Hubert Thomas Delany


Dublin Core


Hubert Thomas Delany

Alternative Title

Hubert Thomas Delany


Delany, Hubert T.
Judges--New York (State)
Civil rights--New York (State)


An autographed portrait of Hubert Thomas Delany, which is housed at the Mary McLeod Bethune Foundation, located at 640 Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Boulevard in Daytona Beach, Florida. Delaney is best known as the first African-American Tax Commissioner of New York and one of the first black judges appointed in New York City, New York. He was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, on May 11, 1901. Delaney graduate from the City College of New York in 1923. In 1926, he earned a law degree from New York University School of Law, where he was a member of the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, the first Greek fraternity founded by African Americans. Delaney was a board member for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and was also vice president of the NAACP Legal and Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. In addition, he advised a number of civil rights activists, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.; and Langston Hughes. He died on December 28, 1990, in Manhattan, New York.


Original 8 x 10 inch black and white photographic print: Sun room, image 101, Mary McLeod Bethune Foundation, Daytona Beach, Florida.

Date Created

ca. 1901-1990

Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original 8 x 10 inch black and white photographic print.

Is Part Of

Mary McLeod Bethune Foundation, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Mary McLeod Bethune Foundation Collection, Daytona Beach Collection, Volusia County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




323 KB


8 x 10 inch autographed black and white photographic print




Still Image


New York City, New York
Mary McLeod Bethune Foundation, Mary McLeod Bethune Home, Bethune-Cookman University, Daytona Beach, Florida

Accrual Method



History Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher

Rights Holder

Copyright to this resource is held by the Mary McLeod Bethune Foundation and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.


Cepero, Laura

Digital Collection

Source Repository

External Reference

Biondi, Martha. To Stand and Fight The Struggle for Civil Rights in Postwar New York City. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2003.

Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

1 autographed black and white photographic print

Physical Dimensions

8 x 10 inches


“Hubert Thomas Delany,” RICHES, accessed February 13, 2025,

