The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 07, June 19, 1926


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The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 07, June 19, 1926

Alternative Title

The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 07


Maitland (Fla.)


The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by The Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as the paving of local streets, students receiving honors, a wedding, a resident receiving an academic prize, the remodeling of a church, growth in Maitland, banking and currency, new library books, and a local events calendar. Also featured are several advertisements for local businesses. This edition is missing pages 3 and 4.


Original 2-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 07, June 19, 1926: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.


The Maitland News Company

Date Created

ca. 1926-06-19

Date Copyrighted


Date Issued


Is Format Of

Digital reproduction of original 2-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 07, June 19, 1926.

Is Part Of

Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.




2.38 MB


2-page newspaper edition






Maitland, Florida
Winter Park, Florida

Accrual Method



History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher


Originally published by the Maitland News Company.

Rights Holder

Copyright to this resource is held by the Maitland News Company and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.


Settle, John

Digital Collection

External Reference

Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.


The Maitland News
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
Volume I
JUNE 19, 1926
Paving of Streets and Construction of Sidewalks in Greenwood Gardens to Start Soon
Miss Rita Bennett and W. Laurence Parker were married at the Methodist Church in Winter Park at half past nine Wednesday morning June sixteenth the Rev. Harry Ingham officiating. The wedding was very quitely celebrated owing to a recent bereavement in the brides family.
Both young people are well known in Maitland, Miss Bennett is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . H. Bennett who came to Maitland four years ago from Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are both active in public affairs, Mr. Bennet having served in the Council for two years and on the Executive Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Bennet being sec. retary of the Maitland School Trus tees.
Mr. Parker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Parker who have been respected and permanent citizens of Maitland for many years.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Parker, after a short bridal trip will be at home at the Parker cottage on Mait. land Avenue.
PUPILS FROM MAITLAND school RECEIVE HONORS Four of the pupils of the Home Demonstration Class of the Maitland School have been rewarded for their excellent record by being sent to the summer course at Tallahassee, where they will receive ten days instruction in domestic science work. The girls who have received this honor are Twila Horton, Lily Tucker, Christine Ponder and Ella May MacIntyre, Miss Mamie Fugate, principal of the school has accompanied the girls and will remain in Tallahassee during the
CourSC. -
NOTICE J. H. Bennett is the agent for the Florida Public Service Company in this vicinity. Any trouble on the line or any lamps burned out should be reported to him and the matter will receive prompt attention.
ALVORD L. STONE WINS PRIZE Dr. Alvord L. Stone, upon his graduation from The Jefferson Medi. cal College of Philadelphia, June 4th, 1926, was awarded the Henry M. Phillips prize of seventy-five dollars. This prize is awarded upon the recommendation of the Professors of Surgery to the graduate in their opin. ion most worthy of recognition, and together with a similar prize awarded by the Professor of Medicine, was the highest prize given in a class numbering one hundred forty-four members. Dr. Stone was born and and has lived all his life in Maitland. After four very successful years at Rollins College, he graduated with the B. S. degree. The following fall he entered Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia where he has been for the last four years. At the close of his Junior year he married Ruth Waldron and came to Florida on his wedding trip, return. ing to Philadelphia in the fall. For the next two years Dr. Stone will take his intern work in the Episcopal Hospital, the largest and finest hospital in Philadelphia, and he and Mrs. Stone will live at 322 W. Huntingdon street. EPISCOPAL RECTORY TO BE MADE OVER Plans are being made for the remodeling of the rectory of the Epis copal Church in Maitland as it will be occupied next year by Right Rev. Wing, Bishop Coadjutor of the Dio. cese of South Florida, and his family. The house will be thoroughly reno. wated, and many changes made both inside and out. Bishop and Mrs. Wing will make Maitland their permanent home. The church is also to be repaired this summer. A new roof will be put on and the church will be painted. Rev. R. P. Cobb will hold services as usual next winter.
The paving of the east side of the double boulevard of Maitland Avenue from George street north to Lake Maitland, and of East Robinhood Drive, Gamewell Avenue and Marion Way through the first section of Greenwood Gardens, the master suburban development now being put on the market by the Maitland Realty Company, is scheduled to start with in the next few weeks.
The necessary legal proceedings preparatory to the issuance of ten year assessment bonds under the act of 1923 are now being completed and contracts for the paving work will be let by the Town of Maitland with in a few days.
All streets in Greenwood Gardens are to be paved twenty-four feet wide of Finley Methodtype, except Maitland Avenue, which will be paved with brick. Twenty-four inch concrete curb and gutter is to be used, thereby assuring ample drainage facilities as well as making a much more substantial and better appearing street.
Storm drainage will be taken care of by ample storm sewers placed in the street right-of-way before the paving is put down, a main sewer will run the full length of Maitland Avenue, discharging the drainage water into Lake Sybelia on the south and Lake Faith on the north.
Sidewalks four feet wide, of con crete, constructed upon the specifica tions of the municipal engineer will be put in place on both sides of each street simultaneously with the paving.
On all sixty foot streets such as East Robinhood Drive the sidewalks will be placed on the property line thereby leaving a parkway fourteen feet wide on either side of the paving. This parkway will be levelled and sodded with grass and set with live oak trees for shade purposes in terplanted with hibiscus, dwarf or namental palms and other ornamental plants.

2] THE MAITLAND NEWS THE MAITLAND NEWS | NEW Books AT THE LIBRARY CALENDAR MATLAND, FLORIDA Among the books recently contri. Sunday, 10:00 a. mSunday
Published Weekly by The Maitland News Company. ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager Subscription. Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising Rates on Application
The Maitland News vishes to congratulate the Winter Park Herald on the success of the special edition got ten out last week. The splendid layout and the promptness in publication show an attention to detail and care in compilation that do great credit to the paper. The people of Maitland appreciate the fine way in the Maitland section was handed. -- GROWTH IN MAITLAND
On reading the article in the Herald on New Building in Maitlandduring the past year, we have been thinking back over the past tweleve months and find that we can count up over twenty houses in addition to those mentioned in the article, which to our own knowledge have been erected in Maitland during that period. This may look small to cities whose building permits run into the hundreds, but when we consider that it is about a twenty percent increase in the number of residences in the town we feel that Maitland is show. ing a very satisfactory gowth. When we come to consider the number of permanent business buildings that have gone up in the town this last year, we find that it is an increase of two hundred percent over the permanent buildings here one year ago.
buted to the Maitland Library are: McAllisters Grove by Marion Hill. Red and Black by Grace Richmond. Shavings by Joseph E. Lincoln. Two Shall be Born by Marie Conway Oemler. Tetherstones by Edith M. Dell. Dawn by Eleanor H. Porter. The librarian will be glad to receive lists of books which patrons are willing to donate and check those which the library needs. While the Association purchases a number of new books every year it is impossible to place all the desirable books on the shelves and it is a great help if frineds will donate such books as they
Mrs w P. Breed, who has been the guest of Miss Waterhouse for the past ten days, is visiting Mrs. John McCullough in Orlando.
Mrs. N. R. Draper who has been spending the past three weeks with the Misses Treat, has returned to her home in Chicago.
Mrs. C. E. Bowers entertained at
bridge Monday afternoon. Mrs. R. A wheeler received first prize.
Land Surveyors
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
General Repairing Vulcanizing
M. L. KYLE, Prop.
Wrecking Car Service Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
Texaco Gas and Oils
school, Methodist and Presbyterian churches; :00 p. m., Epworth League, Methodist church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services Presby. terian church. Tuesday, :00 p. m.Municipal office, zoning commission. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. m.– Library open. Second and fourth Thursday, 12:15 White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. m.Council meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts. Saturday, ::oo p. m. – Library Open.
He lies immune from weird alarms, Billy Buster Funnel;
He took the wrong girl in his arms as the train sped thru a tunnel.
We let the baby chew on Daddys Phi Bete key to bring out his wisdom teeth. California Pelican.
Substantial reductions in price on Lumber and Building Materials are now in effect.
Labor is more plentiful and efficient. The demand for homes is steadily increasing. Whether for investment or speculation, you will save money by building now. THE MATLAND LUMBER CO.
Phone 1304-
(Illustrated House Plan Book is FREE)

Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Viser, whose marriage was solemnized recently, have returned from a brief honeymoon and are at home at the Way. side Inn in this city. Mr. Viser is pastor of the Apopka and Maitland Presbyterian churches and during his residence in our come munity he has made many warm friends who will be interested to learn of his marriage. The ceremony, simple and beautiful, was quietly sole. mnized in the Green street Presby. terian Church at Augusta, Georgia, on May 19th. The bride was for merly Miss Mary Ashe of that city. The Chief unites with a host of friends in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Viser a hearty welcome to Apopka and best wishes for much happiness. From the Apopka Chief. Mr. Viser, in the few months of his pastorate in Maitland, has materially strengthened the church by his faithful and efficient service, and the people of Maitland and the Maitland News join with our friends and leagues in Apopka in offering our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Viser and our best wishes that they may remain with us for a long time.
Greetings TO THE
White Way Motor Co. Maitland
Because your car does not run SMOOTH is not always an indication that its worn out.
A simple little adjustment will surprise you. Let us prove it to YOUR satisfaction.
Have TIRES, TUBES and other ACCESSORIES. We estimate your job and stand by it.
Would like to have you call. Phone 1204-
May 10, 1926.
Miss Anna B. Treat, Maitland, Florida. My dear Miss Anna: –
Thank you very much forthe copy of the Maitland News. This is a mighty interesting publication and I believe it will grow in size and influ.
Maitland has surely been making wonderful progress these past two years, and this is due in no small meas. ure to the fine work done by you all.
With every good wish for you, I am,
Your sincere friend,
KARL LEHMANN, Secretary, Orange County Chamber of Commerce.
v. Thou shalt defend the health of thy home town from the death that lurks in marshes, swamps and heaps of fifth. Thou shalt exterminate the fly and mosquito, for they carry typhoid and malaria. The tubercle and baccillus thou shalt drive before thee, with the sun and fresh air as thy allies.
The Maitland News, Maitland, Florida.
I herewith enclose 5 for years' subscription to The Maitland News.
A City Store in a
Country Town
Now Located in Our New Building
Modern Equipment Thruout Quality, Prices and Service Not Excelled in Orange County
Telephone 1310-R MAITLAND - FLORIDA
E. A. UPMEYER, Pres.

A Local Bank For Local People
Your Home Town Comes First
Patronize its Stores and Industries
J. A. BROWN, VPres.

Currency is probably the most familiar form of cerdit in existence day, and its origin is of great interest
The earliest record of the issuance of bank notes gives their origin as about 1670, but in a vastly different form than that of today. The first bank notes were simply issued by goldsmiths to people who had left money in their custody, and these notes bore the name of a definite payee. The following is a specimen of one of the early notes.
Nov. 28, 1684.
I promise to pay untoye Rt. honble ye Lord North & Gray, or bearer ninety pounds on demand. For Mr. FRANCIS CHILD & Myself JNO ROGERS. It seems that the right to issue such notes as above was never questioned until their use became so wide. spread that the state was forced to step in to protect the interest of society at large. Then this right to issue notes was restricted to a select number of persons of well-known character, generally, but not always, incorporated as a bank. In our country today national banks have the right to issue notes of their own, but must first protect the notes by depositing Liberty Bonds or other suitable security with the Treasury department. Then the notes are printed in the government print. ing office, and countresigned by the President and Cashier of the issuing bank. Such notes are accepted by the public as readily as direct government obligations. All government notes and federal reserve notes are secured by gold or silver bullion which is held in the national treasury in Washington. Any person who holds a gold certificate can demand of the treasury department gold coin in exchange. Thus we find that gold and silver, principally gold form the basis of all national wealth. without this gold and silver held in reserve, our currency would be worth nothing more than the governments guarantee, but the tremendous wealth in actual gold which is held as a reserve behind these notes makes them just as good as the bullion itself, be cause the reserve is never touched unless an equal amount of paper money is first cancelled and destroyed,
Grass and //eeds
IYo; you noticed how the grass grows this kind of weather? Look at the sand-filled brick pavements in some of the residential sub
urbs you know. Do you see how the the grass grows between the bricks?
It is expensive to keep such a street neat and even heavy traffic will not keep the grass down this season of the year?
That's why we are using a rock base asphalt type of pavement in GREENWOOD GARDENS. There won't be any cracks for weeds and grass to grow in.
And we are not letting any grass grow under our feet" either. The city is paving all the streets in the first section this summer. (See reso. lutions published herein.)
If you ever expect to own a nice home you should investigate Greenwood Gardens now. Several of our June Brides are still available at prices that cant be duplicated later.
Don't let any grass grow under YOUR feet


“The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 07, June 19, 1926,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025,

