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- Tags: cathedrals
Cathedral of St. John-the-Baptist Postcard
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Postcard
Cathedral of St. John-the-Baptist Postcard
Under the Tower Postcard
Scheldt in Antwerp Postcard
Reims Cathedral During 1st Bombardment Years Postcard
Bombardment of Reims Cathedral Postcard
Reims During First Bombardment Years Postcard
The Cathedral Before the Fire Postcard
Reims During 1st Bombardment Years Postcard
Bombardment of Reims Postcard
St. James Catholic Cathedral, 2014
Tile from the Cathedral Church of St. Luke
Cathedral Church of St. Luke
St. James Catholic Cathedral
Centennial Book of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, Florida, 1874-1974
Back, George H.; Brewer, Gregory O.; Cathedral Church of St. Luke of Orlando; cathedrals; Centennial Book of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke; Chapter House; church; churches; Clark, Anthony P.; Episcopal Church; Episcopal Diocese
of Central Florida; Episcopal Diocese
of Central Florida; Episcopal Diocese of South Florida; Episcopal Missionary Jurisdiction of South Florida; Episcopalianism; Episcopalians; Eppes, Francis; Folwell, William H.; Frohman, Philip Hubert; Frohman, Robb, and Little; Gaskell, Charles T.; General Convention of the Episcopal Church; Gray, Francis Campbell; Gray, William Crane; Howe, John W.; Johnson, Melville F.; Little, Harry B.; Littleford, Osborne R.; Lobs, G. Richard III; Louttit, Henry Irving; Magnolia Avenue; Mann, Cameron; orlando; Robb, E. Donald; Sherman, Harry B.; Smith, Daniel B.; Spencer, Lucien A.; Ward, C. W.; Whitaker, O'Kelley; Wing, John Durham