States
The Seventh United States Census records for Orange County (including present-day Seminole County and part of Lake County and Osceola County) and Marion County for 1850. The census divides the population by race ("White" vs. "Black") and gender. The "Black" population is further divided into slaves and "free blacks." The population is also divided by out-of-state origin and foreign origin. Finally, the census collected information on agriculture, including number of farms, cash value of farms, acres of improved land of farms, acres of unimproved land of farms, and value of livestock.
In March of 1849, Congress pass legislation that established a census board consisting of the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Postmaster General. The board was responsible for preparing and printing forms and schedules for enumeration related to population, mining, agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, education, etc. The 1850 Census also increased population inquiries to include every free person's name (as opposed to just the head of the household), as well as information on taxes, schools, crime, wages, estate values, etc.
In March of 1849, Congress pass legislation that established a census board consisting of the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Postmaster General. The board was responsible for preparing and printing forms and schedules for enumeration related to population, mining, agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, education, etc. The 1850 Census also increased population inquiries to include every free person's name (as opposed to just the head of the household), as well as information on taxes, schools, crime, wages, estate values, etc.
Original census data by the U.S. Census Office, 1850.
Date Created
ca. 1850-06-01
Gibson, Ella
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original census data by the U.S. Census Office, 1850.
Is Part Of
U.S. Census Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
209 KB
1 table
Orange County, Florida
Marion County, Florida
Accrual Method
Item Creation
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Originally collected by the U.S. Census Office and published by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
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Cepero, Laura
Digital Collection
External Reference
"1850 Overview." U.S. Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/overview/1850.html.
United States. Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1975. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/histstats-colonial-1970.pdf.
United States, and Carroll D. Wright.The History and Growth of the United States Census. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1900. https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/wright-hunt.pdf.
U.S. Census of 1850
Marion County Orange County*
White Population
Total 2,068 238
Male 1,147 139
Female 921 99
Free Black Population
Total 1 2
Male 1 2
Female 0 0
Slave Population
Total 1,269 226
Male 633 107
Female 636 66
People Born Out of State
Total 1,358 66
People Born Out of the United States of America
Total 16 6
Marion County Orange County*
Total 329 19
Cash Value of Farms
Farms $346,695 $60,000
Farming Implements and Machinery $31,885 $14,095
Acres of Farmland
Improved Land 11,451 963
Unimproved Land 44,168 4,083
Value of Livestock
Total $174,703 $27,020
Animals Slaughtered $28,687 $1,475
*Includes present-day Seminole County and parts of present-day Lake and Osceola counties
Marion County Orange County*
White Population
Total 2,068 238
Male 1,147 139
Female 921 99
Free Black Population
Total 1 2
Male 1 2
Female 0 0
Slave Population
Total 1,269 226
Male 633 107
Female 636 66
People Born Out of State
Total 1,358 66
People Born Out of the United States of America
Total 16 6
Marion County Orange County*
Total 329 19
Cash Value of Farms
Farms $346,695 $60,000
Farming Implements and Machinery $31,885 $14,095
Acres of Farmland
Improved Land 11,451 963
Unimproved Land 44,168 4,083
Value of Livestock
Total $174,703 $27,020
Animals Slaughtered $28,687 $1,475
*Includes present-day Seminole County and parts of present-day Lake and Osceola counties
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
1 table
U.S. Census Office, “U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1850,” RICHES, accessed February 16, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/3831.