The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 08, June 26, 1926
Dublin Core
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 08, June 26, 1926
Alternative Title
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 08
Maitland (Fla.)
The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by The Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as the completion of the city's waterworks, the construction of a new town hall and firehouse, the town council's trip to DeLand to observe water pumps, freight shipping statistics for Florida, the growth of the central Florida area, citrus culture, banking, an obituary, two weddings, and a local events calendar. Also featured are several advertisements for local businesses.
Original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 08, June 26, 1926: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Company
Date Created
ca. 1926-06-26
Date Copyrighted
Date Issued
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 08, June 26, 1926.
Is Part Of
Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
2.45 MB
4-page newspaper edition
Maitland, Florida
Winter Park, Florida
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Originally published by the Maitland News Company.
Rights Holder
Copyright to this resource is held by the Maitland News Company and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.
Settle, John
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
volume I
JUNE 26, 1926
Final Action Taken By the Council For the Completion of the City Waterworks
On Monday afternoon at five oclock, the wedding of Miss Jennille Haile and Mr. Hugh McMillan was solemnized at the home of the brides sister, Mrs. Kenneth McPherson. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. D. Visor, Pastor of the Maitland Presbyterian Church, in the presence of the immediate family.
The bride was attired in a gown of taupe chiffon with a pink straw hat and carried a bouquet of liliesof-thevalley. Miss Lois Haile, who attend. ed the bride, wore a gown of grey georgette and carried pink roses. Mr. Harold Haile acted as groomsman. Mrs. Rogers played the wedding march and Mr. McPherson and Mrs. Lull sang.
The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Haile, well known residents of Maitland, has been teaching for the past few years in Gastonia, N. C. where Mr. Mc. Millan is engaged in the automobile business.
After the ceremony the young couple departed immediately on a wedding trip and will make their home in Gastonia.
Members of the council and other city officials and prominent citizens of Maitland motored over to DeLand Sunday to inspect the working of two types of pump now in operation by the city of DeLand and a third pumping outfit just being installed. The engineers of the plants operated both outfits for our benefit and explained the construction, mechanism and operation of each, the advantages and disadvantages, so that the committee could get an idea and understanding of their respective merits as a basis for making a selection of the type of outfit most suitable and desirable for Maitland.
A wedding of great interest to the people of Maitland was that of Miss Nannie Harris of Winter Park to William L. Goette, which took place last week Thursday at the home of the brides parents, Captain and Mrs. J. A. Harris.
Mrs. Goette is well known to most of the readers of the News, either personally or through her splendid work as Assistant Principal of the Winter Park High School, while ad. ditional interest is due to the fact that she is the sister of Mrs. C. J. Wood. ward of this city.
All who know of the high place which Mrs. Goette holds in educational circles will be pleased to learn that as Mr. Goette is a school man, being principal of the Eustis High School, her influence and interest in the educational work of the state will continue to be felt.
work star TED ON NEW TOWN HALL AND FIRE HOUSE At a recent meeting of the Town Council a contract for the erection of a modern combination Town Hall, Fire House and Jail was awarded to Geo. B. DeNoyelles. This building will be of hollow tile and stucco and will be located on a lot owned by the town between Independence Lane and Inter street. The building will be placed on the back of the lot facing Independence Lane on the west. This arrangement will leave the remainder of the grounds available for beautification by lawn and appropriate shrubs. On the lower floor will be located the fire house with room for the oc. comodation of the new Boyer Fire Engine recently purchased, the municipal offices and space for town equipment. Located at the rear of the first (Continued on Page 4)
At a meeting of the Town Count cil Tuesday evening the 22nd a contract was entered into with the Layne Southeastern Company, of St. Peters burg, Florida, state representatives of the Layne Bowler Company of Memphis, Tennessee, for a modern electrically driven deep well pump for the municipal water system. This unit will be of the most mo, dern in every respect, being driven by a 50 H. P. direct connected, vertical, General Electric motor with full automatic control. This automa. tic feature will obviate the necessity of having a full time attendant at the pumping station, because of the fact that when the tank reaches a certain low level the pump will automatically start, and when the tank reaches a certain high level the pump will automatically stop. An inspection of a few minutes a day for the purpose of oiling will be all the attention necessary as the motor will be also equipped with a device protecting it against low voltage current. The capacity of this pump will be 500 gallons per minute, the water being forced directly into the tank 100 feet in the air by the six impellers located 65 feet below the surface and connected with the pump head by shafting, fully encased. Delivery of this equipment cannot be expected in less than six weeks so the manufacturers state, thereby necessitating some further delay in the actual turning on of the water. The final work connected with the laying of the mains and installation of fire hydrants will be completed in a few weeks. This will complete the installation of the water system which has been unavoidably delayed by various causes. First the freight embargo held up (Continued on Page 4)
Published Weekly by The Maitland News Company. ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising Rates on Application
We note with interest certain statistices quoted in the last issue of the Winter Park Herald, which we should judge to be a pretty good in dication of the intrinsic soundness of Florida today. According to the figures given the amount of freight shipped into Florida by rail through Jacksonville in the first quarter of 1926 exceeded the shipments for the same period in 1925 by 58.5%, and in 1924 by 102.%. And this in spite of the embargo which, as we all know too well, cut down the con sumption of outside commodities by practically everyone who was a res. ident of Florida at that period.
Of equal interest is the record of building and engineering contracts which for the first four months of 1926 amounted to 112,604,600.00, an increase of 12.7% over the 49, 552,400.00 of the corresponding period of 1925, while the April figure was the highest on record for
that month, 92% more than last April. we feel that this information
comes very timely after our article of last week on the increase of buildings in Maitland during the past year, showing, as it does, that our local conditions are reflecting truly those which are general through the state.
Two of the aspects of this construc
tion program are especially note worthy. One is the fact that a large part of the construction is of a public character. Here in our immediate vicinity we have the new Court House, Station, Auditorium, Coliseum, Telephone Exchange, . M. C. A building, besides schools and churches, in Orlandoa new high school in Winter Park not to men. tion our own municipal buildingtogether with an extensive road program in both Orange and Seminole counties, including the practical rebuilding of state highways No. 2 and 3the latter being the famous Black Bear Trail, a federal military highway, running from Quebec to St. Petersburg and Miami, and including Maitland among its points of interest.
The other feature is that a large proportion of the capital being used in the private enterprises comes from northern financiers, who, while at the moment they appear shy about invest ing in Florida real estate, are placing their money here in substantial busi ness enterprises, which will be of permanent value in the development of the country, thus showing that their confidence in the future of Flor ida is unshaken.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Milliman and daughters spent several days last week at St. Petersburg.
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
Sunday, 10:00 a m. Sunday school, Methodist and Presbyterian churches:00 p. m, Epworth League, Methodist church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services Presbyterian church. Tuesday, :00 p. m.Municipal office, zoning commission. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. m.Library Open. Second Thursday, 12:15 White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. m.Council meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts.
General Repairing Vulcanizing
M. L. KYLE, Prop.
Wrecking Car Service Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
Texaco Gas and Oils
Saturday, :00-6:00 p. m.Library Open. Fans, 5.95 up
1-burner Grill or Toaster 1.75 2-burner Stove 6.00 Grill 6.50
Will boil, fry, toast, broil or stew. Does any two at the same time.
The value of your home de
pends upon the quality of
the materials used in its construction
We Specialize in High Grade Lumber and Building Materials
Phone 399
(Illustrated House Plan Books. FREE)
LIBRARY LIST TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR The following books have been con- HOME TOWN tributed lately to the Maitland Library: VI. Thou shalt build good roads Enoch Crane, By F. Hopkinson and - - - Smith; The Hat of Destiny, by Mrs. Eternal "
T. P. OConnor. An Americans Lon. motto, that thy roads may not ravel don, by Louise Closser Hale; My nor thy supervisor forget thee. Book and Heart, by Corra Harris; - The Reminiscenses of Lady Randolph Inter-City Churchill, by Mrs. George Cornwal- 22 lis West; In Kings by Julia Realty Company BR0WN HAS IT C. R. Door (Mrs. Door used to be a regular winter visitor at the Mait- Real Estate Brokers land Inn.
We Specialize in the Best
MAITLAND FLORIDA Western Meats Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Phone Winter Park 1310-- who are staying in Maitland much The best is none too good later this year than usual, leave the EVERYTHING IN last of the month for a trip to Cali- REAL ESTATE Vegetables
fornia and Washington. fresh from the garden, daily
We have the exclusive list- Give us a trial and be
- - inced ing on the most beautiful convince Maitland Plumbing Lake Front Properties in THE TASTE TELIS" C Maitland - C B R O N S - - - The City Store Plumbing, Piping, Telephone 1310-Irrigating, Repairing ESTIMATES FURNISHED Greetings TO THE MOTOR DRIVING PUBLIC BANK ΟΡ M A ITL AND FROM THE White Way Motor Co. A Local Bank Maitland A Reliable Garage is a distinct For Local People asset to any town. THE WHITE way MOTOR CO. has the privilege of serving a - number of particular automobile Your Home Town Comes First who have become fast Patronize its Stores and Industries E. A. UPMEYER, Pres. J. A. BROWN, VPres. Have TIRES, TUBES and other DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier ACCESSORIES. We estimate your job and stand by it. Would like to have you call. Phone 1204-| JOHN NELSON W. A. MANNING
DR. S. C. HARDWICK PASSES AWAY IN NORTHERN HOME Just as we go to press we receive word that Dr. S. C. Hardwick passed away at his northern home on Wednesday, June sixteenth. This news will come as a great shock and grief to the many friends of Dr. Hardwick in Maitland, who will join the News in offering their sincere and heartfelt condolences to Mrs. Hardwick.
(Continued from Page 1) shipments of cast iron pipe for several months, then the well drillers were held up in getting their drilling equipment on the ground, not until the well was completed and the test made, could a complete log of the well be forwarded to the engineering come panys offices in Atlanta for recome mendations and specifications for the type of pumping equipment to be used. After receipt of these specifications it was necessary, by law, to advertise for thirty days for bids on this equipment, which brings us up to the present time. If everything goes well from now on prospective water consumers may reasonably expect service by the middle of August. work started on new town HALL AND FIRE HOUSE
(Continued from Page 1)
floor will be two modern jail cells.
On the second floor will be located an assembly hall for the uses of the town council.
Construction has already started and the structure will be completed by September first according to the terms of the contract.
CITRUS CULTURESPRAYING ( Forrest B. Stone) This is the time of year when the citrus grower has to watch his trees and young fruit very carefully as the little pest known as the rust mite is about to put in his
greatest work. Damage done by this in
sect lowers the grade of fruit in two ways, it makes a rusty appearing fruit which detracts from its appearance a great deal and reduces its value fifty or more cents per box, it also prevents the fruit from maturing to its normal size. Last year there was not a great amount of damage done by the rust mite as it seemed to be an of year, consequently there is likely to be an over supply of them this year. Just at present conditions indicate that they are more plentiful than they have been in years and it behooves every orange grower to spray or dust just as soon as they appear in any quantities. A
behind the cage.
heavy lime sulphur solution seems to give the best results and will last over a much longer period than the dust, however it is not possible to apply same as rapidly and where you have large acreage the dust seems to be preferred. The spraying should be repeated two or three times or as often as necessary to control the mite. For white fly and scale if they are to be found in any quantity the grove should be sprayed at once with an oil spray as it keeps the trees clean and gives them better breathing facilities.
In the introduction to this series of articles on banking, reference was made to the many interesting things that go on I regret that lack of space in each issue of this paper causes each article to be practically a summary, but it cant be helped.
The balance of a set of books is of primary importance, since it proves that each account is correct, except in cases of cross-errors which are rare.) Bank bookkeeping differs only in detail from any other form of bookkeeping and is simply a matter of credits and debits.
In opening a set of bank books, the capital stock and surplus constitute a credit on one side, and the cash on hand and the cost of banking house and fixtures are the balancing debit on the other side. Deposit slips, cashiers checks, bank drafts and interest all go on the credit side of the books, and the checks and cash received for credits mentioned constitute the debit to offset the credits.
At the end of the day all of the credits, the deposits, the cashiers checks and drafts, and the intrest together with the cash carried over from the previous day are added up and a total obtained. The debits, checks, notes, and cash for the day must equal the total of the credits, or the bank is out of balance and the difference must be found.
All checks on other banks are sent away for collection. In the case of a small bank, the foreign items, as they are called, are usually deposited in a larger bank from which they are in turn sent out to the banks on which the checks are drawn. It is not unusual for a check to go through four or five different banks before it reaches its destination, and it may be in the mails for several days.
In posting the accounts, each check and deposit must be handled five or six different times. For instance: suppose John Smith has a balance of 1,000.00 and draws three checks for 100.00 each and makes two deposits for 150.00 each. These items must be listed and proved, the de posits added to his balance on two different sheets, ledger sheet and statement sheet) and the checks subtracted from the total on these same sheets. His new balance will be the same 1,000.00, but twenty separte transactions have been made to reach that new balance.
It is indeed a blessing that the banks of today have the use of accurate bookkeeping machines without which the in tricate bank bookkeeping could not be performed.
Bank of Maitland. DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier
You can trade your notes and mortgages to us for lots in Greenwood Gardens.
Pick out your lots and tell us what you have. If it is good we can handle it.
You cant sleep on a live proposition.
talk it out now.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --~~~~~~~
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
volume I
JUNE 26, 1926
Final Action Taken By the Council For the Completion of the City Waterworks
On Monday afternoon at five oclock, the wedding of Miss Jennille Haile and Mr. Hugh McMillan was solemnized at the home of the brides sister, Mrs. Kenneth McPherson. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. D. Visor, Pastor of the Maitland Presbyterian Church, in the presence of the immediate family.
The bride was attired in a gown of taupe chiffon with a pink straw hat and carried a bouquet of liliesof-thevalley. Miss Lois Haile, who attend. ed the bride, wore a gown of grey georgette and carried pink roses. Mr. Harold Haile acted as groomsman. Mrs. Rogers played the wedding march and Mr. McPherson and Mrs. Lull sang.
The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Haile, well known residents of Maitland, has been teaching for the past few years in Gastonia, N. C. where Mr. Mc. Millan is engaged in the automobile business.
After the ceremony the young couple departed immediately on a wedding trip and will make their home in Gastonia.
Members of the council and other city officials and prominent citizens of Maitland motored over to DeLand Sunday to inspect the working of two types of pump now in operation by the city of DeLand and a third pumping outfit just being installed. The engineers of the plants operated both outfits for our benefit and explained the construction, mechanism and operation of each, the advantages and disadvantages, so that the committee could get an idea and understanding of their respective merits as a basis for making a selection of the type of outfit most suitable and desirable for Maitland.
A wedding of great interest to the people of Maitland was that of Miss Nannie Harris of Winter Park to William L. Goette, which took place last week Thursday at the home of the brides parents, Captain and Mrs. J. A. Harris.
Mrs. Goette is well known to most of the readers of the News, either personally or through her splendid work as Assistant Principal of the Winter Park High School, while ad. ditional interest is due to the fact that she is the sister of Mrs. C. J. Wood. ward of this city.
All who know of the high place which Mrs. Goette holds in educational circles will be pleased to learn that as Mr. Goette is a school man, being principal of the Eustis High School, her influence and interest in the educational work of the state will continue to be felt.
work star TED ON NEW TOWN HALL AND FIRE HOUSE At a recent meeting of the Town Council a contract for the erection of a modern combination Town Hall, Fire House and Jail was awarded to Geo. B. DeNoyelles. This building will be of hollow tile and stucco and will be located on a lot owned by the town between Independence Lane and Inter street. The building will be placed on the back of the lot facing Independence Lane on the west. This arrangement will leave the remainder of the grounds available for beautification by lawn and appropriate shrubs. On the lower floor will be located the fire house with room for the oc. comodation of the new Boyer Fire Engine recently purchased, the municipal offices and space for town equipment. Located at the rear of the first (Continued on Page 4)
At a meeting of the Town Count cil Tuesday evening the 22nd a contract was entered into with the Layne Southeastern Company, of St. Peters burg, Florida, state representatives of the Layne Bowler Company of Memphis, Tennessee, for a modern electrically driven deep well pump for the municipal water system. This unit will be of the most mo, dern in every respect, being driven by a 50 H. P. direct connected, vertical, General Electric motor with full automatic control. This automa. tic feature will obviate the necessity of having a full time attendant at the pumping station, because of the fact that when the tank reaches a certain low level the pump will automatically start, and when the tank reaches a certain high level the pump will automatically stop. An inspection of a few minutes a day for the purpose of oiling will be all the attention necessary as the motor will be also equipped with a device protecting it against low voltage current. The capacity of this pump will be 500 gallons per minute, the water being forced directly into the tank 100 feet in the air by the six impellers located 65 feet below the surface and connected with the pump head by shafting, fully encased. Delivery of this equipment cannot be expected in less than six weeks so the manufacturers state, thereby necessitating some further delay in the actual turning on of the water. The final work connected with the laying of the mains and installation of fire hydrants will be completed in a few weeks. This will complete the installation of the water system which has been unavoidably delayed by various causes. First the freight embargo held up (Continued on Page 4)
Published Weekly by The Maitland News Company. ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising Rates on Application
We note with interest certain statistices quoted in the last issue of the Winter Park Herald, which we should judge to be a pretty good in dication of the intrinsic soundness of Florida today. According to the figures given the amount of freight shipped into Florida by rail through Jacksonville in the first quarter of 1926 exceeded the shipments for the same period in 1925 by 58.5%, and in 1924 by 102.%. And this in spite of the embargo which, as we all know too well, cut down the con sumption of outside commodities by practically everyone who was a res. ident of Florida at that period.
Of equal interest is the record of building and engineering contracts which for the first four months of 1926 amounted to 112,604,600.00, an increase of 12.7% over the 49, 552,400.00 of the corresponding period of 1925, while the April figure was the highest on record for
that month, 92% more than last April. we feel that this information
comes very timely after our article of last week on the increase of buildings in Maitland during the past year, showing, as it does, that our local conditions are reflecting truly those which are general through the state.
Two of the aspects of this construc
tion program are especially note worthy. One is the fact that a large part of the construction is of a public character. Here in our immediate vicinity we have the new Court House, Station, Auditorium, Coliseum, Telephone Exchange, . M. C. A building, besides schools and churches, in Orlandoa new high school in Winter Park not to men. tion our own municipal buildingtogether with an extensive road program in both Orange and Seminole counties, including the practical rebuilding of state highways No. 2 and 3the latter being the famous Black Bear Trail, a federal military highway, running from Quebec to St. Petersburg and Miami, and including Maitland among its points of interest.
The other feature is that a large proportion of the capital being used in the private enterprises comes from northern financiers, who, while at the moment they appear shy about invest ing in Florida real estate, are placing their money here in substantial busi ness enterprises, which will be of permanent value in the development of the country, thus showing that their confidence in the future of Flor ida is unshaken.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Milliman and daughters spent several days last week at St. Petersburg.
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
Sunday, 10:00 a m. Sunday school, Methodist and Presbyterian churches:00 p. m, Epworth League, Methodist church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services Presbyterian church. Tuesday, :00 p. m.Municipal office, zoning commission. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. m.Library Open. Second Thursday, 12:15 White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. m.Council meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts.
General Repairing Vulcanizing
M. L. KYLE, Prop.
Wrecking Car Service Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
Texaco Gas and Oils
Saturday, :00-6:00 p. m.Library Open. Fans, 5.95 up
1-burner Grill or Toaster 1.75 2-burner Stove 6.00 Grill 6.50
Will boil, fry, toast, broil or stew. Does any two at the same time.
The value of your home de
pends upon the quality of
the materials used in its construction
We Specialize in High Grade Lumber and Building Materials
Phone 399
(Illustrated House Plan Books. FREE)
LIBRARY LIST TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR The following books have been con- HOME TOWN tributed lately to the Maitland Library: VI. Thou shalt build good roads Enoch Crane, By F. Hopkinson and - - - Smith; The Hat of Destiny, by Mrs. Eternal "
T. P. OConnor. An Americans Lon. motto, that thy roads may not ravel don, by Louise Closser Hale; My nor thy supervisor forget thee. Book and Heart, by Corra Harris; - The Reminiscenses of Lady Randolph Inter-City Churchill, by Mrs. George Cornwal- 22 lis West; In Kings by Julia Realty Company BR0WN HAS IT C. R. Door (Mrs. Door used to be a regular winter visitor at the Mait- Real Estate Brokers land Inn.
We Specialize in the Best
MAITLAND FLORIDA Western Meats Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Phone Winter Park 1310-- who are staying in Maitland much The best is none too good later this year than usual, leave the EVERYTHING IN last of the month for a trip to Cali- REAL ESTATE Vegetables
fornia and Washington. fresh from the garden, daily
We have the exclusive list- Give us a trial and be
- - inced ing on the most beautiful convince Maitland Plumbing Lake Front Properties in THE TASTE TELIS" C Maitland - C B R O N S - - - The City Store Plumbing, Piping, Telephone 1310-Irrigating, Repairing ESTIMATES FURNISHED Greetings TO THE MOTOR DRIVING PUBLIC BANK ΟΡ M A ITL AND FROM THE White Way Motor Co. A Local Bank Maitland A Reliable Garage is a distinct For Local People asset to any town. THE WHITE way MOTOR CO. has the privilege of serving a - number of particular automobile Your Home Town Comes First who have become fast Patronize its Stores and Industries E. A. UPMEYER, Pres. J. A. BROWN, VPres. Have TIRES, TUBES and other DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier ACCESSORIES. We estimate your job and stand by it. Would like to have you call. Phone 1204-| JOHN NELSON W. A. MANNING
DR. S. C. HARDWICK PASSES AWAY IN NORTHERN HOME Just as we go to press we receive word that Dr. S. C. Hardwick passed away at his northern home on Wednesday, June sixteenth. This news will come as a great shock and grief to the many friends of Dr. Hardwick in Maitland, who will join the News in offering their sincere and heartfelt condolences to Mrs. Hardwick.
(Continued from Page 1) shipments of cast iron pipe for several months, then the well drillers were held up in getting their drilling equipment on the ground, not until the well was completed and the test made, could a complete log of the well be forwarded to the engineering come panys offices in Atlanta for recome mendations and specifications for the type of pumping equipment to be used. After receipt of these specifications it was necessary, by law, to advertise for thirty days for bids on this equipment, which brings us up to the present time. If everything goes well from now on prospective water consumers may reasonably expect service by the middle of August. work started on new town HALL AND FIRE HOUSE
(Continued from Page 1)
floor will be two modern jail cells.
On the second floor will be located an assembly hall for the uses of the town council.
Construction has already started and the structure will be completed by September first according to the terms of the contract.
CITRUS CULTURESPRAYING ( Forrest B. Stone) This is the time of year when the citrus grower has to watch his trees and young fruit very carefully as the little pest known as the rust mite is about to put in his
greatest work. Damage done by this in
sect lowers the grade of fruit in two ways, it makes a rusty appearing fruit which detracts from its appearance a great deal and reduces its value fifty or more cents per box, it also prevents the fruit from maturing to its normal size. Last year there was not a great amount of damage done by the rust mite as it seemed to be an of year, consequently there is likely to be an over supply of them this year. Just at present conditions indicate that they are more plentiful than they have been in years and it behooves every orange grower to spray or dust just as soon as they appear in any quantities. A
behind the cage.
heavy lime sulphur solution seems to give the best results and will last over a much longer period than the dust, however it is not possible to apply same as rapidly and where you have large acreage the dust seems to be preferred. The spraying should be repeated two or three times or as often as necessary to control the mite. For white fly and scale if they are to be found in any quantity the grove should be sprayed at once with an oil spray as it keeps the trees clean and gives them better breathing facilities.
In the introduction to this series of articles on banking, reference was made to the many interesting things that go on I regret that lack of space in each issue of this paper causes each article to be practically a summary, but it cant be helped.
The balance of a set of books is of primary importance, since it proves that each account is correct, except in cases of cross-errors which are rare.) Bank bookkeeping differs only in detail from any other form of bookkeeping and is simply a matter of credits and debits.
In opening a set of bank books, the capital stock and surplus constitute a credit on one side, and the cash on hand and the cost of banking house and fixtures are the balancing debit on the other side. Deposit slips, cashiers checks, bank drafts and interest all go on the credit side of the books, and the checks and cash received for credits mentioned constitute the debit to offset the credits.
At the end of the day all of the credits, the deposits, the cashiers checks and drafts, and the intrest together with the cash carried over from the previous day are added up and a total obtained. The debits, checks, notes, and cash for the day must equal the total of the credits, or the bank is out of balance and the difference must be found.
All checks on other banks are sent away for collection. In the case of a small bank, the foreign items, as they are called, are usually deposited in a larger bank from which they are in turn sent out to the banks on which the checks are drawn. It is not unusual for a check to go through four or five different banks before it reaches its destination, and it may be in the mails for several days.
In posting the accounts, each check and deposit must be handled five or six different times. For instance: suppose John Smith has a balance of 1,000.00 and draws three checks for 100.00 each and makes two deposits for 150.00 each. These items must be listed and proved, the de posits added to his balance on two different sheets, ledger sheet and statement sheet) and the checks subtracted from the total on these same sheets. His new balance will be the same 1,000.00, but twenty separte transactions have been made to reach that new balance.
It is indeed a blessing that the banks of today have the use of accurate bookkeeping machines without which the in tricate bank bookkeeping could not be performed.
Bank of Maitland. DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier
You can trade your notes and mortgages to us for lots in Greenwood Gardens.
Pick out your lots and tell us what you have. If it is good we can handle it.
You cant sleep on a live proposition.
talk it out now.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --~~~~~~~
“The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 08, June 26, 1926,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025,