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- Tags: judge
Something to Think About: Rape Ruling a Travesty
Letter from O. E. Frye, Jr. to John A. Sutton (June 21, 1962)
Tags: agricultural pollution; Attorney General; Bill Fullford; Bill Turk; Board of Commissioners; Bob Sherman; Central Boulevard; chamber of commerce; Congress; Democrat; Democratic Party; Don McAllistor; election; fish; fish kill; Florida Democratic Primary Election; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida's 11th Congressional District; Harold L. Moody L.; insecticide; Jeb Stuart; Joe Jacobs; John A. Sutton; judge; justice; Lake Apopka; Lake County Board of Commissioners; lawsuit; M. W. Hammond; Moon Head Lodge; O. E. Frye, Jr.; Orange County Board of Commissioners; pesticide; pollution; primary election; Tom Denmark; U.S. House of Representatives; W. R. Peavy, Jr.; water conservation; water quality; wildlife; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce; Woods, John W.
Hubert Thomas Delany
President Harry S. Truman
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Sydney Octavius Chase (September 14, 1923)
Tags: abatement; abatement claim; California Fruit Growers Exchange; CFGE; Chase and Company; Chase, Franklin W.; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; court; government; Isleworth Grove; Isleworth Grove Company; judge; judicial; lawsuit; Limoniere Lemon Company; Teague, C. C.; Weill; Windermere
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 48: The Groveland 4
Tags: African American; Assistant District Attorney; attorney; boycott; capital punishment; citrus; citrus boycott; citrus industry; civil rights; Clermont; Collins, LeRoy; Collins, Thomas LeRoy; Communist; Communist Party; court; court case; crime; criminal case; criminal justice; death penalty; death sentence; Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America; documentary; electric chair; execution; false accusation; false conviction; Florida State Attorney; Francis, Willie; fundraising; governor; Governor of Florida; Greenlee, Charles; Groveland; Groveland 4; Groveland Boys; Groveland Boys Trial; Howard, Willie James; Irvin, Walter Lee; judge; justice; kidnapping; King, Gilbert; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Lake County; Lake County Sheriff; Lake County Sheriff's Office; lawyer; LDF; legal defense fund; legal representation; Library of Congress; life in prison; life sentence; LOC; lynch mob; lynching; Marshall, Thurgood; McCall, Willis Virgil; media; mob; Moore, Harry Tyson; murder; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; news; newspaper; Padgett, Norma; Padgett, Willie; podcast; prisoner; prosecution; protest; publicity; race relations; racism; rape; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Shepherd, Samuel "Sam"; sheriff; Sheriff's Office; State Archives of Florida; Supreme Court; Supreme Court justice; suspect; Suwannee River; Thomas, Ernest; trial; U.S. Supreme Court; UM; University of Miami