Browse Items (10 total)
- Tags: Episcopal Church
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 12, July 24, 1926
Tags: advertising; Anna B. Treat; Augusta Floyd; automobile accident; bank; Bank of Maitland; banking; billboard; book; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's Store; C. B. McNair; C. C. Jackson; C. D. Horner; C. J. Woodward; car accident; car accident; Caroline Kingsley; Charles B. Waterhouse; church; construction; currency; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Bowers; E. A. Upmeyer; E. D. Brigham; E. D. Visor; education; Eleanor Upmeyer; Elizabeth Boynton; Elizabeth Treat; Episcopal Church; Epworth League; Fanny Brown; Flora's Studio; Fred Reiche; G. W. Backus; Geneva Bailey; Georgianna Hill; Goodyear Tires; government; Greenwood Gardens; H. D. Haldeman; Harold Reiche; Harry Carl; Havana, Cuba; high school; Hill School; housing; J. A. Brown; J. B. Simonton; J. H. Bennett; J. H. Hill; J. M. Brown; J. W. McNair; Kenneth N. McPherson; Kitty Vanderpool; library; local government; Longwood Market; Louis L. Coudert; M. L. Kyle; Maitland; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Martin Johnson; Methodist; municipal government; Presbyterian; R. A. Crim; real estate; S. B. Hill, Jr.; S. J. Stiggins; school; Southeastern Conductor's Association; Stella Waterhouse; The Maitland News; Theodore R. Jones; Town Council; W. W. Waters; Winter Park; Winter Park High School
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 07, June 19, 1926
Tags: Alvord L. Stone; Anna B. Treat; bank; Bank of Maitland; banking; book; Boy Scouts of America; C. E. Bowers; Christine Ponder; church; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. D. Viser; education; Ella May MacIntyre; Episcopal Church; Florida Public Service Company; Francis Child; Goodyear Tires; government; Greenwood Gardens; Harry Ingham; Henry M. Phillips; Hill School; housing; J. A. Brown; John McCullough; John Nelson; Karl Lehman; Lake Faith; Lake Sybelia; Liberty Bonds; library; Lily Tucker; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. L. Kyle; Maitland; Maitland Avenue; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Realty Company; Mamie Fugate; Mary Ashe; Methodist; municipal government; Nellie R. Draper; Orange County Chamber of Commerce; Presbyterian; R. P. Cobb; real estate; Rita Bennett; Rollins College; Ruth Waldron; school; students; Texaco Gas; The Maitland News; The Winter Park Herald; Town Council; Twila Horton; W. A. Manning; W. F. Parker; W. Laurence Parker; W. P. Breed; Wayside Inn; wedding; White Way Motor Company; Winter Park
Oral History of Bette Skates
Tags: ACL; Alexander Ramsey; Alicia Clarke; altars; ambassadors; assassinations; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; atomic bombs; beauty shops; Belair Grove; Belgium; bells; Bette Skates; Bye Lo Hotel; Cape Canaveral; carpetbaggers; Cathedral Church of St. Luke; charities; charity; church; church bells; churches; citrus; citrus groves; Civil War; Clarke, Alicia; Cochran, Georgia; cockroach; cockroaches; community service; Craftsman Airplane Bungalow; Crooms High School; Cuban Missile Crisis; desegregation; Diana Dombrowski; Downtown Sanford; education; educators; elementary school; Episcopal Church; Episcopalianism; Episcopalians; exceptional education; FCAT; Ferrante Brothers; fires; Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test; Gateway to South Florida; Geneva; Geneva Elementary School; Gertrude Dupuy; Gertrude Dupuy Sanford; Guiding Light for Grace and Grits; Historical Society of Central Florida; Holeman; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; homeless; hurricanes; Idyllwilde; Idyllwilde Elementary School; Jack Kennedy; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Lake Mary; lemons; Lyman Phelps; Mellonville; memorials; Middle Georgia College; Montezuma Hotel; Museum of Seminole County History; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Math; Ninth Street; OJC; Orange Blossom Special; orange grove; orange groves; oranges; organs; Orlando Junior College; Patrick Henry; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; priests; railroads; roach; roaches; Sanford; Sanford Museum; school desegregation; school integration; schools; Seminole County; Space Shuttle Challenger; Spanish Mediterranean Architecture; special education; St. Gertrude's Grove; standardized testing; Stetson University; sulfur water; teachers; The Champion; Title I school; trains; U.S. Navy; Union; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Bette Skates, 2010
Tags: A History of the First Baptist Church, Sanford, Florida, 1884-1984; agriculture; Alicia Clarke; Austin Smith; Baptist Church; Belair Grove; Bette Skates; Brooks; Camp Monroe; celery; Chase and Company; Chase Groves Condominium; Christmas; church; churches; citrus; citrus groves; City of Sanford; congregations; crime rates; crimes; desegregation; Downtown Sanford; enterprises; Episcopal Church; fires; First Baptist Church; First Baptist Church of Sanford; First United Methodist Church; First United Methodist Church of Sanford; Florida State Road 46; Forrest Lake; Fort Mellon; Fort Reed; Fourth Street; French Avenue; Gateway to South Florida; Gertrude Dupuy; Gertrude Dupuy Sanford; Grace Marie Stinecipher; Halifax River; Harman; Henry B. Plant; Henry Bradley Plant; Henry Flagler; Henry Morrison Flagler; Henry Shelton Sanford; Holeman; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; hurricanes; integration; Josh Chase; Joshua Coffin Chase; Julia Chase; Korean War; Lake Mary; Laura Chase; Lyman Phelps; Mellonville; memorials; Methodist church; migrant labor; migrant workers; missionaries; missionary; Museum of Seminole County History; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; orange groves; race relations; Ran Chase; Randall Chase, Jr.; Randall Chase, Sr.; Sanford; St. Gertrude Grove; Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr.; Thursday Night Alive; veterans; Whipple; World War II; WWII
Letter from E. R. Trafford to Henry Shelton Sanford (February 25, 1884)
Cathedral Church of St. Luke, 2014
Tile from the Cathedral Church of St. Luke
Cathedral Church of St. Luke
Centennial Book of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, Florida, 1874-1974
Back, George H.; Brewer, Gregory O.; Cathedral Church of St. Luke of Orlando; cathedrals; Centennial Book of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke; Chapter House; church; churches; Clark, Anthony P.; Episcopal Church; Episcopal Diocese
of Central Florida; Episcopal Diocese
of Central Florida; Episcopal Diocese of South Florida; Episcopal Missionary Jurisdiction of South Florida; Episcopalianism; Episcopalians; Eppes, Francis; Folwell, William H.; Frohman, Philip Hubert; Frohman, Robb, and Little; Gaskell, Charles T.; General Convention of the Episcopal Church; Gray, Francis Campbell; Gray, William Crane; Howe, John W.; Johnson, Melville F.; Little, Harry B.; Littleford, Osborne R.; Lobs, G. Richard III; Louttit, Henry Irving; Magnolia Avenue; Mann, Cameron; orlando; Robb, E. Donald; Sherman, Harry B.; Smith, Daniel B.; Spencer, Lucien A.; Ward, C. W.; Whitaker, O'Kelley; Wing, John Durham
"The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery" Manuscript
Tags: Americus, Georgia; Apopka; Army; Baker, Archibald; baptism; Beresford; Boone, Cornelia Frances; Boone, Janette Bruce; Boone, Mattie; Bruce, Agnus Donald; Bruce, Cornelia Frances Marks; Caldwell, Andrew C.; Caldwell, Andrew Curran; Caldwell, Julie Doak; Caldwell, Robert Ernest; Caldwell, Sallie Davidson; Christiania, Norway; church; church elder; circuit rider; Columbia County; Convention of the General Assembly; Darlington; deacon; DeLand; Dubose, John C.; education; elder; enterprise; Episcopal Church; Episcopalian; Episcopalianism; Euchee Valley; evangelism; evangelist; Evangelist of Florida Presbytery; Everglades; Fort Dallas; Fort Maitland; Fort Mellon; Fort Read; Galloway, Francis Lee; Galloway, Nancy; Gamble, William G.; Gould; Gould, Benjamin; Gound, Benjamin; Graften, C. W.; Green; Greensboro, North Carolina; Harrington; Holland; Holland, Ella; Holland, Herbert; Holland, Sarah Cochrane; Holland, Ursula; Lake Apopka; Leesburg; Little, James; Luraville; Madison; Maitland; Mar's Bluff, South Carolina; Markes, Maggie; Marks; Marks, Adeline Tomlinson; Marks, Jacinta; Marks, Maggie; Marks, Matthew R.; marriage; Mason; Mason, Zolotus; McCorkle, S. V.; McCormack, J. W.; McIlvaine, William E.; McLean, Josephine; McLean, Madison; McLean, Maggie; Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; Mellonville; Methodism; Methodist; Methodist church; Miami; Micanopy; mission; Montgomery, F F.; Montgomery, John W.; Native American; Nichols, Maria Stone; North Carolina; North Florida; Oakland; orange county; Orange House; orlando; Pensacola; pioneer; Presbyterian; Presbyterian church; Presbyterianism; Read, Ford; Rees, Margaret Bruce; religious education; reverend; Rossetter; Rossetter, Appleton T.; Saint Johns Presbytery; Sanford; school; Scotland; Seminole; Seminole War; settlement; Silver Lake Church; South Carolina; Speer; Speer, James G.; St. Johns River; Stagg, John W.; Stockton; Stockton, North Carolina; Sumter County; Sunday school; Suwannee County; Tallahassee; Telford; Telford, R. L.; Telford, William B.; The Early Planting of Presbyterianism in West Florida; The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery; Tufts, Edgar; Turner, George D.; U.S. Army; Volusia County; Walton County; Watson; wedding; Weinrich, Charles; West Florida; Whipple; Whitner, Amelia Melvina Howard; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, B.F.; Whitner, J. N.; Whitner, Joseph Newton; Whitner, Mary Golphin; Whitner, Sarah Jane Church; Willy, John; Woodruff, Nancy Galloway; Woodruff, W. W.; Wylly, George W.; Young People's Musical Group